I S I S Captures Route Irish. This Contradicts Dempsey Saying Iraq Under Control.

So Jakey and NotFooled, do you know what Route Irish is?

Do you know the significance of ISIS capturing it?

I'll let you read up and figure out why you continue to be wrong about Obama's strategy in Iraq.
Did ISIS capture the road from the Airport to the Green Zone or not? What is this thread about? Is it about something? If ISIS captured the road it would mean they are at the gates of the airport and the Green Zone. Do you know the definition of the word capture?

She's a pathological liar. A textbook case. Have you ever known one? I have. Worked with a guy once who was. He was a running joke with everyone there.

You mean lying when I said we'd kick your ass in the election??? That kind of liar? LMAO.

Or you mean lying when I said median income had fallen under Obummer? And because that was the economic statistic that mattered to most people, Americans would see through the spinning of all the other stats and reject you idiots at the polls? You mean THAT lie? LMFAO.

Or you mean my hundreds of posts schooling you stupid liberal dumbasses on why it was a mistake for Obama to pull out and why he screwed up the SOFA? You mean the one that TWO Secretaries of Defense, two ambassadors, and several generals......all of whom worked for that idiot hero of yours.....completely agreed with me on? Including the Democrat Panetta?

You mean that lie???? Snicker, snort. Speaking of which, you need to lay off the snort Carb. No one believes a thing that comes out of your mouth. Try getting off the bottle and maybe you'll make sense for a change.

Yeahhh, I wasn't the one implying/hoping Dems would win the Senate. That would be the pathetic liars like you, honey.

I mean like lying about this story.

When are you going to realize your problem is your sources. That's why you get so much wrong.

You claimed something happened that never happened.
So Jakey and NotFooled, do you know what Route Irish is?

Do you know the significance of ISIS capturing it?

I'll let you read up and figure out why you continue to be wrong about Obama's strategy in Iraq.
Did ISIS capture the road from the Airport to the Green Zone or not? What is this thread about? Is it about something? If ISIS captured the road it would mean they are at the gates of the airport and the Green Zone. Do you know the definition of the word capture?

Awww, now I have to admit I did expect a LITTLE bit more from YOU than the average idiot lib on this subject. I thought you were military.

Well, princess, it must've been the Antarctica military you were in because that's one of the dumbest things out of your mouth.

At the gates of the GZ? Are you really that stupid?

Were you even ever IN the country of Iraq? I'm not talking about fantasy videos or Call of Duty video games.

If they were clustered at the gates of the GZ it would be very easy to target them, idiot. That's not how taking control works. What a fucking moron that pretends to understand this topic.

You might fool some of these brainless morons, but you don't fool anyone that's actually spent time on Irish.
You didn't respond to the questions you were asked. Instead you deflected. The gates I referred to are the 9 or 10 check points one must go through between the airport and international zone on the airport road. If you have traveled the route you should know that. A check point was attacked with a suicide car bomb. No one at the check point/gate was injured and it was not captured. And to make it perfectly clear, check points have a gate element or specific area of the check point that is referred to as the gate.

That is NOT what you said you fucking liar. Here, I'll paste what you said. For all the world to see. Once again.

"Did ISIS capture the road from the Airport to the Green Zone or not? What is this thread about? Is it about something? If ISIS captured the road it would mean they are at the gates of the airport and the Green Zone. Do you know the definition of the word capture?"
I told no lie and you still haven't responded to the questions.
Don't really
So Jakey and NotFooled, do you know what Route Irish is?

Do you know the significance of ISIS capturing it?

I'll let you read up and figure out why you continue to be wrong about Obama's strategy in Iraq.
Did ISIS capture the road from the Airport to the Green Zone or not? What is this thread about? Is it about something? If ISIS captured the road it would mean they are at the gates of the airport and the Green Zone. Do you know the definition of the word capture?

Awww, now I have to admit I did expect a LITTLE bit more from YOU than the average idiot lib on this subject. I thought you were military.

Well, princess, it must've been the Antarctica military you were in because that's one of the dumbest things out of your mouth.

At the gates of the GZ? Are you really that stupid?

Were you even ever IN the country of Iraq? I'm not talking about fantasy videos or Call of Duty video games.

If they were clustered at the gates of the GZ it would be very easy to target them, idiot. That's not how taking control works. What a fucking moron that pretends to understand this topic.

