I realize Trump has a hard on for Bezos and the WP, but seriously ... Amazon?

Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
I don't recall Obama calling for Fox News to be punished with heavier taxation. You?

I'm a free trader, which isn't why I didn't vote for Trump and I'm against him on this. You aren't a free trader either, but you have Hillary's dick in your mouth and you're a complete hypocrite, so I have no idea what you think you are arguing that makes any sense in terms of your views
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
I don't recall Obama calling for Fox News to be punished with heavier taxation. You?

I'm a free trader, which isn't why I didn't vote for Trump and I'm against him on this. You aren't a free trader either, but you have Hillary's dick in your mouth and you're a complete hypocrite, so I have no idea what you think you are arguing that makes any sense in terms of your views
It's amazing how you so willfully make up lies about people. Positively amazing.

You have no morals or integrity.

WaPo hurts the Emperor's feelings, and he is abusing his power to get even. And the lickspittles all go along, setting yet another benchmark which is going to come back and bitch slap them in their stupid obsequious faces.

If the Washington Compost was correct, it wouldn't need to constantly lie.

And if you weren't a mindless, moon bat Authoritarian Leftist Democrat, you'd see that
You are one of the greatest parroting rubes of manufactured bullshit on this forum, so your post is hysterical. :lol:

Really? Ask Patriot or jc456 for example how I just parrot Trump and the Republicans.

I'm actually one of the few on the site who regularly debates both sides. This is what a mind swilling leftist you are. To not be in lock step with Democrats is to be a Trump parrot
You are actually oblivious to the irony of your post, aren't you. :lol:

Your post made no sense. You just parroted your line that to not be in lock step with Democrats is to be a Trump parrot. It's just inane. Which is nothing I shouldn't expect from you since so are you
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
Yet Trump did kick people out of the press core and you try to divert any attention to what he did by comparing a past president who did not....

That's a lie. Trump hasn't kicked anyone out of the press corps. Note it's not a "press core." Or as Obama would have put it, a press corpse. Ironically, Obama would have been the closest to reality of the mindless leftist fake media on that one
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.

Since you're not a Democrat, can you show me the similar threads you started on high tax advocating leftists who minimize their taxes like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates,The Clintons, and Obama and the ones who actually cheat and don't pay them including Charlie Rangle, Tom Daschle
and George Soros? Thanks!
What makes Buffett a leftist?

He supports the Democrat Presidential candidates and calls for higher taxes. He's open about that. It's not a secret. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Then he hires an army of lawyers to pay himself in capital gains instead of income and save billions in taxes
Trump has called for higher taxes so he is a leftist also, by your logic..You have yet to state any "leftist" ideology as of yet...

Bingo. Trump economically is a leftist. Which is why I keep saying that. You truly are an idiot. You don't just play one on message boards.

This is how stupid you are.

MoonBat: I don't care if you agree with his policies, you're a Trump supporter, which means you agree with his polities ...

If you only had a brain, scarecrow.

Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.

Since you're not a Democrat, can you show me the similar threads you started on high tax advocating leftists who minimize their taxes like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates,The Clintons, and Obama and the ones who actually cheat and don't pay them including Charlie Rangle, Tom Daschle
and George Soros? Thanks!
What makes Buffett a leftist?

He supports the Democrat Presidential candidates and calls for higher taxes. He's open about that. It's not a secret. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Then he hires an army of lawyers to pay himself in capital gains instead of income and save billions in taxes
Trump has called for higher taxes so he is a leftist also, by your logic..You have yet to state any "leftist" ideology as of yet...

Bingo. Trump economically is a leftist. Which is why I keep saying that. You truly are an idiot. You don't just play one on message boards.

This is how stupid you are.

MoonBat: I don't care if you agree with his policies, you're a Trump supporter, which means you agree with his polities ...

If you only had a brain, scarecrow.

Leftism as a political philosophy is not about taxation since taxes increase and decrease over time depending on situations in countries of all political philosophies in control of economies...
I support the USA and if a politician makes a good move he is given due credit, a bad move he gets criticism. I treat the president just like anyone else with no special investment in being a republican or a democrat..
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
I don't recall Obama calling for Fox News to be punished with heavier taxation. You?

I'm a free trader, which isn't why I didn't vote for Trump and I'm against him on this. You aren't a free trader either, but you have Hillary's dick in your mouth and you're a complete hypocrite, so I have no idea what you think you are arguing that makes any sense in terms of your views
It's amazing how you so willfully make up lies about people. Positively amazing.

You have no morals or integrity.


kaz: You're a leftist

g5000: I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. Holds breath. Turns red. Passes out. Wakes up. I'm not a leftist, I'm not I'm not I'm not.

Note you can't come up with any actual examples ...

