I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.


New Yorks white men are against new yorks liberals

This is conservatives against liberals and the conservatives has the men

No contest The conservatives has all the power and now they have awakened

And from the latest Marist poll Latinos are joining the trump supporters

I'm white, male and lib/prog

All my white male friends are lib/prog
So, insane than?


I support pot legalization because pot is no more dangerous than beer and destroying people lives just for smoking pot is just plain wrong.

I support gay rights and gay marriage because I believe, other than their sexual proclivities, which are none of our business, they are mostly just decent and normal people who do NOT deserve to be persecuted.

I oppose prayer in schools because I do NOT want YOU brainwashing MY KIDS with YOUR religious beliefs.

I oppose the KKK and NAZIS because they are dangerous extremists. (like you? are you one?...that would make YOU insane)

but mostly I am lib prog because conservatives are such pieces of shit that they are incapable of debating civilly and always resort to insults and mockery like......"So, inane then"

I have to say.

Your response is typical of your ilk.

I know why cons voted for trump

Because THEY are just as much dirtbags as he is!
Most conservatives are decent honest people, they just scare easily and have a narrow view of the world.

Because they are the most wise their views are the correct views
You act like "blue states" sole population is full of nothing but fabian socialists that turn the wheels of their economies......I beg to differ.
Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.


New Yorks white men are against new yorks liberals

This is conservatives against liberals and the conservatives has the men

No contest The conservatives has all the power and now they have awakened

And from the latest Marist poll Latinos are joining the trump supporters

I'm white, male and lib/prog

All my white male friends are lib/prog
So, insane than?


I support pot legalization because pot is no more dangerous than beer and destroying people lives just for smoking pot is just plain wrong.

I support gay rights and gay marriage because I believe, other than their sexual proclivities, which are none of our business, they are mostly just decent and normal people who do NOT deserve to be persecuted.

I oppose prayer in schools because I do NOT want YOU brainwashing MY KIDS with YOUR religious beliefs.

I oppose the KKK and NAZIS because they are dangerous extremists. (like you? are you one?...that would make YOU insane)

but mostly I am lib prog because conservatives are such pieces of shit that they are incapable of debating civilly and always resort to insults and mockery like......"So, inane then"

I have to say.

Your response is typical of your ilk.

I know why cons voted for trump

Because THEY are just as much dirtbags as he is!

How do you feel about commies and socialists???? You are so opinionated about the conservative side........as you claim to be so "open-minded".....

We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.

Looking forward to killing people or just making America great?

do you put the names of your enemies on your bullets?

Anyone who wants to kill me for loving My Country, My Constitution, My Flag and My Freedom is my enemy

If they are a Jihadist or Drug Dealer or Leftist Fanatic, I'll be happy to send them straight to Hell.

But no one should look forward to having to defend themselves. Hopefully it isn't necessary.

Nobody wants to kill you...we enjoy laughing at you too much! We'd miss you!
You act like "blue states" sole population is full of nothing but fabian socialists that turn the wheels of their economies......I beg to differ.
Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.


New Yorks white men are against new yorks liberals

This is conservatives against liberals and the conservatives has the men

No contest The conservatives has all the power and now they have awakened

And from the latest Marist poll Latinos are joining the trump supporters

I'm white, male and lib/prog

All my white male friends are lib/prog
So, insane than?


I support pot legalization because pot is no more dangerous than beer and destroying people lives just for smoking pot is just plain wrong.

I support gay rights and gay marriage because I believe, other than their sexual proclivities, which are none of our business, they are mostly just decent and normal people who do NOT deserve to be persecuted.

I oppose prayer in schools because I do NOT want YOU brainwashing MY KIDS with YOUR religious beliefs.

I oppose the KKK and NAZIS because they are dangerous extremists. (like you? are you one?...that would make YOU insane)

but mostly I am lib prog because conservatives are such pieces of shit that they are incapable of debating civilly and always resort to insults and mockery like......"So, inane then"

I have to say.

Your response is typical of your ilk.

I know why cons voted for trump

Because THEY are just as much dirtbags as he is!

TL; DR. You are an unAmerican Commie and need something going 2900 fps between your eyebrows. Stupid fuck.

