I no longer believe the accusers

These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

Just start with your first sentence.
Prove it or just Shut the Fuck Up.
Look at the libtard trying to pretend hes a tough guy. Hahaha

Go fuck yourself pussy.

Unlike you, I don't have to pretend.
I asked for proof that Dr. Ford is part of the Resist movement.
I found her online and she's donated all of $80.50 to a Dem candidate, in her entire life.
And participated in one event protesting Trump's cutbacks of $776M to the National Science Foundation.

Now, you go fuck yourself.
You are a liar and a pussy.
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.
Everyone knows it was nothing more than a desperate attempt by democrats to delay this confirmation.

Oboy. The old "Everybody Knows" reasoning. Haven't seen this one in like thirteen minutes.

This is awesome. Like seeing a comet. Except way way way more frequent.
Democrats will be proud of your support with losing. :)
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

Just start with your first sentence.
Prove it or just Shut the Fuck Up.

Already proven....ya need to catch up.
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

Just start with your first sentence.
Prove it or just Shut the Fuck Up.
Look at the libtard trying to pretend hes a tough guy. Hahaha

Go fuck yourself pussy.

Unlike you, I don't have to pretend.
I asked for proof that Dr. Ford is part of the Resist movement.
I found her online and she's donated all of $80.50 to a Dem candidate, in her entire life.
And participated in one event protesting Trump's cutbacks of $776M to the National Science Foundation.

Now, you go fuck yourself.

Only NBC Notes Kavanaugh Accuser and Lawyer Are Dem Activists

Ford has not only donated to Democrats, but also recently signed on to a Physicians for Human Rights letter protesting the Trump administration’s immigration policy.

Just consider her lawyer:

Christine Blasey Ford's attorney, Debra Katz, serves as vice chair for a "Soros-funded organization" Project On Government Oversight (POGO) that opposes the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.

POGO co-signed a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Grassley along with a variety of lefty groups demanding Kavanaugh records. This was the obstruction tactic of choice of the left for trying to secure the Court seat before they fastened on to this latest smear.

In 2017, Katz labeled all senior Trump administration officials to be “miscreants.” Hypocritically, she also staunchly and repeatedly defended Bill Clinton against claims of sexual harassment made by Paula Jones in the 1990s.

"Debra Katz, is a very well known Democratic activist. Who by the way – her lawyer was very defensive of Bill Clinton when he got accused of Paula Jones and said that one allegation of Bill Clinton allegedly taking out his private parts in front of Paula Jones wasn’t enough for sexual harassment. But now, wants to – you know, this Supreme Court nomination not to go forward because of this allegation."
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

Okay ---- "prosecuted" and "penalized" for ....................................................................... what exactly?

You did hear we don't burn witches any more, right? Please tell me you heard that.
Perjury, dumbass.
he who is without sin should cast the first stone.

he who is without sin should cast the first stone.

he who is without sin should cast the 1st stone.
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

AND JUSTICE PREVAILS! Heidi Ho neighbors.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

Just start with your first sentence.
Prove it or just Shut the Fuck Up.
Look at the libtard trying to pretend hes a tough guy. Hahaha

Go fuck yourself pussy.

Unlike you, I don't have to pretend.
I asked for proof that Dr. Ford is part of the Resist movement.
I found her online and she's donated all of $80.50 to a Dem candidate, in her entire life.
And participated in one event protesting Trump's cutbacks of $776M to the National Science Foundation.

Now, you go fuck yourself.


That Ford is a Democrat who donates to left-wing causes, attended the anti-Trump March for Science, and previously signed an open letter challenging Trump’s border policy.

Ford is a political activist who has made dozens of donations to left-wing causes. According to OpenSecrets, she has made more than 60 donations to liberal causes, with almost four dozen to the pro-abortion group, Emily’s List, alone. Ford also donated to the DNC, Hillary Clinton (more than 10 times), Bernie Sanders, and the progressive organizing group ActBlue.

Ford likewise attended the anti-Trump March for Science, where she wore a hat knitted like a human brain, but inspired by the feminist “pussy hats” worn at the Women’s Marches. Ford also added her name to an open letter from health professionals who argued the U.S. border policy resulting in temporary separation of some families was harmful to children’s development.
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

Just start with your first sentence.
Prove it or just Shut the Fuck Up.
Look at the libtard trying to pretend hes a tough guy. Hahaha

Go fuck yourself pussy.

