I realize Trump has a hard on for Bezos and the WP, but seriously ... Amazon?

Trump is actually going to kill small internet businesses like mine if we are forced to collect sales taxes for other States....I am a citizen of Maine, and I collect taxes for anyone who buys from me, in Maine....and have to go thru all the bull crud of filing with Maine....

The SC ruled that other States CAN NOT FORCE ME to collect their State sales taxes, UNLESS I have a presence in their State, that gives me an obligation to their State.

If you are on vacation in another State and buy a widget from a brick and mortar store, and have that widget shipped to your home state, the brick and mortar DOES NOT charge them your State sales tax, or the customer's home State sales tax.... the customer is suppose to declare their purchases from other states when they file their state income taxes.

Brick and mortar stores were killed by Walmart years ago, not by Amazon....

The only way for a brick and mortar can survive this, is if they ADVANCE and put their own business, online as well... they can even try to get Amazon to sell their products and be a supplier....

You are quite right. Congress has been trying to pass taxes on your small company.

And yes,WALMART killed small stores, now Amazon is doing the same to them.

Personally,I prefer a store that gives cypustomare service. I am willing to pay more.

Online is killing Retail stores,too. Thank goodness my Groceries are taking up the slack. Both Union and pay decent wages.
Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It

I assume you did not read those, just linked them due to the titles.

The first one is all about local and state tax beaks, something that for anyone that is not a liberal should not be the concern of the Fed Govt.

The second one spoke of how the USPS is now courting other businesses like Amazon so they can get their business as well. In fact the folks at the USPS see package delivery as a way to save the USPS, not harming it. Also, going by this article there is nothing that Amazon gets that any other retailers could not get from the USPS.

It seems you just refuted the argument of Trump. That is not like you at all.
hey - if i misunderstand what is happening, tell me. a whole lot goes on these days and some is right, some is not. i'll read a story one day and think i have it "right" and a story comes out the next day that could say something different.

we've so warped the "truth" these days it becomes very difficult to find out exactly what is going on w/o someone spinning it their own way.

*my understanding* is that the post office subsidized the amazon deliveries in a manner no other retailer is allowed to do so. i did look for the specific story but these days when you query on ANYTHING trump related, you get 5 pages of he sucks before you get to anything constructive.

if he is wrong in this and amazon isn't getting these breaks then he needs to sit the fuck down and find something else to be mad at.

that said - can you link me to better articles that talk about this? i read through these yes (i try to not link and pass on headlines, honest but we just got back from hooters and i'm stuffed so my mind may not be all that clear). but again - give me a better idea of how amazon does their shipping through the USPO and if others are allowed these same..."benefits".

i'll listen and try to understand what you're saying. promise.
You are acting as if Amazon is the only American corporation which gets handouts and special deals from the government. And you are jumping on board Trump's let's-punish-them-with-heavier-taxation train without thinking it through.

This is how dumbed down and reflexive Trump's Chumps have become. Cumming in their shorts over anything and everything the impulsive and abusive fucker says and does.

What "handouts and special deals" do Amazon get?
Trump is claiming Amazon gets special rates from the USPS.

The tards who are backing him are not thinking it through. As I showed in my previous post, there are a lot of businesses in America which have negotiated below-market deals with the government.

It is a liberal wet dream to punish successful corporations with heavier taxation. And Trump has just led the pseuedocons right into their cave.
Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It

I assume you did not read those, just linked them due to the titles.

The first one is all about local and state tax beaks, something that for anyone that is not a liberal should not be the concern of the Fed Govt.

The second one spoke of how the USPS is now courting other businesses like Amazon so they can get their business as well. In fact the folks at the USPS see package delivery as a way to save the USPS, not harming it. Also, going by this article there is nothing that Amazon gets that any other retailers could not get from the USPS.

