I need an answer to this question..

I'm not one looking stupid if Congress wasted a whole public inquiry into the matter and NEVER ASKED the obvious questions. Like where did Podesta's phone GO after he realized it had been hacked and did ANY of the Counter Hacking agencies even get a CHANCE to look at it.

Or why wasn't DNC server inspected and copied IMMEDIATELY after determining there had been a breach. And the information SEALED under the highest National security classifications.

Instead, we are willing to taunt Russia to the brink of war for stuff that didn't even raise an alarm bell with the ENTIRE US Intel crowd and Cyber Security groups at the time they were discovered.. They were APPARENTLY -- not activated in any way. And the Agencies let the DNC sandbag them on securing the evidence.

Why do you want people to be without health care and die in the streets?
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

ANYTIME the source is suspected to be foreign intelligence services, it should be handled by the MASSIVE, and EXISTING dozen agencies for Counter Cyber. We're adding NEW groups every year. More and more people and labs and capabilities. And PRIVATE contractors should ONLY be used if they have the clearances and access to handle espionage level intrusions. Sorry Sony -- but we need access to your server. We'll send you a cleaned copy. You have no choice. It's now a matter of National Security.

I'm fuming because I've waiting to see what the government reaction was to all these clues that were known PUBLICLY for months, maybe a year. And NO ONE can tell how all these multi-$BILL agencies were mobilized and USED to obtain and REAL evidence. It appears that everything known about the DNC hack came from a Google funded group. So FIRE all these resources you think are totally inferior and unable and unaware.

I agree with you, and your questions.

First-off, Sony was NOT a matter of national security, so CrowdStrike is welcome to investigate. I have no issues with them doing that.

However, the hack of the DNC has national repercussions. In my opinion, it was not wise to have them investigate what happened at the DNC. A left leaning organization, owned by leftist billionaires, investigating for a losing Democrat candidate, by a Liberal administration, on servers not taken into evidence, leads the results to be questioned for accuracy. All in all, what could go sideways with all of that?

I also concur with your position that since the government doesn't have enough faith in their own cyber security experts to do a top notch job, they need to shit can the entire lot and go strictly with private companies.

When the DNI says "We assess...", assessments can be wrong. (Example: I assess rightwinger is a nutjob, BUT I COULD BE WRONG.) When he didn't say "We know..." or "We can prove...", it leaves the results wide open for debate.

At this moment, the whole thing isn't passing the smell test.
As Coyote already said... the government can't always recruit the best and the brightest.... so why is it a bad thing to use the best and the brightest if they work for a private firm?

Because there is a thin line between normal espionage and spying and cyber espionage and spying. And people without clearances and DEDICATED to looking at methods from Nation adversaries are REQUIRED to recognize these and develop countermeasures. Commercial firms have no interest in "keeping tabs" on other nation's Intel groups. And shouldn't be hired when it's highly suspected the crime is a state actor.

These guys I'm sure had to get security clearances... It's not different than contractors who are working for the government in war zones like Afghanistan training soldiers there. This just cyber warfare instead... You're overreacting about that. These guys knew what they were doing g and that's the most important part.

If you were gonna play Cold War with Russia over this -- would you take it INSIDE the Intel agencies BEFORE you start talking tough to Putin? Or is it still Amateur Hour with this Administration?

You're not taking this seriously. MASSIVE Federal infrastructure for Cyber Security and NONE of it was awakened for this "so-called" crisis. That really smells of deception and playing YOU against ME to distract from the other important stuff this nation faces right now.

It's INCONCEIVABLE that this brand new cyber outfit is the ONLY folks cited as having actually studied the evidence for the DNC hack. So I ask now --- WHICH Fed Intel agency examined the evidence in the case of Podesta's phone?
I'm not one looking stupid if Congress wasted a whole public inquiry into the matter and NEVER ASKED the obvious questions. Like where did Podesta's phone GO after he realized it had been hacked and did ANY of the Counter Hacking agencies even get a CHANCE to look at it.

Or why wasn't DNC server inspected and copied IMMEDIATELY after determining there had been a breach. And the information SEALED under the highest National security classifications.

