I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.
In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.

You act like "blue states" sole population is full of nothing but fabian socialists that turn the wheels of their economies......I beg to differ.
In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.
In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.
San Francisco. lol, liar.
In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.
San Francisco. lol, liar.
Even people in tents buy stuff. California alone is among the worlds biggest economies.
England's brexit

Has the men totally against joining the more liberal euro Union

Even in the euro Union the men are rising which will stop the liberalism of europe

If you look at who voted to Brexit and who didn't, it was all the poor and middle class people who wanted to brexit. The financial district of England did not want to brexit.

The men's higher logic saw the harm of globalists crooks. The women with less logic could not see as well

All of Europe will have men against women and this will destroy liberalism forever
Actually if women would have shown up for Hillary she would have won. Women aren't unified YET. Keep talking maybe they will wake up.
Women know what Hillary is and that's why she lost. A strong woman doesn't stay with a sexual predator.
She does if she is a sexual predator herself. Hillary likes the ladies, and the younger the better. That is why she went to kiddie porn Island with Bill.
I agree the younger the better. Trump does too. In fact trump and I have that in common. We’re both in relationships with girls from the ussr who are more than 20 years younger than we are. I’m 48 she’s 25. She loves me as much as melania loves trump. Well melania loves him 5 billion times more actually.
Here is the ONLY possible future a libstain controlled United States has.

If you look at who voted to Brexit and who didn't, it was all the poor and middle class people who wanted to brexit. The financial district of England did not want to brexit.

The men's higher logic saw the harm of globalists crooks. The women with less logic could not see as well

All of Europe will have men against women and this will destroy liberalism forever
Actually if women would have shown up for Hillary she would have won. Women aren't unified YET. Keep talking maybe they will wake up.
Women know what Hillary is and that's why she lost. A strong woman doesn't stay with a sexual predator.
She does if she is a sexual predator herself. Hillary likes the ladies, and the younger the better. That is why she went to kiddie porn Island with Bill.
Yep, this democrat propaganda that Hillary is so smart and strong is pure BS. She's nothing but a corrupt sleazy bureaucrat just like her husband.
Relax your smear campaign worked on hillary. We won’t run her again. We have fresh new leaders. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi
The men's higher logic saw the harm of globalists crooks. The women with less logic could not see as well

All of Europe will have men against women and this will destroy liberalism forever
Actually if women would have shown up for Hillary she would have won. Women aren't unified YET. Keep talking maybe they will wake up.
Women know what Hillary is and that's why she lost. A strong woman doesn't stay with a sexual predator.
She does if she is a sexual predator herself. Hillary likes the ladies, and the younger the better. That is why she went to kiddie porn Island with Bill.
Yep, this democrat propaganda that Hillary is so smart and strong is pure BS. She's nothing but a corrupt sleazy bureaucrat just like her husband.

According to the insurance file on Anthony Weiner's laptop, the Podesta brothers, Clintons and other Moloch worshipping pedophiles from both sides of this political paradigm would never be able to walk the streets again if the truth was revealed. Hardened NYC detectives broke down at what was revealed......if there is any justice left, this world-wide child trafficking ring to elite pedophiles will be revealed to all.
That would be crazy if it ever were found out to be true. But it’s not. That’s some Alex Jones shit
In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.
San Francisco. lol, liar.
Even people in tents buy stuff. California alone is among the worlds biggest economies.

I was recently in Culver City, California...........they turned three lane roads into two by making one lane for nothing but bicycle traffic....bragged about the abolition of straws by the year 2020. Califlakia has been turned into a commie shithole........
Actually if women would have shown up for Hillary she would have won. Women aren't unified YET. Keep talking maybe they will wake up.
Women know what Hillary is and that's why she lost. A strong woman doesn't stay with a sexual predator.
She does if she is a sexual predator herself. Hillary likes the ladies, and the younger the better. That is why she went to kiddie porn Island with Bill.
Yep, this democrat propaganda that Hillary is so smart and strong is pure BS. She's nothing but a corrupt sleazy bureaucrat just like her husband.

According to the insurance file on Anthony Weiner's laptop, the Podesta brothers, Clintons and other Moloch worshipping pedophiles from both sides of this political paradigm would never be able to walk the streets again if the truth was revealed. Hardened NYC detectives broke down at what was revealed......if there is any justice left, this world-wide child trafficking ring to elite pedophiles will be revealed to all.
That would be crazy if it ever were found out to be true. But it’s not. That’s some Alex Jones shit

Alex Jones doesn't have a damn thing to do about this........none, nadda, zilch.
Actually if women would have shown up for Hillary she would have won. Women aren't unified YET. Keep talking maybe they will wake up.
Women know what Hillary is and that's why she lost. A strong woman doesn't stay with a sexual predator.
She does if she is a sexual predator herself. Hillary likes the ladies, and the younger the better. That is why she went to kiddie porn Island with Bill.
Yep, this democrat propaganda that Hillary is so smart and strong is pure BS. She's nothing but a corrupt sleazy bureaucrat just like her husband.

According to the insurance file on Anthony Weiner's laptop, the Podesta brothers, Clintons and other Moloch worshipping pedophiles from both sides of this political paradigm would never be able to walk the streets again if the truth was revealed. Hardened NYC detectives broke down at what was revealed......if there is any justice left, this world-wide child trafficking ring to elite pedophiles will be revealed to all.

Yes. Hillary is very close to winners wife -- maybe girl friends and most likely just wild sex parties
Ever see behind the green door? I’m picturing that crowd.

