I need an answer to this question..

This is bullshit. You are asking this question because you believe, like Trump, that the alphabet agencies are politically motivated to implicate Russia.

You are just doing what you do. You don't really care about the truth. Please admit it...for once. It would be so damned refreshing.
Name the 17 agencies, the evidence they examined, and their methodology.

Nope. I've no interest. I've stated my opinion on this matter.


Eat a dick.
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?

Since the FBI had all the cyber forensics - what would be the need for physical examination of hardware?

They did not DO the forensics. They allowed the DNC to use a 3rd party source. It's a LEGAL issue among other things. If it were a crime -- or IMPORTANT -- the FBI would have handled it. Like they did the Clinton servers.

Why would the DNC want Republican FBI Director Comey and his cronies to examine their servers? Comey has already proven that he was trying to help Trump win.
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This is bullshit. You are asking this question because you believe, like Trump, that the alphabet agencies are politically motivated to implicate Russia.

You are just doing what you do. You don't really care about the truth. Please admit it...for once. It would be so damned refreshing.
Name the 17 agencies, the evidence they examined, and their methodology.

In other words - you want the TOP SECRET methods and sources made public? Hilarious!
Funny thread. Because people do not have the answer, they go on the attack when they could easily admit that none of us have the answer, or could just say nothing.
I'd like to see the 'evidence' myself. Honestly, I do NOT believe it exists. If it did, and there was nothing to question about it, then WHY hasn't our government put it out for all to see? Easy to answer - there's no positive proof the DNC was hacked by the Russians. It's nothing more than the government trying to 'control' the masses and trying to keep people against the Russians.

Lets see because Trump loves Russia and Putin now, and Flynn ; and Tillerson wants the sanctions removed, Russia is now pro American and we should be pro Russia? .

You have dictator in Russia who took over 1-1-2000 and has been in charge from what 16 years, and even his predecessor the first Pres of Russia said that Putin should step down in 2011 and a new election started due to the rigged election done by Putin in is country.

Now welcome to the Trump dynasty, probably his family will never leave office.
Yet I'm sure that both senior mods being about three steps to the left of Che Guevara doesn't bother you at all.

Who are the two senior mods?
I think Thedoctorisin is one?
I am not familiar with his work.
Who is the other one?

They said Senior Mods. Doesn't matter though, because it is not true. And this comes from a conservative.
I'm amazed at the number of people that still think the government intelligence agencies are just going to give out the way they were able to trace the hackers... :lmao:

Every time I see someone say that it's obvious they have no idea how intelligence gathering works.
I'd like to see the 'evidence' myself. Honestly, I do NOT believe it exists. If it did, and there was nothing to question about it, then WHY hasn't our government put it out for all to see? Easy to answer - there's no positive proof the DNC was hacked by the Russians. It's nothing more than the government trying to 'control' the masses and trying to keep people against the Russians.

Lets see because Trump loves Russia and Putin now, and Flynn ; and Tillerson wants the sanctions removed, Russia is now pro American and we should be pro Russia? .

You have dictator in Russia who took over 1-1-2000 and has been in charge from what 16 years, and even his predecessor the first Pres of Russia said that Putin should step down in 2011 and a new election started due to the rigged election done by Putin in is country.

Now welcome to the Trump dynasty, probably his family will never leave office.

Who (besides you) said Trump loves Russia?
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
So far we have CIA, FBI and NSA confirming Russian involvement

We have Trump, Breitbart and Hannity denying it
This is bullshit. You are asking this question because you believe, like Trump, that the alphabet agencies are politically motivated to implicate Russia.

You are just doing what you do. You don't really care about the truth. Please admit it...for once. It would be so damned refreshing.

This is ONLY about the truth. The giant Cheeto scares you as much as he scares me.. There is NOTHING to admit.. This is an amazing VOID in the ENTIRE national discussion. If the Prez is so willing to ICE relations with the Russians over this -- why wasn't the PRIMARY EVIDENCE PRESERVED under National Security control?
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
So far we have CIA, FBI and NSA confirming Russian involvement

We have Trump, Breitbart and Hannity denying it

Doesn't much matter WHO is confirming what does it? Not if the confirmers never used the THOUSANDS of Counter Cyber experts that YOU pay for. And if the evidence NEVER was put under Top Secret clearance protocol.

Why do you think ANYONE has a leg to stand on in politics and government if NONE of their agencies were involved in investigating and securing the servers?
I'd like to see the 'evidence' myself. Honestly, I do NOT believe it exists. If it did, and there was nothing to question about it, then WHY hasn't our government put it out for all to see? Easy to answer - there's no positive proof the DNC was hacked by the Russians. It's nothing more than the government trying to 'control' the masses and trying to keep people against the Russians.
Unfortunately, cyber security is highly classified

However, both Republican and Democratic Congressmen have been briefed and agree with the conclusions
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
So far we have CIA, FBI and NSA confirming Russian involvement

We have Trump, Breitbart and Hannity denying it

Doesn't much matter WHO is confirming what does it? Not if the confirmers never used the THOUSANDS of Counter Cyber experts that YOU pay for. And if the evidence NEVER was put under Top Secret clearance protocol.