You are not an American. You are either a leftist tool or a leftist agitator, either way, fuck you. :1peleas::fu:

Here's your chance for redemption: What American ideals do you hold dear?
Last edited:
According to the insurance file on Anthony Weiner's laptop, the Podesta brothers, Clintons and other Moloch worshipping pedophiles from both sides of this political paradigm would never be able to walk the streets again if the truth was revealed. Hardened NYC detectives broke down at what was revealed......if there is any justice left, this world-wide child trafficking ring to elite pedophiles will be revealed to all.
That would be crazy if it ever were found out to be true. But it’s not. That’s some Alex Jones shit

Alex Jones doesn't have a damn thing to do about this........none, nadda, zilch.
Did you see trump even paid to rig polls then welched on paying? Brilliant how he conned dumb Americans into voting for him. What a cheat

The major polls were rigged for the Hildebeast..........she even got the debate questions in advance. We know from Wikileaks that the DNC had the perfect plan in place to steal the election.......
The old she cheated too comeback. Lol

So, how did Trump "cheat"? How does it cleanse the sins of the DNC and the lamestream media cohorts?
Liberal "shitholes" provide the bulk of the US economy. If all the deep red states joined the new confederacy they would go from living in the biggest economy in the world to living in a third-rate banana republic.

You act like "blue states" sole population is full of nothing but fabian socialists that turn the wheels of their economies......I beg to differ.
Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.

The "brain drain" would and will continue as those that produce were/are expected to give up more of their earnings to subsidize a welfare culture that votes to keep the current power structure in place.
Here is what republican policies have produced since Reagan. Most people make the same today as they did back then but inflation happened. And in those decades only the rich got richer

So what did trump do? What was his major accomplishment? A tax break that further widened the gap between the rich and poor. Bravo

What causes "inflation"????? Put your thinking cap on........here is a hint "The Federal Reserve".......
What causes the gap between the rich and poor to widen?

1. Hiring illegals
2. Breaking unions
3. Sending good paying jobs overseas.
4. Buying from Walmart and China
5. Giving tax breaks to the rich
6. Deregulation’s that encourage corporate greed.
7. Next to No interest on our savings
8. CEOs pay skyrockets but workers pay stay flat.

The federal reserve while bullshit is just a distraction from all these other truths.

Now you and trump want to bring manufacturing back but at $15 hr.

New Yorks white men are against new yorks liberals

This is conservatives against liberals and the conservatives has the men

No contest The conservatives has all the power and now they have awakened

And from the latest Marist poll Latinos are joining the trump supporters

I'm white, male and lib/prog

All my white male friends are lib/prog
So, insane than?


I support pot legalization because pot is no more dangerous than beer and destroying people lives just for smoking pot is just plain wrong.

I support gay rights and gay marriage because I believe, other than their sexual proclivities, which are none of our business, they are mostly just decent and normal people who do NOT deserve to be persecuted.

I oppose prayer in schools because I do NOT want YOU brainwashing MY KIDS with YOUR religious beliefs.

I oppose the KKK and NAZIS because they are dangerous extremists. (like you? are you one?...that would make YOU insane)

but mostly I am lib prog because conservatives are such pieces of shit that they are incapable of debating civilly and always resort to insults and mockery like......"So, inane then"

I have to say.

Your response is typical of your ilk.

I know why cons voted for trump

Because THEY are just as much dirtbags as he is!
Most conservatives are decent honest people, they just scare easily and have a narrow view of the world.

Because they are the most wise their views are the correct views
People who deal in absolutes will never find wisdom, it is only found in the gray areas you refuse to explore..
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.

Are you looking forward to killing people or just making America great?

do you put the names of your enemies on your bullets?

Seems like every other week some conservative posts his desire to start killing liberals.
Not just liberals. Republicans want to destroy the country. It's clear.
What is strange is that many of them have children.
Once they destroy the country and send it into permanent recession, what happens to their kids?
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.

Or we can just just wait until this shutdown turns welfare people into felons. :rolleyes:
Plenty of room for them now that we passed prison reform.
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.

Looking forward to killing people or just making America great?

do you put the names of your enemies on your bullets?

Anyone who wants to kill me for loving My Country, My Constitution, My Flag and My Freedom is my enemy

If they are a Jihadist or Drug Dealer or Leftist Fanatic, I'll be happy to send them straight to Hell.

But no one should look forward to having to defend themselves. Hopefully it isn't necessary.

Nobody wants to kill you...we enjoy laughing at you too much! We'd miss you!

"We", leftard???? You have a lil mouse in your pocket? Be specific, lil troll..........
You act like "blue states" sole population is full of nothing but fabian socialists that turn the wheels of their economies......I beg to differ.
Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.

