I Think Dad Is Dumb

you mean the hick who thinks he's a tech genius by looking at his daughter's facebook and then shooting it?

Yeah, he's a bad parent.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl1ujzRidmU]Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen. - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah, punishing your kid because they need to vent their anger is bad parenting. For her, she's going through the stresses of growing up, puberty, taking on bigger and more responsibilities, while managing her current ring of responsibilities. People need to vent. It's life.
Even the highest trained doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other medical personnel will tell you that.

It's true that you shouldn't coddle your kids, but you shouldn't make them "earn their keep" and treat them as a burden to YOUR life. When you had kids, you accepted the responsibility of parenting until the child legally turns 18, so ACT like a responsible parent!
If she is making good grades and not getting into trouble with drugs, sex, and violence. Then he should leave her be. Some household chores would be nice, but you will need to add incentives along with that.

There is also the discussion of intimidating your kids with WEAPONS! What kind of messed up fuck job does that!??? You are just teaching her that intimidation, violence, and bullying others is okay.

If you are going to treat her like an "adult", then you need to give her the legal entitlements that an adult will get. (Kids don't have property rights because they would legally be able to sue their parents up the ass so hard that they will be wheelchair bound for the rest of their life and thrown in the slammer with the possibility of being convicted with a felony. parents need the right to do their job)

I hope she puts his ass in a retirement home that will abuse him while shooting all of his possessions and then making him pay for the stuff that SHE DESTROYED!
I would have done the same.
Without knowing to what extent the young girl's bratiness reaches - it is difficult to blame this man for what he has done here.
In one way - he's brilliant. His daughter engaged in outrageous behavior in public, insulting her parents with foul language for all to see. In other words, she made a complete ass of herself. In this respect, the father offers an equally embarrassing post to her...for everyone to see.
In another way - he is not so brilliant. It is likely some whiney ass feel-good "i know what is right and you don't" people will investigate his home. Wouldn't surprise me if child services gets their big nose involved.
For that, and only for that, the gun wasn't so smart. It is bound to upset some folks who will blow it waay out of proportion.
Interestingly enough, since the economy tanked in 2007, there has been a rise in child abuse since then.
And to the answer the OP...no. I think he did what he thought he had to to reach his daughter. Does the guy come off as a bit on the rough side and probably doesn't do such a great job of listening to his daughter? Maybe. We don't know.
He might be a world class jerk...on the other hand...his daughter might be a world class spoilt brat.
Well, yeah. I do believe parents need to stand up to their kids. But take away some things while making as little noise as possible. Not humiliate your kid, shoot their laptop, and then make them pay for it because the dumbass destroyed it himself.

And she shouldn't be in trouble for ranting. For the pottymouth language? Yes, some punishment should be done. But it's not something severely punishable. Take the comp away for 1 day per naughty word. Problem solved. (and occasionally let something fly with warning)
Well, yeah. I do believe parents need to stand up to their kids. But take away some things while making as little noise as possible. Not humiliate your kid, shoot their laptop, and then make them pay for it because the dumbass destroyed it himself.

And she shouldn't be in trouble for ranting. For the pottymouth language? Yes, some punishment should be done. But it's not something severely punishable. Take the comp away for 1 day per naughty word. Problem solved. (and occasionally let something fly with warning)

You didn't listen to the guy obviously.
He stated he repeatedly tried to tell her....he warned her before, she did it again, he punished her, she did it again....after you have a child you will hopefully understand the necessity of progressed punishment.
When my daughter was about 12 or so....she made a comment about how she doesn't have what some other kids have - so to teach her a lesson I removed every item out of her room...everything, including her bed. I kept it for a whole week despite my wife trying to get me to relent.
She never complained again, and a couple years ago she told me that what I did really got her to appreciate what she had. (she is now 21)
Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen. - YouTube

Yeah, punishing your kid because they need to vent their anger is bad parenting. For her, she's going through the stresses of growing up, puberty, taking on bigger and more responsibilities, while managing her current ring of responsibilities. People need to vent. It's life.
Even the highest trained doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other medical personnel will tell you that.

It's true that you shouldn't coddle your kids, but you shouldn't make them "earn their keep" and treat them as a burden to YOUR life. When you had kids, you accepted the responsibility of parenting until the child legally turns 18, so ACT like a responsible parent!
If she is making good grades and not getting into trouble with drugs, sex, and violence. Then he should leave her be. Some household chores would be nice, but you will need to add incentives along with that.

