I think I understand what most followers THINK....

That between the two types of leaders "Ass-kickers" or "Ass-Lickers" most of those being lead like "Ass-lickers" BUT in reality America was built by "Ass-Kickers"!
Think where we'd be if the founders saw things from such an idiotic, childish perspective ...
That between the two types of leaders "Ass-kickers" or "Ass-Lickers" most of those being lead like "Ass-lickers" BUT in reality America was built by "Ass-Kickers"!
And that's the problem one set of Americans had with Trump...i.e. he was an "Ass-Kicker" best known for his recognized command as a boss, "YOU'RE FIRED". And that's the problem. The people that don't perform don't like Trump because he is NOT a politician i.e. an "Ass-Licker"! The truth of the matter is true leaders like Patton, IKE, etc. knew that they were Ass-kickers but they had a higher calling...helping America survive! The same with Trump.
Trump was not going to be a typical politician as best illustrated by this video clip!

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas​

Guess problem I have with your view point boils down to perception, you do know? the( you are fired persona) is a made for TV IMAGE? PROJECTION of his image? based on bragging, about him self & his money. Now nothing wrong about bragging about your self to get attention. Do like to see a little humility, self awareness & not constant look at me. You Combine that with some good education & experience in the area you want to serve. Just never had much interest in bragger's & bully's.
Think where we'd be if the founders saw things from such an idiotic, childish perspective ...
Imagine all the thought and innovation and complexity and debate and revision and -- wait for it -- compromise that went into creating our amazing Constitution.

These were not cavemen. They were intelligent, thoughtful, tireless, creative people, and their collaboration meant that they ALL had skin in the game.
I don't know how narcissism squares with this desperate need to keep everything simple, either/or, black or white. To me, that's someone who knows they're not comfortable with complexity, so it seems like it could be more a self esteem issue. Or, maybe it's narcissism combined with intellectual laziness, which would also make sense. They've been told what and how to think for so long that their intellectual elasticity has atrophied.
I'll tell you why it is necessary to keep it simple...stupid!
So being a pompous faux intellectual... tell me are you familiar with Occam's razor?
the simplest solution is almost always the best"
In my 80 years that explanation sums up a lot of issues.

Words have meaning (including incorrectly used words that can make you look dumb). And so does punctuation: The lack of one Oxford comma in a Maine state law just cost Oakhurst Dairy $5 million in overtime pay.
I'll tell you why it is necessary to keep it simple...stupid!
So being a pompous faux intellectual... tell me are you familiar with Occam's razor?
the simplest solution is almost always the best"
In my 80 years that explanation sums up a lot of issues.

Words have meaning (including incorrectly used words that can make you look dumb). And so does punctuation: The lack of one Oxford comma in a Maine state law just cost Oakhurst Dairy $5 million in overtime pay.
Was our Constitution the simplest solution?

I'll go ahead and answer that for you: No, it wasn't.

I'm not interested in caveman politics.
Was our Constitution the simplest solution?

I'll go ahead and answer that for you: No, it wasn't.

I'm not interested in caveman politics.
OK... I agree. So do you think as a "non-simple-solutionist" do you think global warming is a problem that if all cars/trucks were EVs the problem is solved? I mean millions of people are buying into the simple solution... EVs are the answer. But tell me is that a simple solution?
OK... I agree. So do you think as a "non-simple-solutionist" do you think global warming is a problem that if all cars/trucks were EVs the problem is solved? I mean millions of people are buying into the simple solution... EVs are the answer. But tell me is that a simple solution?

That is a good example of simple thinking.
OK... I agree. So do you think as a "non-simple-solutionist" do you think global warming is a problem that if all cars/trucks were EVs the problem is solved? I mean millions of people are buying into the simple solution... EVs are the answer. But tell me is that a simple solution?
I've said many times here that the current crop of EV's and EV tech will not be the final answer. Too many weaknesses, such as materials required and the wearing out and storage of old batteries. This is not it. Further, the Democrats have done an awful job of creating and communicating a clear and workable plan of economic transition from current tech to future tech.