You might fool some of these brainless morons, but you don't fool anyone that's actually spent time on Irish.
You didn't respond to the questions you were asked. Instead you deflected. The gates I referred to are the 9 or 10 check points one must go through between the airport and international zone on the airport road. If you have traveled the route you should know that. A check point was attacked with a suicide car bomb. No one at the check point/gate was injured and it was not captured. And to make it perfectly clear, check points have a gate element or specific area of the check point that is referred to as the gate.

That is NOT what you said you fucking liar. Here, I'll paste what you said. For all the world to see. Once again.

"Did ISIS capture the road from the Airport to the Green Zone or not? What is this thread about? Is it about something? If ISIS captured the road it would mean they are at the gates of the airport and the Green Zone. Do you know the definition of the word capture?"
I told no lie and you still haven't responded to the questions.

Don't stress too much. As long as we know she's a pathological liar, and the rest of the sane people around here who are paying attention know she's a pathological liar,

who gives a fuck what she denies or refuses? That's just part of her character.
So 17 hours since the OP was posted and not one article about this anywhere on the internet.

Here, let me school ya a little bit about how analysis works. YOU DON'T FUCKING RELY ON THE INTERNET FOR INFORMATION, Twinkle Toes.

That's how all your bretheren libtards got smacked in the face on election day, thinking you Dems were gonna keep the Senate.
Ok, every news organization in the world is ignoring this massive story. Your analysis and logic is poor at best.

Are you fucking retarded? I was never under the impression that the Dems were going to keep the Senate, I think the GOP won one seat more than I predicted they would. I don't remember anyone saying that here either.

You mean every left leaning Socialist fucking news organization????

Of course THEY are. But not every news organization, idiot. Why do ya think your analysis is so shitty all the time.

As for claiming no lib on here kept denying Rep's would take the Senate......yeahhhhhhh, you're an idiot and a liar. Yeah, I saw a whole bunch of idiot libs throwing in the towel and admitting it was won before election day. Yeahhhh.

It was the opposite, moron. You had desperate libs like Carb and Loner Loser on this very thread.....that posted and posted and posted one liberal lie after another out of desperation they might help keep a Democrat Senate. Idiot. Climb back under your blankie, princess.
Yes, every news organization on the planet is left leaning and socialist. Not only are you delusional, you are also an idiot. If any news organizations were reporting this, you'd be able to prove your bullshit claim from the OP.

So two liberals out of all on this board thought the Dems might keep the Senate. Personally, I was admitting they had no shot early this year. I thought the GOP could fuck it up by running a bunch of teatards but they did a good job of running more moderate candidates this year than they did in the past two election cycles.
Did ISIS capture the road from the Airport to the Green Zone or not? What is this thread about? Is it about something? If ISIS captured the road it would mean they are at the gates of the airport and the Green Zone. Do you know the definition of the word capture?

She's a pathological liar. A textbook case. Have you ever known one? I have. Worked with a guy once who was. He was a running joke with everyone there.

You mean lying when I said we'd kick your ass in the election??? That kind of liar? LMAO.

Or you mean lying when I said median income had fallen under Obummer? And because that was the economic statistic that mattered to most people, Americans would see through the spinning of all the other stats and reject you idiots at the polls? You mean THAT lie? LMFAO.

Or you mean my hundreds of posts schooling you stupid liberal dumbasses on why it was a mistake for Obama to pull out and why he screwed up the SOFA? You mean the one that TWO Secretaries of Defense, two ambassadors, and several generals......all of whom worked for that idiot hero of yours.....completely agreed with me on? Including the Democrat Panetta?

You mean that lie???? Snicker, snort. Speaking of which, you need to lay off the snort Carb. No one believes a thing that comes out of your mouth. Try getting off the bottle and maybe you'll make sense for a change.

Yeahhh, I wasn't the one implying/hoping Dems would win the Senate. That would be the pathetic liars like you, honey.

I mean like lying about this story.

When are you going to realize your problem is your sources. That's why you get so much wrong.

You claimed something happened that never happened.

It sure as hell HAS happened. You're too stupid to know it. In fact, you can almost count on things being the opposite of what you post.
So 17 hours since the OP was posted and not one article about this anywhere on the internet.

Here, let me school ya a little bit about how analysis works. YOU DON'T FUCKING RELY ON THE INTERNET FOR INFORMATION, Twinkle Toes.

That's how all your bretheren libtards got smacked in the face on election day, thinking you Dems were gonna keep the Senate.
Ok, every news organization in the world is ignoring this massive story. Your analysis and logic is poor at best.

