I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Lying Ted is a piece of shit that failed to keep his word. Another wishy fake Republican threatening to vote for Hillary is about what I would expect from a Cruz groupie. No class.

Are you a Trump supporter or an irrelevant liberal chiming in to antagonize? I can't tell much difference these days. :dunno:
Lying Ted is a piece of shit that failed to keep his word. Another wishy fake Republican threatening to vote for Hillary is about what I would expect from a Cruz groupie. No class.

Are you a Trump supporter or an irrelevant liberal chiming in to antagonize? I can't tell much difference these days. :dunno:

Liberals are hardly irrelevant. But only a rightwingnut would rant about Cruz being a "fake republican". So I'm going to go with the troll being a trumpster
Lying Ted is a piece of shit that failed to keep his word. Another wishy fake Republican threatening to vote for Hillary is about what I would expect from a Cruz groupie. No class.

Are you a Trump supporter or an irrelevant liberal chiming in to antagonize? I can't tell much difference these days. :dunno:
Not a big fan of Trump and I voted for Cruz in the caucus in Kansas, but he lost. Lying Ted and the other clowns in the GOP failed to keep their word and it pisses me off. I don't give a crap if you are a complete bullshitter like Cruz, Jeb and Kasich and I'm not surprised you will sell out to Hillary. There are a bunch of people in the GOP that are pouting, acting like petulant children. Get over yourself.
Lying Ted is a piece of shit that failed to keep his word. Another wishy fake Republican threatening to vote for Hillary is about what I would expect from a Cruz groupie. No class.

Are you a Trump supporter or an irrelevant liberal chiming in to antagonize? I can't tell much difference these days. :dunno:

Liberals are hardly irrelevant. But only a rightwingnut would rant about Cruz being a "fake republican". So I'm going to go with the troll being a trumpster
Ted lied. No doubt about it. He and the other little whiny babies that refuse to live up to the contract they agreed to, need a swift kick to the balls.
Lying Ted is a piece of shit that failed to keep his word.
It's interesting that Cruz lying gets you worked up, but you conservatives just shrug over him costing the taxpayers over $20 Billion due to his shutdown stunt.

You conservatives have no moral compass.
Ted lied. No doubt about it. He and the other little whiny babies that refuse to live up to the contract they agreed to, need a swift kick to the balls.

It wasn't a contract, it was a pledge. It was the brainchild of the GOP establishment to damage Trump by exposing him as a threat to run 3rd party. As they had anticipated, Trump initially refused to sign the pledge. As it became clear that he was leading in all the polls, he signed it. Then, on March 29, when the race was again very close, he reneged on his promise to honor the pledge and said it would depend on the nominee.

On July 20, Ted Cruz stood before the GOP convention audience and backed every single aspect of the republican platform and congratulated Trump on his win. He urged his supporters to vote and to vote their conscience and not the candidate, reiterating that Hillary Clinton's radical ideology must be defeated. It was as close to an endorsement as you could get without using the actual word "endorse" and that prompted the largely pro-Trump audience to boo.

For the past 3 days, there has been an onslaught of relentless attacks on Ted Cruz. From the media, Trump supporters and sycophants and Trump himself. Rehashing all the nasty, scurrilous and largely untrue and unfounded attacks which dominated the primary race. It has become an embarrassing spectacle from a fractured and polarized party which desperately needed to join together in unity.

I honestly don't know what turnip truck you just fell off of, or where you get your information... but I know Ted Cruz is an honorable and respectable man of principles and conviction. His wife and father, as well as himself, were unmercifully attacked with some of the most vulgar, obscene and contemptuous allegations lobbed in American political history. I don't think any self-respecting and decent person could have endorsed the person behind those attacks... pledge or no pledge. Regardless of what you think of Ted Cruz, I think the man did the best he could do to bring about unity and that was thrown back in his face and the vicious attacks reconstituted.
Lying Ted is a piece of shit that failed to keep his word. Another wishy fake Republican threatening to vote for Hillary is about what I would expect from a Cruz groupie. No class.

Are you a Trump supporter or an irrelevant liberal chiming in to antagonize? I can't tell much difference these days. :dunno:

Liberals are hardly irrelevant. But only a rightwingnut would rant about Cruz being a "fake republican". So I'm going to go with the troll being a trumpster

Yes far left drones are irrelevant!

you drones are hardly liberals..
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?

Longer than you pal, but that is irrelevant.
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?