There is also the discussion of intimidating your kids with WEAPONS! What kind of messed up fuck job does that!??? You are just teaching her that intimidation, violence, and bullying others is okay.

If you are going to treat her like an "adult", then you need to give her the legal entitlements that an adult will get. (Kids don't have property rights because they would legally be able to sue their parents up the ass so hard that they will be wheelchair bound for the rest of their life and thrown in the slammer with the possibility of being convicted with a felony. parents need the right to do their job)

I hope she puts his ass in a retirement home that will abuse him while shooting all of his possessions and then making him pay for the stuff that SHE DESTROYED!
I would have done the same.

I was with this guy until he whipped out the gun and shot the laptop.

I got the same shit from one of my kids slamming me on FB and whinning how her life was oh so hard. Her life was a walk through a rose garden compared to mine when I was her age. However it is part of growing up. The kid is doing an age appropriate thing by bitching to her friends. Is it embarassing to her family? Yes if her FB page has family friends and relatives. The thing to do is take the laptop away and only allow her to use it supervised until she gets the point. It probably won't stop her from trashing you on FB because she will find a way to get online elsewhere, but it will show your displeasure with her crappy teenage attitude.

Teens are gonna be Teens. They know it all and don't know shit cause your old; you thought the same thing about your parents when you were a teen, admit it. Nothings changed except it's easier to air your dirty laundry in public. The good news is eventually they snap out of it and become reasonable adults. Until then grin and bear it, that's what I'm doing. Two down and one to go! Yipee! I hate this age!
Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen. - YouTube

Yeah, punishing your kid because they need to vent their anger is bad parenting. For her, she's going through the stresses of growing up, puberty, taking on bigger and more responsibilities, while managing her current ring of responsibilities. People need to vent. It's life.
Even the highest trained doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other medical personnel will tell you that.

It's true that you shouldn't coddle your kids, but you shouldn't make them "earn their keep" and treat them as a burden to YOUR life. When you had kids, you accepted the responsibility of parenting until the child legally turns 18, so ACT like a responsible parent!
If she is making good grades and not getting into trouble with drugs, sex, and violence. Then he should leave her be. Some household chores would be nice, but you will need to add incentives along with that.

There is also the discussion of intimidating your kids with WEAPONS! What kind of messed up fuck job does that!??? You are just teaching her that intimidation, violence, and bullying others is okay.

If you are going to treat her like an "adult", then you need to give her the legal entitlements that an adult will get. (Kids don't have property rights because they would legally be able to sue their parents up the ass so hard that they will be wheelchair bound for the rest of their life and thrown in the slammer with the possibility of being convicted with a felony. parents need the right to do their job)

I hope she puts his ass in a retirement home that will abuse him while shooting all of his possessions and then making him pay for the stuff that SHE DESTROYED!
I would have done the same.

Dad sounds like a dumb fucking redneck. He acts like one too.

Or maybe just drunk.

Either way, his lack of control has allowed his 15 year old daughter to look like the adult in the situation.
Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen. - YouTube

Yeah, punishing your kid because they need to vent their anger is bad parenting. For her, she's going through the stresses of growing up, puberty, taking on bigger and more responsibilities, while managing her current ring of responsibilities. People need to vent. It's life.
Even the highest trained doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other medical personnel will tell you that.

It's true that you shouldn't coddle your kids, but you shouldn't make them "earn their keep" and treat them as a burden to YOUR life. When you had kids, you accepted the responsibility of parenting until the child legally turns 18, so ACT like a responsible parent!
If she is making good grades and not getting into trouble with drugs, sex, and violence. Then he should leave her be. Some household chores would be nice, but you will need to add incentives along with that.

There is also the discussion of intimidating your kids with WEAPONS! What kind of messed up fuck job does that!??? You are just teaching her that intimidation, violence, and bullying others is okay.

If you are going to treat her like an "adult", then you need to give her the legal entitlements that an adult will get. (Kids don't have property rights because they would legally be able to sue their parents up the ass so hard that they will be wheelchair bound for the rest of their life and thrown in the slammer with the possibility of being convicted with a felony. parents need the right to do their job)

I hope she puts his ass in a retirement home that will abuse him while shooting all of his possessions and then making him pay for the stuff that SHE DESTROYED!
I would have done the same.
that was FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!! Saw it earlier today, laughed myself silly.

It's called good parenting. Most liberals and some conservatives just don't get it though. A punishment for the ages for his child doing something incredibly despicable.

I see so many kids through work every day that need a parent willing to love them enough to give them a dose of this.