Are you fucking retarded? I was never under the impression that the Dems were going to keep the Senate, I think the GOP won one seat more than I predicted they would. I don't remember anyone saying that here either.

You mean every left leaning Socialist fucking news organization????

Of course THEY are. But not every news organization, idiot. Why do ya think your analysis is so shitty all the time.

As for claiming no lib on here kept denying Rep's would take the Senate......yeahhhhhhh, you're an idiot and a liar. Yeah, I saw a whole bunch of idiot libs throwing in the towel and admitting it was won before election day. Yeahhhh.

It was the opposite, moron. You had desperate libs like Carb and Loner Loser on this very thread.....that posted and posted and posted one liberal lie after another out of desperation they might help keep a Democrat Senate. Idiot. Climb back under your blankie, princess.
Yes, every news organization on the planet is left leaning and socialist. Not only are you delusional, you are also an idiot. If any news organizations were reporting this, you'd be able to prove your bullshit claim from the OP.

So two liberals out of all on this board thought the Dems might keep the Senate. Personally, I was admitting they had no shot early this year. I thought the GOP could fuck it up by running a bunch of teatards but they did a good job of running more moderate candidates this year than they did in the past two election cycles.

Ok, let me slow this down to a third grade level for you shit-for-brains.

Several conservatives press sources have reported it in addition to sources that are non-media. What's wrong? You don't have any friends there who can update you, princess?
She's a pathological liar. A textbook case. Have you ever known one? I have. Worked with a guy once who was. He was a running joke with everyone there.

You mean lying when I said we'd kick your ass in the election??? That kind of liar? LMAO.

Or you mean lying when I said median income had fallen under Obummer? And because that was the economic statistic that mattered to most people, Americans would see through the spinning of all the other stats and reject you idiots at the polls? You mean THAT lie? LMFAO.

Or you mean my hundreds of posts schooling you stupid liberal dumbasses on why it was a mistake for Obama to pull out and why he screwed up the SOFA? You mean the one that TWO Secretaries of Defense, two ambassadors, and several generals......all of whom worked for that idiot hero of yours.....completely agreed with me on? Including the Democrat Panetta?

You mean that lie???? Snicker, snort. Speaking of which, you need to lay off the snort Carb. No one believes a thing that comes out of your mouth. Try getting off the bottle and maybe you'll make sense for a change.

Yeahhh, I wasn't the one implying/hoping Dems would win the Senate. That would be the pathetic liars like you, honey.

I mean like lying about this story.

When are you going to realize your problem is your sources. That's why you get so much wrong.

You claimed something happened that never happened.

It sure as hell HAS happened. You're too stupid to know it. In fact, you can almost count on things being the opposite of what you post.

You're the only person who says it's happened.
She's a pathological liar. A textbook case. Have you ever known one? I have. Worked with a guy once who was. He was a running joke with everyone there.

You mean lying when I said we'd kick your ass in the election??? That kind of liar? LMAO.

Or you mean lying when I said median income had fallen under Obummer? And because that was the economic statistic that mattered to most people, Americans would see through the spinning of all the other stats and reject you idiots at the polls? You mean THAT lie? LMFAO.

Or you mean my hundreds of posts schooling you stupid liberal dumbasses on why it was a mistake for Obama to pull out and why he screwed up the SOFA? You mean the one that TWO Secretaries of Defense, two ambassadors, and several generals......all of whom worked for that idiot hero of yours.....completely agreed with me on? Including the Democrat Panetta?

You mean that lie???? Snicker, snort. Speaking of which, you need to lay off the snort Carb. No one believes a thing that comes out of your mouth. Try getting off the bottle and maybe you'll make sense for a change.

Yeahhh, I wasn't the one implying/hoping Dems would win the Senate. That would be the pathetic liars like you, honey.

I mean like lying about this story.

When are you going to realize your problem is your sources. That's why you get so much wrong.

You claimed something happened that never happened.

It sure as hell HAS happened. You're too stupid to know it. In fact, you can almost count on things being the opposite of what you post.

It's not reported even in the Middle Eastern press. Give it up, grandma.
You mean lying when I said we'd kick your ass in the election??? That kind of liar? LMAO.

Or you mean lying when I said median income had fallen under Obummer? And because that was the economic statistic that mattered to most people, Americans would see through the spinning of all the other stats and reject you idiots at the polls? You mean THAT lie? LMFAO.