It seems you just refuted the argument of Trump. That is not like you at all.
hey - if i misunderstand what is happening, tell me. a whole lot goes on these days and some is right, some is not. i'll read a story one day and think i have it "right" and a story comes out the next day that could say something different.

we've so warped the "truth" these days it becomes very difficult to find out exactly what is going on w/o someone spinning it their own way.

*my understanding* is that the post office subsidized the amazon deliveries in a manner no other retailer is allowed to do so. i did look for the specific story but these days when you query on ANYTHING trump related, you get 5 pages of he sucks before you get to anything constructive.

if he is wrong in this and amazon isn't getting these breaks then he needs to sit the fuck down and find something else to be mad at.

that said - can you link me to better articles that talk about this? i read through these yes (i try to not link and pass on headlines, honest but we just got back from hooters and i'm stuffed so my mind may not be all that clear). but again - give me a better idea of how amazon does their shipping through the USPO and if others are allowed these same..."benefits".

i'll listen and try to understand what you're saying. promise.
You are acting as if Amazon is the only American corporation which gets handouts and special deals from the government. And you are jumping on board Trump's let's-punish-them-with-heavier-taxation train without thinking it through.

This is how dumbed down and reflexive Trump's Chumps have become. Cumming in their shorts over anything and everything the impulsive and abusive fucker says and does.
and here you come slappin and insulting your way into a conversation.

pay attention fuckless - i am asking golfing gator for more info in case i am wrong. you just want to bash not talk so please, kindly fuck the hell off.
See post 110, willfully blind monkey.

Trump is leading you way, way off the reservation.
*my understanding* is that the post office subsidized the amazon deliveries in a manner no other retailer is allowed to do so. i did look for the specific story but these days when you query on ANYTHING trump related, you get 5 pages of he sucks before you get to anything constructive.

The USPS isn't subsidizing anything with respect to Amazon, they're operating based on the in place shipping agreements with Amazon that included pricing based on Amazon's shipping volume, the USPS is constrained by law with respect to pricing (to keep them from undercutting private competitors on parcel delivery), unfortunately for the USPS the parcel delivery infrastructure metrics contained in the law are outdated due to the rapid increase in parcel delivery volume driven by eCommerce. So if anybody should be held accountable for the loses the USPS takes on Amazon package shipping they can look no further than the critters in Congress for not updating the regs.

The fact of the matter is that if the USPS doesn't offer up the deals on shipping that Amazon is currently getting, they're just going to expand their own internal delivery services and cut USPS completely out of the loop on Amazon deliveries.

The USPS needs Amazon A LOT more than Amazon needs the USPS.
do you even realize the breaks amazon gets on shipping? they should be held accountable for it cause no other online retailer gets these benefits.

and i'm sure you don't see trump doing ANYTHING positive so i don't get the need to disclaimer it.

Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It

I assume you did not read those, just linked them due to the titles.

The first one is all about local and state tax beaks, something that for anyone that is not a liberal should not be the concern of the Fed Govt.

The second one spoke of how the USPS is now courting other businesses like Amazon so they can get their business as well. In fact the folks at the USPS see package delivery as a way to save the USPS, not harming it. Also, going by this article there is nothing that Amazon gets that any other retailers could not get from the USPS.

It seems you just refuted the argument of Trump. That is not like you at all.
hey - if i misunderstand what is happening, tell me. a whole lot goes on these days and some is right, some is not. i'll read a story one day and think i have it "right" and a story comes out the next day that could say something different.

we've so warped the "truth" these days it becomes very difficult to find out exactly what is going on w/o someone spinning it their own way.