Instead, we are willing to taunt Russia to the brink of war for stuff that didn't even raise an alarm bell with the ENTIRE US Intel crowd and Cyber Security groups at the time they were discovered.. They were APPARENTLY -- not activated in any way. And the Agencies let the DNC sandbag them on securing the evidence.

Why do you want people to be without health care and die in the streets?

Because right now ObamaCare has left ME without health care and ready to die in the streets. Off-topic, but maybe revenge is my entire motive here for this thread. :dev3:
Because right now ObamaCare has left ME without health care and ready to die in the streets. Off-topic, but maybe revenge is my entire motive here for this thread. :dev3:
Let's be honest here.

You have al the "health care" that you want. It's just all a matter of who pays the bill.

THAT is he real nub of the issue.
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

ANYTIME the source is suspected to be foreign intelligence services, it should be handled by the MASSIVE, and EXISTING dozen agencies for Counter Cyber. We're adding NEW groups every year. More and more people and labs and capabilities. And PRIVATE contractors should ONLY be used if they have the clearances and access to handle espionage level intrusions. Sorry Sony -- but we need access to your server. We'll send you a cleaned copy. You have no choice. It's now a matter of National Security.

I'm fuming because I've waiting to see what the government reaction was to all these clues that were known PUBLICLY for months, maybe a year. And NO ONE can tell how all these multi-$BILL agencies were mobilized and USED to obtain and REAL evidence. It appears that everything known about the DNC hack came from a Google funded group. So FIRE all these resources you think are totally inferior and unable and unaware.

I agree with you, and your questions.

First-off, Sony was NOT a matter of national security, so CrowdStrike is welcome to investigate. I have no issues with them doing that.

However, the hack of the DNC has national repercussions. In my opinion, it was not wise to have them investigate what happened at the DNC. A left leaning organization, owned by leftist billionaires, investigating for a losing Democrat candidate, by a Liberal administration, on servers not taken into evidence, leads the results to be questioned for accuracy. All in all, what could go sideways with all of that?

I also concur with your position that since the government doesn't have enough faith in their own cyber security experts to do a top notch job, they need to shit can the entire lot and go strictly with private companies.

When the DNI says "We assess...", assessments can be wrong. (Example: I assess rightwinger is a nutjob, BUT I COULD BE WRONG.) When he didn't say "We know..." or "We can prove...", it leaves the results wide open for debate.

At this moment, the whole thing isn't passing the smell test.

Oh you KNOW the choice of an outside contractor was NEGOTIATED with the DNC right? :biggrin: Wasn't because their guys couldn't do it. The "optics" of announcing that 3 Intel groups were probing the DNC server just isn't Election cycle good news. It is ENTIRELY smelly. Glad someone else recognizes that.

But the Sony hack was BLACKMAIL against a US corporation by a state actor (allegedly) And highly unpredecented and entirely WHACKY. Just like the Mini Me in charge of the NK asylum. And by the nature of the threat and WHO was threatening -- certainly rose to those levels.

Unless it wasn't Kim Jong Il.... And it was Paramount Pictures !!!
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

ANYTIME the source is suspected to be foreign intelligence services, it should be handled by the MASSIVE, and EXISTING dozen agencies for Counter Cyber. We're adding NEW groups every year. More and more people and labs and capabilities. And PRIVATE contractors should ONLY be used if they have the clearances and access to handle espionage level intrusions. Sorry Sony -- but we need access to your server. We'll send you a cleaned copy. You have no choice. It's now a matter of National Security.

I'm fuming because I've waiting to see what the government reaction was to all these clues that were known PUBLICLY for months, maybe a year. And NO ONE can tell how all these multi-$BILL agencies were mobilized and USED to obtain and REAL evidence. It appears that everything known about the DNC hack came from a Google funded group. So FIRE all these resources you think are totally inferior and unable and unaware.

I agree with you, and your questions.

First-off, Sony was NOT a matter of national security, so CrowdStrike is welcome to investigate. I have no issues with them doing that.

However, the hack of the DNC has national repercussions. In my opinion, it was not wise to have them investigate what happened at the DNC. A left leaning organization, owned by leftist billionaires, investigating for a losing Democrat candidate, by a Liberal administration, on servers not taken into evidence, leads the results to be questioned for accuracy. All in all, what could go sideways with all of that?

