I sometimes feel I am not 100% Catholic and not Protestant either.. help

There is nothing nefarious about the teachings of the Catholic Church. As it comes from Jesus, it is 100% perfect in every way. As for the bad actions of relatively few fallible people? That should have no bearing on your embracing of the faith. Why should it? In what way would it invalidate Jesus' teaching? Stay with the RCC. Embrace it. Evangelize it. You have the perfect product.
And there you have it, if you have faith in God, you dont need some dude in a white outfit who pushes Socialism, telling you what to do, when to do it, and why you do it. The Church and Government is working together and if that isnt Evil i dont know what is.

And there you have it, if you have faith in God, you dont need some dude in a white outfit who pushes Socialism, telling you what to do, when to do it, and why you do it.
Daily Mass; Catholic Prayers; Catholic Hymns--all centered in Christ and his words.

Your "some dude" is a fellow Catholic, who hopefully first follows Christ as diligently as many Catholics and, outside the Mass, has political views most of us ignore as have nothing to do with Christ.
Daily Mass; Catholic Prayers; Catholic Hymns--all centered in Christ and his words.

Your "some dude" is a fellow Catholic, who hopefully first follows Christ as diligently as many Catholics and, outside the Mass, has political views most of us ignore as have nothing to do with Christ.

Origins of the Praying Hands | DIVINECODERS
Origins of the Praying Hands

The act of one clasping their hands while praying is not at all exclusive to Christianity, in fact, nearly all major religions, including pagans, clasp their hands, in like fashion, while praying to their God(s). In this article we learn to pray as our Father intended.


The Jewish Talmud states that “Raba removed his cloak, clasped his hands and prayed,”, so we know at one time, even the Jewish people may have occasionally prayed with clasped hands; however, the written Torah does not command them to do so. Today, Jewish people do not pray with their hands clasped, in fact, they are unlike the entire world.

As you will see in subsequent sections within this article, nearly every major religion prays with their hands clasped, except for one -the Jewish people. In this article we will explore the pagan origins of the Praying Hands, starting in ancient Sumeria (ca. 888-885 BC) and ending in the Holy Bible where we discover how our Father intended us to pray.

Sumeria (ca. 888-885 BC)

In 8th century BC, the people of Sumeria (i.e. Modern Day Iraq) were worshiping the sun god Shamash. Here in the image below we have a stone relief, discovered in Iraq (ca. 1881 AD), of pagan priests performing religious worship of the sun god, Shamash.
Daily Mass; Catholic Prayers; Catholic Hymns--all centered in Christ and his words.

Your "some dude" is a fellow Catholic, who hopefully first follows Christ as diligently as many Catholics and, outside the Mass, has political views most of us ignore as have nothing to do with Christ.
Pope Francis: I Was Once a Bar Bouncer
The popular pontiff was once a bouncer at a nightclub in his native Argentina, Francis told Catholics at a church outside Rome earlier this week.
He has also swept floors and run tests in a chemical laboratory, the Pope said, in revelations sure to boost his image as a “pope of the people.” And, as leader of the Jesuit community in Argentina, he woke at 5:30 a.m. to do the priests’ laundry, according to author Christopher Lowney.
In “Evangelii Gaudium” (The Joy of the Gospel), officially known as an “apostolic exhortation,” Francis calls for church reforms, urges Catholics to be more bold and joyful, and castigates elements of modern capitalism.

Castigates elements of modern capitalism? Even though capitalism isnt perfect, it is a much better way of life than Socialism, which Francis loves to push.
The Jewish Talmud states that “Raba removed his cloak, clasped his hands and prayed,”, so we know at one time, even the Jewish people may have occasionally prayed with clasped hands; however, the written Torah does not command them to do so. Today, Jewish people do not pray with their hands clasped, in fact, they are unlike the entire world.
This is interesting, the first time I have heard of it.

Perhaps you are also aware that prayers are often said without clasped hands. Sometimes hands are raised (during the Lord's Prayer). Catholics often pray while hands are busy doing something else, everyday chores. And, of course, when we use rosary beads.

Here is the truth: Ways are not always copied from other cultures. For example, did some Native American cultures copy not clasping hands from the Jews? Dolls are in many cultures as well. Did the West copy from the East? Unlikely. More likely it was natural for them to turn up everywhere without being copied.
Clasping of hands and bowing the head when one is speaking internally is a natural position. Body language would observe that such poster says one is centered on what is within rather than what is without.

And so what if they were "copied". Natural truths tend to expand into other areas.
This is interesting, the first time I have heard of it.

Perhaps you are also aware that prayers are often said without clasped hands. Sometimes hands are raised (during the Lord's Prayer). Catholics often pray while hands are busy doing something else, everyday chores. And, of course, when we use rosary beads.