Then again they call ME a hardass.
Well, yeah. I do believe parents need to stand up to their kids. But take away some things while making as little noise as possible. Not humiliate your kid, shoot their laptop, and then make them pay for it because the dumbass destroyed it himself.

And she shouldn't be in trouble for ranting. For the pottymouth language? Yes, some punishment should be done. But it's not something severely punishable. Take the comp away for 1 day per naughty word. Problem solved. (and occasionally let something fly with warning)
You've never dealt with out of control bratty assed teens before, have you? She's done this before, and he's TRIED that simple route. She 'forgot' about it or just toughed it out.

And for those of you thinking that he's a bad parent, out of control and all that shit, actually read the follow up from the incident as the family dealt with the media. This dad's got his shit squared away and it's plain to see, ultimately, because of this, she will too.

UPDATE: Dad uses Facebook to teach daughter a lesson - Chicago's Best Variety of the 80s, 90s and Now
We had a child, a girl, who just could follow the simple home rules: clean room, clean body, clean mouth, clean clothes. We finally gave her the final warning, that if the punishment went into effect, she would not have any choices for some time. She didn't believe it, challenged it, and spent ten days in a psychiatric lock down for teenage girls who were not willing to get it. No visits or calls from anyone outside the unit. Twenty four years later, she is a wife, a mother, a college grad, a fine manager in her profession, and thanks us at least twice a year for caring enough about her to do the tough jobs in raising her. She and I go to lunch about every two weeks. I have never doubted the way we handled that situation.
Well, yeah. I do believe parents need to stand up to their kids. But take away some things while making as little noise as possible. Not humiliate your kid, shoot their laptop, and then make them pay for it because the dumbass destroyed it himself.

And she shouldn't be in trouble for ranting. For the pottymouth language? Yes, some punishment should be done. But it's not something severely punishable. Take the comp away for 1 day per naughty word. Problem solved. (and occasionally let something fly with warning)
The precious snowflake humiliated herself and her family.

I think the father's response was perfectly justified and appropriate.
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Well, yeah. I do believe parents need to stand up to their kids. But take away some things while making as little noise as possible. Not humiliate your kid, shoot their laptop, and then make them pay for it because the dumbass destroyed it himself.

And she shouldn't be in trouble for ranting. For the pottymouth language? Yes, some punishment should be done. But it's not something severely punishable. Take the comp away for 1 day per naughty word. Problem solved. (and occasionally let something fly with warning)
You've never dealt with out of control bratty assed teens before, have you? She's done this before, and he's TRIED that simple route. She 'forgot' about it or just toughed it out.

And for those of you thinking that he's a bad parent, out of control and all that shit, actually read the follow up from the incident as the family dealt with the media. This dad's got his shit squared away and it's plain to see, ultimately, because of this, she will too.

UPDATE: Dad uses Facebook to teach daughter a lesson - Chicago's Best Variety of the 80s, 90s and Now
Q: How did your daughter respond to the video and to what happened to her laptop?

A: She responded to the video with “I can’t believe you shot my computer!” That was the first thing she said when she found out about it. Then we sat and we talked for quite a long while on the back patio about the things she did, the things I did in response, etc.

Later after she’d had time to process it and I’d had time to process her thoughts on the matters we discussed, we were back to a semi-truce… you know that uncomfortable moment when you’re in the kitchen with your child after an argument and you’re both waiting to see which one’s going to cave in and resume normal conversation first? Yeah, that moment. I told her about the video response and about it going viral and about the consequences it could have on our family for the next couple of days and asked if she wanted to see some of the comments people had made. After the first few hundred comments, she was astounded with the responses.

People were telling her she was going to commit suicide, commit a gun-related crime, become a drug addict, drop out of school, get pregnant on purpose, and become a stripper because she’s too emotionally damaged now to be a productive member of society. Apparently stripper was the job-choice of most of the commenters. Her response was “Dude… it’s only a computer. I mean, yeah I’m mad but pfft.” She actually asked me to post a comment on one of the threads (and I did) asking what other job fields the victims of laptop-homicide were eligible for because she wasn’t too keen on the stripping thing.

Read more: UPDATE: Dad uses Facebook to teach daughter a lesson - Chicago's Best Variety of the 80s, 90s and Now
So, it looks like nitroz and geaux are full of crap. Gasp. :cool:
i think only a whack job thinks shooting a computer is an appropriate response to an adolescent tantrum, and only a naive whack job would believe anything the first whack job said.

hi dave

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