I S I S Captures Route Irish. This Contradicts Dempsey Saying Iraq Under Control.

EconChick continues to demonstrate her ineptness.

The good guys will not win every battle, but Baghdad is in no danger of falling.

Ace, EC is in Yurt's camp. She does not have to offer evidence but you must refute her opinions with evidence. It is the EconChick's "I am a dumb chick rule". You will need to take her nonsense with a ton of salt.
EconChick continues to demonstrate her ineptness.

The good guys will not win every battle, but Baghdad is in no danger of falling.

Ace, EC is in Yurt's camp. She does not have to offer evidence but you must refute her opinions with evidence. It is the EconChick's "I am a dumb chick rule". You will need to take her nonsense with a ton of salt.

Another irony impairment post from the far left drone that thinks it is a Republican.
Koshbot is being silly, protecting the silly EC.

Kosh, should we bring in more troops with much greater firepower into Iraq? If you do, then you support Obama. If you don't, you support me.

5 minutes later: Kosh?
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Koshbot is being silly, protecting the silly EC.

Kosh, should be bring in more troops with much greater firepower into Iraq? If you do, then you support Obama. If you don't, you support me.

5 minutes later: Kosh?

More proof that the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Yes! Continue voting far left and supporting Obama's illegal wars! By all means follow your programming!

So how much you get paid to post here?
So.....no link yet?.

There's a lot that doesn't make it to the internet. There's a lot that doesn't even make it to the liberal press.

But like most things under Obama's reign.....it will finally make it there. :)

But since you actually attempt to have real debates, I'll tell you who my sources were. Two military analysts that speak on conservative news outlets (and sometimes CNN), one a former Marine, another a former SEAL......and then my network that's actually in Iraq.

I'm curious to see how long it takes to get to the internet as well.
If its a major road it would have made it by now. This isn't black ops.

Look, Plasma, you wanna have a serious discussion, unlike these witless, brainless third graders, I'll have one with you, just let me know.

There's plenty that doesn't make it to the press, let alone the internet. When I was in Iraq a lot never made it out, and that's when we had a ton of press crawling around. Because of the beheadings, press has pretty much cleared out of a lot of that area and information is being controlled by DoD like never before.

Trust me, we do not have control of Route Irish. If it makes it into the internet, I'll post if for you.
I have to second that statement by EC. My son works behind the green door, and he laughs every time I try to tell him the news.
So.....no link yet?.

There's a lot that doesn't make it to the internet. There's a lot that doesn't even make it to the liberal press.

But like most things under Obama's reign.....it will finally make it there. :)

But since you actually attempt to have real debates, I'll tell you who my sources were. Two military analysts that speak on conservative news outlets (and sometimes CNN), one a former Marine, another a former SEAL......and then my network that's actually in Iraq.

I'm curious to see how long it takes to get to the internet as well.
If its a major road it would have made it by now. This isn't black ops.

Look, Plasma, you wanna have a serious discussion, unlike these witless, brainless third graders, I'll have one with you, just let me know.

There's plenty that doesn't make it to the press, let alone the internet. When I was in Iraq a lot never made it out, and that's when we had a ton of press crawling around. Because of the beheadings, press has pretty much cleared out of a lot of that area and information is being controlled by DoD like never before.

Trust me, we do not have control of Route Irish. If it makes it into the internet, I'll post if for you.
Yeah I get it....but this is the information age...things get out...twitter.. Facebook. ...something major like a road isn't going to be covered up as easy.

I'm not going to make a comment on the issue beyond this...till then this is just hearsay.
Koshbot is being silly, protecting the silly EC.

Kosh, should be bring in more troops with much greater firepower into Iraq? If you do, then you support Obama. If you don't, you support me.

5 minutes later: Kosh?

More proof that the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Yes! Continue voting far left and supporting Obama's illegal wars! By all means follow your programming!

So how much you get paid to post here?

Kosh admits here that he supports a neo-con troop build up,

I want American troops out of Iraq.

And the far left drone proves that they will support Obama's illegal wars while posting the contradictory far left mantra..

Obama sends 1 500 troops to Iraq - CNN.com

So I guess based on this far left drones comments we can infer that Obama is now a neo-con..
You continue to troll, and you have been warned.

You get paid.

You are a neo-con.

I want troops home, yet you are the one supporting Obama.

Yes, Yes we know you are paid far left drone poster that would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

The far left drones supports Obama illegal wars and then uses 2003 - 2009 propaganda that does not fit their current programmed narrative..
The American airstrikes are providing a shield until the brigades of the Turks, Kurds, and Arabs can go into action.

We should not be there in the first place. Only the neo-cons, supporting Obama and Bush, want our American troops deployed in the way of harm.
The American airstrikes are providing a shield until the brigades of the Turks, Kurds, and Arabs can go into action.

We should not be there in the first place. Only the neo-cons, supporting Obama and Bush, want our American troops deployed in the way of harm.

I see you were told to behave. Very good.

I did not support Bush or Obama in Iraq. You do

Our troops do need to come home.
Both of you are getting on my nerves.

This is Zone 2. Behave.

EconChic briefed
So.....no link yet?.

There's a lot that doesn't make it to the internet. There's a lot that doesn't even make it to the liberal press.

But like most things under Obama's reign.....it will finally make it there. :)

But since you actually attempt to have real debates, I'll tell you who my sources were. Two military analysts that speak on conservative news outlets (and sometimes CNN), one a former Marine, another a former SEAL......and then my network that's actually in Iraq.

I'm curious to see how long it takes to get to the internet as well.

You have a network in Iraq! That's so COOL!

STEP 6 in how to spot a pathological liar:

Examine the person’s reaction when they're busted in a lie. The worst thing that can happen to a pathological liar is to be busted for telling the lie.
  • Extreme defensiveness. Expect the person to become extremely defensive, doing whatever he or she can to pin blame on someone else.
  • Quickly fabricating another lie to cover up the original fib. The pathological liar will start the cover-up process quickly to ensure that their reputation remains in tact. This may include a bigger lie than the original fib––which may be quite apparent.
  • Vindictive and may seek revenge. Rage and anger may be another reaction stemming from being “outed”, so expect possible retaliation or vindictive behavior. Alternatively, they may feel upset that they have been caught in the act by someone who cares for them and have a tearful meltdown.
...lol, look like anything in this thread?????? lol

And when you bet them a LOT of money to back up their claims, they run for the hills.


Yep, every bullet describes you, shit for brains.

Most sane people don't demand payment to prove they're telling the truth. They prove they're telling the truth as an exercise of character.

People who are confident in their accusations are MORE than happy to back it up with money, especially if they can make even MORE money.


Just slapped you silly AGAIN, shit for brains.

You're just like Fakey. Throw out false accusation after false accusation. Yet when the rubber meets the road you run like a coward in the other direction. Documented right there for everyone to see.

You're a very weak man with no integrity, no brains, and Especially.No.Balls.

Now show me where Iraq is on a map, and snap to it .

Maybe being a eunuch is what makes you so foul.

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