I realize Trump has a hard on for Bezos and the WP, but seriously ... Amazon?

He was right. You are a dick

I have never disagreed with anyone that told me that. I am a dick to people that need to be treated in such a manner

Typical leftist. Blame your behavior on others

Ahhh...my cute little statist trying to hump my leg again.

You're just barking at shadows again

For what?
I have never disagreed with anyone that told me that. I am a dick to people that need to be treated in such a manner

Typical leftist. Blame your behavior on others

Ahhh...my cute little statist trying to hump my leg again.

You're just barking at shadows again

For what?
about 53 years if i read his bio right.


i'm here all night, try the veal...
Typical leftist. Blame your behavior on others

Ahhh...my cute little statist trying to hump my leg again.

You're just barking at shadows again

For what?
about 53 years if i read his bio right.


i'm here all night, try the veal...

See, you can be a dick with the best of them. Guess you are part of the 90% after all..

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Ahhh...my cute little statist trying to hump my leg again.

You're just barking at shadows again

For what?
about 53 years if i read his bio right.


i'm here all night, try the veal...

See, you can be a dick with the best of them. Guess you are part of the 90% after all..

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
80s actually.
So let me get this straight. When Trump sends jobs overseas to make his products, or when Trump legally avoids taxes, its just being smart. But when any other company in America does it, it's evil and they should be punished?
:puhleeze: Amazon's CEO owns the Washington Post, and just about every nasty anti-trump story in the media originates from the WaPO.

So Trump then goes after his business, in a HYPOCRITICAL way?

Trump takes the tax breaks, he still has tax breaks in New York from a long time ago.
So you say.
However, I figure if you want to fuck with the bull don't scream like a stuck pig if you get gored.
And to put this all in proper perspective, Trump isn't sneaking around and abusing his powers like Obama did. He's simply voicing his opinion.

So I say and so you just pass off without caring.

So, you have a problem with Bezos doing something but not Trump?

How partisan of you.

Voicing his opinion? He's the President of the United States. His opinion is the opinion of the executive office of the country.

He just hasn't figured that out yet.
The WaPO has been trying to destroy him for over a year. They have published so many unsubstantiated rumors from anonymous sources that it's impossible to count them all. The damage they have done is unfathomable yet they cannot handle it when Trump issues a statement. So sorry that their Whittle feelings are hurt.
The emperor is terrified of a free press, and he wants to abuse government power to suppress them.

And look at you with your nose buried right up his ass.
The press isn't free, dumbfuck.
Man, people actually scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead the pseuedocons into the liberal cave!

Give Chuck Schumer credit.:) He really played Mitch in the budget.got almost everything Democrats wanted because Republicans could not pass it without Democratic votes.

He is playing Trump like a fiddle. Never thought he had it in him. Fooled me.
Yeah, let's find a way to blame the Democrats for the accelerated deficit spending by Trump and the Republicans....:rolleyes:

No, the pseudocons held Obama personally responsible for every penny of the debt accumulated on his watch. And even if this topic, we see them attempting to bogusly inflate that number.

Nothing new here. Republicans have always lived off the cuff. Never had a balanced budget since Reagan, who had to raise taxes 11 times due to his huge tax breaks to the wealthy.

Clinton actually stopped the debt clock. Alan Greenspan thought we were paying the debt off too soon. Actually admitted he was wrong.

Then Junior exploded the debt with his lie of a war that we are still in 17 years later.

Republicans refused to help Obama in any way.

Now Mitch has to give Democrats what they want to get anything passed

Until we clean out the corrupt Congress and WH nothing will change.

But I think the young will take over. Generational change and not a minute too soon.

Weird. The 'Worlds Greatest Businessman' doesn't understand how capitalism and competition works. Also doesn't understand that delivering shit is literally what USPS does, and they don't do it for free.

It boils down to hatred for Jeff Bezos who is richer than Filthy Don, owns the Washington Post, and pays his taxes, whereas Filthy Don isn't, doesn't, and doesn't.

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So Trump then goes after his business, in a HYPOCRITICAL way?

Trump takes the tax breaks, he still has tax breaks in New York from a long time ago.
So you say.
However, I figure if you want to fuck with the bull don't scream like a stuck pig if you get gored.
And to put this all in proper perspective, Trump isn't sneaking around and abusing his powers like Obama did. He's simply voicing his opinion.

So I say and so you just pass off without caring.

So, you have a problem with Bezos doing something but not Trump?

How partisan of you.

Voicing his opinion? He's the President of the United States. His opinion is the opinion of the executive office of the country.

He just hasn't figured that out yet.
The WaPO has been trying to destroy him for over a year. They have published so many unsubstantiated rumors from anonymous sources that it's impossible to count them all. The damage they have done is unfathomable yet they cannot handle it when Trump issues a statement. So sorry that their Whittle feelings are hurt.
The emperor is terrified of a free press, and he wants to abuse government power to suppress them.

And look at you with your nose buried right up his ass.

Yes, the snowflake press can dish out constant partisan vitriol, but the little dears can't handle being called out for their crap.