I also concur with your position that since the government doesn't have enough faith in their own cyber security experts to do a top notch job, they need to shit can the entire lot and go strictly with private companies.

When the DNI says "We assess...", assessments can be wrong. (Example: I assess rightwinger is a nutjob, BUT I COULD BE WRONG.) When he didn't say "We know..." or "We can prove...", it leaves the results wide open for debate.

At this moment, the whole thing isn't passing the smell test.
You are TOTALLY deranged!

Don't investigate because the foreign attack was on a "left leaning organization"????

Are you F'ing SERIOUS???

Beyond that, the attack was NOT limited to that. The Russians set up a fake news assault to dis-inform the American public and to thus attempt to defeat our democracy.

The issue isn't whether it affected the election.

The issue is that Russia ATTACKED US!

And, ignoring that is unbelievable anti-Americanism.

It's exactly what Putin wants - and YOU back that!?!?!
I'm not one looking stupid if Congress wasted a whole public inquiry into the matter and NEVER ASKED the obvious questions. Like where did Podesta's phone GO after he realized it had been hacked and did ANY of the Counter Hacking agencies even get a CHANCE to look at it.

Or why wasn't DNC server inspected and copied IMMEDIATELY after determining there had been a breach. And the information SEALED under the highest National security classifications.

Instead, we are willing to taunt Russia to the brink of war for stuff that didn't even raise an alarm bell with the ENTIRE US Intel crowd and Cyber Security groups at the time they were discovered.. They were APPARENTLY -- not activated in any way. And the Agencies let the DNC sandbag them on securing the evidence.

Why do you want people to be without health care and die in the streets?

Because right now ObamaCare has left ME without health care and ready to die in the streets. Off-topic, but maybe revenge is my entire motive here for this thread. :dev3:
Then, let's fix it so you have coverage.

Why are you suggesting trashing coverage for all when the real issue has to do with getting YOU covered?

What would have to change to cause you to be covered?
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

ANYTIME the source is suspected to be foreign intelligence services, it should be handled by the MASSIVE, and EXISTING dozen agencies for Counter Cyber. We're adding NEW groups every year. More and more people and labs and capabilities. And PRIVATE contractors should ONLY be used if they have the clearances and access to handle espionage level intrusions. Sorry Sony -- but we need access to your server. We'll send you a cleaned copy. You have no choice. It's now a matter of National Security.

I'm fuming because I've waiting to see what the government reaction was to all these clues that were known PUBLICLY for months, maybe a year. And NO ONE can tell how all these multi-$BILL agencies were mobilized and USED to obtain and REAL evidence. It appears that everything known about the DNC hack came from a Google funded group. So FIRE all these resources you think are totally inferior and unable and unaware.

I agree with you, and your questions.

First-off, Sony was NOT a matter of national security, so CrowdStrike is welcome to investigate. I have no issues with them doing that.

However, the hack of the DNC has national repercussions. In my opinion, it was not wise to have them investigate what happened at the DNC. A left leaning organization, owned by leftist billionaires, investigating for a losing Democrat candidate, by a Liberal administration, on servers not taken into evidence, leads the results to be questioned for accuracy. All in all, what could go sideways with all of that?

I also concur with your position that since the government doesn't have enough faith in their own cyber security experts to do a top notch job, they need to shit can the entire lot and go strictly with private companies.

When the DNI says "We assess...", assessments can be wrong. (Example: I assess rightwinger is a nutjob, BUT I COULD BE WRONG.) When he didn't say "We know..." or "We can prove...", it leaves the results wide open for debate.

At this moment, the whole thing isn't passing the smell test.
You are TOTALLY deranged!

Don't investigate because the foreign attack was on a "left leaning organization"????

Are you F'ing SERIOUS???

Beyond that, the attack was NOT limited to that. The Russians set up a fake news assault to dis-inform the American public and to thus attempt to defeat our democracy.

The issue isn't whether it affected the election.

The issue is that Russia ATTACKED US!

And, ignoring that is unbelievable anti-Americanism.

It's exactly what Putin wants - and YOU back that!?!?!