Or you mean my hundreds of posts schooling you stupid liberal dumbasses on why it was a mistake for Obama to pull out and why he screwed up the SOFA? You mean the one that TWO Secretaries of Defense, two ambassadors, and several generals......all of whom worked for that idiot hero of yours.....completely agreed with me on? Including the Democrat Panetta?

You mean that lie???? Snicker, snort. Speaking of which, you need to lay off the snort Carb. No one believes a thing that comes out of your mouth. Try getting off the bottle and maybe you'll make sense for a change.

Yeahhh, I wasn't the one implying/hoping Dems would win the Senate. That would be the pathetic liars like you, honey.

I mean like lying about this story.

When are you going to realize your problem is your sources. That's why you get so much wrong.

You claimed something happened that never happened.

It sure as hell HAS happened. You're too stupid to know it. In fact, you can almost count on things being the opposite of what you post.

It's not reported even in the Middle Eastern press. Give it up, grandma.

LOL. It's fun watching you flail like a little fire-engine covered pajama boy.

It must really get you to have a chick constantly outwit you at every turn, especially on a topic like Iraq.
So 17 hours since the OP was posted and not one article about this anywhere on the internet.

Here, let me school ya a little bit about how analysis works. YOU DON'T FUCKING RELY ON THE INTERNET FOR INFORMATION, Twinkle Toes.

That's how all your bretheren libtards got smacked in the face on election day, thinking you Dems were gonna keep the Senate.
Ok, every news organization in the world is ignoring this massive story. Your analysis and logic is poor at best.

Are you fucking retarded? I was never under the impression that the Dems were going to keep the Senate, I think the GOP won one seat more than I predicted they would. I don't remember anyone saying that here either.

You mean every left leaning Socialist fucking news organization????

Of course THEY are. But not every news organization, idiot. Why do ya think your analysis is so shitty all the time.

As for claiming no lib on here kept denying Rep's would take the Senate......yeahhhhhhh, you're an idiot and a liar. Yeah, I saw a whole bunch of idiot libs throwing in the towel and admitting it was won before election day. Yeahhhh.

It was the opposite, moron. You had desperate libs like Carb and Loner Loser on this very thread.....that posted and posted and posted one liberal lie after another out of desperation they might help keep a Democrat Senate. Idiot. Climb back under your blankie, princess.
Yes, every news organization on the planet is left leaning and socialist. Not only are you delusional, you are also an idiot. If any news organizations were reporting this, you'd be able to prove your bullshit claim from the OP.

So two liberals out of all on this board thought the Dems might keep the Senate. Personally, I was admitting they had no shot early this year. I thought the GOP could fuck it up by running a bunch of teatards but they did a good job of running more moderate candidates this year than they did in the past two election cycles.

Ok, let me slow this down to a third grade level for you shit-for-brains.

Several conservatives press sources have reported it in addition to sources that are non-media. What's wrong? You don't have any friends there who can update you, princess?
I don't think you understand how message boards work, ding dog. If you make a claim, you need to back that claim up with a source. You have failed to do so, per usual.
You mean lying when I said we'd kick your ass in the election??? That kind of liar? LMAO.

Or you mean lying when I said median income had fallen under Obummer? And because that was the economic statistic that mattered to most people, Americans would see through the spinning of all the other stats and reject you idiots at the polls? You mean THAT lie? LMFAO.

Or you mean my hundreds of posts schooling you stupid liberal dumbasses on why it was a mistake for Obama to pull out and why he screwed up the SOFA? You mean the one that TWO Secretaries of Defense, two ambassadors, and several generals......all of whom worked for that idiot hero of yours.....completely agreed with me on? Including the Democrat Panetta?

You mean that lie???? Snicker, snort. Speaking of which, you need to lay off the snort Carb. No one believes a thing that comes out of your mouth. Try getting off the bottle and maybe you'll make sense for a change.

Yeahhh, I wasn't the one implying/hoping Dems would win the Senate. That would be the pathetic liars like you, honey.

I mean like lying about this story.

When are you going to realize your problem is your sources. That's why you get so much wrong.

You claimed something happened that never happened.

It sure as hell HAS happened. You're too stupid to know it. In fact, you can almost count on things being the opposite of what you post.

It's not reported even in the Middle Eastern press. Give it up, grandma.

How many times do I have to school ya about your worthless sources, dumbass. There's a reason I was briefing the Joint Chiefs of Staff and you've been briefing your toilet.
I mean like lying about this story.