Then there's

g5000: You're a Trump supporter, name anything you disagree with him on:

kaz: His anti-free trade stance, his tariffs, targeting Amazon, he's done nothing to cut pork and signed a ridiculous spending bill, his tax cut was weak and he's a pig to women. Which is why I didn't vote for him.

g5000: Oh, so you agree with him on everything.

A genius you are a freaking genius!
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
Yet Trump did kick people out of the press core and you try to divert any attention to what he did by comparing a past president who did not....

That's a lie. Trump hasn't kicked anyone out of the press corps. Note it's not a "press core." Or as Obama would have put it, a press corpse. Ironically, Obama would have been the closest to reality of the mindless leftist fake media on that one
He has banned the entire news reporter entourage(you prefer that more) on several occasions why do you have a foggy memory?
Since you're not a Democrat, can you show me the similar threads you started on high tax advocating leftists who minimize their taxes like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates,The Clintons, and Obama and the ones who actually cheat and don't pay them including Charlie Rangle, Tom Daschle
and George Soros? Thanks!
What makes Buffett a leftist?

He supports the Democrat Presidential candidates and calls for higher taxes. He's open about that. It's not a secret. You didn't know that? Seriously?

Then he hires an army of lawyers to pay himself in capital gains instead of income and save billions in taxes
Trump has called for higher taxes so he is a leftist also, by your logic..You have yet to state any "leftist" ideology as of yet...

Bingo. Trump economically is a leftist. Which is why I keep saying that. You truly are an idiot. You don't just play one on message boards.

This is how stupid you are.

MoonBat: I don't care if you agree with his policies, you're a Trump supporter, which means you agree with his polities ...

If you only had a brain, scarecrow.

Leftism as a political philosophy is not about taxation since taxes increase and decrease over time depending on situations in countries of all political philosophies in control of economies...
I support the USA and if a politician makes a good move he is given due credit, a bad move he gets criticism. I treat the president just like anyone else with no special investment in being a republican or a democrat..

You support the USA by wanting to destroy it and start over with a new, socialist authoritarian government that will only care about the people
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
I don't recall Obama calling for Fox News to be punished with heavier taxation. You?

I'm a free trader, which isn't why I didn't vote for Trump and I'm against him on this. You aren't a free trader either, but you have Hillary's dick in your mouth and you're a complete hypocrite, so I have no idea what you think you are arguing that makes any sense in terms of your views
It's amazing how you so willfully make up lies about people. Positively amazing.

You have no morals or integrity.


kaz: You're a leftist

g5000: I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. Holds breath. Turns red. Passes out. Wakes up. I'm not a leftist, I'm not I'm not I'm not.

Note you can't come up with any actual examples ...

Then there's

g5000: You're a Trump supporter, name anything you disagree with him on:

kaz: His anti-free trade stance, his tariffs, targeting Amazon, he's done nothing to cut pork and signed a ridiculous spending bill, his tax cut was weak and he's a pig to women. Which is why I didn't vote for him.

g5000: Oh, so you agree with him on everything.

A genius you are a freaking genius!
I'm pro-life, pro-gun, anti tax expenditures, pro free trade, against tariffs, and I plainly attacked Trump for his attack on Amazon. I've criticized the hypocrisy of pseuedocons for supporting the accelerated deficit spending, Ponzi tax cut, and for reversing themselves on adultery, Keynesian economics, and just about every benchmark they set during the Obama years.

So fuck you and your manufactured bullshit lies about me, fuckwad.
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think

Another "neutral" member of the board is now a die-hard loyal whataboutist.
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
Yet Trump did kick people out of the press core and you try to divert any attention to what he did by comparing a past president who did not....

That's a lie. Trump hasn't kicked anyone out of the press corps. Note it's not a "press core." Or as Obama would have put it, a press corpse. Ironically, Obama would have been the closest to reality of the mindless leftist fake media on that one
He has banned the entire news reporter entourage(you prefer that more) on several occasions why do you have a foggy memory?

You said he kicked people out of the press corps. You obviously don't know what that means. Are you talking about the white house press corps? And what does banning an entourage mean, broken English boy? Banned who from what?

Listen, start over. Write out what you are trying to say. Read it several times to ensure it's a complete thought and provides the correct details so I understand what the hell you're even trying to say
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
I don't recall Obama calling for Fox News to be punished with heavier taxation. You?

I'm a free trader, which isn't why I didn't vote for Trump and I'm against him on this. You aren't a free trader either, but you have Hillary's dick in your mouth and you're a complete hypocrite, so I have no idea what you think you are arguing that makes any sense in terms of your views
It's amazing how you so willfully make up lies about people. Positively amazing.

You have no morals or integrity.