And exactly what portion of the massive Federal Cyber Hacking structure was alarmed into ACTING on this? That's why it smells. Because the answer is NONE of them took a direct line of responsibility for INVESTIGATING the evidence.

How you gonna convince me that this Admin took the attacks seriously if NONE of the massive apparatus was activated??? That's your next job..
We mods post as members - you can flame us, just please include some topical content to keep the post legit

I'm not going to a gun fight with a knife.
You Mods outgun the rest of us.
If you are serious about getting into a real, honest conversation/discussion then get yourselves another screen name, which doesn't say "I'm a MOD", and then you might get some worthwhile conversation.
Go and watch "Cool Hand Luke".
As Coyote already said... the government can't always recruit the best and the brightest.... so why is it a bad thing to use the best and the brightest if they work for a private firm?

Because there is a thin line between normal espionage and spying and cyber espionage and spying. And people without clearances and DEDICATED to looking at methods from Nation adversaries are REQUIRED to recognize these and develop countermeasures. Commercial firms have no interest in "keeping tabs" on other nation's Intel groups. And shouldn't be hired when it's highly suspected the crime is a state actor.

These guys I'm sure had to get security clearances... It's not different than contractors who are working for the government in war zones like Afghanistan training soldiers there. This just cyber warfare instead... You're overreacting about that. These guys knew what they were doing g and that's the most important part.

If you were gonna play Cold War with Russia over this -- would you take it INSIDE the Intel agencies BEFORE you start talking tough to Putin? Or is it still Amateur Hour with this Administration?

You're not taking this seriously. MASSIVE Federal infrastructure for Cyber Security and NONE of it was awakened for this "so-called" crisis. That really smells of deception and playing YOU against ME to distract from the other important stuff this nation faces right now.

It's INCONCEIVABLE that this brand new cyber outfit is the ONLY folks cited as having actually studied the evidence for the DNC hack. So I ask now --- WHICH Fed Intel agency examined the evidence in the case of Podesta's phone?
Fine question.

But, there are many more. For example, how did the fake news dis-information campaign work so well, and what do we need to do to stop THAT?

Why is the incoming administration calling for an investigation of how NBC learned what's going on, while NOT calling for a full investigation of how our democratic process was attacked by a foreign power, and what we have to do about that?
Sounds to me like the DNC didn't WANT Intel agencies pawing over their compromised servers. Needed a "friendly" investigator to spin a yarn... Someone ring up Clapper.. Ask him how long they EXAMINED the primary evidence.

Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

ANYTIME the source is suspected to be foreign intelligence services, it should be handled by the MASSIVE, and EXISTING dozen agencies for Counter Cyber. We're adding NEW groups every year. More and more people and labs and capabilities. And PRIVATE contractors should ONLY be used if they have the clearances and access to handle espionage level intrusions. Sorry Sony -- but we need access to your server. We'll send you a cleaned copy. You have no choice. It's now a matter of National Security.

I'm fuming because I've waiting to see what the government reaction was to all these clues that were known PUBLICLY for months, maybe a year. And NO ONE can tell how all these multi-$BILL agencies were mobilized and USED to obtain and REAL evidence. It appears that everything known about the DNC hack came from a Google funded group. So FIRE all these resources you think are totally inferior and unable and unaware.

I agree with you, and your questions.

First-off, Sony was NOT a matter of national security, so CrowdStrike is welcome to investigate. I have no issues with them doing that.

However, the hack of the DNC has national repercussions. In my opinion, it was not wise to have them investigate what happened at the DNC. A left leaning organization, owned by leftist billionaires, investigating for a losing Democrat candidate, by a Liberal administration, on servers not taken into evidence, leads the results to be questioned for accuracy. All in all, what could go sideways with all of that?

I also concur with your position that since the government doesn't have enough faith in their own cyber security experts to do a top notch job, they need to shit can the entire lot and go strictly with private companies.

When the DNI says "We assess...", assessments can be wrong. (Example: I assess rightwinger is a nutjob, BUT I COULD BE WRONG.) When he didn't say "We know..." or "We can prove...", it leaves the results wide open for debate.

At this moment, the whole thing isn't passing the smell test.

