I need help. Someone explain the difference to me.

It's not lost on me that the anti abortionists on this board are the same twats who really don't give a shit about the collateral damage that are/were Afghani and Iraqi civilians.
It's not lost on me that the anti abortionists on this board are the same twats who really don't give a shit about the collateral damage that are/were Afghani and Iraqi civilians.

Not that your take on it is true (it's not.)

That said, the hysterical irony is not lost any of us, when you are outraged by one and not by the other as well.

If you give a shit more about the incidental / Accidental deaths of innocents in a combat zone any more than you do about innocent children being INTENTIONALLY killed for profit and convenience. . . . The hypocrisy that you are seeing is most likely coming from within.
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I you think that wearing a mask makes you more "pro-life" than a dude who opposes the intentional killing of children in the womb?

You might be a lefttard.

Here's yer sign.
youre not pro life, youre pro-birth only.
Yes you do have a problem.

We're not going to jail humans, birds, or turtles if they terminate a pregnancy.

Are you genetically predisposed to be immune from logic or was it an acquired trait?

There wasn't any logic there.

Your immunity against logic is well understood and established.

Thanks for being such useful foil.

And thank you for giving me my superiority complex.
A superiority complex is a defense mechanism that develops over time to help a person cope with painful feelings of inferiority. Individuals with this complex typically come across as supercilious, haughty, and disdainful toward others. They may treat others in an imperious, overbearing, and even aggressive manner.

Human beings aren't endangered like those.

Science frees the woman from natures cycle and gives her the chance to choose when to have a baby.
The left claim it is a "choice".

The right leans on the science.

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Not pro life.

I'm not doing a goddamn thing to protect your piece of shit life.

Fuck your stupid mask bullshit that is proven to be absolutely useless.

Fuck you. You can die. Just be glad it's not from lead poisoning.
masks proven to help

reduces particle emissions by 50 to 70 percent.
Human beings aren't endangered like those.

Science frees the woman from natures cycle and gives her the chance to choose when to have a baby.
At least you admit it is killing human beings.
The left claim it is a "choice".

The right leans on the science.

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The reality is that humans have a very high reproductive rate, almost like rabbits, because we used to be prey, just like rabbits.
But now it is our own over population that is killing us all.
For example, the oxygen we breath is not always there.
Originally this planet has an ammonia and methane atmosphere.
Where did the oxygen come from?
Originally bacteria that did photosynthetic.
Now mostly trees and plankton.
And we are killing the trees and plankton.
We cut down the trees for food fields and we pollute the continental shelves where the plankton lives.
So if we keep over populating, everything dependent on oxygen will eventually die.
That includes ALL humans.
The left claim it is a "choice".

The right leans on the science.

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Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
So you can't explain the difference.

Got it.
It's been explained. You just lack the ability to understand. This is my shocked face --> :ack-1:

Obviously all cells are alive, but there is no human life without sentience, which a fetus does not have.
Sea turtles are about the most worthless fucking things on this earth, next to Pandas and abortion doctors. Although I wouldn't kill one, eagles aren't as magnificent as people make them out to be, either. We have a shitload of them here and most of the time I see them, they're on the side of the road sharing some rotten dead roadkill with the buzzards. True story.
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Sea turtles are a barometer we can use to tell if the natural world that spawned and supported the human race, is still viable or not?
When other species start to disappear, then we are next.
It is better to kill off most of our species in order to ensure survival of our species, than to just let our species go extinct entirely due to over population.
If we do not terminate 90% of all fetuses, then all life on the planet eventually will be killed off by our waste products.

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