Here is the truth: Ways are not always copied from other cultures. For example, did some Native American cultures copy not clasping hands from the Jews? Dolls are in many cultures as well. Did the West copy from the East? Unlikely. More likely it was natural for them to turn up everywhere without being copied.
Clasping of hands and bowing the head when one is speaking internally is a natural position. Body language would observe that such poster says one is centered on what is within rather than what is without.

And so what if they were "copied". Natural truths tend to expand into other areas.
If the earth is 4.5 billion years old or 6,000 years old do you remember anything during that time before you were born?

Jeremiah 1 1
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Castigates elements of modern capitalism? Even though capitalism isnt perfect, it is a much better way of life than Socialism, which Francis loves to push.
Are you imagining that all Catholics have--and have always had--the same political ideology? Catholics have often disagreed with popes on political ideas. I don't know, I haven't studied it, but Pope Francis may well be in the minority of Catholics who prefer socialism. He is not our political leader, and as you know, people who are not of our own political persuasion can be regarded as grimly--pope or not.
If the earth is 4.5 billion years old or 6,000 years old do you remember anything during that time before you were born?
I only remember three incidents from all the days I was a toddler. Therefore it is pushing it to think I can remember what happened before then. :) (It is why we have history and science books--to access the memory and knowledge of others who have gone before.)
I only remember three incidents from all the days I was a toddler. Therefore it is pushing it to think I can remember what happened before then. :) (It is why we have history and science books--to access the memory and knowledge of others who have gone before.)
Profound events are remembered to most, Or does the soul have only the memory of a 1952 computer??
Are you imagining that all Catholics have--and have always had--the same political ideology? Catholics have often disagreed with popes on political ideas. I don't know, I haven't studied it, but Pope Francis may well be in the minority of Catholics who prefer socialism. He is not our political leader, and as you know, people who are not of our own political persuasion can be regarded as grimly--pope or not.
The Church and Government are working hand in hand to destroy this country by allowing diseased illegals to infiltrate this country. Since the government is paying billions of dollars, what is a tithe from a little person like you? Not a damn thing, because the Church doesnt give a damn about Joe USA, but all those illegal migrants the Government is paying out to take care of.
I would like to evangelize more

problem is: I am finding some very nefarious stuff in the Catholic Church and definitely do not want to propagate said nefarious stuff by promoting the Catholic religion.

On the other hand, the Catholic faith has done so much for me, especially t he teachings RE the Real Presence... well, not so much the teachingss thereof but spending time there...

Then there are the non-Catholics. My chief criticism of them is that they generally hate all things Catholic, often including Catholics themselves..

So I feel I am in a non-man's land

Anyone else relate to this?

nothing wrong w/ righting the wrongs of the 10000 page 4th century c bible - book of forgeries and fallacies - to free your own spirit with others you might help.
Love God...you cant lose.
The Church and Government are working hand in hand to destroy this country by allowing diseased illegals to infiltrate this country. Since the government is paying billions of dollars, what is a tithe from a little person like you? Not a damn thing, because the Church doesnt give a damn about Joe USA, but all those illegal migrants the Government is paying out to take care of.

sure, you can't lose - when it is to late to be anything else.

- obviously your love is not the same as for others.
And there you have it, if you have faith in God, you dont need some dude in a white outfit who pushes Socialism, telling you what to do, when to do it, and why you do it. The Church and Government is working together and if that isnt Evil i dont know what is.

You have spammed the forum with your anti-Catholic hate and lies enough. Reported.
The more you post the more obvious it becomes that you are a pathological liar who is clueless about both the Bible AND the Catholic Church. Your ignorance on all these topics is colossal.
yup I said it before I will say it again you have a closed mind, a fruit cake bible thumper, the one I would hate to take to a museum that has dinosaurs.

I was raised catholic, I spent my youth running around churches/cathedrials and seminary's in the Midwest, My uncle is a retired priest I have great aunts that were catholic nuns on both sides of my parents family, I was in Awanas (christian boy scouts) I went to CCD. I switched over to protestant when I was around 16 years old for the girls. I went to two bible schools in the past three years, Next month I will be studying the hebrew bible online course for two years. I know the bible better then most dime store corner pastors. I have the holy spirit in me and I am dumb founded at Christians that don't know if they do.
Yet you are totally ignorant of Catholicism.

AND you are a pathological liar to boot.
No your ignorant of the world around you and never read the fucking bible, I don't even need the bible to argue with LDS on the streets which I used to do all the time in Casper Wyoming and Idaho falls Idaho.

sure, you can't lose - when it is to late to be anything else.

- obviously your love is not the same as for others.
Dont give me shit about those diseased criminals crossing our southern border who dont give a rats ass about this country, but want to steal from me and my family as much as they can. If they were so great and good, then would get in line like legal immigrants who not only take the time and effort to be good citizens but then want to contribute to the US so they can be models of how great it is to live here. Fuck the illegals, may they rot in hell.

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