Oh you KNOW the choice of an outside contractor was NEGOTIATED with the DNC right? :biggrin: Wasn't because their guys couldn't do it. The "optics" of announcing that 3 Intel groups were probing the DNC server just isn't Election cycle good news. It is ENTIRELY smelly. Glad someone else recognizes that.

But the Sony hack was BLACKMAIL against a US corporation by a state actor (allegedly) And highly unpredecented and entirely WHACKY. Just like the Mini Me in charge of the NK asylum. And by the nature of the threat and WHO was threatening -- certainly rose to those levels.

Unless it wasn't Kim Jong Il.... And it was Paramount Pictures !!!

I'm not saying Crowdstrike COULDN'T do it, I am just wondering if they just might have an agenda and therefore skew the results. I don't know. That's why I asked "what could go wrong"

I am just skeptical of Democrats honestly investigating something like this, in this particular case. Maybe this comes from the lefts Legislative, and many Executive, branch members claiming outrageous things in support of their narrative.
FBI dispute with DNC over hacked servers may fuel doubt on Russia role

FBI dispute with DNC over hacked servers may fuel doubt on Russia role

The FBI never gained access to the DNC's hacked servers, instead relying on evidence provided from CrowdStrike

The FBI may have been forced into a misstep when investigating whether Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee -- the agency never directly examined the DNC servers that were breached.

Instead, the FBI had to rely on forensic evidence provided by third-party cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which the DNC hired to mitigate the breach.

“The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed,” the agency said on Thursday in a statement.

The incident threatens to spark more skepticism over whether the U.S. properly arrived at its conclusion that Russian cyberspies were responsible for the breach.

“The FBI may have all the evidence or not,” said John Bambenek, a researcher with Fidelis Cybersecurity. “But this case has been handled so unusually, it gives everyone a reason to latch on and cast doubt.”

News that the FBI failed to directly examine the hacked servers came on Wednesday, when Buzzfeed reported that a DNC spokesman said that the agency had never requested access.

On Thursday, the FBI contested that claim, saying the denial of access "caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier."

Nor can the FBI force an affected party to turn a server over, Barysevich said. However, the whole incident may raise questions over whether federal agents saw all the evidence related to the breach. “CrowdStrike is not obligated to share everything with law enforcement,” Barysevich said. “That could have potentially interfered with the investigation.”

Don't try to tell me the FBI backed off because they didn't have the incentives or the skills to do the job.

And if you ask one of CrowdStrike's competitors -- like Fidelis CyberSecurity, THEY will tell how awfully smelly this whole affair really is..

There it is.. Everything I've been stewing about. In the Reuter's article above. EXCEPT -- this only addresses the DNC hack. We have the odor of missed opportunities and inactions when it comes to the Podesta phone as well..

ANYONE ???? What agency examined the evidence from Podesta's phone????

We mods post as members - you can flame us, just please include some topical content to keep the post legit

I'm not going to a gun fight with a knife.
You Mods outgun the rest of us.
If you are serious about getting into a real, honest conversation/discussion then get yourselves another screen name, which doesn't say "I'm a MOD", and then you might get some worthwhile conversation.
Go and watch "Cool Hand Luke".
You have no complaint.

Just make your argument.

If you think you have to use ad hom or some other BS to make your point, than go to some other board - PLEASE!
Instead, the FBI outsourced the computer forensics analysis to IT security company CrowdStrike which first pointed the finger at Moscow in May.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” one intelligence official told BuzzFeed, insisting that the company was “confident” Russia was behind the hacks.

“Beginning at the time the intrusion was discovered by the DNC, the DNC cooperated fully with the FBI and its investigation, providing access to all of the information uncovered by CrowdStrike — without any limits,” Walker added.

‘What is going on?’ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNC’s ‘hacked servers’

There is a lot in the report we are not privy to.

FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

ANYTIME the source is suspected to be foreign intelligence services, it should be handled by the MASSIVE, and EXISTING dozen agencies for Counter Cyber. We're adding NEW groups every year. More and more people and labs and capabilities. And PRIVATE contractors should ONLY be used if they have the clearances and access to handle espionage level intrusions. Sorry Sony -- but we need access to your server. We'll send you a cleaned copy. You have no choice. It's now a matter of National Security.

