I Saw Tom Steyer's impeach Trump Commercial on FOX News

Stop with the "libs" politically correctness. Radical Neocon Jews ("libs") really thought that THEY had full control of American...until we voted in The Donald.
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Someone should tell this lunatic to quit wasting his money. FOX viewers must all be laughing their asses off. Trump is far more mentally stable than this idiot. He's going to quickly become a laughing stock.

So other than tell everyone you're laughing did you have anything else to add? No?

You can't fight the truth bro

So you have absolutely nothing. Interesting conclusion.

Yes, that's what I just told the OP. Is this an echo?

It just seems to me you don’t add anything to a conversation, you just complain about others not adding anything to a conversation. :dunno:
Someone should tell this lunatic to quit wasting his money. FOX viewers must all be laughing their asses off. Trump is far more mentally stable than this idiot. He's going to quickly become a laughing stock.

Any opinions of Trump as a Moron, Warmonger, Narcissistic or Reckless
are not impeachable offenses.

However, any charges/proof that Trump "obstructed justice"
or accepted any unlawful payments from foreign govts
can be researched to find provable abuses that can be pursued.

Why are so many conservatives or pro Trump defenders
falling for this fear bait?

Stick to the facts, of what can be proven.
Any other cracks or insults directed at Trump
have nothing to do with impeachable offenses
that don't rely on one's positive or negative perception of Trump.

All that is a distraction, so why bother even responding to it with more opinions
that don't affect whether Trump's actions are impeachable or not?

People are not suppose to just sit back and let lies stand without opposition to them. It is up to each and everyone to seek out and search for the truth and help others find it when possible. Would you stand by and watch someone who was ignorant of the road being out ahead and go look at the wreck afterwards or should you try to say something if you know the road ahead is very dangerous to them? If you are aware that road is out and they will wreck if they continue blindly forward and you do not warn them do you have any culpability in their wreck?

If you warn them and they continue on blindly its on them not you.

My concern is that the PERSONAL bashing distracts from
REAL Constitutional grievances, checks on govt, and demands for reimbursement we SHOULD pursue.

People obviously bash for "political " points abusing the media, legal system, parties and govt
for "publicity" using EMOTIONALLY charged attacks.

Where is the REAL push to get REAL corrections and REAL restitution for wrongs?

I'm not saying don't do that, I'm saying focus on the REAL chargeable wrongs that we
as taxpayers, voters and citizens have the right to petition for corrections and compensation
for debts and damages otherwise charged to us as the public.

RodISHI please read my msg again.
My point and purpose is to focus on the actual offenses with content.
and to avoid distraction over personal opinions that detract from going after the real wrongs.
Otherwise, with people from all sides complaining and bashing in the media over side issues,
this overwhelms, obstructs and backlogs the political and legal system and media, where
no one can directly address, correct and resolve the real issues. I'm all for people REDRESSING grievances until these are resolved. Just bashing and attacking, complaining and defending, back and forth, is getting lost in politics, so nothing is getting resolved.
The thing of it is that hard core democrats have a notorious lack of historical perspective. Years ago when Cronkite was the only information Americans had on T.V. the Steyer's rant might have been mainstream news. The point is that democrats are still playing by the old 60's playbook and they lost every significant election in the last six years because they can't seem to understand that Americans are smarter than they were when Pelosi was first running for office.

Well, Californians and New Yorkers are still pretty stupid.
Someone should tell this lunatic to quit wasting his money. FOX viewers must all be laughing their asses off. Trump is far more mentally stable than this idiot. He's going to quickly become a laughing stock.

Any opinions of Trump as a Moron, Warmonger, Narcissistic or Reckless
are not impeachable offenses.

However, any charges/proof that Trump "obstructed justice"
or accepted any unlawful payments from foreign govts
can be researched to find provable abuses that can be pursued.

Why are so many conservatives or pro Trump defenders
falling for this fear bait?

Stick to the facts, of what can be proven.
Any other cracks or insults directed at Trump
have nothing to do with impeachable offenses
that don't rely on one's positive or negative perception of Trump.

All that is a distraction, so why bother even responding to it with more opinions
that don't affect whether Trump's actions are impeachable or not?

People are not suppose to just sit back and let lies stand without opposition to them. It is up to each and everyone to seek out and search for the truth and help others find it when possible. Would you stand by and watch someone who was ignorant of the road being out ahead and go look at the wreck afterwards or should you try to say something if you know the road ahead is very dangerous to them? If you are aware that road is out and they will wreck if they continue blindly forward and you do not warn them do you have any culpability in their wreck?

If you warn them and they continue on blindly its on them not you.

My concern is that the PERSONAL bashing distracts from
REAL Constitutional grievances, checks on govt, and demands for reimbursement we SHOULD pursue.

People obviously bash for "political " points abusing the media, legal system, parties and govt
for "publicity" using EMOTIONALLY charged attacks.

Where is the REAL push to get REAL corrections and REAL restitution for wrongs?

I'm not saying don't do that, I'm saying focus on the REAL chargeable wrongs that we
as taxpayers, voters and citizens have the right to petition for corrections and compensation
for debts and damages otherwise charged to us as the public.

RodISHI please read my msg again.
My point and purpose is to focus on the actual offenses with content.
and to avoid distraction over personal opinions that detract from going after the real wrongs.
Otherwise, with people from all sides complaining and bashing in the media over side issues,
this overwhelms, obstructs and backlogs the political and legal system and media, where
no one can directly address, correct and resolve the real issues. I'm all for people REDRESSING grievances until these are resolved. Just bashing and attacking, complaining and defending, back and forth, is getting lost in politics, so nothing is getting resolved.

