I think I'm getting bored with women and I know I'm getting bored with talk radio show hosts


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I'm on the dating scene and women are beginning to bore me. They all offer the same package, and they all make you run through the same set of obstacles to get access to that package. They all talk about their dogs and cats, their children, and their exes. All of them want to travel. I have yet to meet a woman with an original idea in her head. I am beginning to think all women are the same person, wearing a different face.

Talk radio show hosts are also beginning to sound all the same. It's gotten to the point that I can't stand listening to them anymore.
I'm on the dating scene and women are beginning to bore me. They all offer the same package, and they all make you run through the same set of obstacles to get access to that package. They all talk about their dogs and cats, their children, and their exes. All of them want to travel. I have yet to meet a woman with an original idea in her head. I am beginning to think all women are the same person, wearing a different face.

Talk radio show hosts are also beginning to sound all the same. It's gotten to the point that I can't stand listening to them anymore.
None of the women wanted to talk to you, so they asked me to tell you they have been fed up with you for quite a while.
I'm on the dating scene and women are beginning to bore me. They all offer the same package, and they all make you run through the same set of obstacles to get access to that package. They all talk about their dogs and cats, their children, and their exes. All of them want to travel. I have yet to meet a woman with an original idea in her head. I am beginning to think all women are the same person, wearing a different face.

Talk radio show hosts are also beginning to sound all the same. It's gotten to the point that I can't stand listening to them anymore.

I know this makes me a social pariah but I do not understand our utter fascination with our dogs and cats. I mean to the point of we can't talk about anything else. So yeah, I get that.

My FB feed looks like what you describe 24/7. Pets, kids, pictures of food. No one talks about ideas or whatever. You can't even try, it's "toxic". But take a picture of your dinner and the place goes insane.

I don't understand this century at all
I'm on the dating scene and women are beginning to bore me. They all offer the same package, and they all make you run through the same set of obstacles to get access to that package. They all talk about their dogs and cats, their children, and their exes. All of them want to travel. I have yet to meet a woman with an original idea in her head. I am beginning to think all women are the same person, wearing a different face.

Talk radio show hosts are also beginning to sound all the same. It's gotten to the point that I can't stand listening to them anymore.
That reminds me.

What is worse than raining cats and dogs?

Why hailing taxis of course.
I'm on the dating scene and women are beginning to bore me. They all offer the same package, and they all make you run through the same set of obstacles to get access to that package. They all talk about their dogs and cats, their children, and their exes. All of them want to travel. I have yet to meet a woman with an original idea in her head. I am beginning to think all women are the same person, wearing a different face.

Talk radio show hosts are also beginning to sound all the same. It's gotten to the point that I can't stand listening to them anymore.
maybe men are your thing.....hey just saying....
I think dating is just as awkward and painful for both sexes. We've been conditioned to go through this odd and pointless ritual and promised that when the ritual is complete, we will live both happily and ever after.
I'm on the dating scene and women are beginning to bore me. They all offer the same package, and they all make you run through the same set of obstacles to get access to that package. They all talk about their dogs and cats, their children, and their exes. All of them want to travel. I have yet to meet a woman with an original idea in her head. I am beginning to think all women are the same person, wearing a different face.

Talk radio show hosts are also beginning to sound all the same. It's gotten to the point that I can't stand listening to them anymore.
I thought you found the love of your life about 6-8 months ago?
I'm on the dating scene and women are beginning to bore me. They all offer the same package, and they all make you run through the same set of obstacles to get access to that package. They all talk about their dogs and cats, their children, and their exes. All of them want to travel. I have yet to meet a woman with an original idea in her head. I am beginning to think all women are the same person, wearing a different face.

Talk radio show hosts are also beginning to sound all the same. It's gotten to the point that I can't stand listening to them anymore.

I know this makes me a social pariah but I do not understand our utter fascination with our dogs and cats. I mean to the point of we can't talk about anything else. So yeah, I get that.

My FB feed looks like what you describe 24/7. Pets, kids, pictures of food. No one talks about ideas or whatever. You can't even try, it's "toxic". But take a picture of your dinner and the place goes insane.

I don't understand this century at all
In most cases, dogs and cats are better than people.
I hate to go "conventional" on you, but there is a reason for the phenomenon you describe: Feminism.

