I need an answer to this question..

Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

Because Politics and Russia is much bigger?? :dunno:
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

Because Politics and Russia is much bigger?? :dunno:

Well...same thing when China hacked us, and we responded...China is....pretty big ;)
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

Because Politics and Russia is much bigger?? :dunno:

Well...same thing when China hacked us, and we responded...China is....pretty big ;)

True. Wasn't there actual proof though? I know there was where my husband works. (yes they were hacked by China)
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

Because Politics and Russia is much bigger?? :dunno:

Well...same thing when China hacked us, and we responded...China is....pretty big ;)

True. Wasn't there actual proof though? I know there was where my husband works. (yes they were hacked by China)

I think it was the same degree and type of proof we have on Russia - and, like Russia, that was not the only attempt by China but one among many other priors.
Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

Because Politics and Russia is much bigger?? :dunno:

Well...same thing when China hacked us, and we responded...China is....pretty big ;)

True. Wasn't there actual proof though? I know there was where my husband works. (yes they were hacked by China)

I think it was the same degree and type of proof we have on Russia - and, like Russia, that was not the only attempt by China but one among many other priors.

Yep, China is notorious for it. Where my husband works, they actually hacked the whole system either through Germany or France. It affected the entire system world wide though.
FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

Because Politics and Russia is much bigger?? :dunno:

Well...same thing when China hacked us, and we responded...China is....pretty big ;)

True. Wasn't there actual proof though? I know there was where my husband works. (yes they were hacked by China)

I think it was the same degree and type of proof we have on Russia - and, like Russia, that was not the only attempt by China but one among many other priors.

Yep, China is notorious for it. Where my husband works, they actually hacked the whole system either through Germany or France. It affected the entire system world wide though.

China and Russia seem to be the main players in this...it's worrisome. The amount of data available and hackable....
Because Politics and Russia is much bigger?? :dunno:

Well...same thing when China hacked us, and we responded...China is....pretty big ;)

True. Wasn't there actual proof though? I know there was where my husband works. (yes they were hacked by China)

I think it was the same degree and type of proof we have on Russia - and, like Russia, that was not the only attempt by China but one among many other priors.

Yep, China is notorious for it. Where my husband works, they actually hacked the whole system either through Germany or France. It affected the entire system world wide though.

China and Russia seem to be the main players in this...it's worrisome. The amount of data available and hackable....
Yet, the tweeter in chief wants to investigate how NBC found out, not how Russia hacked the US election, gathering info and planting fake news with the explicit objective of Putin to affect our election.

Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
Plus the first agency to jump on the DNC's bandwagon, the CIA, also has no components for cyber forensics, or cyber threats... which may cause a bit of an issue when the case in question has everything to do with cyber forensics and cyber threats...

Why the Supposed CIA Claim of Russian Interference in US Elections Should Be Disregarded
How the CIA Works
Name the 17 agencies, the evidence they examined, and their methodology.

In other words - you want the TOP SECRET methods and sources made public? Hilarious!

Those agencies apparently never laid hands or eyes on the evidence. Was never MADE Top Secret. But it SHOULD have been.. Civilians NEVER should have been allowed to paw over that system before the Fed Agencies secured the scene of the crime.

Funny. You mean like Republican FBI Director Comey who tried to help Trump win? Many civilian companies have Top Secret clearances.

Nobody DECLARED this incident be taken in as a "National Security" issue did they? CrowdStrike info might have been made "proprietary" to the DNC, but there no SENSIBLE demand to subpoena and secure the evidence was there?

Whole admin was snoozing on this one.. Apparently...

Well, they obviously should have hired you to oversee the entire investigation and analysis.

I'm not one looking stupid if Congress wasted a whole public inquiry into the matter and NEVER ASKED the obvious questions. Like where did Podesta's phone GO after he realized it had been hacked and did ANY of the Counter Hacking agencies even get a CHANCE to look at it.

Or why wasn't DNC server inspected and copied IMMEDIATELY after determining there had been a breach. And the information SEALED under the highest National security classifications.

Instead, we are willing to taunt Russia to the brink of war for stuff that didn't even raise an alarm bell with the ENTIRE US Intel crowd and Cyber Security groups at the time they were discovered.. They were APPARENTLY -- not activated in any way. And the Agencies let the DNC sandbag them on securing the evidence.
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

ANYTIME the source is suspected to be foreign intelligence services, it should be handled by the MASSIVE, and EXISTING dozen agencies for Counter Cyber. We're adding NEW groups every year. More and more people and labs and capabilities. And PRIVATE contractors should ONLY be used if they have the clearances and access to handle espionage level intrusions. Sorry Sony -- but we need access to your server. We'll send you a cleaned copy. You have no choice. It's now a matter of National Security.

I'm fuming because I've waiting to see what the government reaction was to all these clues that were known PUBLICLY for months, maybe a year. And NO ONE can tell how all these multi-$BILL agencies were mobilized and USED to obtain and REAL evidence. It appears that everything known about the DNC hack came from a Google funded group. So FIRE all these resources you think are totally inferior and unable and unaware.

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