I predict hat Hillary Clinton will not debate Trump

Maybe? She does have drain bamage. Her handlers are keeping her away from the public as much as possible. She's very unhealthy. She isn't fit to be President.
There is no maybe about it, to make things worse she has onset Alzheimer's though not as bad as Bill does. The great thing for Bill is that he can screw anyone and say he does not remember her.................or that that depends upon what the meaning of the word is is...............
A Republican with Alzheimers was elected to president...and since then he has been granted sainthood.
That did not happen, he got sick afterwards.......................but he never did wear a colostomy bag like Hillary does now
In My Father at 100, Ron Reagan writes of a "growing sense of alarm over his father's mental condition." He recalls the presidential debate with Walter Mondale, October 1984, in which his father seemed lost and unable to articulate himself. In "Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while president, says son," a short piece on the fracas by the British Guardian, Ron Reagan is quoted as saying: "My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered."

When Did Reagan's First Signs of Alzheimer's Appear?
What a retarded thread.
Please just because Hillary can not hold her pee is no reason to call her retarded


I will bet you sigs for a month that Hillary will show up to debate Trump.

Hillary shows up, I get total control of your sig. She doesn't, you get total control of mine. Anything is allowed as long as it's not obscene.

Put your money where your mouth is?
The first debate will not have the parties debating each other. Hilly wanted back to back questions and answers. She's already not showing up.
Maybe? She does have drain bamage. Her handlers are keeping her away from the public as much as possible. She's very unhealthy. She isn't fit to be President.
There is no maybe about it, to make things worse she has onset Alzheimer's though not as bad as Bill does. The great thing for Bill is that he can screw anyone and say he does not remember her.................or that that depends upon what the meaning of the word is is...............
A Republican with Alzheimers was elected to president...and since then he has been granted sainthood.
That did not happen, he got sick afterwards.......................but he never did wear a colostomy bag like Hillary does now
In My Father at 100, Ron Reagan writes of a "growing sense of alarm over his father's mental condition." He recalls the presidential debate with Walter Mondale, October 1984, in which his father seemed lost and unable to articulate himself. In "Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while president, says son," a short piece on the fracas by the British Guardian, Ron Reagan is quoted as saying: "My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered."

When Did Reagan's First Signs of Alzheimer's Appear?
Show me where the media accused Reagan of having dementia before his second election...............I am actually sure that it was there, at some level, but it was not evident.
What a retarded thread.
Please just because Hillary can not hold her pee is no reason to call her retarded


I will bet you sigs for a month that Hillary will show up to debate Trump.

Hillary shows up, I get total control of your sig. She doesn't, you get total control of mine. Anything is allowed as long as it's not obscene.

Put your money where your mouth is?
The first debate will not have the parties debating each other. Hilly wanted back to back questions and answers. She's already not showing up.
Hilly wants a break every 15 minutes so she can pee and snort a new line of coke..................
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................

"Good prediction"......That should help maintain your status as BIGGEST ASSHOLE ON THIS FORUM....just in case another right wing idiot was opting for your coveted title.
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................

"Good prediction"......That should help maintain your status as BIGGEST ASSHOLE ON THIS FORUM....just in case another right wing idiot was opting for your coveted title.
Why? don't you understand that I fully support your rights to kill your kids?
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................

Hillary is going to make Comrade Trump look like the buffoon that he is. He will embarrass himself.....again.

Comrade Trump?

What are you, a fucking communist?
If the rwnj's can falsely accuse anyone and everyone they don't like of being communists why would you go batshit when non rwnj's do?

I'm just joking around.

All extremists are fun, aren't they?
What a retarded thread.
Please just because Hillary can not hold her pee is no reason to call her retarded


I will bet you sigs for a month that Hillary will show up to debate Trump.

Hillary shows up, I get total control of your sig. She doesn't, you get total control of mine. Anything is allowed as long as it's not obscene.

Put your money where your mouth is?
The first debate will not have the parties debating each other. Hilly wanted back to back questions and answers. She's already not showing up.
Hilly wants a break every 15 minutes so she can pee and snort a new line of coke..................
The debate is being sponsored by coke?
More projecting from Trump's brain dead supporters
Feel free to resume your glue sniffing at anytime
Sniff away, ask Hillary if she can save you some depends
You're talking about Trump like he has a history of honorable behavior. The guy's a serial liar, pompous braggart, egotistical, disrespectful to military brass and families....the list goes on...

... and you want to talk about debates? He's the biggest whiner the debate stage has ever seen.

He couldn't even handle Megyn Kelly :lol: He folded his arms and stomped his feet, refusing to debate fellow REPUBLICANS, never mind Democrats.

He's going to fold and flail and kick and scream BIG TIME. You can bet on that.
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................
You folks are so very, very delusional.
I can't wait to see him lose his shit on stage. It's going to happen.
What a retarded thread.
Please just because Hillary can not hold her pee is no reason to call her retarded


I will bet you sigs for a month that Hillary will show up to debate Trump.

Hillary shows up, I get total control of your sig. She doesn't, you get total control of mine. Anything is allowed as long as it's not obscene.

Put your money where your mouth is?
I hope you are right........................... What makes you thing that I want your sad siggy

Good move.

I wouldn't take that bet either.
Now that hilly has wiggled out of the first debate, how will she wiggle out of the next two?
Imagine Crooked Hillary being on stage with 20 million people watching and having to answer why she is such a lying incompetent bitch.

For instance, she would make a fool of herself trying to explain this:

The 5 most outrageous things Hillary Clinton said in her FBI interview

The 5 most outrageous things Hillary Clinton said in her FBI interview

1. She cited her 2012 concussion as the reason that she cannot remember details of briefings during her "transition out of office."

2. She said she never even thought whether emails she exchanged on a future U.S. drone attack should be classified.

3. She said she thought the "C" before a paragraph indicated alphabetical order. The C actually stands for "classified."

4. She said no one ever raised concerns to her about her use of a private email server.

5. She said she could not recall any training on how to handle classified information.
I can't wait to see him lose his shit on stage. It's going to happen.
Hilbert is the one who loses her shit, right into her diaper that she hides under her winter coat in July on the beach....................lol


Is that poopy I smell
Funny. That's all you have. Donald is the best. Hilly poops her pants. Hilarious. If you're in the 3rd grade.

So, when is Trump going to release his tax returns? Hillary did it. Kaine did it. Even Pence did it. What is Trump hiding? That his networth is way less than he has been bragging about? That he has given a fraction to charity of what he publicly claims? That he pays an effective tax rate of 5%?
Who could vote for a man who claims he knows more about ISIS than the generals he's hoping to command?

Who could vote for a man who insulted the grieving family of a fallen US soldier?
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................

the media will cover for her

i mean if the media is willing to block out Trump slogan

of a guy getting interviewed by cnn

they are willing to go to any length to provide cover for sickly hillary
I can't wait to see him lose his shit on stage. It's going to happen.
Hilbert is the one who loses her shit, right into her diaper that she hides under her winter coat in July on the beach....................lol


Is that poopy I smell
This is such complete nonsense and the imagery is that of an adolescent school boy without much brain power.

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