*my understanding* is that the post office subsidized the amazon deliveries in a manner no other retailer is allowed to do so. i did look for the specific story but these days when you query on ANYTHING trump related, you get 5 pages of he sucks before you get to anything constructive.

if he is wrong in this and amazon isn't getting these breaks then he needs to sit the fuck down and find something else to be mad at.

that said - can you link me to better articles that talk about this? i read through these yes (i try to not link and pass on headlines, honest but we just got back from hooters and i'm stuffed so my mind may not be all that clear). but again - give me a better idea of how amazon does their shipping through the USPO and if others are allowed these same..."benefits".

i'll listen and try to understand what you're saying. promise.
You are acting as if Amazon is the only American corporation which gets handouts and special deals from the government. And you are jumping on board Trump's let's-punish-them-with-heavier-taxation train without thinking it through.

This is how dumbed down and reflexive Trump's Chumps have become. Cumming in their shorts over anything and everything the impulsive and abusive fucker says and does.

Most of Amazon special deals come from local Governments fighting to get their companies. One going on here right now.
For example:

Oil companies get preferential loans at guaranteed low rates from the government.

Oil companies get land and water resources at below market rates from the government.

Oil companies get research and development grants from the government.

As do mining companies.

This is why I am asking the Pied Piper's kids if they really want to "go there" with this Amazon bullshit.

Trump is leading you into the liberal cave.

Your lack of links aside, none of those are Amazon. You said government gives "handouts and special deals" to Amazon. Like what? Were you making it up or not? I'm not saying you're wrong. I want to know specifically what you are claiming regarding Amazon.

Also, that Democrats go on Wall Street and Corporate speaking tours and get paid millions when they retire again show you have Hillary's dick in your mouth over who is generally giving corporate companies government favors.

I support free markets. You support politicians who help big corporations win over small start ups, then you blame the other big government party
You aren't getting it, pseudocons. You are missing the forest for the trees.

It doesn't matter if Amazon gets special deals or doesn't get special deals from the government. What matters is that you are supporting the punishment of a successful corporation with heavier taxation under the stipulation they get special deals.

That has been a central plank of liberalism for decades.

I keep telling you damned fools that Trump is a far left New York Democratic limousine liberal. What will it take for you to finally wake up!?!?

I assume you did not read those, just linked them due to the titles.

The first one is all about local and state tax beaks, something that for anyone that is not a liberal should not be the concern of the Fed Govt.

The second one spoke of how the USPS is now courting other businesses like Amazon so they can get their business as well. In fact the folks at the USPS see package delivery as a way to save the USPS, not harming it. Also, going by this article there is nothing that Amazon gets that any other retailers could not get from the USPS.

It seems you just refuted the argument of Trump. That is not like you at all.
hey - if i misunderstand what is happening, tell me. a whole lot goes on these days and some is right, some is not. i'll read a story one day and think i have it "right" and a story comes out the next day that could say something different.

we've so warped the "truth" these days it becomes very difficult to find out exactly what is going on w/o someone spinning it their own way.

*my understanding* is that the post office subsidized the amazon deliveries in a manner no other retailer is allowed to do so. i did look for the specific story but these days when you query on ANYTHING trump related, you get 5 pages of he sucks before you get to anything constructive.

if he is wrong in this and amazon isn't getting these breaks then he needs to sit the fuck down and find something else to be mad at.

that said - can you link me to better articles that talk about this? i read through these yes (i try to not link and pass on headlines, honest but we just got back from hooters and i'm stuffed so my mind may not be all that clear). but again - give me a better idea of how amazon does their shipping through the USPO and if others are allowed these same..."benefits".

i'll listen and try to understand what you're saying. promise.
You are acting as if Amazon is the only American corporation which gets handouts and special deals from the government. And you are jumping on board Trump's let's-punish-them-with-heavier-taxation train without thinking it through.

This is how dumbed down and reflexive Trump's Chumps have become. Cumming in their shorts over anything and everything the impulsive and abusive fucker says and does.

What "handouts and special deals" do Amazon get?
Trump is claiming Amazon gets special rates from the USPS.

The tards who are backing him are not thinking it through. As I showed in my previous post, there are a lot of businesses in America which have negotiated below-market deals with the government.

