I realize Trump has a hard on for Bezos and the WP, but seriously ... Amazon?

Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
do you even realize the breaks amazon gets on shipping? they should be held accountable for it cause no other online retailer gets these benefits.

and i'm sure you don't see trump doing ANYTHING positive so i don't get the need to disclaimer it.

Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
do you even realize the breaks amazon gets on shipping? they should be held accountable for it cause no other online retailer gets these benefits.

and i'm sure you don't see trump doing ANYTHING positive so i don't get the need to disclaimer it.

Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It
The USPS delivers mail. That's it's job. And it makes a profit off delivering for Amazon, you fucking commie.

So you think we should go after corporations which exploit goverment resources and punish them with higher taxes, eh, commie? You sure about that?
Man, people actually scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead the pseuedocons into the liberal cave!
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?

You believe the richest man in the world should pay LESS than YOU in taxes?

Does being a "frigidweirdo" fuck up your brain?

Whether one agrees with those things or not does not make Trump any less hypocritical. We all know though that this is not about taxes, Trump is jealous of Bezos because he is 1000 times the businessman that Trump is.

There’s more to it than that. Trump hates Bezos because Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

The other factor is that a lot of Trump’s wealthy friends owns shopping malls which are losing business to Amazon. Stores are closing as retail adapts.

I would also like to add that Amazon DOES collect and pay state taxed where applicable so Trump was lying about that.

Then there’s his complaint that Amazon uses the US postal service to deliver packages. Isn’t that what the US Postal Service is supposed to do?
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
weird how he passed out tax cuts and is now complaining that someone is paying less in taxes.

amazon didn't kill small biz, small biz did.

the stuff I get at wal-mart costs about 20% more at a local store.
at amazon, the same thing is dropped off at my door, saving me time and money.

every biz could have adopted what he Bezos did, but only wal-mart is even trying to compete.

The USPS negotiates a contract every year with Amazon. And makes money.

If you shop online at WALMART you get 10% discount,pick up at the store Big things come to your door,FED EX. No shipping. I check both before ordering.

Prime Amazon gives you free shipping
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
do you even realize the breaks amazon gets on shipping? they should be held accountable for it cause no other online retailer gets these benefits.

and i'm sure you don't see trump doing ANYTHING positive so i don't get the need to disclaimer it.

Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It

I assume you did not read those, just linked them due to the titles.

The first one is all about local and state tax beaks, something that for anyone that is not a liberal should not be the concern of the Fed Govt.

The second one spoke of how the USPS is now courting other businesses like Amazon so they can get their business as well. In fact the folks at the USPS see package delivery as a way to save the USPS, not harming it. Also, going by this article there is nothing that Amazon gets that any other retailers could not get from the USPS.

It seems you just refuted the argument of Trump. That is not like you at all.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?

You believe the richest man in the world should pay LESS than YOU in taxes?

Does being a "frigidweirdo" fuck up your brain?

Whether one agrees with those things or not does not make Trump any less hypocritical. We all know though that this is not about taxes, Trump is jealous of Bezos because he is 1000 times the businessman that Trump is.

There’s more to it than that. Trump hates Bezos because Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

The other factor is that a lot of Trump’s wealthy friends owns shopping malls which are losing business to Amazon. Stores are closing as retail adapts.

I would also like to add that Amazon DOES collect and pay state taxed where applicable so Trump was lying about that.

Then there’s his complaint that Amazon uses the US postal service to deliver packages. Isn’t that what the US Postal Service is supposed to do?

Sadly the irony of Trump complaining about Amazon using the USPS as a delivery service is lost on his sheep.
Man, people actually scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead the pseuedocons into the liberal cave!

Give Chuck Schumer credit.:) He really played Mitch in the budget.got almost everything Democrats wanted because Republicans could not pass it without Democratic votes.

He is playing Trump like a fiddle. Never thought he had it in him. Fooled me.
Man, people actually scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead the pseuedocons into the liberal cave!

Give Chuck Schumer credit.:) He really played Mitch in the budget.got almost everything Democrats wanted because Republicans could not pass it without Democratic votes.

He is playing Trump like a fiddle. Never thought he had it in him. Fooled me.
Yeah, let's find a way to blame the Democrats for the accelerated deficit spending by Trump and the Republicans....:rolleyes:

No, the pseudocons held Obama personally responsible for every penny of the debt accumulated on his watch. And even if this topic, we see them attempting to bogusly inflate that number.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
As we all know the WSJ is a Left wing rag..........

Wall Street Journal warns Trump’s ‘political’ attacks on Amazon and Jeff Bezos could lead to impeachment
The highly conservative editorial board of the Wall Street Journal took President Donald Trump to task for his bizarre Thursday tweet attacking Amazon.