Why do you think ANYONE has a leg to stand on in politics and government if NONE of their agencies were involved in investigating and securing the servers?
Like a police force, they came in after the crime and looked for evidence

The footprints led right back to the Russians
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

So you are saying we DONT NEED 17 agencies with Counter Cyber Threat capabilities? That's great. Tell me how many of those useless redundant agencies we can FIRE tomorrow. OBVIOUSLY a report from a Dem leaning organization should be MORE than the nation needs when it's fucking matter of PRIMARY NATIONAL SECURITY and WORLD STABILITY...

Morons. And moronic answers. :mad-61:

who was the senior officer who said the DNC refused to let the FBI check the computer. I want name.

I am sure our CIA. Maybe if anything, they decided FBI director Comey was anti Clinton so maybe they didn't. He interfered against Clinton a lot and need to be fired and investigated along with Flynn, this is what your should be wondering about .

(Trump is not to be trusted and his coming out with this stuff is from someone else because he is not smart enough, and I imagine the tweet he did about the Independent Ethics Committee was after a phone call from Ryan, who did not want to go ahead with the vote)

There was obviously a deal worked with the DNC to avoid the bad ju ju associated with having yet ANOTHER Dem computer system put into the FBI (or Counter Cyber) labs for forensics. FBI has made a LOT of deals lately haven't they?

Don't give a termite fart about Trump... I care about my country. And the INTEGRITY of our most trusted institutions. Lots of folks pissing in the wind about "evidence" here IMO..
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
So far we have CIA, FBI and NSA confirming Russian involvement

We have Trump, Breitbart and Hannity denying it

Doesn't much matter WHO is confirming what does it? Not if the confirmers never used the THOUSANDS of Counter Cyber experts that YOU pay for. And if the evidence NEVER was put under Top Secret clearance protocol.

Why do you think ANYONE has a leg to stand on in politics and government if NONE of their agencies were involved in investigating and securing the servers?
Like a police force, they came in after the crime and looked for evidence

The footprints led right back to the Russians

Where's the proof for that?
Don't give a termite fart about Trump... I care about my country. And the INTEGRITY of our most trusted institutions. Lots of folks pissing in the wind about "evidence" here IMO..

:lol: Thanks, I needed to laugh.
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
So far we have CIA, FBI and NSA confirming Russian involvement

We have Trump, Breitbart and Hannity denying it

Doesn't much matter WHO is confirming what does it? Not if the confirmers never used the THOUSANDS of Counter Cyber experts that YOU pay for. And if the evidence NEVER was put under Top Secret clearance protocol.

Why do you think ANYONE has a leg to stand on in politics and government if NONE of their agencies were involved in investigating and securing the servers?
Like a police force, they came in after the crime and looked for evidence

The footprints led right back to the Russians

The footprints were never analyzed. Only CrowdStrike has been mentioned as a source of "evidence". Why do we NEED 7 different Counter Hacking groups if all we need to do is call up a "Google affiliate" company?

Fire all their asses.
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
So far we have CIA, FBI and NSA confirming Russian involvement

We have Trump, Breitbart and Hannity denying it

Doesn't much matter WHO is confirming what does it? Not if the confirmers never used the THOUSANDS of Counter Cyber experts that YOU pay for. And if the evidence NEVER was put under Top Secret clearance protocol.

Why do you think ANYONE has a leg to stand on in politics and government if NONE of their agencies were involved in investigating and securing the servers?
Like a police force, they came in after the crime and looked for evidence

The footprints led right back to the Russians

Where's the proof for that?
I do not have clearance to see the evidence

However, Congressional representatives from both parties have had access and they find it credible

Why are you defending Russia?
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
So far we have CIA, FBI and NSA confirming Russian involvement

We have Trump, Breitbart and Hannity denying it

Doesn't much matter WHO is confirming what does it? Not if the confirmers never used the THOUSANDS of Counter Cyber experts that YOU pay for. And if the evidence NEVER was put under Top Secret clearance protocol.

Why do you think ANYONE has a leg to stand on in politics and government if NONE of their agencies were involved in investigating and securing the servers?
Like a police force, they came in after the crime and looked for evidence

The footprints led right back to the Russians

The footprints were never analyzed. Only CrowdStrike has been mentioned as a source of "evidence". Why do we NEED 7 different Counter Hacking groups if all we need to do is call up a "Google affiliate" company?

Fire all their asses.

I have worked with NSA and find them to be very thorough in evaluating data. Why do you trust the word of Russia over a Google affiliate?

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