You are full of shit. Trump has done or said nothing to restrict the press. Grow a pair, little lady. The leftist hate fake news media isn't the only game in town any more, and that isn't going to change.

Poor girl, you're going to have to get used to hearing the other side from yours

Weird. The 'Worlds Greatest Businessman' doesn't understand how capitalism and competition works. Also doesn't understand that delivering shit is literally what USPS does, and they don't do it for free.

It boils down to hatred for Jeff Bezos who is richer than Filthy Don, owns the Washington Post, and pays his taxes, whereas Filthy Don isn't, doesn't, and doesn't.


Not only does he not understand how capitalism and competition works, he does not even know what the Postal System is for.

Weird. The 'Worlds Greatest Businessman' doesn't understand how capitalism and competition works. Also doesn't understand that delivering shit is literally what USPS does, and they don't do it for free.

It boils down to hatred for Jeff Bezos who is richer than Filthy Don, owns the Washington Post, and pays his taxes, whereas Filthy Don isn't, doesn't, and doesn't.

He's also a billionaire that never could pay enough taxes......if he wasn't a shill for the left.
Stop being a hypocrite.
Donald Trump lied about Amazon not collecting sales tax & lied that they are somehow costing the USPS money. He called the USPS Amazon's delivery boy.

So, isn't delivery the job description for the USPS ?

They make money from delivering for Amazon.

Who delivers the imported shit that Trump sells? Does he collect sales tax?

Why is Trump such an asshole?
Oh yeah Trump lied, and was mean to Amazon. He also grabbed Amazon's pussy. Wah Trump is mean!
Donald Trump lied about Amazon not collecting sales tax & lied that they are somehow costing the USPS money. He called the USPS Amazon's delivery boy.

So, isn't delivery the job description for the USPS ?

They make money from delivering for Amazon.

Who delivers the imported shit that Trump sells? Does he collect sales tax?

Why is Trump such an asshole?

I'm going to shout to you.
Screen Shot 2018-03-31 at 5.19.38 PM.png

Facts are the darnedest things to deal with...
Amazon does not collect sales taxes from Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon, since those states do not have state sales taxes.

Additionally, approximately half of all Amazon.com purchases are sold on the Amazon Marketplace through 3rd-party vendors, and these purchases remain free of tax except for in Washington state, where these purchases (starting in 2018) are now taxed.[3] [4]

Amazon tax - Wikipedia

In 2016, Amazon generated 22.99 billion U.S. dollars in third-party seller service revenues, up from 16.09 billion U.S. dollars in the previous year
Amazon: third-party seller share 2017 | Statistic

What this means is 23 billion in sales by Amazon didn't require a sales tax.
Now I'm going to shout!



This means the local business has to compete unfairly with Amazon and consequently............

Is Amazon Killing Small Businesses?
Many businesses see customers come into their stores to learn, and then they make their purchases online via Amazon or other online retailers. The online retailers don’t have the overhead of a brick and mortar store. For one of the products, David mentioned that I can purchase it on Amazon for less than he can purchase it. Of course, in his local market, his Yelp reviews show how much his customers love his store and appreciate his value. If he was local to me, I’d happily pay a premium for their high level of service and expertise.

Is Amazon Killing Small Businesses?

So Trump being the "asshole" is telling Amazon that they'd better be competing fairly as the wrath of the middle America will soon descend.
And Amazon already has felt that wrath!
Amazon stock falls after Trump tweets about the company in long-running feud with its CEO
Donald Trump lied about Amazon not collecting sales tax & lied that they are somehow costing the USPS money. He called the USPS Amazon's delivery boy.

So, isn't delivery the job description for the USPS ?

They make money from delivering for Amazon.

Who delivers the imported shit that Trump sells? Does he collect sales tax?

Why is Trump such an asshole?

I'm going to shout to you.
View attachment 185730

Facts are the darnedest things to deal with...
Amazon does not collect sales taxes from Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon, since those states do not have state sales taxes.

Additionally, approximately half of all Amazon.com purchases are sold on the Amazon Marketplace through 3rd-party vendors, and these purchases remain free of tax except for in Washington state, where these purchases (starting in 2018) are now taxed.[3] [4]

Amazon tax - Wikipedia

In 2016, Amazon generated 22.99 billion U.S. dollars in third-party seller service revenues, up from 16.09 billion U.S. dollars in the previous year
Amazon: third-party seller share 2017 | Statistic

What this means is 23 billion in sales by Amazon didn't require a sales tax.
Now I'm going to shout!



This means the local business has to compete unfairly with Amazon and consequently............

Is Amazon Killing Small Businesses?
Many businesses see customers come into their stores to learn, and then they make their purchases online via Amazon or other online retailers. The online retailers don’t have the overhead of a brick and mortar store. For one of the products, David mentioned that I can purchase it on Amazon for less than he can purchase it. Of course, in his local market, his Yelp reviews show how much his customers love his store and appreciate his value. If he was local to me, I’d happily pay a premium for their high level of service and expertise.
Is Amazon Killing Small Businesses?

So Trump being the "asshole" is telling Amazon that they'd better be competing fairly as the wrath of the middle America will soon descend.
And Amazon already has felt that wrath!