It is a liberal wet dream to punish successful corporations with heavier taxation. And Trump has just led the pseuedocons right into their cave.

You're conflating things that government does for big business which both parties support and government giving Amazon specifically special favors.

You claimed it's Amazon specially, but your arguments are how government favors big corporations generally.

And you're not interested in how Wall Street and Corporations pay Democrats millions in special speaking deals whenever they leave government. You just blame it on Republicans.

Yeah, Nancy, Democrats pound Corporations into the ground then the Corporations pay them millions in return. Sure they do
You're conflating things that government does for big business which both parties support and government giving Amazon specifically special favors.

Do you hear yourself?

Man, this is a textbook "can't see the forest for the trees" post!
All kinds of American corporations have special below-market deals with government entities.

Below market land and water usage fees.

Below market mail delivery fees.

How the hell do you people not see the full implications of Trump's threat?

How the hell do you not see Trump is channeling his inner liberal?
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
do you even realize the breaks amazon gets on shipping? they should be held accountable for it cause no other online retailer gets these benefits.

and i'm sure you don't see trump doing ANYTHING positive so i don't get the need to disclaimer it.

Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It

I assume you did not read those, just linked them due to the titles.

The first one is all about local and state tax beaks, something that for anyone that is not a liberal should not be the concern of the Fed Govt.

The second one spoke of how the USPS is now courting other businesses like Amazon so they can get their business as well. In fact the folks at the USPS see package delivery as a way to save the USPS, not harming it. Also, going by this article there is nothing that Amazon gets that any other retailers could not get from the USPS.

It seems you just refuted the argument of Trump. That is not like you at all.
hey - if i misunderstand what is happening, tell me. a whole lot goes on these days and some is right, some is not. i'll read a story one day and think i have it "right" and a story comes out the next day that could say something different.

we've so warped the "truth" these days it becomes very difficult to find out exactly what is going on w/o someone spinning it their own way.

*my understanding* is that the post office subsidized the amazon deliveries in a manner no other retailer is allowed to do so. i did look for the specific story but these days when you query on ANYTHING trump related, you get 5 pages of he sucks before you get to anything constructive.

if he is wrong in this and amazon isn't getting these breaks then he needs to sit the fuck down and find something else to be mad at.

that said - can you link me to better articles that talk about this? i read through these yes (i try to not link and pass on headlines, honest but we just got back from hooters and i'm stuffed so my mind may not be all that clear). but again - give me a better idea of how amazon does their shipping through the USPO and if others are allowed these same..."benefits".

i'll listen and try to understand what you're saying. promise.

The Post office does not subsidize amazon deliveries in any way. Amazon has a reduced rate compared to some other retailers because Amazon does much of the work for the PO before they even pick up their packages, as in sorting, labeling and the like. But every other retailer out there could do the same thing if they wished.

Amazon gets tax breaks from local and state governments, something I always vote against. But it is not the place of the Fed Govt to stick their nose into such things.

Trump has a long running feud with the CEO and Amazon and he uses his power as POTUS to try and punish the individual but instead hurts everyone but Bezos.
You're conflating things that government does for big business which both parties support and government giving Amazon specifically special favors.

Do you hear yourself?

Man, this is a textbook "can't see the forest for the trees" post!

Actually, I'm trying to get to the trees. You're just conflating everything together and I'm trying to get you to be more specific.

Yes, now that I hear myself saying out loud that I expected you to specify your point and back it up, I realize how ridiculous I was being to ever expect you would do that.

So, you hate Corporations, but you love Democrats and that the implication of corporations paying millions to Democrats both in terms of campaign contributions and them paying millions more directly to them in "speaking fees is lost on you
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?

You believe the richest man in the world should pay LESS than YOU in taxes?

Does being a "frigidweirdo" fuck up your brain?

Whether one agrees with those things or not does not make Trump any less hypocritical. We all know though that this is not about taxes, Trump is jealous of Bezos because he is 1000 times the businessman that Trump is.