The "brain drain" would and will continue as those that produce were/are expected to give up more of their earnings to subsidize a welfare culture that votes to keep the current power structure in place.
Here is what republican policies have produced since Reagan. Most people make the same today as they did back then but inflation happened. And in those decades only the rich got richer

So what did trump do? What was his major accomplishment? A tax break that further widened the gap between the rich and poor. Bravo

What causes "inflation"????? Put your thinking cap on........here is a hint "The Federal Reserve".......
What causes the gap between the rich and poor to widen?

1. Hiring illegals
2. Breaking unions
3. Sending good paying jobs overseas.
4. Buying from Walmart and China
5. Giving tax breaks to the rich
6. Deregulation’s that encourage corporate greed.
7. Next to No interest on our savings
8. CEOs pay skyrockets but workers pay stay flat.

The federal reserve while bullshit is just a distraction from all these other truths.

Now you and trump want to bring manufacturing back but at $15 hr.
What is funny is that not that many jobs moved overseas. Most lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They didn't move overseas, they just went away. It happened around the same time some jobs moved overseas so it seemed that's where they were all going.

Which is the Greater Threat to US Jobs: Chinese or US Automation? | 2018-06-15 | ASSEMBLY

Increasing protectionism is unlikely to override forces of automation
That would be crazy if it ever were found out to be true. But it’s not. That’s some Alex Jones shit

Alex Jones doesn't have a damn thing to do about this........none, nadda, zilch.
Did you see trump even paid to rig polls then welched on paying? Brilliant how he conned dumb Americans into voting for him. What a cheat

The major polls were rigged for the Hildebeast..........she even got the debate questions in advance. We know from Wikileaks that the DNC had the perfect plan in place to steal the election.......
The old she cheated too comeback. Lol

So, how did Trump "cheat"? How does it cleanse the sins of the DNC and the lamestream media cohorts?
Just remember the same thing we did to Bernie Sanders you guys did to Ron Paul when you nominated mitt
You act like "blue states" sole population is full of nothing but fabian socialists that turn the wheels of their economies......I beg to differ.
Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.

The "brain drain" would and will continue as those that produce were/are expected to give up more of their earnings to subsidize a welfare culture that votes to keep the current power structure in place.
Here is what republican policies have produced since Reagan. Most people make the same today as they did back then but inflation happened. And in those decades only the rich got richer

So what did trump do? What was his major accomplishment? A tax break that further widened the gap between the rich and poor. Bravo

What causes "inflation"????? Put your thinking cap on........here is a hint "The Federal Reserve".......
What causes the gap between the rich and poor to widen?

1. Hiring illegals
2. Breaking unions
3. Sending good paying jobs overseas.
4. Buying from Walmart and China
5. Giving tax breaks to the rich
6. Deregulation’s that encourage corporate greed.
7. Next to No interest on our savings
8. CEOs pay skyrockets but workers pay stay flat.

The federal reserve while bullshit is just a distraction from all these other truths.

Now you and trump want to bring manufacturing back but at $15 hr.

The gap in wealth disparity goes back to the root cause of the entity that owns USA.INC and their ability to extend credit from nothing AND extract those lines of credit when it suits their needs..........
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.

You're in luck, we are in the middle of one.
Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.

The "brain drain" would and will continue as those that produce were/are expected to give up more of their earnings to subsidize a welfare culture that votes to keep the current power structure in place.
Here is what republican policies have produced since Reagan. Most people make the same today as they did back then but inflation happened. And in those decades only the rich got richer

So what did trump do? What was his major accomplishment? A tax break that further widened the gap between the rich and poor. Bravo

What causes "inflation"????? Put your thinking cap on........here is a hint "The Federal Reserve".......
What causes the gap between the rich and poor to widen?

1. Hiring illegals
2. Breaking unions
3. Sending good paying jobs overseas.
4. Buying from Walmart and China
5. Giving tax breaks to the rich
6. Deregulation’s that encourage corporate greed.
7. Next to No interest on our savings
8. CEOs pay skyrockets but workers pay stay flat.

The federal reserve while bullshit is just a distraction from all these other truths.

Now you and trump want to bring manufacturing back but at $15 hr.
What is funny is that not that many jobs moved overseas. Most lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They didn't move overseas, they just went away. It happened around the same time some jobs moved overseas so it seemed that's where they were all going.