Kaz lies so much that he is now a verb synonymous with lying. I have now seen a few post that told people to quit "kazzing".
After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
I don't recall Obama calling for Fox News to be punished with heavier taxation. You?

I'm a free trader, which isn't why I didn't vote for Trump and I'm against him on this. You aren't a free trader either, but you have Hillary's dick in your mouth and you're a complete hypocrite, so I have no idea what you think you are arguing that makes any sense in terms of your views
It's amazing how you so willfully make up lies about people. Positively amazing.

You have no morals or integrity.


kaz: You're a leftist

g5000: I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. Holds breath. Turns red. Passes out. Wakes up.
I'm not a leftist, I'm not I'm not I'm not.

Note you can't come up with any actual examples ...

Then there's

g5000: You're a Trump supporter, name anything you disagree with him on:

kaz: His anti-free trade stance, his tariffs, targeting Amazon, he's done nothing to cut pork and signed a ridiculous spending bill, his tax cut was weak and he's a pig to women. Which is why I didn't vote for him.

g5000: Oh, so you agree with him on everything.

A genius you are a freaking genius!
I'm pro-life, pro-gun, anti tax expenditures, pro free trade, against tariffs, and I plainly attacked Trump for his attack on Amazon. I've criticized the hypocrisy of pseuedocons for supporting the accelerated deficit spending, Ponzi tax cut, and for reversing themselves on adultery, Keynesian economics, and just about every benchmark they set during the Obama years.

So fuck you and your manufactured bullshit lies about me, fuckwad.

I am constantly in gun, tax, abortion, free trade and tariff debates and I NEVER see you in any of those ever arguing against Democrats. Those are the main threads I participate in right now.

And here you're attacking Trump for Amazon, but you have no interest in calling out Democrats doing that for their flagrant double standard. If Obama was President, they'd be cheering him on and you know it
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think

Another "neutral" member of the board is now a die-hard loyal whataboutist.

You go girl
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think

Another "neutral" member of the board is now a die-hard loyal whataboutist.

You go girl
I don't recall Obama calling for Fox News to be punished with heavier taxation. You?

I'm a free trader, which isn't why I didn't vote for Trump and I'm against him on this. You aren't a free trader either, but you have Hillary's dick in your mouth and you're a complete hypocrite, so I have no idea what you think you are arguing that makes any sense in terms of your views
It's amazing how you so willfully make up lies about people. Positively amazing.

You have no morals or integrity.


kaz: You're a leftist

g5000: I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. Holds breath. Turns red. Passes out. Wakes up.
I'm not a leftist, I'm not I'm not I'm not.

Note you can't come up with any actual examples ...

Then there's

g5000: You're a Trump supporter, name anything you disagree with him on:

kaz: His anti-free trade stance, his tariffs, targeting Amazon, he's done nothing to cut pork and signed a ridiculous spending bill, his tax cut was weak and he's a pig to women. Which is why I didn't vote for him.

g5000: Oh, so you agree with him on everything.

A genius you are a freaking genius!
I'm pro-life, pro-gun, anti tax expenditures, pro free trade, against tariffs, and I plainly attacked Trump for his attack on Amazon. I've criticized the hypocrisy of pseuedocons for supporting the accelerated deficit spending, Ponzi tax cut, and for reversing themselves on adultery, Keynesian economics, and just about every benchmark they set during the Obama years.

So fuck you and your manufactured bullshit lies about me, fuckwad.

I am constantly in gun, tax, abortion, free trade and tariff debates and I NEVER see you in any of those ever arguing against Democrats.
That's because you are a willfully blind monkey! Duh! You are blinded by your own made up bullshit.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?

You believe the richest man in the world should pay LESS than YOU in taxes?

Does being a "frigidweirdo" fuck up your brain?

Didn't we just pass a tax bill where the rich got the majority of the tax cuts? No one is fleecing the government. The Post Office makes money from companies like Amazon. They pay the taxes they are required to pay.
I am constantly in gun, tax, abortion, free trade and tariff debates and I NEVER see you in any of those ever arguing against Democrats.
Here you go, willfully blind monkey:

Next thing you know, BluesLegend will be telling us 35% tariffs are a good thing when Trump does it. ;)

Trump is about to learn the lesson Obama learned about tariffs. They are going to blow up in his face.

Trump is an idiot. A wise person learns from the mistakes of others.

Just search on my name and "tariffs" to see more, dumb fuck.

I have more. Much more. I can post all day my attacks on Trump for being "very pro-choice" and his fake conversion to pro-life. I can post all day my pro life debates with pro-choicers. I can post all day my arguments that funding for Planned Parenthood is funding for abortions.

If you insist, I will grind your fucking lying face in your bullshit all fucking day.

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