I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

I am a conservative, and expect true conservatives to do what is best to defend the constitution. Cruz didn't do, and neither will you apparently. He's done as a political operative for the conservative movement, and so are you.......unless you come to your senses.

I disagree. I think you're wrong. You keep listening to the Trumpbots tell you what you're supposed to think and believe.

Attacking primary opponents after the convention when you should be focused on bringing them on board and going after Hillary is NOT doing what's best to defend the constitution because that's basically handing Hillary the keys to the White House.

Oh, but voting for her is protecting the constitution. Look, I am not a fan of the big orange clown, never have been, but I am a conservative and between the pant suit bull dyke and the political idiot trump, I know which one is worse for conservatism. And so does any true conservative.

From Reason, not exactly a liberal site.

Donald Trump, Enemy of the Constitution

Trump is bad for conservatism, Hellary is worse. That's all. It's not an endorsement for The big orange clown, it's actually a greater indictment of the pantsuit bull dyke. Try to put your hurt feelings aside, and if your child's life depended on it, who is worse for constitutional conservatism?
I am 100% done with this bunch. I may stay home, I may write in someone, and I still... just might... vote for Hillary Clinton. I've been a conservative my whole life and I've generally supported republicans... not any more. This is NOT my party, I want no part of this. These people remind me of the brown shirts from the 1920s.

It's sad that our choices for president are a Nazi and a Communist... but I honestly think I may have to go with the Communist.

:lmao: You don't get to say you might vote for Hillary and call yourself a true conservative. A true troll, maybe. A true idiot, perhaps. And we can only hope that you're 100 percent done. Cos you're basically a joke at this point, and not a very funny one.

:lmao: A "true conservative" touting he's gonna vote for "the communist."

You're just pathetic; nothing less.
Off your rocker is exactly how I'd describe you. You keep arguing against sh** that's common knowledge. Everyone knows that the establishment got behind Cruz. Clearly, you like to deny truth. You really should vote for Hillary. Liars love her.

No, "everybody" doesn't know any such thing. You sound like a fucking liberal.

You just called him a liberal Boss, and you're voting for Hellary! That's one giant glass house to protect there sport.
For some reason, otherwise rational people (like you) see red when a fellow conservative - not necessarily a fellow Repub mind you - has a less-than-stellar view of their candidate. Boss has made crystal clear he wants to vote for Trump but the very hissy-fit you and the Trumpets have consistently displayed is turning many potential Trump voters (like me) into no-showers. Your choice - the nomination winner - could have unified the party by exhibiting some magnanimity. That would have gone a long way to calm his overly exuberant followers and to show he can lead all Americans and America. Instead his shock troops - with Trump's apparent acquiescence - have gone a bit haywire.

Your new view of him notwithstanding, Boss remains a rational and thoughtful con.

This guy trolled Trump supporters for months and then comes out and threatens to vote for Hillary while making excuses for Cruz's undemocratic behavior. We're supposed to pander to this ass clown?

In the second place, it's a total joke for a guy who follows politics to say that his vote is contingent on whether internet posters kiss his ass or not. That's trolling. That's not conservatism in any form or fashion. Maybe, that sh** works on the left with people who have revolving door values and are all about the us vs them mentality. That sh** doesn't fly with people of values though. If he wants to play the victim, well he's well on his way to liberalism. Don't let the door hit you in the back, Boss.
Trump is bad for conservatism, Hellary is worse. That's all. It's not an endorsement for The big orange clown, it's actually a greater indictment of the pantsuit bull dyke. Try to put your hurt feelings aside, and if your child's life depended on it, who is worse for constitutional conservatism?

The way his supporters are behaving.... Hillary is better for constitutional conservatives. Sorry... that's just what I believe. She's not MUCH better... don't want to give her too much credit... but at least we know what we're getting.

All conservatives can hope for at this point is that we can hold the senate and house, and maybe send up a few more tea party conservatives to replace the RINO clowns who want to slobber all over the liberals. Hillary will win the general election now.. there's no path to victory for Trump without conservatives. All we can hope is that she gets her corrupt ass entangled in scandal... which you know is bound to happen... and she won't be able to push through her agenda in 4 years.

SCOTUS picks are a wash at this point... I have NO confidence that Trump would nominate true constitutional conservatives to the court and I actually think we might see more moderate picks from an embattled Hillary than an emboldened Trump. The picks will still have to be approved by Congress.

