I supported gay marriage, but the slippery slope we were warned about is happening!!!

They not only said they can use the restroom of their choice but also fitting rooms. There is a petition out there for their boycott with almost 200,000 signatures after 2 days.I can't see letting a man into the dressing room where a 16 yr old girl is changing. It is bizarre. I wonder what happens when the first is followed after they leave there?
Most state public accommodation laws that protect gays predate last June's ruling. Perhaps all of them, I am not sure.

Again, I think all public accommodation laws are bullshit and businesses should be free to serve or not serve any person for any reason they see fit.

I see Target is taking it up the chute (no pun intended) for their stance.

I am all for people taking their money elsewhere if they don't support certain business practices.

Agreed and it seems people are going elsewhere other than Target. They would have been wise to remain neutral instead of pandering to a very small segment of the population. Horrible business decision
Yeah, the end is nigh and all that shit.

Jeeez but you people do get all het up over nothing. There is nothing at all "frightening" about equality.

No christians have been or will be "persecuted". Quit whining.

Second, its the RWNJs who want to marry children and have repeatedly defended it on this board.

Third, bigamy? So what?

Fourth, no one wants grown men to use women's bathrooms.

Okay, you can go back to making up weird crap.
I strongly supported gay marriage and was happy when the SCOTUS made it the law of the land (despite my personal feelings against legislating from the bench). Yet the gay marriage opposition warned us about the slippery slope:

First, it was the persecution of Christians (notice not Muslims who are free to deny fag's service) to deny serves to a gay marriage based on religious beliefs. Yet the argument was the bakery is a bigot so please carry on.

Second, it was you can't say anything to offend the sensitive people of the world or the non-tolerant left will ruin your life.

Now, they want grown men to use the same bathroom, locker rooms and showers as women and young girls. This was unthinkable even 5 yrs ago and now the left is destroying anyone who disagrees with it.

Next on agenda will be child marriage. I guarantee it will come from a Muslim who says they want to marry a child. Child marriage laws will be eroded. Sounds unthinkable, yet few years ago so was men in women's bathrooms.

Next will be bigamy. It will go hand and hand with child marriage. This one is inevitable.

I am not sure I don't still support gay marriage, but the slippery slope is getting frightening!

Alternatively, you could stop trying to control other people's private lives with bigger and more invasive laws, stop Peeping Tom, stop peeking at people's pee pee's and


Pedophilia will be next and they will accomplish this by chipping away at the age of consent tell they ultimately get it down 8 years old or so.....liberals will cheer.
I strongly supported gay marriage and was happy when the SCOTUS made it the law of the land (despite my personal feelings against legislating from the bench). Yet the gay marriage opposition warned us about the slippery slope:

First, it was the persecution of Christians (notice not Muslims who are free to deny fag's service) to deny serves to a gay marriage based on religious beliefs. Yet the argument was the bakery is a bigot so please carry on.

Second, it was you can't say anything to offend the sensitive people of the world or the non-tolerant left will ruin your life.

Now, they want grown men to use the same bathroom, locker rooms and showers as women and young girls. This was unthinkable even 5 yrs ago and now the left is destroying anyone who disagrees with it.

Next on agenda will be child marriage. I guarantee it will come from a Muslim who says they want to marry a child. Child marriage laws will be eroded. Sounds unthinkable, yet few years ago so was men in women's bathrooms.

Next will be bigamy. It will go hand and hand with child marriage. This one is inevitable.

I am not sure I don't still support gay marriage, but the slippery slope is getting frightening!

I just have to shake my head, and marvel that so many people were so blind as to not see this coming. This slippery slope is nothing new; we've been on it since the “sexual revolution” of the 1960s. There has not been any time since then, that anyone should have been able to look at the moral degradation that had come so far, and not easily expect further degradation to follow.
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Yeah, the end is nigh and all that shit.

Jeeez but you people do get all het up over nothing. There is nothing at all "frightening" about equality.

No christians have been or will be "persecuted". Quit whining.