Of course, the GQP does nothing but deny and attack and pout, and wants to remain intellectually stuck in the fifties.

What we need is more collaboration, cooperation and innovation from across the political spectrum so that we all have skin in the game. We also have to work together on mitigating the effects of climate change, since that is inevitable. But no, we can't do that, because we have lost the ability to think and work together like intelligent adults. That is the fault of the two fucked up ends of our political spectrum.

So no, this isn't a simple, binary situation with simple, binary answers. That is the way life is. That's reality.
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I've said many times here that the current crop of EV's and EV tech will not be the final answer. Too many weaknesses, such as materials required and the wearing out and storage of old batteries. This is not it. Further, the Democrats have done an awful job of creating and communicating a clear and workable plan of economic transition from current tech to future tech.

Of course, the GQP does nothing but deny and attack and pout, and wants to remain intellectually stuck in the fifties.

What we need is more collaboration, cooperation and innovation from across the political spectrum so that we all have skin in the game. We also have to work together on mitigating the effects of climate change, since that is inevitable. But no, we can't do that, because we have lost the ability to think and work together like intelligent adults. That is the fault of the two fucked up ends of our political spectrum.

So no, this isn't a simple, binary situation with simple, binary answers. That is the way life is. That's reality.
You wrote.."I've said many times here that the current crop of EV's and EV tech will not be the final answer."
I don't read EVERY comment but I don't remember reading your comments regarding emphasis on EVs.
And I frankly haven't CRITICIZED EVs!
I've criticized the entire movement towards all EVs WITHOUT comprehending that all the batteries of EVs depending on being CHARGED.
For example.. let's assume say 50% of all cars/trucks are EVs that will require collectively:
  • 50% of electricity or 5,075,585,219,788 kWh additional electricity for 50% EVs per year,
  • solar panels in their homes or work to charge the EVs-- at 535.8 kWh/panel/year or 13,359,649,533 panels.
  • Cost for panels at $200/panel or $2,671,929,906,602 JUST for the panels.
  • Cost to install panels $8,602,686,813
And this is assuming that 50% of the EVs using solar panels HAVE the space to install... assuming roofs?
So the installation cost averages $.59/1 watt.
So tell me who will pay other than the EV users...and again this is assuming ALL EV car/truck use solar panels!
What happens if you live in an apartment? Now I know some apartments are building charging stations... but who pays???
Again if all cars/trucks are EVs total usage approximately 10,151,170,439,575 kWh is required.
Right now the average cost per kWh is 13 ¢/kilowatt-hour (kWh), so that means that the average electricity customer in Texas is using 1,391 kWh of electricity per month, and 16,692 kWh over the course of the year or a yearly electricity bill of $2,169 per household.
Now assume the the average drives 14,263 miles/year at 0.346 kWh/mile
source:Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | DOE PAGES
that is 41,223 kWh at cost of 13¢/kilowatt-hour
Total per average household cost per year for one EV driving 14,263 miles or $5,358 per household per year to operate one EV.
So compared to gas cost:
miles per gallon 24 miles/gallon (Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maps and Data - Average Fuel Economy by Major Vehicle Category)
at 14,263 miles that would be 594 gallons per year
or at average gas cost of $2.80 AAA Gas Prices
or gas driven car cost for gas per year... $1,664 per year for a gas car going 14,263 mile.

Hmmm... without solar panels EV household spends $5,358 for electricity on top of their $2,169..
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) annual cost $1,664.... hmmmm... Vs EV... $5,358!