Who knows what Drumpf's opinions are today? He changes them Liberally.
Trump is bad for conservatism, Hellary is worse. That's all. It's not an endorsement for The big orange clown, it's actually a greater indictment of the pantsuit bull dyke. Try to put your hurt feelings aside, and if your child's life depended on it, who is worse for constitutional conservatism?

This isn't about butthurt. It is about just how much damage that "bad for conservatism" Trump will do to the party and the country vs that which Hillary will do.

That's all.

And not every con believes as you do ... that Hillary will be more damaging.

This is NOT my party, I want no part of this. These people remind me of the brown shirts from the 1920s. It's sad that our choices for president are a Nazi and a Communist... but I honestly think I may have to go with the Communist.
:lmao: A "true conservative" touting he's gonna vote for "the communist." You're just pathetic; nothing less.

No, Boss just disagrees with your POV which seems to be "my Trump right or wrong!" Just because one is a conservative doesn't mean he must surrender his rationality or reasoning and if after thoughtful consideration of the facts one decides the commie - and I don't believe she is one - is the lesser of 2 evils, one should vote his conscience.

I suspect Boss will sit the election out as actually voting for Hillary could cause any con an aneurysm, and many anti-Hillary Dems and libs will also most likely be sidelined. This could be the least subscribed presidential election in history.
For some reason, otherwise rational people (like you) see red when a fellow conservative - not necessarily a fellow Repub mind you - has a less-than-stellar view of their candidate. Boss has made crystal clear he wants to vote for Trump but the very hissy-fit you and the Trumpets have consistently displayed is turning many potential Trump voters (like me) into no-showers. Your choice - the nomination winner - could have unified the party by exhibiting some magnanimity. That would have gone a long way to calm his overly exuberant followers and to show he can lead all Americans and America. Instead his shock troops - with Trump's apparent acquiescence - have gone a bit haywire.

Your new view of him notwithstanding, Boss remains a rational and thoughtful con.

This guy trolled Trump supporters for months and then comes out and threatens to vote for Hillary while making excuses for Cruz's undemocratic behavior. We're supposed to pander to this ass clown?

In the second place, it's a total joke for a guy who follows politics to say that his vote is contingent on whether internet posters kiss his ass or not. That's trolling. That's not conservatism in any form or fashion. Maybe, that sh** works on the left with people who have revolving door values and are all about the us vs them mentality. That sh** doesn't fly with people of values though. If he wants to play the victim, well he's well on his way to liberalism. Don't let the door hit you in the back, Boss.

Kiss my ass! I've not 'trolled' anyone ever. I am a conservative and unlike you, I don't abandon my principles for some flash-in-the-pan populist with a bad fake tan and a dead squirrel on his head.

You've got a lot of fucking nerve to call someone "undemocratic". You want people to goosestep behind your new messiah and just chuck their opinions, beliefs, principles and values because you say so.

Anyone is welcome to search the threads at USMB and you will find me stating that I would vote for Trump over Hillary... if I said it once, I said it dozens of times. I had no problem whatsoever with Trump until this senseless unmitigated attacking of Ted Cruz started. THAT turned me into a #nevertrumper and THAT ensured I will not vote for the man. Your continued ranting and raving might force me to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. The other day, I put those odds at 10%... well they're up to 20% today and rising. Keep it up... you are going to secure a vote for the Hildabeast yet!

And I will bet you that I am not alone!
Cruz (an insider) alienated a lot of his colleagues as he tried to make himself look like an outsider; and then he was beat by a real outsider. Poetic justice.
I will certainly agree with that.

And the same can be said of Jeb!, who took everyone for idiots coyly denying whether he was running, while it was plain to everyone that Right To Rise was raising $100 Million.
No, Boss just disagrees with your POV which seems to be "my Trump right or wrong!" Just because one is a conservative doesn't mean he must surrender his rationality or reasoning and if after thoughtful consideration of the facts one decides the commie - and I don't believe she is one - is the lesser of 2 evils, one should vote his conscience.

I suspect Boss will sit the election out as actually voting for Hillary could cause any con an aneurysm, and many anti-Hillary Dems and libs will also most likely be sidelined. This could be the least subscribed presidential election in history.