There’s more to it than that. Trump hates Bezos because Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

The other factor is that a lot of Trump’s wealthy friends owns shopping malls which are losing business to Amazon. Stores are closing as retail adapts.

I would also like to add that Amazon DOES collect and pay state taxed where applicable so Trump was lying about that.

Then there’s his complaint that Amazon uses the US postal service to deliver packages. Isn’t that what the US Postal Service is supposed to do?

Sadly the irony of Trump complaining about Amazon using the USPS as a delivery service is lost on his sheep.
sadly, this is just a slam at people who may not understand it, or your way of how you see it.

which is more important to you - getting proper information out there, or slamming people who disagree with you?

Dude, think about it for just a minute... TRump is whining because someone uses the POSTAL SERVICE as their "delivery boy"...

I mean, can you honestly not see the irony in that...let me help...what is the purpose of the postal service....to deliver things!

That would be like someone whining about someone using Delta as their "transportation service"...

Oh, and if you have ever gotten a letter or sent a letter, you too have used the USPS as your delivery boy.
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?

You believe the richest man in the world should pay LESS than YOU in taxes?

Does being a "frigidweirdo" fuck up your brain?

Whether one agrees with those things or not does not make Trump any less hypocritical. We all know though that this is not about taxes, Trump is jealous of Bezos because he is 1000 times the businessman that Trump is.

There’s more to it than that. Trump hates Bezos because Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

The other factor is that a lot of Trump’s wealthy friends owns shopping malls which are losing business to Amazon. Stores are closing as retail adapts.

I would also like to add that Amazon DOES collect and pay state taxed where applicable so Trump was lying about that.

Then there’s his complaint that Amazon uses the US postal service to deliver packages. Isn’t that what the US Postal Service is supposed to do?

Sadly the irony of Trump complaining about Amazon using the USPS as a delivery service is lost on his sheep.
sadly, this is just a slam at people who may not understand it, or your way of how you see it.

which is more important to you - getting proper information out there, or slamming people who disagree with you?

Dude, think about it for just a minute... TRump is whining because someone uses the POSTAL SERVICE as their "delivery boy"...

I mean, can you honestly not see the irony in that...let me help...what is the purpose of the postal service....to deliver things!

That would be like someone whining about someone using Delta as their "transportation service"...

Oh, and if you have ever gotten a letter or sent a letter, you too have used the USPS as your delivery boy.

see what i mean? even when i ask you for info and tell you i'll listen w/an open mind, you still need to get some shots in.

appreciate the info, have a great weekend man.
Whether one agrees with those things or not does not make Trump any less hypocritical. We all know though that this is not about taxes, Trump is jealous of Bezos because he is 1000 times the businessman that Trump is.

There’s more to it than that. Trump hates Bezos because Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

The other factor is that a lot of Trump’s wealthy friends owns shopping malls which are losing business to Amazon. Stores are closing as retail adapts.

I would also like to add that Amazon DOES collect and pay state taxed where applicable so Trump was lying about that.

Then there’s his complaint that Amazon uses the US postal service to deliver packages. Isn’t that what the US Postal Service is supposed to do?

Sadly the irony of Trump complaining about Amazon using the USPS as a delivery service is lost on his sheep.
sadly, this is just a slam at people who may not understand it, or your way of how you see it.

which is more important to you - getting proper information out there, or slamming people who disagree with you?

Dude, think about it for just a minute... TRump is whining because someone uses the POSTAL SERVICE as their "delivery boy"...

I mean, can you honestly not see the irony in that...let me help...what is the purpose of the postal service....to deliver things!

That would be like someone whining about someone using Delta as their "transportation service"...

Oh, and if you have ever gotten a letter or sent a letter, you too have used the USPS as your delivery boy.

see what i mean? even when i ask you for info and tell you i'll listen w/an open mind, you still need to get some shots in.

appreciate the info, have a great weekend man.