Seems overly generous of you considering the braindead product.
You consider this as something from a "braindead" person?
More likely while you aren't brain dead, you are brainless as you didn't address one point of the below!
Where are there mistakes? Come on ... point them out!!!
For example.. let's assume say 50% of all cars/trucks are EVs that will require collectively:
50% of electricity or 5,075,585,219,788 kWh additional electricity for 50% EVs per year,
solar panels in their homes or work to charge the EVs-- at 535.8 kWh/panel/year or 13,359,649,533 panels.
Cost for panels at $200/panel or $2,671,929,906,602 JUST for the panels.
Cost to install panels $8,602,686,813
And this is assuming that 50% of the EVs using solar panels HAVE the space to install... assuming roofs?
So the installation cost averages $.59/1 watt.
So tell me who will pay other than the EV users...and again this is assuming ALL EV car/truck use solar panels!
What happens if you live in an apartment? Now I know some apartments are building charging stations... but who pays???
Again if all cars/trucks are EVs total usage approximately 10,151,170,439,575 kWh is required.
Right now the average cost per kWh is 13 ¢/kilowatt-hour (kWh), so that means that the average electricity customer in Texas is using 1,391 kWh of electricity per month, and 16,692 kWh over the course of the year or a yearly electricity bill of $2,169 per household.
Now assume the the average drives 14,263 miles/year at 0.346 kWh/mile
source:Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | DOE PAGES
that is 41,223 kWh at cost of 13¢/kilowatt-hour
Total per average household cost per year for one EV driving 14,263 miles or $5,358 per household per year to operate one EV.
So compared to gas cost:
miles per gallon 24 miles/gallon (Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maps and Data - Average Fuel Economy by Major Vehicle Category)
at 14,263 miles that would be 594 gallons per year
or at average gas cost of $2.80 AAA Gas Prices
or gas driven car cost for gas per year... $1,664 per year for a gas car going 14,263 mile.

Hmmm... without solar panels EV household spends $5,358 for electricity on top of their $2,169..
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) annual cost $1,664.... hmmmm... Vs EV... $5,358!
You consider this as something from a "braindead" person?
More likely while you aren't brain dead, you are brainless as you didn't address one point of the below!
Where are there mistakes? Come on ... point them out!!!
For example.. let's assume say 50% of all cars/trucks are EVs that will require collectively:
50% of electricity or 5,075,585,219,788 kWh additional electricity for 50% EVs per year,
solar panels in their homes or work to charge the EVs-- at 535.8 kWh/panel/year or 13,359,649,533 panels.
Cost for panels at $200/panel or $2,671,929,906,602 JUST for the panels.
Cost to install panels $8,602,686,813
And this is assuming that 50% of the EVs using solar panels HAVE the space to install... assuming roofs?
So the installation cost averages $.59/1 watt.
So tell me who will pay other than the EV users...and again this is assuming ALL EV car/truck use solar panels!
What happens if you live in an apartment? Now I know some apartments are building charging stations... but who pays???
Again if all cars/trucks are EVs total usage approximately 10,151,170,439,575 kWh is required.
Right now the average cost per kWh is 13 ¢/kilowatt-hour (kWh), so that means that the average electricity customer in Texas is using 1,391 kWh of electricity per month, and 16,692 kWh over the course of the year or a yearly electricity bill of $2,169 per household.
Now assume the the average drives 14,263 miles/year at 0.346 kWh/mile
source:Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | DOE PAGES
that is 41,223 kWh at cost of 13¢/kilowatt-hour
Total per average household cost per year for one EV driving 14,263 miles or $5,358 per household per year to operate one EV.
So compared to gas cost:
miles per gallon 24 miles/gallon (Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maps and Data - Average Fuel Economy by Major Vehicle Category)
at 14,263 miles that would be 594 gallons per year
or at average gas cost of $2.80 AAA Gas Prices
or gas driven car cost for gas per year... $1,664 per year for a gas car going 14,263 mile.

