I miss Trump

Hypocrite. A few of your posts from the past month...

There are plenty more.

I'm glad to see that you miss him too.

Nobody misses him.

Not even ivanka.
Define hyperinflation....

Hyperinflation is a term to describe rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases in an economy. While inflation is a measure of the pace of rising prices for goods and services, hyperinflation is rapidly rising inflation, typically measuring more than 50% per month.
But he answered questions. Why doesn't Joe Biden? Pretty significant happenings?

-- Stimulus
-- Bombing of Syria
-- Border Crisis
-- Vaccine Roll out
-- Cuomo

Why not devote a half hour to answering questions? Honestly? Can you respond without your usual dink responses on Trump's character?
He answered questions:

With a lie
A rant
Blaming others
Showing his ignorance
Attacking reporters
Bragging, stroking his ego

What's not to miss?
Hyperinflation is a term to describe rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases in an economy. While inflation is a measure of the pace of rising prices for goods and services, hyperinflation is rapidly rising inflation, typically measuring more than 50% per month.
Okay, when have we had 50% inflation is any month is our country?
Okay, when have we had 50% inflation is any month is our country?

Not sure we will have hyperinflation, but Biden's policies are most certainly inflationary. It really isn't reasonably arguable. A return to stagflation from the Carter administration is very possible. Inflation+high unemployment
Trump: Bad Tweets

Biden: Comfy with China, doesn't answer questions, record high illegal border crossing, record high crime rates, etc.

Biden is a disaster as far as the results of his policy. But, I think the American people don't care if the ship is sinking, they just care about how the captain looks as the event happens.

If you want an inspirational leader for your kids, be a parent. A president is a plumber. Defend the constitution, do your job, serve us. I don't need a savior president.
Trump: Bad Tweets

Biden: Comfy with China, doesn't answer questions, record high illegal border crossing, record high crime rates, etc.

Biden is a disaster as far as the results of his policy. But, I think the American people don't care if the ship is sinking, they just care about how the captain looks as the event happens.

If you want an inspirational leader for your kids, be a parent. A president is a plumber. Defend the constitution, do your job, serve us. I don't need a savior president.

You hit the nail on the head. Most Democrats are much too shallow and idealistic to concern themselves with actual policy. They will support virtually any policy that gives them the warm fuzzies and is delivered in a heart-warming fashion regardless of practicality.
Not sure we will have hyperinflation, but Biden's policies are most certainly inflationary. It really isn't reasonably arguable. A return to stagflation from the Carter administration is very possible. Inflation+high unemployment

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