I sometimes feel I am not 100% Catholic and not Protestant either.. help

I would like to evangelize more

problem is: I am finding some very nefarious stuff in the Catholic Church and definitely do not want to propagate said nefarious stuff by promoting the Catholic religion.

On the other hand, the Catholic faith has done so much for me, especially t he teachings RE the Real Presence... well, not so much the teachingss thereof but spending time there...

Then there are the non-Catholics. My chief criticism of them is that they generally hate all things Catholic, often including Catholics themselves..

So I feel I am in a non-man's land

Anyone else relate to this?
I get confuzerated too when I see an ad that says OBO....I sometimes feel Joo~ish
The Church and Government are working hand in hand to destroy this country by allowing diseased illegals to infiltrate this country. Since the government is paying billions of dollars, what is a tithe from a little person like you? Not a damn thing, because the Church doesnt give a damn about Joe USA, but all those illegal migrants the Government is paying out to take care of.
Faith is not about illegal immigrants.

I am against illegal immigration. In another context, Jesus noted that those who did not enter the sheepfold through the gate was a liar and a thief. I feel the same about illegal immigration. That being said, if I, personally, find any hungry person at my door, I feed, clothe, educate them. Should illegal immigrants be there? No. Someone else (including themselves) failed and I deplore that. No matter how much I deplore it, when they are at my door, personally, and need care, I care for them.

The government makes the laws on immigration, not any church.
I would like to evangelize more

problem is: I am finding some very nefarious stuff in the Catholic Church and definitely do not want to propagate said nefarious stuff by promoting the Catholic religion.

On the other hand, the Catholic faith has done so much for me, especially t he teachings RE the Real Presence... well, not so much the teachingss thereof but spending time there...

Then there are the non-Catholics. My chief criticism of them is that they generally hate all things Catholic, often including Catholics themselves..

So I feel I am in a non-man's land

Anyone else relate to this?
Maybe you should try Jewish.
Dont give me shit about those diseased criminals crossing our southern border who dont give a rats ass about this country, but want to steal from me and my family as much as they can. If they were so great and good, then would get in line like legal immigrants who not only take the time and effort to be good citizens but then want to contribute to the US so they can be models of how great it is to live here. Fuck the illegals, may they rot in hell.

the evil of paterfamilias is the byproduct of failed religion as those that have made it what is historically recorded. the crucifiers.
Faith is not about illegal immigrants.

I am against illegal immigration. In another context, Jesus noted that those who did not enter the sheepfold through the gate was a liar and a thief. I feel the same about illegal immigration. That being said, if I, personally, find any hungry person at my door, I feed, clothe, educate them. Should illegal immigrants be there? No. Someone else (including themselves) failed and I deplore that. No matter how much I deplore it, when they are at my door, personally, and need care, I care for them.

The government makes the laws on immigration, not any church.
Yeah, you do that.


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