Second, its the RWNJs who want to marry children and have repeatedly defended it on this board.

Third, bigamy? So what?

Fourth, no one wants grown men to use women's bathrooms.

Okay, you can go back to making up weird crap.
I strongly supported gay marriage and was happy when the SCOTUS made it the law of the land (despite my personal feelings against legislating from the bench). Yet the gay marriage opposition warned us about the slippery slope:

First, it was the persecution of Christians (notice not Muslims who are free to deny fag's service) to deny serves to a gay marriage based on religious beliefs. Yet the argument was the bakery is a bigot so please carry on.

Second, it was you can't say anything to offend the sensitive people of the world or the non-tolerant left will ruin your life.

Now, they want grown men to use the same bathroom, locker rooms and showers as women and young girls. This was unthinkable even 5 yrs ago and now the left is destroying anyone who disagrees with it.

Next on agenda will be child marriage. I guarantee it will come from a Muslim who says they want to marry a child. Child marriage laws will be eroded. Sounds unthinkable, yet few years ago so was men in women's bathrooms.

Next will be bigamy. It will go hand and hand with child marriage. This one is inevitable.

I am not sure I don't still support gay marriage, but the slippery slope is getting frightening!

Alternatively, you could stop trying to control other people's private lives with bigger and more invasive laws, stop Peeping Tom, stop peeking at people's pee pee's and


Pedophilia will be next and they will accomplish this by chipping away at the age of consent tell they ultimately get it down 8 years old or so.....liberals will cheer.

They'll cheer until they starting messing with children and then they will either get beat down....or shot. Preferably the latter
Suppose you open a new bar & grill. You're building a great clientele but then a group of skin heads (or insert any other group here) starts hanging out there & driving off all your clients with money & class.
Should you not have the right to tell them to get the fuck out just because your opposition to them is politically or socially motivated?
Likewise I would not allow my bar to be overrun with freaks like cross dressers or transgenders. It's my business & I know who my target client is.

Simple! Call it a private club. Problem solved.
Not really. We have private clubs here and when the no smoking laws passed it included them. 16 private establishment owners got together & sued & LOST.

THAT is a different thing. I believe it, smoking in a public setting, is a health code violation not a social or moral situation. I doubt there is a law that would stand that would force a private club to be forced to have their bathroom placards changed to accommodate these silly laws.
I think it is all one & the same.

Government overreach.

Government overreach then by your standard would be telling anyone they have to have opposite sex separate bathrooms in the first place.

My doctor's office bathrooms have signs showing men and women both. I don't care if women with their nasty diseased vaja-ja's and stretched out a-holes use the facilities. As long as they don't leave slug trails and chunks of cottage cheese behind for me to clean up.
Yeah, the end is nigh and all that shit.

Jeeez but you people do get all het up over nothing. There is nothing at all "frightening" about equality.

No christians have been or will be "persecuted". Quit whining.

Second, its the RWNJs who want to marry children and have repeatedly defended it on this board.

Third, bigamy? So what?

Fourth, no one wants grown men to use women's bathrooms.

Okay, you can go back to making up weird crap.
I strongly supported gay marriage and was happy when the SCOTUS made it the law of the land (despite my personal feelings against legislating from the bench). Yet the gay marriage opposition warned us about the slippery slope:

First, it was the persecution of Christians (notice not Muslims who are free to deny fag's service) to deny serves to a gay marriage based on religious beliefs. Yet the argument was the bakery is a bigot so please carry on.

Second, it was you can't say anything to offend the sensitive people of the world or the non-tolerant left will ruin your life.

Now, they want grown men to use the same bathroom, locker rooms and showers as women and young girls. This was unthinkable even 5 yrs ago and now the left is destroying anyone who disagrees with it.

Next on agenda will be child marriage. I guarantee it will come from a Muslim who says they want to marry a child. Child marriage laws will be eroded. Sounds unthinkable, yet few years ago so was men in women's bathrooms.