I understand as you probably well know Emily but people generally have very short attention spans and they do not take things very seriously until it hits them up close and personal. Not only that but these people who are now so called billionaires that made their fortunes off the backs of other people as in Steyers case need to be exposed. Even one of Rod's sisters didn't understand the gravity of what they did to us here until something very similar happened to her son and he got railroaded by crooked attorneys and a corrupt court. Until then they willingly chose to believe lies of others who were attempting to line their own pockets with a tiny amount of cash at our expense. Getting people to respect and value other peoples work and efforts again won't happen overnight so on platforms such as this and other platforms where quick glimpses are taken or given these small snipes will be there to get people to start thinking and looking for themselves into matters in depth.
I think that once Trump is removed from office, anyone that supports him should be labeled a domestic terrorist. You people are members of a cult and more of a threat to our nation than any brown people you are trying to keep out.
RDD_1210, are you a legal citizen in my country? You seem worried law enforcement might extract and put you back in some backward ass village with with no plumbing . :p

What high school did you graduate from?
RDD_1210, are you a legal citizen in my country? You seem worried law enforcement might extract and put you back in some backward ass village with with no plumbing . :p

What high school did you graduate from?

And racists such as yourself should be either locked up or shipped of to Iran where you can feel more comfortable. Everyone wins.
The thing of it is that hard core democrats have a notorious lack of historical perspective. Years ago when Cronkite was the only information Americans had on T.V. the Steyer's rant might have been mainstream news. The point is that democrats are still playing by the old 60's playbook and they lost every significant election in the last six years because they can't seem to understand that Americans are smarter than they were when Pelosi was first running for office.

Well, Californians and New Yorkers are still pretty stupid.

That is not what majority of Americans and overseas think of Trump. Even Trump son in law can validate what I’m talking about.

Donald Trump thinks Republicans are 'stupid,' Jared Kushner allegedly told former editor
Someone should tell this lunatic to quit wasting his money. FOX viewers must all be laughing their asses off. Trump is far more mentally stable than this idiot. He's going to quickly become a laughing stock.

Ha! Ha! Gee the libbies always tell us how radical right FOX News is. OOOPS! :blahblah:
What's so crazy about him?
Rex Tillerson called Trump a fucking moron.
Bob Corker, George W. Bush, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Charlie Dent have all said pretty much the same thing, but different wording.
Steyer is just agreeing with a bunch of Republicans that Trump is a fucking moron.
And Kim Jong Un knows Trump is a fucking moron, too.
The ad describes what the majority of people in the US and around the world think of Trump. He is mentally unstable and a danger to our country and to world peace--he does have us on the brink of war with North Korea and does not in any way display the character and judgement to be leader of the West. He is a danger to us all.
The thing of it is that hard core democrats have a notorious lack of historical perspective. Years ago when Cronkite was the only information Americans had on T.V. the Steyer's rant might have been mainstream news. The point is that democrats are still playing by the old 60's playbook and they lost every significant election in the last six years because they can't seem to understand that Americans are smarter than they were when Pelosi was first running for office.

Well, Californians and New Yorkers are still pretty stupid.

That is not what majority of Americans and overseas think of Trump. Even Trump son in law can validate what I’m talking about.

Donald Trump thinks Republicans are 'stupid,' Jared Kushner allegedly told former editor

Republicans are stupid but Democrats are worse. I didn't vote for Trump because he was a Republican, I voted for him because he is a great 'liar' so stuff it.
I love it!! .... :thup:

Trump is driving liberals over the crazy cliff. .... :lol: :lol:
The purpose of being president is not to drive people crazy but to represent and unite everyone for the good of the country.

Trump isn't driving everyone crazy, just the mentally ill Democrats and the radical leftist MSM. It's fun to watch them go for the 'hook 'like fish....Trump shows them the 'bait' distracting them while he gets things done.
Someone should tell this lunatic to quit wasting his money. FOX viewers must all be laughing their asses off. Trump is far more mentally stable than this idiot. He's going to quickly become a laughing stock.

Any opinions of Trump as a Moron, Warmonger, Narcissistic or Reckless
are not impeachable offenses.

However, any charges/proof that Trump "obstructed justice"
or accepted any unlawful payments from foreign govts
can be researched to find provable abuses that can be pursued.

Why are so many conservatives or pro Trump defenders
falling for this fear bait?

Stick to the facts, of what can be proven.
Any other cracks or insults directed at Trump
have nothing to do with impeachable offenses
that don't rely on one's positive or negative perception of Trump.

All that is a distraction, so why bother even responding to it with more opinions
that don't affect whether Trump's actions are impeachable or not?

Impeachable offenses. The Constitution defines impeachment at the federal level and limits impeachment to "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States" who may be impeached and removed only for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors".

The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct peculiar to officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, and refusal to obey a lawful order.

He has already committed impeachable offenses.
I love it!! .... :thup:

Trump is driving liberals over the crazy cliff. .... :lol: :lol:
The purpose of being president is not to drive people crazy but to represent and unite everyone for the good of the country.

Trump isn't driving everyone crazy, just the mentally ill Democrats and the radical leftist MSM. It's fun to watch them go for the 'hook 'like fish....Trump shows them the 'bait' distracting them while he gets things done.

He isn't driving anyone crazy, especially not Democrats. That's not my point, and if you had half a brain you'd realize it. My point is that taking pleasure in the idea that the role of your president is to upset people is idiotic. That is not the purpose of a president or the reason to vote for someone: that he would upset those you don't like and disagree with. If you think that is the reason to vote for and support a president then you are anti-American.

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