Hmmm... without solar panels EV household spends $5,358 for electricity on top of their $2,169..
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) annual cost $1,664.... hmmmm... Vs EV... $5,358! View attachment 733684
Yep, kinda brain dead - very primitive, binary, facepalm-y, A.D.D. riddled posting.
Yep, kinda brain dead - very primitive, binary, facepalm-y, A.D.D. riddled posting.
Buth you won't dispute because you have reading and comprehension problems...too much information!
For example.. let's assume say 50% of all cars/trucks are EVs that will require collectively:
50% of electricity or 5,075,585,219,788 kWh additional electricity for 50% EVs per year,
solar panels in their homes or work to charge the EVs-- at 535.8 kWh/panel/year or 13,359,649,533 panels.
Cost for panels at $200/panel or $2,671,929,906,602 JUST for the panels.
Cost to install panels $8,602,686,813
And this is assuming that 50% of the EVs using solar panels HAVE the space to install... assuming roofs?
So the installation cost averages $.59/1 watt.
So tell me who will pay other than the EV users...and again this is assuming ALL EV car/truck use solar panels!
What happens if you live in an apartment? Now I know some apartments are building charging stations... but who pays???
Again if all cars/trucks are EVs total usage approximately 10,151,170,439,575 kWh is required.
Right now the average cost per kWh is 13 ¢/kilowatt-hour (kWh), so that means that the average electricity customer in Texas is using 1,391 kWh of electricity per month, and 16,692 kWh over the course of the year or a yearly electricity bill of $2,169 per household.
Now assume the the average drives 14,263 miles/year at 0.346 kWh/mile
source:Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | DOE PAGES
that is 41,223 kWh at cost of 13¢/kilowatt-hour
Total per average household cost per year for one EV driving 14,263 miles or $5,358 per household per year to operate one EV.
So compared to gas cost:
miles per gallon 24 miles/gallon (Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maps and Data - Average Fuel Economy by Major Vehicle Category)
at 14,263 miles that would be 594 gallons per year
or at average gas cost of $2.80 AAA Gas Prices
or gas driven car cost for gas per year... $1,664 per year for a gas car going 14,263 mile.

Hmmm... without solar panels EV household spends $5,358 for electricity on top of their $2,169..
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) annual cost $1,664.... hmmmm... Vs EV... $5,358!

Buth you won't dispute because you have reading and comprehension problems...too much information!
For example.. let's assume say 50% of all cars/trucks are EVs that will require collectively:
50% of electricity or 5,075,585,219,788 kWh additional electricity for 50% EVs per year,
solar panels in their homes or work to charge the EVs-- at 535.8 kWh/panel/year or 13,359,649,533 panels.
Cost for panels at $200/panel or $2,671,929,906,602 JUST for the panels.
Cost to install panels $8,602,686,813
And this is assuming that 50% of the EVs using solar panels HAVE the space to install... assuming roofs?
So the installation cost averages $.59/1 watt.
So tell me who will pay other than the EV users...and again this is assuming ALL EV car/truck use solar panels!
What happens if you live in an apartment? Now I know some apartments are building charging stations... but who pays???
Again if all cars/trucks are EVs total usage approximately 10,151,170,439,575 kWh is required.
Right now the average cost per kWh is 13 ¢/kilowatt-hour (kWh), so that means that the average electricity customer in Texas is using 1,391 kWh of electricity per month, and 16,692 kWh over the course of the year or a yearly electricity bill of $2,169 per household.
Now assume the the average drives 14,263 miles/year at 0.346 kWh/mile
source:Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | DOE PAGES
that is 41,223 kWh at cost of 13¢/kilowatt-hour
Total per average household cost per year for one EV driving 14,263 miles or $5,358 per household per year to operate one EV.
So compared to gas cost:
miles per gallon 24 miles/gallon (Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maps and Data - Average Fuel Economy by Major Vehicle Category)
at 14,263 miles that would be 594 gallons per year
or at average gas cost of $2.80 AAA Gas Prices
or gas driven car cost for gas per year... $1,664 per year for a gas car going 14,263 mile.

Hmmm... without solar panels EV household spends $5,358 for electricity on top of their $2,169..
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) annual cost $1,664.... hmmmm... Vs EV... $5,358!

View attachment 733689
What the hell is there to dispute?

You propose that presidents are either personally aggressive or passive and that is the foremost character trait the defines their historic effectiveness.

It's childish, simplistic, laughable nonsense...and then your ADD kicks in and you start throwing up piles of irrelevancies.
What hell is there to dispute?