Next will be bigamy. It will go hand and hand with child marriage. This one is inevitable.

I am not sure I don't still support gay marriage, but the slippery slope is getting frightening!

Alternatively, you could stop trying to control other people's private lives with bigger and more invasive laws, stop Peeping Tom, stop peeking at people's pee pee's and


Pedophilia will be next and they will accomplish this by chipping away at the age of consent tell they ultimately get it down 8 years old or so.....liberals will cheer.

Luddly will cheer too.
----------------------------------------- with respect but its never good to do away with long standing traditions and Western thinking and laws .

I wouldn't say never; but if a tradition or convention or value has been in place for hundreds, or even thousands of years, and has worked, it should not be casually discarded without careful examination and consideration as to what the consequences might be if discarding it.
I support letting individuals use the bathroom that coincides with the gender they identify as, BUT,

at this point I believe that the laws should involve something along the lines of an affirmative defense on the part of the individual who might be accused of using the wrong bathroom.

IOW, the burden of proof is on the individual to show that he or she does in fact legitimately identify as male or female.

Beyond that I defer to the courts to sort it out.
Why do you need a court to sort out biology?

Why wouldn't you?
But since he started posting on this thread he's used the word fallacy so many times I've been able to take full advantage of the USMB drinking game.......

Every time Clayton post the word fallacy, take a shot!

I'm gonna be crazy drunk anytime now!

As a Mormon, I'll propose an alternate drinking game.

Every time C_Clayton_Jones says something that is honest and rational, take a drink. I think this game puts me in no danger at all of violating my religious prohibition against alcohol.
Will the LGBT be forced to drop support for transgenders is the next question?

If courts find that transgenders have the right to either bathroom/shower/locker room, but straight males do not, even though they are simalarily situated to the Male Lesbian types (Bruce Jenner and our very own Renae), they create a legal paradox.

That is; if the law can discriminate against similarily situated groups in one case, they will be able to in others as well and the States will be able to Ban gay marriage again.

Stay tuned folks, this will be both fun and ugly at the same time.
I strongly supported gay marriage and was happy when the SCOTUS made it the law of the land (despite my personal feelings against legislating from the bench). Yet the gay marriage opposition warned us about the slippery slope:

First, it was the persecution of Christians (notice not Muslims who are free to deny fag's service) to deny serves to a gay marriage based on religious beliefs. Yet the argument was the bakery is a bigot so please carry on.

The Supreme Court didn't make anything the 'law of the land'- they overturned unconstitutional State laws.

Christians in a large portion of the United States are free to deny service to gays just for being gay- but gays cannot deny services to Christians- for being Christian.

In states where it is illegal for a business to deny service to a customer because of their sexual orientation- such as Oregon and Colorado- the law applies to all business's- whether they are Christian or Muslim or Jewish or atheists.

You are just wrong- and ignorant and alarmist.
Second, it was you can't say anything to offend the sensitive people of the world or the non-tolerant left will ruin your life.

Anyone trying to ruin your life for posting here?

Remember- freedom of speech does not mean 'freedom from criticism'.

You can say what you want- but people are entitled to criticize what you say.

Fun fact: Christians in America promoted laws making it illegal to be homosexuals- and to throw them in jail for being homosexual.

Now that is real persecution.
I strongly supported gay marriage and was happy when the SCOTUS made it the law of the land (despite my personal feelings against legislating from the bench). Yet the gay marriage opposition warned us about the slippery slope:

First, it was the persecution of Christians (notice not Muslims who are free to deny fag's service) to deny serves to a gay marriage based on religious beliefs. Yet the argument was the bakery is a bigot so please carry on.

The Supreme Court didn't make anything the 'law of the land'- they overturned unconstitutional State laws.

Christians in a large portion of the United States are free to deny service to gays just for being gay- but gays cannot deny services to Christians- for being Christian.

In states where it is illegal for a business to deny service to a customer because of their sexual orientation- such as Oregon and Colorado- the law applies to all business's- whether they are Christian or Muslim or Jewish or atheists.