Longer than you pal, but that is irrelevant.
Cultists make shity character judges dude. It's the kool-aid you trumpets drink

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Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

Lots of shit went back and forth during the primary campaigns. Trump made malicious ad hominem attacks on just about everybody. Most of them "shook hands" and wrote it off as "just politics". Why couldn't Cruz man-up, swallow his pride for the good of the party and say something like "I still think Donald owes Heidi an apology but I think its so important a republican becomes president I'm going to vote for him and urge everybody else to do so, and hopefully he'll do the right thing by Heidi." Trump would have probably apologized and Cruz wouldn't have added to his reputation as a self-centered asshole.
Does anyone believe that the OP was ever NOT going to vote for Hillary?

How long have you been around these forums?

Do you have ANY evidence from my thousands of posts, that I have EVER supported Hillary Clinton... on ANYTHING? :dunno:

Why don't you go crawl back in the hole you came out of?

Longer than you pal, but that is irrelevant.

Well you must not be paying much attention.

Again... if you want to accept my challenge... go find the posts I've made endorsing anything that Hillary Clinton has ever done. That will prove your case for everyone to see. If you can't prove your allegations, we can all assume that you're full of shit. I've got over 15k posts... you shouldn't have trouble finding just one that shows me backing Hildabeast, should you???

Now... For the record, I have not stated that I am GOING to vote for Hillary Clinton. If you will take the time to actually READ what I posted, I said that I MIGHT do so.... You understand the difference between the two, or do I need to explain that to you, moron?
Trump is bad for conservatism, Hellary is worse. That's all. It's not an endorsement for The big orange clown, it's actually a greater indictment of the pantsuit bull dyke. Try to put your hurt feelings aside, and if your child's life depended on it, who is worse for constitutional conservatism?

The way his supporters are behaving.... Hillary is better for constitutional conservatives. Sorry... that's just what I believe. She's not MUCH better... don't want to give her too much credit... but at least we know what we're getting.

All conservatives can hope for at this point is that we can hold the senate and house, and maybe send up a few more tea party conservatives to replace the RINO clowns who want to slobber all over the liberals. Hillary will win the general election now.. there's no path to victory for Trump without conservatives. All we can hope is that she gets her corrupt ass entangled in scandal... which you know is bound to happen... and she won't be able to push through her agenda in 4 years.

SCOTUS picks are a wash at this point... I have NO confidence that Trump would nominate true constitutional conservatives to the court and I actually think we might see more moderate picks from an embattled Hillary than an emboldened Trump. The picks will still have to be approved by Congress.

I'm hoping that both trump and clinton suffer a health calamity that renders them unable to carry out being potus. I'd prefer them to both suffer this calamity tomorrow and have the race be between Pence and Kaine.
Lots of shit went back and forth during the primary campaigns. Trump made malicious ad hominem attacks on just about everybody. Most of them "shook hands" and wrote it off as "just politics". Why couldn't Cruz man-up, swallow his pride for the good of the party and say something like "I still think Donald owes Heidi an apology but I think its so important a republican becomes president I'm going to vote for him and urge everybody else to do so, and hopefully he'll do the right thing by Heidi." Trump would have probably apologized and Cruz wouldn't have added to his reputation as a self-centered asshole.

I don't think Cruz hurt himself. I think the only people making that claim are Trump supporters and liberals who hated him on general principle anyway. Honestly... and I mean this will total sincerity... I would have lost respect for him if he had said "I endorse Donald Trump" in his speech. I think that he came as close to that as he could without saying those words and I am perfectly comfortable with that... as should Donald Trump be, given the nasty attacks made on his family.

People want to yammer about "pouting and childish behavior" but to me, the ones who are displaying childish behavior are Trump and his supporters who are attacking Ted Cruz all over again. They claim that Cruz is irrelevant and his endorsement isn't important but then they're attacking him for not endorsing! Which fucking one is it??? I'll tell you what it is... it's major immature butthurt because Cruz didn't endorse their candidate. They can't grow the fuck up and get over that! ....Not everyone LOVES Donald Trump!
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

Lots of shit went back and forth during the primary campaigns. Trump made malicious ad hominem attacks on just about everybody. Most of them "shook hands" and wrote it off as "just politics". Why couldn't Cruz man-up, swallow his pride for the good of the party and say something like "I still think Donald owes Heidi an apology but I think its so important a republican becomes president I'm going to vote for him and urge everybody else to do so, and hopefully he'll do the right thing by Heidi." Trump would have probably apologized and Cruz wouldn't have added to his reputation as a self-centered asshole.

Because Cruz has principles and endorsing an ignorant narcissistic jackass isn't one of them.

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