You think presidents are either personally aggressive or passive and that is the foremost character trait the defines their historic effectiveness.

It's childish, simplistic, laughable nonsense.
I never commented on "presidents"! I was describing politicians and the differences between them and people like Trump who WAS never a politician. He was though an "ass-kicker" and not an "ass-kisser" such as Biden and almost all politicians.
I mean it is very very hard for uninformed, inexperienced people probably you to have the experiences I've had working for over 60 years with all sorts of people. My experiences boil down to "ass-kickers" are generally disliked personally BUT admired for their executions. Trump was the very first billionaire , non-political, "ass-kicker" and that's the distinction.
Consequently you and you truly uninformed minions don't understand that distinction because you've not had enough exposure to either type. I personally didn't like Trump's boisterous, braggart, loud mouth characteristics which again because you are obviously inexperienced you never knew anyone from NYC, much less Queens where that type of personality is the norm! BUT Trump did something you ignore that only 2 other presidents did. You have no idea because your sources i.e. the biased MSM doesn't report it BUT what the biased MSM did is influence you by doing the following which again unlike you I provide proof. Proof the MSM donated 96% to Hillary, the MSM then spent the next 4 years with the most negative news about Trump, then they donated 90% to Biden.
And Biden had the least negative news of the last 5 presidents.
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
1) lowest negative news Biden 19%
2) Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%), negative
3) George W. Bush (28%), negative
4) Barack Obama (20%), negative
5) Donald Trump (62%) negative. (again REMEMBER the BIASED MSM Donated 96% of their money to Hillary..she LOST!
Now I'm going to attach again the PROOF of the biased MSM donations to Democrats and thus the tremendous amount of BIASED news.
For example: ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in 3 months over 32.7 hours of coverage,
(by TV standards an eternity of news time). Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs $104,700/30 sec.
What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —
92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20

But none of these FACTS mean anything to you as you are a fauxnie and ignorant person. Proven because you provide NOT one single link to prove your statements. Zero and that is the major difference between us!
I never commented on "presidents"! I was describing politicians and the differences between them and people like Trump who WAS never a politician. He was though an "ass-kicker" and not an "ass-kisser" such as Biden and almost all politicians.
I mean it is very very hard for uninformed, inexperienced people probably you to have the experiences I've had working for over 60 years with all sorts of people. My experiences boil down to "ass-kickers" are generally disliked personally BUT admired for their executions. Trump was the very first billionaire , non-political, "ass-kicker" and that's the distinction.
Consequently you and you truly uninformed minions don't understand that distinction because you've not had enough exposure to either type. I personally didn't like Trump's boisterous, braggart, loud mouth characteristics which again because you are obviously inexperienced you never knew anyone from NYC, much less Queens where that type of personality is the norm! BUT Trump did something you ignore that only 2 other presidents did. You have no idea because your sources i.e. the biased MSM doesn't report it BUT what the biased MSM did is influence you by doing the following which again unlike you I provide proof. Proof the MSM donated 96% to Hillary, the MSM then spent the next 4 years with the most negative news about Trump, then they donated 90% to Biden.
And Biden had the least negative news of the last 5 presidents.
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
1) lowest negative news Biden 19%
2) Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%), negative
3) George W. Bush (28%), negative
4) Barack Obama (20%), negative
5) Donald Trump (62%) negative. (again REMEMBER the BIASED MSM Donated 96% of their money to Hillary..she LOST!
Now I'm going to attach again the PROOF of the biased MSM donations to Democrats and thus the tremendous amount of BIASED news.
For example: ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in 3 months over 32.7 hours of coverage,
(by TV standards an eternity of news time). Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs $104,700/30 sec.
What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —
92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20

But none of these FACTS mean anything to you as you are a fauxnie and ignorant person. Proven because you provide NOT one single link to prove your statements. Zero and that is the major difference between us!View attachment 733694
Dumbass, Presidents are a subset of politicians, OF COURSE you were talking about them as well.

This is exactly why I say it's charitable to describe what's going on in your head as serious thinking.

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