I S I S Captures Route Irish. This Contradicts Dempsey Saying Iraq Under Control.

So when is the news about this supposed to break? Anytime this week?

It already broke. EconChic used her vast network and scooped the international media. Baghdad is under ISIS control. Get with the program.
Whoa! She's the new Drudge!!!

What's she saying about ebola and gay marriage these days?
So when is the news about this supposed to break? Anytime this week?

It already broke. EconChic used her vast network and scooped the international media. Baghdad is under ISIS control. Get with the program.
Whoa! She's the new Drudge!!!

What's she saying about ebola and gay marriage these days?
So.....no link yet?.

There's a lot that doesn't make it to the internet. There's a lot that doesn't even make it to the liberal press.

But like most things under Obama's reign.....it will finally make it there. :)

But since you actually attempt to have real debates, I'll tell you who my sources were. Two military analysts that speak on conservative news outlets (and sometimes CNN), one a former Marine, another a former SEAL......and then my network that's actually in Iraq.

I'm curious to see how long it takes to get to the internet as well.
If its a major road it would have made it by now. This isn't black ops.

Look, Plasma, you wanna have a serious discussion, unlike these witless, brainless third graders, I'll have one with you, just let me know.

There's plenty that doesn't make it to the press, let alone the internet. When I was in Iraq a lot never made it out, and that's when we had a ton of press crawling around. Because of the beheadings, press has pretty much cleared out of a lot of that area and information is being controlled by DoD like never before.

Trust me, we do not have control of Route Irish. If it makes it into the internet, I'll post if for you.
I have to second that statement by EC. My son works behind the green door, and he laughs every time I try to tell him the news.

It's hard to explain that to people who think the NYTimes or Washington Post are the gospel. :)
So.....no link yet?.

There's a lot that doesn't make it to the internet. There's a lot that doesn't even make it to the liberal press.

But like most things under Obama's reign.....it will finally make it there. :)

But since you actually attempt to have real debates, I'll tell you who my sources were. Two military analysts that speak on conservative news outlets (and sometimes CNN), one a former Marine, another a former SEAL......and then my network that's actually in Iraq.

I'm curious to see how long it takes to get to the internet as well.
If its a major road it would have made it by now. This isn't black ops.

Look, Plasma, you wanna have a serious discussion, unlike these witless, brainless third graders, I'll have one with you, just let me know.

There's plenty that doesn't make it to the press, let alone the internet. When I was in Iraq a lot never made it out, and that's when we had a ton of press crawling around. Because of the beheadings, press has pretty much cleared out of a lot of that area and information is being controlled by DoD like never before.

Trust me, we do not have control of Route Irish. If it makes it into the internet, I'll post if for you.
I have to second that statement by EC. My son works behind the green door, and he laughs every time I try to tell him the news.

Watch it go over the head of most every liberal on this thread, including Fakey. LOL
EconChick continues to demonstrate her ineptness.

The good guys will not win every battle, but Baghdad is in no danger of falling.

Ace, EC is in Yurt's camp. She does not have to offer evidence but you must refute her opinions with evidence. It is the EconChick's "I am a dumb chick rule". You will need to take her nonsense with a ton of salt.

So you have no idea what's happened on Irish, Fakey? I just wanted to document it.

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Is she claiming she is back in Iraq? Really?? Oh my.

Show me where? Show me where I said I was back in Iraq.

Most boards ban people who engage in bare faced lies like yours. One that can clearly be resolved right there in the thread. But hey, you do it about 20 times a day to people.

This is the only board I know of where that shit's accepted.

That's why no other board on this planet would allow you to be a member.

Now, you worthless liar, show me on this thread where I said I was back in Iraq.

The American airstrikes are providing a shield until the brigades of the Turks, Kurds, and Arabs can go into action.

We should not be there in the first place. Only the neo-cons, supporting Obama and Bush, want our American troops deployed in the way of harm.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The airstrikes are for show.
So when is the news about this supposed to break? Anytime this week?

Well I know for one it was reported on Fox and Friends to several million people. You should broaden your horizons, Old School. Reading liberal media is a must for me. I don't just read what I agree with.
So when is the news about this supposed to break? Anytime this week?

Well I know for one it was reported on Fox and Friends to several million people. You should broaden your horizons, Old School. Reading liberal media is a must for me. I don't just read what I agree with.

Reported by Fox to several million people???

Well then, SURELY, there's a link?

