I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

WTF do THEY have to do with...........ANYTHING?

Protect WHO?

NOTHING, compared to Trump and his cult.

'Where are all of the arrests?': Trump demands Barr lock up ...

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https://www.politico.com › news › 2020/10/07 › trum...

Oct 7, 2020 — Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest .
Either you broke the law as Trump alledgedly believed they did or they didn't, but one thing is for sure, if the hive begins to swarm, and even protecting those they never would have protected before because of their tremendous hatred of Trump, then it was done out of the hatred of Trump.

So here you are infiltrating republican world because you figured that it is imploding so why not get a couple of jabs in there while you can eh ? Might even be opened to invitations of those on the right like Bar to join you, but that's to much of a stretch so you'll just sit along the sidelines throwing the ball back in when you can eh ?
By using FBI plants in the crowd to stir them up. By refusing national guard protection when offered by Trump, by instructing the capital cops to let the people enter the building. Who is Ray Epps and why has he not been arrested and charged with inciting a riot? Look it up, you might learn something.
This is like some Einsteinian grand "unification" conspiracy theory.

Except you have to twist each fact, to make it work. Such as the national guard offer, was made by Trump to "protect the protesters". He even had his acting Sec of Def specify that, forbidding them from having weapons, riot gear.

And the capitol police weren't instructed to let the people enter, but instead while most chose to stand their ground and fight, others chose to cooperate, or run away, to live to fight another day.

And your overall theory requires so many things to go exactly as they did, that it would make the planning for D-Day look like the Keystone Kops.
I don't understand how Trump going to be certified as POTUS.
That was laid out in the Eastman memos. It wasn't a matter of having congress (Mike Pence) certify Trump the winner, but to prevent Biden from being certified the winner. In that case, the 12th amendment kicks in, and the presidential selection is thrown into the house and the vice presidential selection into the senate.

Since the republicans held the house by a majority of states, they would have elected Trump 26 to 24, and with the Senate as it was on January 6th split 50/50 the VP would have broken the tie to elect the VP.
The next election might be determined more by fraud than anything else. "Bitching" is besides the point. Republicans have to study all the cheating of the 2020 election, and enact safeguards, so as to not fall prey to it again in 2024.
Fall prey to what? Voting? Please.... :rolleyes-41:
By using FBI plants in the crowd to stir them up. By refusing national guard protection when offered by Trump, by instructing the capital cops to let the people enter the building. Who is Ray Epps and why has he not been arrested and charged with inciting a riot? Look it up, you might learn something.
Obviously, you have not followed the facts and convictions of seditious conspiracy.

1/6 was planned by trump, executed by trump and incited by trump
Either you broke the law as Trump alledgedly believed they did or they didn't, but one thing is for sure, if the hive begins to swarm, and even protecting those they never would have protected before because of their tremendous hatred of Trump, then it was done out of the hatred of Trump.
A white cop puts his knee on the back of a person's neck, and someone blamed TRUMP?
WHO would that be?
So here you are infiltrating republican world because you figured that it is imploding so why not get a couple of jabs in there while you can eh ? Might even be opened to invitations of those on the right like Bar to join you, but that's to much of a stretch so you'll just sit along the sidelines throwing the ball back in when you can eh ?
THAT is what teabaggers are doing, conflating one incident with another.
by winning more electoral votes once the fraud was reversed. But we never got to see the evidence of vote fraud, did we? Why were we not allowed to see and hear the fraud allegations? it they were false it would have hurt the GOP, why did they keep it from us?
You were not shown voter fraud, despite over 60 lawsuits claiming such. But like Occams Razor, the reason no fraud was shown, was there was no fraud to show.
A magicial may be able to pull a rabbit out of a hat, but a lawyer can't pull a voter fraud, out of a legitimate election.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
You actually want a president that had to take the 5th over 400 times?? Really? That's what you want for America? and BTW what were his incredible successes?
That was laid out in the Eastman memos. It wasn't a matter of having congress (Mike Pence) certify Trump the winner, but to prevent Biden from being certified the winner. In that case, the 12th amendment kicks in, and the presidential selection is thrown into the house and the vice presidential selection into the senate.

Since the republicans held the house by a majority of states, they would have elected Trump 26 to 24, and with the Senate as it was on January 6th split 50/50 the VP would have broken the tie to elect the VP.
But the person I am talking to claims Pelosi caused the violence. I am trying to find out why she would do such a thing.
How was the fraud going to be reversed?
By court order once it was proven. or by congress refusing to accept the votes of the fraudulent states.
Courts oversee elections, they don't declare the winner, especially by ignoring the actual vote count.

But you did hit on the Eastman plan, of congress refusing to accept the votes of the swing states, thus throwing the election into the houses of congress.
Courts oversee elections, they don't declare the winner, especially by ignoring the actual vote count.

But you did hit on the Eastman plan, of congress refusing to accept the votes of the swing states, thus throwing the election into the houses of congress.
You leftists argue the states over see elections. Now it's the courts? LOL
You leftists argue the states over see elections. Now it's the courts? LOL
The states election laws empower the courts to oversee election protests and election contests. And to handle all suits at law concerning the election process.
Trump was going to declared the loser of the election. Why would Pelosi want to to stop that?

When did I say she wanted to stop it? She knew it couldn't be stopped. But by allowing a potential riot to happen, she figured a lot of people would turn against Trump and blame him. When that didn't work, they created this phony 1/6 investigation.

You have to understand the Communists are scared to death of this man: the phony Russian collusion thing, the two phony impeachments, the riot, the phony 1/6 investigation and now this phony law suit by Fat Alvin; all designed to stop Trump from running again because he's going to beat the piss out of them next election.

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