I'm fuming because I've waiting to see what the government reaction was to all these clues that were known PUBLICLY for months, maybe a year. And NO ONE can tell how all these multi-$BILL agencies were mobilized and USED to obtain and REAL evidence. It appears that everything known about the DNC hack came from a Google funded group. So FIRE all these resources you think are totally inferior and unable and unaware.

I agree with you, and your questions.

First-off, Sony was NOT a matter of national security, so CrowdStrike is welcome to investigate. I have no issues with them doing that.

However, the hack of the DNC has national repercussions. In my opinion, it was not wise to have them investigate what happened at the DNC. A left leaning organization, owned by leftist billionaires, investigating for a losing Democrat candidate, by a Liberal administration, on servers not taken into evidence, leads the results to be questioned for accuracy. All in all, what could go sideways with all of that?

I also concur with your position that since the government doesn't have enough faith in their own cyber security experts to do a top notch job, they need to shit can the entire lot and go strictly with private companies.

When the DNI says "We assess...", assessments can be wrong. (Example: I assess rightwinger is a nutjob, BUT I COULD BE WRONG.) When he didn't say "We know..." or "We can prove...", it leaves the results wide open for debate.

At this moment, the whole thing isn't passing the smell test.

Oh you KNOW the choice of an outside contractor was NEGOTIATED with the DNC right? :biggrin: Wasn't because their guys couldn't do it. The "optics" of announcing that 3 Intel groups were probing the DNC server just isn't Election cycle good news. It is ENTIRELY smelly. Glad someone else recognizes that.

But the Sony hack was BLACKMAIL against a US corporation by a state actor (allegedly) And highly unpredecented and entirely WHACKY. Just like the Mini Me in charge of the NK asylum. And by the nature of the threat and WHO was threatening -- certainly rose to those levels.

Unless it wasn't Kim Jong Il.... And it was Paramount Pictures !!!

I'm not saying Crowdstrike COULDN'T do it, I am just wondering if they just might have an agenda and therefore skew the results. I don't know. That's why I asked "what could go wrong"

I am just skeptical of Democrats honestly investigating something like this, in this particular case. Maybe this comes from the lefts Legislative, and many Executive, branch members claiming outrageous things in support of their narrative.

Biggest proof is the DNC sandbagged the FBI and instead hired their OWN investigators. Wasn't because the FBI didn't want to do it or couldn't do it.. See the Reuters piece above.

This gave the DNC the option to SELECTIVELY RELEASE the results of the "investigation" to the media and the public AND all those "intel agencies" forming those "opinions" based on 3rd party results.
I disagree with that analysis.

What do you posters think would be my fate if I took it upon myself to correct the grammar/spelling/syntax of a Mod?

Would I be banned/thanked/ignored/or bookmarked as a troublemaker who, at the first opportunity, will be penalised?[sic]

I'm not going to a gunfight with a knife.
FBI/Intelligence outsources a lot because, quite frankly, private companies have far better and more up to date tools and technology. All federal agencies do now. Not sure why it should suddenly be an issue. Didn't Crowdstrike also work with the Sony servers when they got hacked by NK? Why didn't anyone demand more evidence? Why didn't anyone question why the FBI didn't examine Sony directly?

ANYTIME the source is suspected to be foreign intelligence services, it should be handled by the MASSIVE, and EXISTING dozen agencies for Counter Cyber. We're adding NEW groups every year. More and more people and labs and capabilities. And PRIVATE contractors should ONLY be used if they have the clearances and access to handle espionage level intrusions. Sorry Sony -- but we need access to your server. We'll send you a cleaned copy. You have no choice. It's now a matter of National Security.

I'm fuming because I've waiting to see what the government reaction was to all these clues that were known PUBLICLY for months, maybe a year. And NO ONE can tell how all these multi-$BILL agencies were mobilized and USED to obtain and REAL evidence. It appears that everything known about the DNC hack came from a Google funded group. So FIRE all these resources you think are totally inferior and unable and unaware.

I agree with you, and your questions.

First-off, Sony was NOT a matter of national security, so CrowdStrike is welcome to investigate. I have no issues with them doing that.

