I really think this sums up Trump's childish insecurity


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Donald Trump rips 'son of the b----' who set up faulty mic at campaign rally

"And by the way, I don't like this mic," Trump said after criticizing US trade policy with China during his speech in Pensacola, Florida.

The Republican presidential front-runner then crudely instructed his staff to not pay the person responsible.

"Whoever the hell brought this mic system, don't pay the son of the b----," he said.

Trump added: "This mic is terrible. Stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that George? Don't pay him! Don't pay him. You know, I believe in paying, but when somebody does a bad job like this stupid mic, you shouldn't pay the bastard. Terrible. Terrible. It's true."

Trump said he hoped the sound system was functioning for the packed crowd, but he kept hearing a "boom" sound.

"So we're not going to pay," he continued. "I guarantee you I'm not paying for this mic. Every two minutes I hear like, 'Boom! Boom!'"

God forbid we don't hear this Neanderthal speak for more than 10 minutes!
That's it. Always blame the sound man.
I have known so many who didn't get paid, but got all the blame. Typical.

Maybe all professional speakers, candidates and public figures should get enough tech training to know what to expect and what not to do.
I feel for the media and tech personnel dealing with people who think they know better just because of their status.

In theatre, performers on stage also had to learn what the production crew did so we'd respect that and follow instructions.
Prima donna personalities are the worse, but that's what makes life so colorful I guess. Real life drama, on stage and off.
Donald Trump rips 'son of the b----' who set up faulty mic at campaign rally

"And by the way, I don't like this mic," Trump said after criticizing US trade policy with China during his speech in Pensacola, Florida.

The Republican presidential front-runner then crudely instructed his staff to not pay the person responsible.

"Whoever the hell brought this mic system, don't pay the son of the b----," he said.

Trump added: "This mic is terrible. Stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that George? Don't pay him! Don't pay him. You know, I believe in paying, but when somebody does a bad job like this stupid mic, you shouldn't pay the bastard. Terrible. Terrible. It's true."

Trump said he hoped the sound system was functioning for the packed crowd, but he kept hearing a "boom" sound.

"So we're not going to pay," he continued. "I guarantee you I'm not paying for this mic. Every two minutes I hear like, 'Boom! Boom!'"

God forbid we don't hear this Neanderthal speak for more than 10 minutes!

Looks like Billy always leaves a big tip, when he orders a prime rib and the waitress ends up giving him ground Chuck instead.

Hey Billy you need to get self help for your problem as a door matt....just saying.
Not wanting to pay somebody who doesn't do their job - there goes the union vote.
Donald Trump rips 'son of the b----' who set up faulty mic at campaign rally

"And by the way, I don't like this mic," Trump said after criticizing US trade policy with China during his speech in Pensacola, Florida.

The Republican presidential front-runner then crudely instructed his staff to not pay the person responsible.

"Whoever the hell brought this mic system, don't pay the son of the b----," he said.

Trump added: "This mic is terrible. Stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that George? Don't pay him! Don't pay him. You know, I believe in paying, but when somebody does a bad job like this stupid mic, you shouldn't pay the bastard. Terrible. Terrible. It's true."

Trump said he hoped the sound system was functioning for the packed crowd, but he kept hearing a "boom" sound.

"So we're not going to pay," he continued. "I guarantee you I'm not paying for this mic. Every two minutes I hear like, 'Boom! Boom!'"

God forbid we don't hear this Neanderthal speak for more than 10 minutes!

You left out the part where the media said they had trouble hearing him as well.
So no the stupid bastard shouldnt be paid for faulty work.
Donald Trump rips 'son of the b----' who set up faulty mic at campaign rally

"And by the way, I don't like this mic," Trump said after criticizing US trade policy with China during his speech in Pensacola, Florida.

The Republican presidential front-runner then crudely instructed his staff to not pay the person responsible.

"Whoever the hell brought this mic system, don't pay the son of the b----," he said.

Trump added: "This mic is terrible. Stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that George? Don't pay him! Don't pay him. You know, I believe in paying, but when somebody does a bad job like this stupid mic, you shouldn't pay the bastard. Terrible. Terrible. It's true."

Trump said he hoped the sound system was functioning for the packed crowd, but he kept hearing a "boom" sound.

"So we're not going to pay," he continued. "I guarantee you I'm not paying for this mic. Every two minutes I hear like, 'Boom! Boom!'"

God forbid we don't hear this Neanderthal speak for more than 10 minutes!

Looks like Billy always leaves a big tip, when he orders a prime rib and the waitress ends up giving him ground Chuck instead.

Hey Billy you need to get self help for your problem as a door matt....just saying.
Billy was the sound man.
He's my second choice, after Bernie.

Both are too radical for it to seem possible though.
I hate to say it, but I've had the same thought... two (bi-)polar opposites... but both holding out the prospect of badly needed and radical change.