I read a list this morning of all the companies Trump has attacked. They all need to sue him for defamation. Some have.
Trump is actually going to kill small internet businesses like mine if we are forced to collect sales taxes for other States....I am a citizen of Maine, and I collect taxes for anyone who buys from me, in Maine....and have to go thru all the bull crud of filing with Maine....

The SC ruled that other States CAN NOT FORCE ME to collect their State sales taxes, UNLESS I have a presence in their State, that gives me an obligation to their State.

If you are on vacation in another State and buy a widget from a brick and mortar store, and have that widget shipped to your home state, the brick and mortar DOES NOT charge them your State sales tax, or the customer's home State sales tax.... the customer is suppose to declare their purchases from other states when they file their state income taxes.

Brick and mortar stores were killed by Walmart years ago, not by Amazon....

The only way for a brick and mortar can survive this, is if they ADVANCE and put their own business, online as well... they can even try to get Amazon to sell their products and be a supplier....
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
do you even realize the breaks amazon gets on shipping? they should be held accountable for it cause no other online retailer gets these benefits.

and i'm sure you don't see trump doing ANYTHING positive so i don't get the need to disclaimer it.

Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It

I assume you did not read those, just linked them due to the titles.

The first one is all about local and state tax beaks, something that for anyone that is not a liberal should not be the concern of the Fed Govt.

The second one spoke of how the USPS is now courting other businesses like Amazon so they can get their business as well. In fact the folks at the USPS see package delivery as a way to save the USPS, not harming it. Also, going by this article there is nothing that Amazon gets that any other retailers could not get from the USPS.

It seems you just refuted the argument of Trump. That is not like you at all.
hey - if i misunderstand what is happening, tell me. a whole lot goes on these days and some is right, some is not. i'll read a story one day and think i have it "right" and a story comes out the next day that could say something different.

we've so warped the "truth" these days it becomes very difficult to find out exactly what is going on w/o someone spinning it their own way.

*my understanding* is that the post office subsidized the amazon deliveries in a manner no other retailer is allowed to do so. i did look for the specific story but these days when you query on ANYTHING trump related, you get 5 pages of he sucks before you get to anything constructive.

if he is wrong in this and amazon isn't getting these breaks then he needs to sit the fuck down and find something else to be mad at.

that said - can you link me to better articles that talk about this? i read through these yes (i try to not link and pass on headlines, honest but we just got back from hooters and i'm stuffed so my mind may not be all that clear). but again - give me a better idea of how amazon does their shipping through the USPO and if others are allowed these same..."benefits".

i'll listen and try to understand what you're saying. promise.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.

Yeah well, as usual Donald Duck has been snorting a few too many tweets.....

Amazon pays sales taxes on it's own direct sales, the point of contention is the fact that Amazon doesn't collect sales taxes from third party sellers that use its platform unless specifically required by State Law, which, IMHO it shouldn't have to do at all, since last time I checked, Amazon (or any other company) isn't getting compensated to be a tax collector for sales made by third party businesses.

It's true Amazon is putting smaller retailers out of business, economies of scale, efficiency and the creative-destruction of good ole market capitalism tends to do that to inefficient businesses, what does Trumpelstillskin wanna do? go back to the pre Ecommerce days? Is that how he plans to "Make America Great Again", by using the Presidency to harass and demonize stellar American Companies just because they're FAR more successful than his half assed company.

As far as the postal service goes, USPS was the one that made the standing shipping agreements with Amazon, so Amazon isn't ripping anybody off, apparently Amazon just managed to negotiate a good deal with the USPS, so perhaps The Dingy Don could take a few lessons on negotiation from Jeff Bezos.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?

You believe the richest man in the world should pay LESS than YOU in taxes?

Does being a "frigidweirdo" fuck up your brain?

Whether one agrees with those things or not does not make Trump any less hypocritical. We all know though that this is not about taxes, Trump is jealous of Bezos because he is 1000 times the businessman that Trump is.

There’s more to it than that. Trump hates Bezos because Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

The other factor is that a lot of Trump’s wealthy friends owns shopping malls which are losing business to Amazon. Stores are closing as retail adapts.

I would also like to add that Amazon DOES collect and pay state taxed where applicable so Trump was lying about that.

Then there’s his complaint that Amazon uses the US postal service to deliver packages. Isn’t that what the US Postal Service is supposed to do?