I gave you information, and you ignore that. Quit being such a snowflake, it is embarrassing to read sometimes.
There’s more to it than that. Trump hates Bezos because Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

The other factor is that a lot of Trump’s wealthy friends owns shopping malls which are losing business to Amazon. Stores are closing as retail adapts.

I would also like to add that Amazon DOES collect and pay state taxed where applicable so Trump was lying about that.

Then there’s his complaint that Amazon uses the US postal service to deliver packages. Isn’t that what the US Postal Service is supposed to do?

Sadly the irony of Trump complaining about Amazon using the USPS as a delivery service is lost on his sheep.
sadly, this is just a slam at people who may not understand it, or your way of how you see it.

which is more important to you - getting proper information out there, or slamming people who disagree with you?

Dude, think about it for just a minute... TRump is whining because someone uses the POSTAL SERVICE as their "delivery boy"...

I mean, can you honestly not see the irony in that...let me help...what is the purpose of the postal service....to deliver things!

That would be like someone whining about someone using Delta as their "transportation service"...

Oh, and if you have ever gotten a letter or sent a letter, you too have used the USPS as your delivery boy.

see what i mean? even when i ask you for info and tell you i'll listen w/an open mind, you still need to get some shots in.

appreciate the info, have a great weekend man.

I gave you information, and you ignore that. Quit being such a snowflake, it is embarrassing to read sometimes.
how did i ignore it? i'm open it to, and i get what you're saying and will go look under that premise. am i supposed to go "gosh thank you gator - you opened a whole new world to me?"

i didn't tell you that you were wrong, i didn't tell you that i was right. i said what i found and how i got to my conclusions and said AT THE TIME THIS SHIT STARTED i'm open to your ideas on this to learn from.

night gave me a lot more info on the ins and outs than you and i appreciated that information and marked his post INFORMATIVE.

maybe people would listen to you more if you were a dick less.
Sadly the irony of Trump complaining about Amazon using the USPS as a delivery service is lost on his sheep.
sadly, this is just a slam at people who may not understand it, or your way of how you see it.

which is more important to you - getting proper information out there, or slamming people who disagree with you?

Dude, think about it for just a minute... TRump is whining because someone uses the POSTAL SERVICE as their "delivery boy"...

I mean, can you honestly not see the irony in that...let me help...what is the purpose of the postal service....to deliver things!

That would be like someone whining about someone using Delta as their "transportation service"...

Oh, and if you have ever gotten a letter or sent a letter, you too have used the USPS as your delivery boy.

see what i mean? even when i ask you for info and tell you i'll listen w/an open mind, you still need to get some shots in.

appreciate the info, have a great weekend man.

I gave you information, and you ignore that. Quit being such a snowflake, it is embarrassing to read sometimes.
how did i ignore it? i'm open it to, and i get what you're saying and will go look under that premise. am i supposed to go "gosh thank you gator - you opened a whole new world to me?"

i didn't tell you that you were wrong, i didn't tell you that i was right. i said what i found and how i got to my conclusions and said AT THE TIME THIS SHIT STARTED i'm open to your ideas on this to learn from.

night gave me a lot more info on the ins and outs than you and i appreciated that information and marked his post INFORMATIVE.

maybe people would listen to you more if you were a dick less.

The funny part about most of the info I gave you is that it came from your own link, something you didn't bother to read.

You try so hard to put on this air of being above it all and "can't we all just get along" yet I have never seen you call out a fellow Trump supporter for being a dick, why is that?

If you were not trying to hard to be above us, you could have admitted it is sort of damn funny that anyone would complain about the postal service being used as a "delivery boy", since that is their singular reason to exist.

But you cannot even allow yourself to laugh at this, as it might offend your fellow Trump supporters...something that just will not do it seems.
sadly, this is just a slam at people who may not understand it, or your way of how you see it.

which is more important to you - getting proper information out there, or slamming people who disagree with you?