When are you going to realize your problem is your sources. That's why you get so much wrong.

You claimed something happened that never happened.

It sure as hell HAS happened. You're too stupid to know it. In fact, you can almost count on things being the opposite of what you post.

It's not reported even in the Middle Eastern press. Give it up, grandma.

How many times do I have to school ya about your worthless sources, dumbass. There's a reason I was briefing the Joint Chiefs of Staff and you've been briefing your toilet.

See what I mean?


Oh cool. Is that a picture of me? Awww, it must suck to have one conservative chick grind you limp dicked small brained libs (except for Old School) into the ground with one hand behind my back.

I'd make me out to be a big green monster in your head TOO if I were you.

Laugh My Ass Off.
That's your self image.

The way the rest of us see you is a little puppy who might have been cute except it is not housebroken and pees on the keyboard. We could spank you pretty hard, but that would be cruel.


LOL, umm sweety, this is more like my self image. Hair's almost exactly same cut, color and length. I just like using serious avatars for serious subjects.

As you can see, you have my direct quote and your lie ....
and all the world can see there's a huge difference between the two.


That's a stock photo off multiple porn sites, lol
Don't really
Did ISIS capture the road from the Airport to the Green Zone or not? What is this thread about? Is it about something? If ISIS captured the road it would mean they are at the gates of the airport and the Green Zone. Do you know the definition of the word capture?

Awww, now I have to admit I did expect a LITTLE bit more from YOU than the average idiot lib on this subject. I thought you were military.

Well, princess, it must've been the Antarctica military you were in because that's one of the dumbest things out of your mouth.

At the gates of the GZ? Are you really that stupid?

Were you even ever IN the country of Iraq? I'm not talking about fantasy videos or Call of Duty video games.

If they were clustered at the gates of the GZ it would be very easy to target them, idiot. That's not how taking control works. What a fucking moron that pretends to understand this topic.

You might fool some of these brainless morons, but you don't fool anyone that's actually spent time on Irish.
You didn't respond to the questions you were asked. Instead you deflected. The gates I referred to are the 9 or 10 check points one must go through between the airport and international zone on the airport road. If you have traveled the route you should know that. A check point was attacked with a suicide car bomb. No one at the check point/gate was injured and it was not captured. And to make it perfectly clear, check points have a gate element or specific area of the check point that is referred to as the gate.

That is NOT what you said you fucking liar. Here, I'll paste what you said. For all the world to see. Once again.

"Did ISIS capture the road from the Airport to the Green Zone or not? What is this thread about? Is it about something? If ISIS captured the road it would mean they are at the gates of the airport and the Green Zone. Do you know the definition of the word capture?"
I told no lie and you still haven't responded to the questions.

Don't stress too much. As long as we know she's a pathological liar, and the rest of the sane people around here who are paying attention know she's a pathological liar,

who gives a fuck what she denies or refuses? That's just part of her character.
I've been distracted by yard work. Have you finally admitted the truth about Obabble? And why are you calling her a she?
Here, let me school ya a little bit about how analysis works. YOU DON'T FUCKING RELY ON THE INTERNET FOR INFORMATION, Twinkle Toes.

That's how all your bretheren libtards got smacked in the face on election day, thinking you Dems were gonna keep the Senate.
Ok, every news organization in the world is ignoring this massive story. Your analysis and logic is poor at best.

Are you fucking retarded? I was never under the impression that the Dems were going to keep the Senate, I think the GOP won one seat more than I predicted they would. I don't remember anyone saying that here either.

You mean every left leaning Socialist fucking news organization????

Of course THEY are. But not every news organization, idiot. Why do ya think your analysis is so shitty all the time.

As for claiming no lib on here kept denying Rep's would take the Senate......yeahhhhhhh, you're an idiot and a liar. Yeah, I saw a whole bunch of idiot libs throwing in the towel and admitting it was won before election day. Yeahhhh.

It was the opposite, moron. You had desperate libs like Carb and Loner Loser on this very thread.....that posted and posted and posted one liberal lie after another out of desperation they might help keep a Democrat Senate. Idiot. Climb back under your blankie, princess.
Yes, every news organization on the planet is left leaning and socialist. Not only are you delusional, you are also an idiot. If any news organizations were reporting this, you'd be able to prove your bullshit claim from the OP.

So two liberals out of all on this board thought the Dems might keep the Senate. Personally, I was admitting they had no shot early this year. I thought the GOP could fuck it up by running a bunch of teatards but they did a good job of running more moderate candidates this year than they did in the past two election cycles.