Amazon stock falls after Trump tweets about the company in long-running feud with its CEO

Then states should start taxing them and the Fed Govt should stay out of it.

Only in a fucked up world that is politics today would people that claim to be Conservative be cheering because the Fed Govt cost a company 5 billion dollars in value.

But in this fucked up world we live in the Cons cheer this sort of shit now.

Fuck you people, go live in Russia or China if you want the Govt to control commerce, leave my country alone.
So what we have is an outrageous bubble -- exactly as we did in 1999. The market callers all say it's different this time because these firms that lead have "real earnings" or can "crank up earnings any time they want (Amazon)." This is a damnable lie; not only are the earnings not real in that they're taken through gross deception and accounting tricks Amazon, in particular, has been said to be "able" to crank those earnings "at any time" and yet over the last decade it never has -- not even once. Why not? Because it can't, that's why. The day it does is the day its pricing is no longer supported by acts that anti-trust explicitly banned over 100 years ago and what remains makes a loss on every product sold net-net and thus the company collapses.

Note that I'm not saying these firms have "less value" should they cut that crap out, either voluntarily or by government force.

I'm saying they're all functionally bankrupt immediately and soon will be factually as they cannot make an actual profit from operations without the schemes that no law-abiding society should permit and no matter how much cash you start with if you spend more than you make eventually you run out of said cash. Ever Seen A Bubble Slowly Hiss Away?
Are we seeing the beginning of this. Tesla and Facebook look particularly weak lately. Facebook with their whole profit machine under scrutiny and Tesla from a bond downgrade. Hyped to the sky are they the bomb to blow up the market
Donald Trump lied about Amazon not collecting sales tax & lied that they are somehow costing the USPS money. He called the USPS Amazon's delivery boy.

So, isn't delivery the job description for the USPS ?

They make money from delivering for Amazon.

Who delivers the imported shit that Trump sells? Does he collect sales tax?

Why is Trump such an asshole?

Well, he didn't lie, unlike you, and amazon is run by a fucking asshole who treats his employees like shit, but you all suck the assholes dick because you get to buy cheap stuff.

Bezos is a scumbag, who truly is the embodiment of the evil corporate master, and you all give him a pass because you are idiots who can't think for yourselves.

"The 34-year-old Allentown resident, who has worked in warehouses for more than 10 years, said he quit in July because he was frustrated with the heat and demands that he work mandatory overtime. Working conditions at the warehouse got worse earlier this year, especially during summer heat waves when heat in the warehouse soared above 100 degrees, he said.

He got light-headed, he said, and his legs cramped, symptoms he never experienced in previous warehouse jobs. One hot day, Goris said, he saw a co-worker pass out at the water fountain. On other hot days, he saw paramedics bring people out of the warehouse in wheelchairs and on stretchers.

"I never felt like passing out in a warehouse and I never felt treated like a piece of crap in any other warehouse but this one," Goris said. "They can do that because there aren't any jobs in the area."

Goris' complaints are not unique.

Over the past two months, The Morning Call interviewed 20 current and former warehouse workers who showed pay stubs, tax forms or other proof of employment. They offered a behind-the-scenes glimpse of what it's like to work in the Amazon warehouse, where temperatures soar on hot summer days, production rates are difficult to achieve and the permanent jobs sought by many temporary workers hired by an outside agency are tough to get.

Only one of the employees interviewed described it as a good place to work."

Inside Amazon's Warehouse
Donald Trump lied about Amazon not collecting sales tax & lied that they are somehow costing the USPS money. He called the USPS Amazon's delivery boy.

So, isn't delivery the job description for the USPS ?

They make money from delivering for Amazon.

Who delivers the imported shit that Trump sells? Does he collect sales tax?

>> Amazon isn’t killing the post office. Since signing a landmark contract in 2013 to expand their business relationship and deliver packages on Sunday, revenue has ticked up; losses are down; and shipping is just about the only growth segment in the mailbag. The Postal Service is saddled by larger issues.

.... U.S. mail is also required to cover every American, employing carriers who roam neighborhoods six days a week (or seven, if Amazon has a package ready). The Postal Service has said it actually makes money on the Amazon deal. E-commerce revenue provides “essential support to pay for the network and infrastructure that enables us to fulfill our universal service obligation,” David Partenheimer, a spokesman for the Postal Service, wrote in a January op-ed. “All users of the mail benefit.” << --- Here's Why Rump Went Postal on Amazon

Why is Trump such an asshole?

For the same reason mass media continually perpetuates the Gun Culture --- it $ells. In both cases, if sheep-dip morons quit buying it, the assholes would have to quit selling it.
Donald Trump lied about Amazon not collecting sales tax & lied that they are somehow costing the USPS money. He called the USPS Amazon's delivery boy.

So, isn't delivery the job description for the USPS ?

They make money from delivering for Amazon.

Who delivers the imported shit that Trump sells? Does he collect sales tax?

Why is Trump such an asshole?

I just bought a chair on Amazon. The only tax applicable was for California, and I don't live there, so no tax.

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