Unlike you, I don't have to pretend.
I asked for proof that Dr. Ford is part of the Resist movement.
I found her online and she's donated all of $80.50 to a Dem candidate, in her entire life.
And participated in one event protesting Trump's cutbacks of $776M to the National Science Foundation.

Now, you go fuck yourself.
You are a liar and a pussy.

You do your fellow morons here so proud.
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

Just start with your first sentence.
Prove it or just Shut the Fuck Up.
Look at the libtard trying to pretend hes a tough guy. Hahaha

Go fuck yourself pussy.

Unlike you, I don't have to pretend.
I asked for proof that Dr. Ford is part of the Resist movement.
I found her online and she's donated all of $80.50 to a Dem candidate, in her entire life.
And participated in one event protesting Trump's cutbacks of $776M to the National Science Foundation.

Now, you go fuck yourself.


That Ford is a Democrat who donates to left-wing causes, attended the anti-Trump March for Science, and previously signed an open letter challenging Trump’s border policy.

Ford is a political activist who has made dozens of donations to left-wing causes. According to OpenSecrets, she has made more than 60 donations to liberal causes, with almost four dozen to the pro-abortion group, Emily’s List, alone. Ford also donated to the DNC, Hillary Clinton (more than 10 times), Bernie Sanders, and the progressive organizing group ActBlue.

Ford likewise attended the anti-Trump March for Science, where she wore a hat knitted like a human brain, but inspired by the feminist “pussy hats” worn at the Women’s Marches. Ford also added her name to an open letter from health professionals who argued the U.S. border policy resulting in temporary separation of some families was harmful to children’s development.

Sorry, loser.
Check the site.
It's a blog.
No "About" page identifying the author or sources.
It must really suck to be you.
These women who have came forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh are all connected and all are part of the "Resist" movement.

All of them lied and need to be prosecuted and receive the maximum penalty as do their lawyers who are also connected and the Democrats who put this all together.

What these people have done is beyond disgusting and they need to be punished.

I hope they get what they deserve and if you are one of those who "Believe" these women, you are the problem and there is no respect or credibility is completely gone. Your status is now that of a partisan hack who deserves hell.

Just start with your first sentence.
Prove it or just Shut the Fuck Up.
Look at the libtard trying to pretend hes a tough guy. Hahaha

Go fuck yourself pussy.

Unlike you, I don't have to pretend.
I asked for proof that Dr. Ford is part of the Resist movement.
I found her online and she's donated all of $80.50 to a Dem candidate, in her entire life.
And participated in one event protesting Trump's cutbacks of $776M to the National Science Foundation.

Now, you go fuck yourself.

Only NBC Notes Kavanaugh Accuser and Lawyer Are Dem Activists

Ford has not only donated to Democrats, but also recently signed on to a Physicians for Human Rights letter protesting the Trump administration’s immigration policy.

Just consider her lawyer:

Christine Blasey Ford's attorney, Debra Katz, serves as vice chair for a "Soros-funded organization" Project On Government Oversight (POGO) that opposes the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.

POGO co-signed a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Grassley along with a variety of lefty groups demanding Kavanaugh records. This was the obstruction tactic of choice of the left for trying to secure the Court seat before they fastened on to this latest smear.

In 2017, Katz labeled all senior Trump administration officials to be “miscreants.” Hypocritically, she also staunchly and repeatedly defended Bill Clinton against claims of sexual harassment made by Paula Jones in the 1990s.

"Debra Katz, is a very well known Democratic activist. Who by the way – her lawyer was very defensive of Bill Clinton when he got accused of Paula Jones and said that one allegation of Bill Clinton allegedly taking out his private parts in front of Paula Jones wasn’t enough for sexual harassment. But now, wants to – you know, this Supreme Court nomination not to go forward because of this allegation."

Katz is no more or less partisan than Kavanaugh is, then.
Kavanaugh served as Ken Starr's clerk and right hand in the Bill Clinton investigation, from White Water to Monica Lewinsky.
Sorry, again.

And oh, you forgot that tidbit at the end were Fox tries to bury the fact that Ford DID TAKE A POLYGRAPH TEST AND PASSED.
Something that pussy cocksocket Kavanaugh wouldn't do.

Then Kavanaugh cried last Thursday throwing in that the Clintons were in on this smear of him.
He's the biggest partisan hack to enter the Beltway since Trump.
Try again, loser.
And they care what you think because......?
Thanks to democrat scum, women everywhere are going to have a much harder time proving anything. Thanks demoscum.
How was it easier before?
If female lying had not been made easier, these women would never have had their complaints aired in public at all.

So maybe a Taliban administration would work better for you.....

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