Voting for Hillary is unconscionable. If a self described constitutional conservative threatens that; well, that's just pathetic. Nobody's telling him he has to vote for Trump. In fact, I've went the other way and said that a troll like him who supported a liar and crook like Cruz should move on to the next one, Hillary. It's just a natural progression.
:lmao: You don't get to say you might vote for Hillary and call yourself a true conservative. A true troll, maybe. A true idiot, perhaps. And we can only hope that you're 100 percent done. Cos you're basically a joke at this point, and not a very funny one.

:lmao: A "true conservative" touting he's gonna vote for "the communist."

You're just pathetic; nothing less.

Well guess what, shitstain? You don't get to tell me what I get to say! You fucking brown shirts can support your clown and call yourselves conservatives all you want to... you're not conservatives.

You're pathetic little lowlifes who don't respect the opinions of others and don't have sense enough to know how to win people over to your point of view. You think you can just bully your way around and people are going to feel so intimidated and afraid of you that they won't challenge your stupidity.

Well guess what, bucko? I'm not afraid of you. I'm going to speak my mind and you're not going to stop me, tough guy.
Boss.....I sense deep in your heart you despise Hillary Rotten Clinton.
For some reason, otherwise rational people (like you) see red when a fellow conservative - not necessarily a fellow Repub mind you - has a less-than-stellar view of their candidate. Boss has made crystal clear he wants to vote for Trump but the very hissy-fit you and the Trumpets have consistently displayed is turning many potential Trump voters (like me) into no-showers. Your choice - the nomination winner - could have unified the party by exhibiting some magnanimity. That would have gone a long way to calm his overly exuberant followers and to show he can lead all Americans and America. Instead his shock troops - with Trump's apparent acquiescence - have gone a bit haywire.

Your new view of him notwithstanding, Boss remains a rational and thoughtful con.

This guy trolled Trump supporters for months and then comes out and threatens to vote for Hillary while making excuses for Cruz's undemocratic behavior. We're supposed to pander to this ass clown?

In the second place, it's a total joke for a guy who follows politics to say that his vote is contingent on whether internet posters kiss his ass or not. That's trolling. That's not conservatism in any form or fashion. Maybe, that sh** works on the left with people who have revolving door values and are all about the us vs them mentality. That sh** doesn't fly with people of values though. If he wants to play the victim, well he's well on his way to liberalism. Don't let the door hit you in the back, Boss.

Kiss my ass! I've not 'trolled' anyone ever. I am a conservative and unlike you, I don't abandon my principles for some flash-in-the-pan populist with a bad fake tan and a dead squirrel on his head.

You've got a lot of fucking nerve to call someone "undemocratic". You want people to goosestep behind your new messiah and just chuck their opinions, beliefs, principles and values because you say so.

Anyone is welcome to search the threads at USMB and you will find me stating that I would vote for Trump over Hillary... if I said it once, I said it dozens of times. I had no problem whatsoever with Trump until this senseless unmitigated attacking of Ted Cruz started. THAT turned me into a #nevertrumper and THAT ensured I will not vote for the man. Your continued ranting and raving might force me to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. The other day, I put those odds at 10%... well they're up to 20% today and rising. Keep it up... you are going to secure a vote for the Hildabeast yet!

And I will bet you that I am not alone!

What principles have I abandoned? You just throw sh** out there.

I said Cruz was undemocratic b/c he did actively sabotage people's rights to vote during the primaries. That's INDISPUTABLE. But isn't it funny how once again someone says something about Cruz and you acted like it was about you personally. That's the real reason you'll never vote Trump. He crushed your dough boy so badly. The butthurt is so bad that you've thrown a tizzy about voting for Hillary and are threatening to move to North Carolina to do it. Forget politics; that's just not what mentally stable people do. You might want to check yourself into a facility.

I don't give a fuck if the odds of you voting for Hillary went from 10 to 20 percent. Just commit to her now and save us the drama. You two shit stains clearly deserve one another.
Trump is hardly a lock to nominate conservative S-Court judges - he's not all that conservative.
And what his sheeple can't understand is Drumpf has never been told 'no' his entire life. He prides himself on being combative and winning. He's a sociopath. So once he's in office, he'll do whatever the fuck he wants to do and anyone telling him what he has to do or who he has to appoint can go fuck themselves, as far as he's concerned.

There's just too much evidence from too many different sources, whether it's old sub-contractors who got screwed, or business partners that worked with him, or the victims of his 6 bankruptcies and eminent domain grabs.
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