EC does not do not links or substantiated evidence. Her word must suffice. She does not know the difference between an interrogative and adeclarative statement.

No, the air strikes are for real, the training of the Iraqi brigades and the continual rearming of the Kurds is real. ISIS ISIL is stalled.

The neo-cons will not drag us into another ground war with scores of thousands of American troops in combat missisons and positions.

We will declare victory and come home.

The Arabs, Kurds, and Turks will have to save their own asses.
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Is she claiming she is back in Iraq? Really?? Oh my.

Show me where? Show me where I said I was back in Iraq.

Most boards ban people who engage in bare faced lies like yours. One that can clearly be resolved right there in the thread. But hey, you do it about 20 times a day to people.

This is the only board I know of where that shit's accepted.

That's why no other board on this planet would allow you to be a member.

Now, you worthless liar, show me on this thread where I said I was back in Iraq.


What better sign that someone's a lying POS then to back your claim up with a thousand bucks and that loser runs for the hills.

Where'd ya go, Carb?????????

You RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, didn't ya. Pathological liar.

We all know you don't know shit about Iraq.

Come time for put up or shut up you RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. LOL


I'll put up a thousand bucks with a mutually agreed to arbiter; I am betting that the Baghdad/Airport road has not been under the control of ISIS,

blocking all traffic to and from those two end points, shutting down all such traffic, since the time you claimed it was...

1. the holder of the money must be mutually agreed to.

2. you must provide proof of your claim to the satisfaction of the arbiter, the holder of the money.

3. your claim, to be clear, is that ISIS controls the road. Period. No half-ass bullshit that they 'control' it because they can fire mortars at it, or set IED's on it, or snipe at it. Nothing less than control.

4. you must be willing to deposit the money with the arbiter. No IOU's. No promises.

5. The arbiter's decision is final.
What better sign that someone's a lying POS then to back your claim up with a thousand bucks and that loser runs for the hills.

Where'd ya go, Carb?????????

You RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, didn't ya. Pathological liar.

We all know you don't know shit about Iraq.

Come time for put up or shut up you RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. LOL


I'll put up a thousand bucks with a mutually agreed to arbiter; I am betting that the Baghdad/Airport road has not been under the control of ISIS,

blocking all traffic to and from those two end points, shutting down all such traffic, since the time you claimed it was...

1. the holder of the money must be mutually agreed to.

2. you must provide proof of your claim to the satisfaction of the arbiter, the holder of the money.

3. your claim, to be clear, is that ISIS controls the road. Period. No half-ass bullshit that they 'control' it because they can fire mortars at it, or set IED's on it, or snipe at it. Nothing less than control.

4. you must be willing to deposit the money with the arbiter. No IOU's. No promises.

5. The arbiter's decision is final.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she declines....and claims that she never said that.
As hard as the neocons try they cannot get past the fact that Bush and Cheney got us into Iraq....not Obama. This is not Obama's war. The leaving Iraq will very predictably be fraught with discomfort and miss steps by the the Iraqis. We gave it the good old college try to attempt to train the natives to protect their hopeless little third world country and they just NEVER seem to get it. They are obviously just cowards or too stupid to figure it out. These are two good reasons to leave them to the fate they seem to be too innept to escape.

Send a memo to Haliburton:

"The seemingly never ending money trough is going to dry up. Your services are no longer needed."
What better sign that someone's a lying POS then to back your claim up with a thousand bucks and that loser runs for the hills.

Where'd ya go, Carb?????????

You RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, didn't ya. Pathological liar.

We all know you don't know shit about Iraq.

Come time for put up or shut up you RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. LOL


I'll put up a thousand bucks with a mutually agreed to arbiter; I am betting that the Baghdad/Airport road has not been under the control of ISIS,

blocking all traffic to and from those two end points, shutting down all such traffic, since the time you claimed it was...

1. the holder of the money must be mutually agreed to.

2. you must provide proof of your claim to the satisfaction of the arbiter, the holder of the money.

3. your claim, to be clear, is that ISIS controls the road. Period. No half-ass bullshit that they 'control' it because they can fire mortars at it, or set IED's on it, or snipe at it. Nothing less than control.

4. you must be willing to deposit the money with the arbiter. No IOU's. No promises.

5. The arbiter's decision is final.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she declines....and claims that she never said that.

Her thread title is unequivocal. 'Captures' is a precise word with a clear meaning. A road in the hands of the enemy is a road you can't use, period.