Sadly the irony of Trump complaining about Amazon using the USPS as a delivery service is lost on his sheep.
sadly, this is just a slam at people who may not understand it, or your way of how you see it.

which is more important to you - getting proper information out there, or slamming people who disagree with you?
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
do you even realize the breaks amazon gets on shipping? they should be held accountable for it cause no other online retailer gets these benefits.

and i'm sure you don't see trump doing ANYTHING positive so i don't get the need to disclaimer it.

Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It

I assume you did not read those, just linked them due to the titles.

The first one is all about local and state tax beaks, something that for anyone that is not a liberal should not be the concern of the Fed Govt.

The second one spoke of how the USPS is now courting other businesses like Amazon so they can get their business as well. In fact the folks at the USPS see package delivery as a way to save the USPS, not harming it. Also, going by this article there is nothing that Amazon gets that any other retailers could not get from the USPS.

It seems you just refuted the argument of Trump. That is not like you at all.
hey - if i misunderstand what is happening, tell me. a whole lot goes on these days and some is right, some is not. i'll read a story one day and think i have it "right" and a story comes out the next day that could say something different.

we've so warped the "truth" these days it becomes very difficult to find out exactly what is going on w/o someone spinning it their own way.

*my understanding* is that the post office subsidized the amazon deliveries in a manner no other retailer is allowed to do so. i did look for the specific story but these days when you query on ANYTHING trump related, you get 5 pages of he sucks before you get to anything constructive.

if he is wrong in this and amazon isn't getting these breaks then he needs to sit the fuck down and find something else to be mad at.

that said - can you link me to better articles that talk about this? i read through these yes (i try to not link and pass on headlines, honest but we just got back from hooters and i'm stuffed so my mind may not be all that clear). but again - give me a better idea of how amazon does their shipping through the USPO and if others are allowed these same..."benefits".

i'll listen and try to understand what you're saying. promise.
You are acting as if Amazon is the only American corporation which gets handouts and special deals from the government. And you are jumping on board Trump's let's-punish-them-with-heavier-taxation train without thinking it through.

This is how dumbed down and reflexive Trump's Chumps have become. Cumming in their shorts over anything and everything the impulsive and abusive fucker says and does.
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
I don't recall Obama calling for Fox News to be punished with heavier taxation. You?

I'm a free trader, which isn't why I didn't vote for Trump and I'm against him on this. You aren't a free trader either, but you have Hillary's dick in your mouth and you're a complete hypocrite, so I have no idea what you think you are arguing that makes any sense in terms of your views
It's amazing how you so willfully make up lies about people. Positively amazing.

You have no morals or integrity.


Kaz lies so much that he is now a verb synonymous with lying. I have now seen a few post that told people to quit "kazzing".

Faun does that all the time. His sycophant side kick Syriusly parrots him
I'm a free trader, which isn't why I didn't vote for Trump and I'm against him on this. You aren't a free trader either, but you have Hillary's dick in your mouth and you're a complete hypocrite, so I have no idea what you think you are arguing that makes any sense in terms of your views
It's amazing how you so willfully make up lies about people. Positively amazing.

You have no morals or integrity.


kaz: You're a leftist

g5000: I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. Holds breath. Turns red. Passes out. Wakes up.
I'm not a leftist, I'm not I'm not I'm not.

Note you can't come up with any actual examples ...

Then there's

g5000: You're a Trump supporter, name anything you disagree with him on:

kaz: His anti-free trade stance, his tariffs, targeting Amazon, he's done nothing to cut pork and signed a ridiculous spending bill, his tax cut was weak and he's a pig to women. Which is why I didn't vote for him.

g5000: Oh, so you agree with him on everything.

A genius you are a freaking genius!
I'm pro-life, pro-gun, anti tax expenditures, pro free trade, against tariffs, and I plainly attacked Trump for his attack on Amazon. I've criticized the hypocrisy of pseuedocons for supporting the accelerated deficit spending, Ponzi tax cut, and for reversing themselves on adultery, Keynesian economics, and just about every benchmark they set during the Obama years.

So fuck you and your manufactured bullshit lies about me, fuckwad.

I am constantly in gun, tax, abortion, free trade and tariff debates and I NEVER see you in any of those ever arguing against Democrats.
That's because you are a willfully blind monkey! Duh! You are blinded by your own made up bullshit.

The reason you don't know where I oppose Trump is specifically because you never go into the threads that you listed as where you disagree with Democrats.

If you hate Republicans and love Democrats and trust them. What bothers you about just saying that?

I said if Trump builds the wall, I'll vote for him in his re-election run. Despite that I'm a pro-free trade capitalist and he's not. I just consider the wall that important. That's my view, I said it.