I haven't firmed that up yet in my own mind, but I confess that the thought has occurred to me, and that it holds some attraction.

America has had enough of business-as-usual, and we sure-as-hell don't need any more political family dynasties...

We don't need any more re-tread Bushes nor Clintons nor Romneys nor Kennedys nor any of those other silver spoon Last Scion types...

We need fresh faces with fresh ideas who aren't afraid to say what they think and who aren't afraid to try new shit from time to time...

Of course, there is some very real danger in choosing the wrong Loose Cannon, as well... damned if we do, and damned if we don't...

Either of those two choices could prove extremely damaging to the Republic and its People...

Either of those two choices could prove to be the greatest thing since sliced bread...

To borrow a tag-line from the old musical "The King and I"...

"Is... a puzzlement."
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Donald Trump rips 'son of the b----' who set up faulty mic at campaign rally

"And by the way, I don't like this mic," Trump said after criticizing US trade policy with China during his speech in Pensacola, Florida.

The Republican presidential front-runner then crudely instructed his staff to not pay the person responsible.

"Whoever the hell brought this mic system, don't pay the son of the b----," he said.

Trump added: "This mic is terrible. Stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that George? Don't pay him! Don't pay him. You know, I believe in paying, but when somebody does a bad job like this stupid mic, you shouldn't pay the bastard. Terrible. Terrible. It's true."

Trump said he hoped the sound system was functioning for the packed crowd, but he kept hearing a "boom" sound.

"So we're not going to pay," he continued. "I guarantee you I'm not paying for this mic. Every two minutes I hear like, 'Boom! Boom!'"

God forbid we don't hear this Neanderthal speak for more than 10 minutes!

You left out the part where the media said they had trouble hearing him as well.
So no the stupid bastard shouldnt be paid for faulty work.
Christ no one is saying the sound guy didn't fuck up. The point is that he threw a tantrum over it like a little bitch.
Donald Trump rips 'son of the b----' who set up faulty mic at campaign rally

"And by the way, I don't like this mic," Trump said after criticizing US trade policy with China during his speech in Pensacola, Florida.

The Republican presidential front-runner then crudely instructed his staff to not pay the person responsible.

"Whoever the hell brought this mic system, don't pay the son of the b----," he said.

Trump added: "This mic is terrible. Stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that George? Don't pay him! Don't pay him. You know, I believe in paying, but when somebody does a bad job like this stupid mic, you shouldn't pay the bastard. Terrible. Terrible. It's true."

Trump said he hoped the sound system was functioning for the packed crowd, but he kept hearing a "boom" sound.

"So we're not going to pay," he continued. "I guarantee you I'm not paying for this mic. Every two minutes I hear like, 'Boom! Boom!'"

God forbid we don't hear this Neanderthal speak for more than 10 minutes!

Looks like Billy always leaves a big tip, when he orders a prime rib and the waitress ends up giving him ground Chuck instead.

Hey Billy you need to get self help for your problem as a door matt....just saying.
Um okay?
Trump is an amazingly successful businessman. If that translates to "childish insecurity" I'll take it. Frankly it's surprising that the radical left even tries amateur psycho-babble when they have a candidate who is a walking psychological mess. Hillary latched on to an up and coming politician right out of college and sold her soul for political power. Her marriage must have been so unhappy that it defies understanding how she could swallow her pride and stick with the philandering Arkansas hick. . The insane grin as she launched into the "bimbo eruption squad" during her husband's campaign is absolutely chilling. Nobody really likes her and the only supporters she has left are the die hards in the dying democrat party.
Donald Trump rips 'son of the b----' who set up faulty mic at campaign rally

"And by the way, I don't like this mic," Trump said after criticizing US trade policy with China during his speech in Pensacola, Florida.

The Republican presidential front-runner then crudely instructed his staff to not pay the person responsible.

"Whoever the hell brought this mic system, don't pay the son of the b----," he said.

Trump added: "This mic is terrible. Stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that George? Don't pay him! Don't pay him. You know, I believe in paying, but when somebody does a bad job like this stupid mic, you shouldn't pay the bastard. Terrible. Terrible. It's true."

Trump said he hoped the sound system was functioning for the packed crowd, but he kept hearing a "boom" sound.

"So we're not going to pay," he continued. "I guarantee you I'm not paying for this mic. Every two minutes I hear like, 'Boom! Boom!'"

God forbid we don't hear this Neanderthal speak for more than 10 minutes!

You left out the part where the media said they had trouble hearing him as well.
So no the stupid bastard shouldnt be paid for faulty work.
Christ no one is saying the sound guy didn't fuck up. The point is that he threw a tantrum over it like a little bitch.

So are you going to get your panties in a knot if he takes a drink of water?
whitehall's psycho babble is laughable, and HWGA has trouble that DT acted bitchy. Hey, he did.

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