Ok, let me slow this down to a third grade level for you shit-for-brains.

Several conservatives press sources have reported it in addition to sources that are non-media. What's wrong? You don't have any friends there who can update you, princess?
I don't think you understand how message boards work, ding dog. If you make a claim, you need to back that claim up with a source. You have failed to do so, per usual.

Oh, every one of my claims is backed up, sooner or later, darlin. Every fucking one.

Oh cool. Is that a picture of me? Awww, it must suck to have one conservative chick grind you limp dicked small brained libs (except for Old School) into the ground with one hand behind my back.

I'd make me out to be a big green monster in your head TOO if I were you.

Laugh My Ass Off.
That's your self image.

The way the rest of us see you is a little puppy who might have been cute except it is not housebroken and pees on the keyboard. We could spank you pretty hard, but that would be cruel.


LOL, umm sweety, this is more like my self image. Hair's almost exactly same cut, color and length. I just like using serious avatars for serious subjects.

As you can see, you have my direct quote and your lie ....
and all the world can see there's a huge difference between the two.


That's a stock photo off multiple porn sites, lol

I googled red head. My hair looks almost exactly like hers. She has clothes on. End of story.

Next question?

And no, I'm not giving you my social security number, my bank account number, or my real picture. You've never had a clearance, have ya, nit wit?

Oh cool. Is that a picture of me? Awww, it must suck to have one conservative chick grind you limp dicked small brained libs (except for Old School) into the ground with one hand behind my back.

I'd make me out to be a big green monster in your head TOO if I were you.

Laugh My Ass Off.
That's your self image.

The way the rest of us see you is a little puppy who might have been cute except it is not housebroken and pees on the keyboard. We could spank you pretty hard, but that would be cruel.


LOL, umm sweety, this is more like my self image. Hair's almost exactly same cut, color and length. I just like using serious avatars for serious subjects.

As you can see, you have my direct quote and your lie ....
and all the world can see there's a huge difference between the two.


That's a stock photo off multiple porn sites, lol

What are you doing on porn sites, Vert? :)
Don't really
Did ISIS capture the road from the Airport to the Green Zone or not? What is this thread about? Is it about something? If ISIS captured the road it would mean they are at the gates of the airport and the Green Zone. Do you know the definition of the word capture?

Awww, now I have to admit I did expect a LITTLE bit more from YOU than the average idiot lib on this subject. I thought you were military.

Well, princess, it must've been the Antarctica military you were in because that's one of the dumbest things out of your mouth.

At the gates of the GZ? Are you really that stupid?

Were you even ever IN the country of Iraq? I'm not talking about fantasy videos or Call of Duty video games.

If they were clustered at the gates of the GZ it would be very easy to target them, idiot. That's not how taking control works. What a fucking moron that pretends to understand this topic.

You might fool some of these brainless morons, but you don't fool anyone that's actually spent time on Irish.
You didn't respond to the questions you were asked. Instead you deflected. The gates I referred to are the 9 or 10 check points one must go through between the airport and international zone on the airport road. If you have traveled the route you should know that. A check point was attacked with a suicide car bomb. No one at the check point/gate was injured and it was not captured. And to make it perfectly clear, check points have a gate element or specific area of the check point that is referred to as the gate.

That is NOT what you said you fucking liar. Here, I'll paste what you said. For all the world to see. Once again.

"Did ISIS capture the road from the Airport to the Green Zone or not? What is this thread about? Is it about something? If ISIS captured the road it would mean they are at the gates of the airport and the Green Zone. Do you know the definition of the word capture?"
I told no lie and you still haven't responded to the questions.

Don't stress too much. As long as we know she's a pathological liar, and the rest of the sane people around here who are paying attention know she's a pathological liar,

who gives a fuck what she denies or refuses? That's just part of her character.

Shit for brains....you're the only one running from the bet. Just like you always do. If you were legit you'd cough up 1000 to match my 1000.

You don't because YOU'RE the pathological liar.

And you don't know shit about Iraq. Everyone knows that.
Still waiting for you to cough up the money......


run, you lying fucker, run.......

Can you even find Iraq on a map?
Come on, Carb. I'm pummeling you into the ground.

Where'd you run to?

Where's the money?

Admit you don't know squat about Iraq. The rest of us already know. It would just help your 12 step program for you to admit it too.

Repeat after me: I Carb the idiot know nothing about Iraq let alone Irish.

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