She will have to prove that, with RELIABLE sources, in order not to lose her money.
What better sign that someone's a lying POS then to back your claim up with a thousand bucks and that loser runs for the hills.

Where'd ya go, Carb?????????

You RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, didn't ya. Pathological liar.

We all know you don't know shit about Iraq.

Come time for put up or shut up you RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. LOL


I'll put up a thousand bucks with a mutually agreed to arbiter; I am betting that the Baghdad/Airport road has not been under the control of ISIS,

blocking all traffic to and from those two end points, shutting down all such traffic, since the time you claimed it was...

1. the holder of the money must be mutually agreed to.

2. you must provide proof of your claim to the satisfaction of the arbiter, the holder of the money.

3. your claim, to be clear, is that ISIS controls the road. Period. No half-ass bullshit that they 'control' it because they can fire mortars at it, or set IED's on it, or snipe at it. Nothing less than control.

4. you must be willing to deposit the money with the arbiter. No IOU's. No promises.

5. The arbiter's decision is final.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she declines....and claims that she never said that.

Her thread title is unequivocal. 'Captures' is a precise word with a clear meaning. A road in the hands of the enemy is a road you can't use, period.

She will have to prove that, with RELIABLE sources, in order not to lose her money.

You may not get an answer for a while. She's been dispatched on a secret mission to rescue hostages in Syria. While there, she'll lead an international consortium on economic theory via Skype. She's very busy.
What better sign that someone's a lying POS then to back your claim up with a thousand bucks and that loser runs for the hills.

Where'd ya go, Carb?????????

You RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, didn't ya. Pathological liar.

We all know you don't know shit about Iraq.

Come time for put up or shut up you RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. LOL


I'll put up a thousand bucks with a mutually agreed to arbiter; I am betting that the Baghdad/Airport road has not been under the control of ISIS,

blocking all traffic to and from those two end points, shutting down all such traffic, since the time you claimed it was...

1. the holder of the money must be mutually agreed to.

2. you must provide proof of your claim to the satisfaction of the arbiter, the holder of the money.

3. your claim, to be clear, is that ISIS controls the road. Period. No half-ass bullshit that they 'control' it because they can fire mortars at it, or set IED's on it, or snipe at it. Nothing less than control.

4. you must be willing to deposit the money with the arbiter. No IOU's. No promises.

5. The arbiter's decision is final.

No, shit-for-brains, this is NOT what's meant by captured:

"blocking all traffic to and from those two end points, shutting down all such traffic, since the time you claimed it was"

I thought you said you were in the military??? What a poser. You have about as much military experience as Hillary Clinton does.

Here, let me school you, genius. Taken or captured means ISIS has the ability to deny access to us and our allies. It means they've successfully carried out ambushes, planted IEDs, or have successfully attacked anywhere along the road that renders it inaccessible for our normal purposes.

I know you're completely unqualified to talk about this subject, but I'd think you'd at least understand basic logistics.

You think 100% of that road...OR ANY ROAD....has to be under control to deny access????

The OP stands. You can't even understand the most basic assumptions of this thread. Or the Iraq discussion. You owe me money because ISIS has successfully denied access. Now jump to it.
What better sign that someone's a lying POS then to back your claim up with a thousand bucks and that loser runs for the hills.

Where'd ya go, Carb?????????

You RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, didn't ya. Pathological liar.

We all know you don't know shit about Iraq.

Come time for put up or shut up you RANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. LOL


I'll put up a thousand bucks with a mutually agreed to arbiter; I am betting that the Baghdad/Airport road has not been under the control of ISIS,

blocking all traffic to and from those two end points, shutting down all such traffic, since the time you claimed it was...

1. the holder of the money must be mutually agreed to.

2. you must provide proof of your claim to the satisfaction of the arbiter, the holder of the money.

3. your claim, to be clear, is that ISIS controls the road. Period. No half-ass bullshit that they 'control' it because they can fire mortars at it, or set IED's on it, or snipe at it. Nothing less than control.

4. you must be willing to deposit the money with the arbiter. No IOU's. No promises.

5. The arbiter's decision is final.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she declines....and claims that she never said that.

Her thread title is unequivocal. 'Captures' is a precise word with a clear meaning. A road in the hands of the enemy is a road you can't use, period.

She will have to prove that, with RELIABLE sources, in order not to lose her money.

I get it. You sit in a classroom pontificating about things in life as you flip through the dictionary. You don't even understand the logistics of a road.

Laugh My Fucking Ass Off.

No wonder you libs are such failures.

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