Which is the Greater Threat to US Jobs: Chinese or US Automation? | 2018-06-15 | ASSEMBLY

Increasing protectionism is unlikely to override forces of automation
And I have no problem if McDonald can get one robot to do the work of 3 for $30,000 a year. If I owned a business I wouldn’t want anyone to tell me I couldn’t do it a cheaper way.

But then I guess that means manufacturing in Mexico and buying from china
Alex Jones doesn't have a damn thing to do about this........none, nadda, zilch.
Did you see trump even paid to rig polls then welched on paying? Brilliant how he conned dumb Americans into voting for him. What a cheat

The major polls were rigged for the Hildebeast..........she even got the debate questions in advance. We know from Wikileaks that the DNC had the perfect plan in place to steal the election.......
The old she cheated too comeback. Lol

So, how did Trump "cheat"? How does it cleanse the sins of the DNC and the lamestream media cohorts?
Just remember the same thing we did to Bernie Sanders you guys did to Ron Paul when you nominated mitt
And what did we "do" to Bernie Sanders.

Sanders is NOT a Democrat.
He refused to raise money for Democrats.
He said he wouldn't support Democratic candidates.
He said he wouldn't endorse any Democratic candidates.

But he did say he would take Democratic money if it were offered.

What I don't get is why some Democrats wanted someone who wasn't a Democrat and who refused to support Democrats. Seems like a wife who stays with a man who abuses her.
Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.

The "brain drain" would and will continue as those that produce were/are expected to give up more of their earnings to subsidize a welfare culture that votes to keep the current power structure in place.
Here is what republican policies have produced since Reagan. Most people make the same today as they did back then but inflation happened. And in those decades only the rich got richer

So what did trump do? What was his major accomplishment? A tax break that further widened the gap between the rich and poor. Bravo

What causes "inflation"????? Put your thinking cap on........here is a hint "The Federal Reserve".......
What causes the gap between the rich and poor to widen?

1. Hiring illegals
2. Breaking unions
3. Sending good paying jobs overseas.
4. Buying from Walmart and China
5. Giving tax breaks to the rich
6. Deregulation’s that encourage corporate greed.
7. Next to No interest on our savings
8. CEOs pay skyrockets but workers pay stay flat.

The federal reserve while bullshit is just a distraction from all these other truths.

Now you and trump want to bring manufacturing back but at $15 hr.

The gap in wealth disparity goes back to the root cause of the entity that owns USA.INC and their ability to extend credit from nothing AND extract those lines of credit when it suits their needs..........
I’ll agree. So you admit class warfare exists.

So believe me when I tell you the attack on the middle class is multi faceted.

I forgot one. Cutting social services and social programs. That’s another reason the gaps growing. For example the rich get a tax break but we suffer cuts to Medicare and social security. Further making the gap wider.

At least you realize class warfare is real.
Be realistic, if secession actually became possible You would get Alabama and Mississippi maybe a few more. Not exactly economic powerhouses. Interesting that conservatives seem to breed poverty where they rule unopposed.

The "brain drain" would and will continue as those that produce were/are expected to give up more of their earnings to subsidize a welfare culture that votes to keep the current power structure in place.
Here is what republican policies have produced since Reagan. Most people make the same today as they did back then but inflation happened. And in those decades only the rich got richer

So what did trump do? What was his major accomplishment? A tax break that further widened the gap between the rich and poor. Bravo

What causes "inflation"????? Put your thinking cap on........here is a hint "The Federal Reserve".......
What causes the gap between the rich and poor to widen?

1. Hiring illegals
2. Breaking unions
3. Sending good paying jobs overseas.
4. Buying from Walmart and China
5. Giving tax breaks to the rich
6. Deregulation’s that encourage corporate greed.
7. Next to No interest on our savings
8. CEOs pay skyrockets but workers pay stay flat.

The federal reserve while bullshit is just a distraction from all these other truths.

Now you and trump want to bring manufacturing back but at $15 hr.
What is funny is that not that many jobs moved overseas. Most lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They didn't move overseas, they just went away. It happened around the same time some jobs moved overseas so it seemed that's where they were all going.

Which is the Greater Threat to US Jobs: Chinese or US Automation? | 2018-06-15 | ASSEMBLY

Increasing protectionism is unlikely to override forces of automation

Spare me, dumb ass......this killing of decent paying blue collar manufacturing jobs goes back even before NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT. I am too fucking tired to give you the historical notes and you aren't bright enough to comprehend the info anyway........

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