Dude, think about it for just a minute... TRump is whining because someone uses the POSTAL SERVICE as their "delivery boy"...

I mean, can you honestly not see the irony in that...let me help...what is the purpose of the postal service....to deliver things!

That would be like someone whining about someone using Delta as their "transportation service"...

Oh, and if you have ever gotten a letter or sent a letter, you too have used the USPS as your delivery boy.

see what i mean? even when i ask you for info and tell you i'll listen w/an open mind, you still need to get some shots in.

appreciate the info, have a great weekend man.

I gave you information, and you ignore that. Quit being such a snowflake, it is embarrassing to read sometimes.
how did i ignore it? i'm open it to, and i get what you're saying and will go look under that premise. am i supposed to go "gosh thank you gator - you opened a whole new world to me?"

i didn't tell you that you were wrong, i didn't tell you that i was right. i said what i found and how i got to my conclusions and said AT THE TIME THIS SHIT STARTED i'm open to your ideas on this to learn from.

night gave me a lot more info on the ins and outs than you and i appreciated that information and marked his post INFORMATIVE.

maybe people would listen to you more if you were a dick less.

The funny part about most of the info I gave you is that it came from your own link, something you didn't bother to read.

You try so hard to put on this air of being above it all and "can't we all just get along" yet I have never seen you call out a fellow Trump supporter for being a dick, why is that?

If you were not trying to hard to be above us, you could have admitted it is sort of damn funny that anyone would complain about the postal service being used as a "delivery boy", since that is their singular reason to exist.

But you cannot even allow yourself to laugh at this, as it might offend your fellow Trump supporters...something that just will not do it seems.
no i just read it with a different mindset.

and ask political chick and a few others if we've not gotten into it before. not my fault you didn't see those.

and yea - i just get tired of the NO YOU'RE A DICK! AM NOT YOU ARE. some people still thrive on that and act as if it will help.
Dude, think about it for just a minute... TRump is whining because someone uses the POSTAL SERVICE as their "delivery boy"...

I mean, can you honestly not see the irony in that...let me help...what is the purpose of the postal service....to deliver things!

That would be like someone whining about someone using Delta as their "transportation service"...

Oh, and if you have ever gotten a letter or sent a letter, you too have used the USPS as your delivery boy.

see what i mean? even when i ask you for info and tell you i'll listen w/an open mind, you still need to get some shots in.

appreciate the info, have a great weekend man.

I gave you information, and you ignore that. Quit being such a snowflake, it is embarrassing to read sometimes.
how did i ignore it? i'm open it to, and i get what you're saying and will go look under that premise. am i supposed to go "gosh thank you gator - you opened a whole new world to me?"

i didn't tell you that you were wrong, i didn't tell you that i was right. i said what i found and how i got to my conclusions and said AT THE TIME THIS SHIT STARTED i'm open to your ideas on this to learn from.

night gave me a lot more info on the ins and outs than you and i appreciated that information and marked his post INFORMATIVE.

maybe people would listen to you more if you were a dick less.

The funny part about most of the info I gave you is that it came from your own link, something you didn't bother to read.

You try so hard to put on this air of being above it all and "can't we all just get along" yet I have never seen you call out a fellow Trump supporter for being a dick, why is that?

If you were not trying to hard to be above us, you could have admitted it is sort of damn funny that anyone would complain about the postal service being used as a "delivery boy", since that is their singular reason to exist.

But you cannot even allow yourself to laugh at this, as it might offend your fellow Trump supporters...something that just will not do it seems.
no i just read it with a different mindset.

and ask political chick and a few others if we've not gotten into it before. not my fault you didn't see those.

and yea - i just get tired of the NO YOU'RE A DICK! AM NOT YOU ARE. some people still thrive on that and act as if it will help.

Yet you did not hesitate to call me a dick...

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