However, the hack of the DNC has national repercussions. In my opinion, it was not wise to have them investigate what happened at the DNC. A left leaning organization, owned by leftist billionaires, investigating for a losing Democrat candidate, by a Liberal administration, on servers not taken into evidence, leads the results to be questioned for accuracy. All in all, what could go sideways with all of that?

I also concur with your position that since the government doesn't have enough faith in their own cyber security experts to do a top notch job, they need to shit can the entire lot and go strictly with private companies.

When the DNI says "We assess...", assessments can be wrong. (Example: I assess rightwinger is a nutjob, BUT I COULD BE WRONG.) When he didn't say "We know..." or "We can prove...", it leaves the results wide open for debate.

At this moment, the whole thing isn't passing the smell test.

Oh you KNOW the choice of an outside contractor was NEGOTIATED with the DNC right? :biggrin: Wasn't because their guys couldn't do it. The "optics" of announcing that 3 Intel groups were probing the DNC server just isn't Election cycle good news. It is ENTIRELY smelly. Glad someone else recognizes that.

But the Sony hack was BLACKMAIL against a US corporation by a state actor (allegedly) And highly unpredecented and entirely WHACKY. Just like the Mini Me in charge of the NK asylum. And by the nature of the threat and WHO was threatening -- certainly rose to those levels.

Unless it wasn't Kim Jong Il.... And it was Paramount Pictures !!!

I'm not saying Crowdstrike COULDN'T do it, I am just wondering if they just might have an agenda and therefore skew the results. I don't know. That's why I asked "what could go wrong"

I am just skeptical of Democrats honestly investigating something like this, in this particular case. Maybe this comes from the lefts Legislative, and many Executive, branch members claiming outrageous things in support of their narrative.

Biggest proof is the DNC sandbagged the FBI and instead hired their OWN investigators. Wasn't because the FBI didn't want to do it or couldn't do it.. See the Reuters piece above.

It's not proof of anything. Who can they comfortably TRUST? Look at what Comey was doing.
I'm not one looking stupid if Congress wasted a whole public inquiry into the matter and NEVER ASKED the obvious questions. Like where did Podesta's phone GO after he realized it had been hacked and did ANY of the Counter Hacking agencies even get a CHANCE to look at it.

Or why wasn't DNC server inspected and copied IMMEDIATELY after determining there had been a breach. And the information SEALED under the highest National security classifications.

Instead, we are willing to taunt Russia to the brink of war for stuff that didn't even raise an alarm bell with the ENTIRE US Intel crowd and Cyber Security groups at the time they were discovered.. They were APPARENTLY -- not activated in any way. And the Agencies let the DNC sandbag them on securing the evidence.

Why do you want people to be without health care and die in the streets?

Because right now ObamaCare has left ME without health care and ready to die in the streets. Off-topic, but maybe revenge is my entire motive here for this thread. :dev3:
Then, let's fix it so you have coverage.

Why are you suggesting trashing coverage for all when the real issue has to do with getting YOU covered?

What would have to change to cause you to be covered?

Different topic. Like to discuss. But my pain is not as important as this whole smelly mess.
I disagree with that analysis.

What do you posters think would be my fate if I took it upon myself to correct the grammar/spelling/syntax of a Mod?

Would I be banned/thanked/ignored/or bookmarked as a troublemaker who, at the first opportunity, will be penalised?[sic]

I'm not going to a gunfight with a knife.

I've been corrected many times - my spelling sucks when I don't pay attention.

Most likely reaction from me would be hmmm....laughter. Unless you made a grammatical error that I could point out in return....or....jeez you're not a grammar nazi are you? :eek-52:

I might have to call Crowdstrike to look into it... (this is the topical content)....and then make sure that it wasn't a Russian hack into our server designed to interfere with our spellcheck system.
If you think you have to use ad hom or some other BS to make your point, than go to some other board - PLEASE!

You speak as someone who has not yet been banned/penalized.
Am I correct?
Soon, I am going to receive a warning from a Mod not to discuss Mod actions.
When an accused person is convicted, are we, the public/citizens not allowed to view the evidence?
My bad.
I forgot about Gitmo.
Of course we're not allowed.

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