You are just wrong- and ignorant and alarmist.
--------------------------------------- religion is a Constitutionaly protected Right while being homosexual is not supposed to be a protected status Syriusly .
Next on agenda will be child marriage. I guarantee it will come from a Muslim who says they want to marry a child. Child marriage laws will be eroded. Sounds unthinkable, yet few years ago so was men in women's bathrooms.

Ahh....the bigot is frightened of both gays and Muslims.

Apparently the 'slippery slope' of gays means "Muslims' will try to marry children.

What an idiot.
Second, it was you can't say anything to offend the sensitive people of the world or the non-tolerant left will ruin your life.

Anyone trying to ruin your life for posting here?

Remember- freedom of speech does not mean 'freedom from criticism'.

You can say what you want- but people are entitled to criticize what you say.

Fun fact: Christians in America promoted laws making it illegal to be homosexuals- and to throw them in jail for being homosexual.

Now that is real persecution.
---------------------------------------------------- homosexualty is traditionally a deviation and perversion in Western society and that's before Christianity in America Seriusly .
I strongly supported gay marriage and was happy when the SCOTUS made it the law of the land (despite my personal feelings against legislating from the bench). Yet the gay marriage opposition warned us about the slippery slope:

First, it was the persecution of Christians (notice not Muslims who are free to deny fag's service) to deny serves to a gay marriage based on religious beliefs. Yet the argument was the bakery is a bigot so please carry on.

The Supreme Court didn't make anything the 'law of the land'- they overturned unconstitutional State laws.

Christians in a large portion of the United States are free to deny service to gays just for being gay- but gays cannot deny services to Christians- for being Christian.

In states where it is illegal for a business to deny service to a customer because of their sexual orientation- such as Oregon and Colorado- the law applies to all business's- whether they are Christian or Muslim or Jewish or atheists.

You are just wrong- and ignorant and alarmist.
--------------------------------------- religion is a Constitutionaly protected Right while being homosexual is not supposed to be a protected status Syriusly .

Freedom of worship- freedom of religion absolutely is.

But there is no Constitutional right for a Christian to be served by a business- Christians- and Jews and every other religion got that protection in 1965 by the Civil Rights Act- which is a public accommodation law exactly like the laws States have passed to protect people from denial of service because of their sexual orientation.

Christians are protected from denial of service by public accommodation laws in all 50 states.
Gays are protected from denial of service by public accommodation laws in some 20 odd states.

So of course- Christians feel persecuted.
Second, it was you can't say anything to offend the sensitive people of the world or the non-tolerant left will ruin your life.

Anyone trying to ruin your life for posting here?

Remember- freedom of speech does not mean 'freedom from criticism'.

You can say what you want- but people are entitled to criticize what you say.

Fun fact: Christians in America promoted laws making it illegal to be homosexuals- and to throw them in jail for being homosexual.

Now that is real persecution.
---------------------------------------------------- homosexualty is traditionally a deviation and perversion in Western society and that's before Christianity in America Seriusly .

Thanks for acknowledging that Christians have traditionally persecuted homosexuals in America.
"First, it was the persecution of Christians (notice not Muslims who are free to deny fag's service) to deny serves to a gay marriage based on religious beliefs. Yet the argument was the bakery is a bigot so please carry on."


Not all states have public accommodations laws, and not all states have public accommodations laws with provisions for sexual orientation.

Oregon has such a provision, Michigan not – and it was in Michigan where the Muslim business owner refused to accommodate a gay patron.

If a Muslim baker were to refuse to accommodate a gay patron in Oregon, he’d be subject to the same lawsuit as that of a Christian baker.

Nope, you would bend over backward for the muslim baker because you're terrified of them.

No- it is you poor right wing nut jobs who are terrified of every Muslim in America.

You show me an American Muslim baker refusing to sell to a Christian for being Christian or to sell to an American because he is gay- and I will be exactly as outraged. Unlike you I am don't care about the religion of bakers.

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