Why would you even constantly post only one, pro-Democrat view then not just say you like the Democrats and you don't like the Republicans? I don't understand that
do you even realize the breaks amazon gets on shipping? they should be held accountable for it cause no other online retailer gets these benefits.

and i'm sure you don't see trump doing ANYTHING positive so i don't get the need to disclaimer it.

Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It

I assume you did not read those, just linked them due to the titles.

The first one is all about local and state tax beaks, something that for anyone that is not a liberal should not be the concern of the Fed Govt.

The second one spoke of how the USPS is now courting other businesses like Amazon so they can get their business as well. In fact the folks at the USPS see package delivery as a way to save the USPS, not harming it. Also, going by this article there is nothing that Amazon gets that any other retailers could not get from the USPS.

It seems you just refuted the argument of Trump. That is not like you at all.
hey - if i misunderstand what is happening, tell me. a whole lot goes on these days and some is right, some is not. i'll read a story one day and think i have it "right" and a story comes out the next day that could say something different.

we've so warped the "truth" these days it becomes very difficult to find out exactly what is going on w/o someone spinning it their own way.

*my understanding* is that the post office subsidized the amazon deliveries in a manner no other retailer is allowed to do so. i did look for the specific story but these days when you query on ANYTHING trump related, you get 5 pages of he sucks before you get to anything constructive.

if he is wrong in this and amazon isn't getting these breaks then he needs to sit the fuck down and find something else to be mad at.

that said - can you link me to better articles that talk about this? i read through these yes (i try to not link and pass on headlines, honest but we just got back from hooters and i'm stuffed so my mind may not be all that clear). but again - give me a better idea of how amazon does their shipping through the USPO and if others are allowed these same..."benefits".

i'll listen and try to understand what you're saying. promise.
You are acting as if Amazon is the only American corporation which gets handouts and special deals from the government. And you are jumping on board Trump's let's-punish-them-with-heavier-taxation train without thinking it through.

This is how dumbed down and reflexive Trump's Chumps have become. Cumming in their shorts over anything and everything the impulsive and abusive fucker says and does.

What "handouts and special deals" do Amazon get?
For example:

Oil companies get preferential loans at guaranteed low rates from the government.

Oil companies get land and water resources at below market rates from the government.

Oil companies get research and development grants from the government.

As do mining companies.

This is why I am asking the Pied Piper's kids if they really want to "go there" with this Amazon bullshit.

Trump is leading you into the liberal cave.
do you even realize the breaks amazon gets on shipping? they should be held accountable for it cause no other online retailer gets these benefits.

and i'm sure you don't see trump doing ANYTHING positive so i don't get the need to disclaimer it.

Can you provide the actual “breaks” they get and then list what keeps other retailers from getting them?


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Amazon Is Thriving Thanks to Taxpayer Dollars
It’s Amazon’s World. The USPS Just Delivers in It

I assume you did not read those, just linked them due to the titles.

The first one is all about local and state tax beaks, something that for anyone that is not a liberal should not be the concern of the Fed Govt.

The second one spoke of how the USPS is now courting other businesses like Amazon so they can get their business as well. In fact the folks at the USPS see package delivery as a way to save the USPS, not harming it. Also, going by this article there is nothing that Amazon gets that any other retailers could not get from the USPS.

It seems you just refuted the argument of Trump. That is not like you at all.
hey - if i misunderstand what is happening, tell me. a whole lot goes on these days and some is right, some is not. i'll read a story one day and think i have it "right" and a story comes out the next day that could say something different.

we've so warped the "truth" these days it becomes very difficult to find out exactly what is going on w/o someone spinning it their own way.

*my understanding* is that the post office subsidized the amazon deliveries in a manner no other retailer is allowed to do so. i did look for the specific story but these days when you query on ANYTHING trump related, you get 5 pages of he sucks before you get to anything constructive.

if he is wrong in this and amazon isn't getting these breaks then he needs to sit the fuck down and find something else to be mad at.

that said - can you link me to better articles that talk about this? i read through these yes (i try to not link and pass on headlines, honest but we just got back from hooters and i'm stuffed so my mind may not be all that clear). but again - give me a better idea of how amazon does their shipping through the USPO and if others are allowed these same..."benefits".

i'll listen and try to understand what you're saying. promise.
You are acting as if Amazon is the only American corporation which gets handouts and special deals from the government. And you are jumping on board Trump's let's-punish-them-with-heavier-taxation train without thinking it through.

This is how dumbed down and reflexive Trump's Chumps have become. Cumming in their shorts over anything and everything the impulsive and abusive fucker says and does.
and here you come slappin and insulting your way into a conversation.

pay attention fuckless - i am asking golfing gator for more info in case i am wrong. you just want to bash not talk so please, kindly fuck the hell off.

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