I could see hillary and bill swinging. The trumps too. Trump don’t give a fuck about melania. Arm candy. Cheaper to keep her. Getting old who gives a fuck. He cheats on her constantly so who cares.
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.
San Francisco. lol, liar.
Even people in tents buy stuff. California alone is among the worlds biggest economies.

I was recently in Culver City, California...........they turned three lane roads into two by making one lane for nothing but bicycle traffic....bragged about the abolition of straws by the year 2020. Califlakia has been turned into a commie shithole........
I was in London and they had bike lanes throughout the city and it was fabulous. Bike lanes are great and contribute to the public safety. Grow the F*ck up.
Last edited:
In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.

You act like "blue states" sole population is full of nothing but fabian socialists that turn the wheels of their economies......I beg to differ.
Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.
Your ignorance is the only frightening thing about you......but it has nothing to do with the tint of your skin. :rolleyes:
Clearly its my skin color that frightens you which is why you went with the thug stereotype. You see, I know you are frightened and you know I know. :rolleyes:

You hide behind the tint of your skin and use it as an excuse as to why you don't prosper like whites that you claim "benefit" from being white. I did ALL the work to get to where I am at and wanted nothing from anyone. You? You want to be given a pass and latitude for what you believe to be "injustices" that you never suffered from. That makes you a cripple.......btw, I have never backed down or lost a confrontation to a thug regardless of their skin tint.......not ever.
I dont hide behind my skin. Its just a part of who I am since I cant and wont take it off. I prosper more than most whites in this country but its not about me. Its about other Blacks that are subjected to racism.

"btw, I have never backed down or lost a confrontation to a thug regardless of their skin tint.......not ever."

No need to play tough guy on the internet. You know as well as I do that you are a frightened internet tough guy. :rolleyes:

LOL! You identify with your skin tint instead of it being based on your character......I "get it". You "prosper"? Good for you! It simply proves MY point. Now, besides bitching and moaning about what you perceive as the lack of opportunity of your fellow "brothers and sisters" on a message board seen by a 60 or so posters? What are you doing to further the cause? I am blessed to work at a place where we are "color blind" and we treat each other like family. We don't put up with ANY kind of racial division and we have each other's back....that must piss you off in a big time way.

My character and skin tint is what defines me. If that angers you then thats your problem.
I mentor Black children and show them how to navigate in a world that tries to put obstacles in their paths. Why do you want to know? :rolleyes:
This place is great. You can tell those little kids what a lot of us ignorant white folks think. Bunch of entitled spoiled racist ignorant sheep. Scared because their becoming the minority. No white privilege giving us the leg up.

They suggested affirmative action meant the less qualified would get the job but that’s what was happening before affirmative action
In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.

New York people fleeing to Tenn

Volkswagen just announced to make their electric cars in Tenn

Tenn is getting the high paying blue collar jobs and help the south rise with the most power

The south will have the most powerful group ever. White men!!
Women know what Hillary is and that's why she lost. A strong woman doesn't stay with a sexual predator.
She does if she is a sexual predator herself. Hillary likes the ladies, and the younger the better. That is why she went to kiddie porn Island with Bill.
Yep, this democrat propaganda that Hillary is so smart and strong is pure BS. She's nothing but a corrupt sleazy bureaucrat just like her husband.

According to the insurance file on Anthony Weiner's laptop, the Podesta brothers, Clintons and other Moloch worshipping pedophiles from both sides of this political paradigm would never be able to walk the streets again if the truth was revealed. Hardened NYC detectives broke down at what was revealed......if there is any justice left, this world-wide child trafficking ring to elite pedophiles will be revealed to all.
That would be crazy if it ever were found out to be true. But it’s not. That’s some Alex Jones shit

Alex Jones doesn't have a damn thing to do about this........none, nadda, zilch.
Did you see trump even paid to rig polls then welched on paying? Brilliant how he conned dumb Americans into voting for him. What a cheat
In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.

New York people fleeing to Tenn

Volkswagen just announced to make their electric cars in Tenn

Tenn is getting the high paying blue collar jobs and help the south rise with the most power

The south will have the most powerful group ever. White men!!
I think that is wonderful. I will never ever cry again when a company chooses to move from Michigan to Tennessee. Just please don’t go to Mexico or China
In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.

You act like "blue states" sole population is full of nothing but fabian socialists that turn the wheels of their economies......I beg to differ.
Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.


New Yorks white men are against new yorks liberals

This is conservatives against liberals and the conservatives has the men

No contest The conservatives has all the power and now they have awakened

And from the latest Marist poll Latinos are joining the trump supporters
In conclusion about a 2nd "civil" war in this country, the libstains will lose that war, even if they don't. If they defeat the patriots trying to preserve America in actual battle, they will eventually destroy themselves with their own stupid "progressive" policies like all socialist morons do anyway! lol, it's a win win situation. Think Venezuela. :)
What a bunch of crap. At best, the percentage of conservatives who would actually betray their country and take up arms rather than just run their mouth is in the low single digits. Don't matter how many guns you may have your numbers are ridiculously low.
No brag, just fact. Liberals destroy everything they touch, all you gotta do is look at the shitholes they have created. Denial will not save you.
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.

New York people fleeing to Tenn

Volkswagen just announced to make their electric cars in Tenn

Tenn is getting the high paying blue collar jobs and help the south rise with the most power

The south will have the most powerful group ever. White men!!
Nope, what the new confederacy would never, ever have is the US dollar. Sorry you don't get to benefit from the US economy. Tariffs on all your goods and blockades of your ports as well.

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