I predict hat Hillary Clinton will not debate Trump

What a retarded thread.
Please just because Hillary can not hold her pee is no reason to call her retarded


I will bet you sigs for a month that Hillary will show up to debate Trump.

Hillary shows up, I get total control of your sig. She doesn't, you get total control of mine. Anything is allowed as long as it's not obscene.

Put your money where your mouth is?
The first debate will not have the parties debating each other. Hilly wanted back to back questions and answers. She's already not showing up.
Hilly wants a break every 15 minutes so she can pee and snort a new line of coke..................
You are like a little child. How pathetic.
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................

I would question whether she actually has a lead. Plenty of polls are showing Trump first, and once the methodology is actually looked at it becomes clear that those polls have a better methodology.

The moderators of the debate are completely in her pocket so yes, she will debate. Too bad the American people are too smart to not observe the bias... Her corruption will be made visible for all.
Get on board the Trump Train people.....

trump train.jpg
I can't wait to see him lose his shit on stage. It's going to happen.
Hilbert is the one who loses her shit, right into her diaper that she hides under her winter coat in July on the beach....................lol


Is that poopy I smell
Funny. That's all you have. Donald is the best. Hilly poops her pants. Hilarious. If you're in the 3rd grade.

So, when is Trump going to release his tax returns? Hillary did it. Kaine did it. Even Pence did it. What is Trump hiding? That his networth is way less than he has been bragging about? That he has given a fraction to charity of what he publicly claims? That he pays an effective tax rate of 5%?

He's hiding the fact that the Clinton foundation is paying him to eliminate all other Republican contenders and run a ludicrous campaign against Hillary so she can have a chance at the Oval office. :lmao:
Who could vote for a man who claims he knows more about ISIS than the generals he's hoping to command?

Who could vote for a man who insulted the grieving family of a fallen US soldier?

Who could vote for The Bitch of Benghazi who lied to the families of the victims and who claimed stolen valor? You know, the asshole that is married to the lying draft dodging shithead that said he "loathed the military". Only a stupid Moon Bat Libtard, right?
Who could vote for a man who claims he knows more about ISIS than the generals he's hoping to command?

Who could vote for a man who insulted the grieving family of a fallen US soldier?

Who could vote for The Bitch of Benghazi who lied to the families of the victims and who claimed stolen valor? You know, the asshole that is married to the lying draft dodging shithead that said he "loathed the military". Only a stupid Moon Bat Libtard, right?
I'm not a Democrat. Never have been never will be. But I take her over that lying sack of shit any day of the week. You're a fool if you think he's even remotely qualified to be in the Office of the President of United States
Who could vote for a man who claims he knows more about ISIS than the generals he's hoping to command?

Who could vote for a man who insulted the grieving family of a fallen US soldier?

Who could vote for The Bitch of Benghazi who lied to the families of the victims and who claimed stolen valor? You know, the asshole that is married to the lying draft dodging shithead that said he "loathed the military". Only a stupid Moon Bat Libtard, right?
I'm not a Democrat. Never have been never will be. But I take her over that lying sack of shit any day of the week. You're a fool if you think he's even remotely qualified to be in the Office of the President of United States

Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compare to this Crooked Hillary bitch. She is the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent candidate to ever run for President. I think we all know that.

I am not going to vote for Trump because at the end of the day he is a big government Liberal. However, if I was voting the lesser of two evils ticket it would be a no brainer to pick him over that Crooked Hillary filth.

Here is an article that you should read if you think that Crooked Hillary is preferable to Trump:

Hillary Clinton Is Even More Dishonest than You Thought

Read more at: Hillary Clinton Is Even More Dishonest than You Thought, by David French, National Review
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................

Hillary is going to make Comrade Trump look like the buffoon that he is. He will embarrass himself.....again.
then he'll get on twitter and lie about it.

like "we never talked about who will pay for the wall."

He is not only a liar. He is a weenie."
A tiny one at that!
Maybe? She does have drain bamage. Her handlers are keeping her away from the public as much as possible. She's very unhealthy. She isn't fit to be President.
There is no maybe about it, to make things worse she has onset Alzheimer's though not as bad as Bill does. The great thing for Bill is that he can screw anyone and say he does not remember her.................or that that depends upon what the meaning of the word is is...............
A Republican with Alzheimers was elected to president...and since then he has been granted sainthood.
That did not happen, he got sick afterwards.......................but he never did wear a colostomy bag like Hillary does now
He has no bowel or bladder control, like you soon will.
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................
She would under sniperfire...
Yawn. ..
Actually Hillary might well be ask to explain her sniper fire comment. LOL, do enemy snipers really target grandmothers with colostomy bags?
I think you would.
Got any evidence that Hillary has a colostomy bag?
Did she get it the same place you got yours?
You do have to feel sorry for slicky Willy... After having to empty that Loopy Kunts shit bag who knows how many times. Its driven him to molest and rape, and involve himself in the sex slave trade.
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known | Fox News
Fox! Bahahahaha!
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................

I would question whether she actually has a lead. Plenty of polls are showing Trump first, and once the methodology is actually looked at it becomes clear that those polls have a better methodology.

The moderators of the debate are completely in her pocket so yes, she will debate. Too bad the American people are too smart to not observe the bias... Her corruption will be made visible for all.
Crapspiracy theory.
So far posters have diagnosed seventeen diseases and physical problems that Hillary has, and the posters are still not finished.
Clinton Takes Questions From Press: "How Was Your Labor Day Weekend?" "Are You Ready?"
Ian Schwartz
On Date September 5, 2016http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/09/05/clinton_takes_questions_from_press_how_was_your_labor_day_weekend_are_you_ready.html

You fucking lowlife Government Whores.. Gee, what will the debate questions be like?

"So Hillary, did you sleep well last night?"
"Oh Hillary, how are your grandchildren?"
"Hillary, will you sign an autograph after the debate?"

To Trump:

"Being you're a racist, why should any American vote for you?"
"Your bigoted wall will be paid for how?"
"It's well known you have issues with women, how do you overcome this?"
Why should she, all we can learn is that she has no memory and since there are no teleprompters or aids to hold her up how will she survive. Also since she ha a lead over Trump all that can happen is for her to lose that lead anyway, or pee herself again and spend an hour wiping in the bathroom again...................
Since this was just insults, do you feel Trump would get the better of her in the debates?

What leads you to that conclusion, specifically?
Ah, perhaps because Hillary will spend half of her time in the bathroom pissing or changing her depends just like she has already done.

Late for her own debate! Hillary is MIA after commercial break

Then again she might do her Parkinsons routine again

She is a cripple in several ways, all Trump has to do is show up and she loses

So really, you don't have a serious answer.

So you are implying that you do not consider Parkinson's disease to be a serious condition. I assure you that all of those effected by this disease including Hillary Clinton disagree with you.

Show irrefutable proof that she is so diseased. You can't, I think.

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