Prior to the birth of Feminism, women knew what they wanted in life. They knew that they could be fulfilled by (a) a faithful, productive, mature husband, and (b) an unpredictable household full of children. EVERYTHING ELSE was secondary. She might have to work outside the home to "make ends meet," but there was never any question in her mind or the minds of their employers what came first: Kids, then husband, then (probably) elderly family members who needed help as they grew older. The Job came last.

The most important "job" in their life was the nurturing of those children, which required management of the household, overseeing the education process, and keeping the husband/father reasonably content.

This is no fantasy; it is the way things were prior to approximately 1970. The cultural turning point was that awful commercial - I don't even remember the product - where the sexy young thang sang that she could "bring home the bacon, and fry it up in a pan," meaning figuratively that she could have IT ALL, career, happy home, and stylish clothes. (Bullshit).

Feminism, as a philosophy of life, declared that women didn't need a husband or kids to be fulfilled. On the contrary, a "modern" woman needed to be fulfilled IN A CAREER, and if she was not fulfilled in a career, she was selling herself short. She didn't need a man or kids or any of that to be happy and successful. In fact, to Feminists, the "housewife" paradigm was nothing but a form of slavery, and a sign of failure as a person.

And of course, today, the more highly educated a woman is, the more she is likely to buy into the Feminism bullshit totally. They don't need no fucking MAN or KIDS to be happy or satisfied or fulfilled. But that leaves a giant hole in their lives. Nurturing is IN THEIR NATURE, and with no kids to nurture, they do crazy shit, like fawning over dogs and/or cats as though they were kids. It is perverse, actually.

So when you meet a young "professional" woman in her 20's or 30's, she is duty-bound by the tenets of Feminism to let you know that she doesn't need you, or any relationship, or certainly any kids to be happy, "...so don't get any crazy ideas."

But the good thing is, Feminism disdains primitive concepts like modesty, chastity, and sexual prudence, so getting laid is not that difficult as long as you are not deformed or overtly crazy.
Yet another “I’m bored with women and talk show hosts” threads. USMB is so predictable.
i talk bout what is meaningful in my life...hubby....kidlet....my dogs...my cats...my little monkeys

original thought: you are a dick and most likely a small one
o wait i am sure your dates have already had this thought
I hate to go "conventional" on you, but there is a reason for the phenomenon you describe: Feminism.

Prior to the birth of Feminism, women knew what they wanted in life. They knew that they could be fulfilled by (a) a faithful, productive, mature husband, and (b) an unpredictable household full of children. EVERYTHING ELSE was secondary. She might have to work outside the home to "make ends meet," but there was never any question in her mind or the minds of their employers what came first: Kids, then husband, then (probably) elderly family members who needed help as they grew older. The Job came last.

The most important "job" in their life was the nurturing of those children, which required management of the household, overseeing the education process, and keeping the husband/father reasonably content.

This is no fantasy; it is the way things were prior to approximately 1970. The cultural turning point was that awful commercial - I don't even remember the product - where the sexy young thang sang that she could "bring home the bacon, and fry it up in a pan," meaning figuratively that she could have IT ALL, career, happy home, and stylish clothes. (Bullshit).

Feminism, as a philosophy of life, declared that women didn't need a husband or kids to be fulfilled. On the contrary, a "modern" woman needed to be fulfilled IN A CAREER, and if she was not fulfilled in a career, she was selling herself short. She didn't need a man or kids or any of that to be happy and successful. In fact, to Feminists, the "housewife" paradigm was nothing but a form of slavery, and a sign of failure as a person.

And of course, today, the more highly educated a woman is, the more she is likely to buy into the Feminism bullshit totally. They don't need no fucking MAN or KIDS to be happy or satisfied or fulfilled. But that leaves a giant hole in their lives. Nurturing is IN THEIR NATURE, and with no kids to nurture, they do crazy shit, like fawning over dogs and/or cats as though they were kids. It is perverse, actually.

So when you meet a young "professional" woman in her 20's or 30's, she is duty-bound by the tenets of Feminism to let you know that she doesn't need you, or any relationship, or certainly any kids to be happy, "...so don't get any crazy ideas."

But the good thing is, Feminism disdains primitive concepts like modesty, chastity, and sexual prudence, so getting laid is not that difficult as long as you are not deformed or overtly crazy.
So you think that you know what women want. You are hilarious. You probably never even talked about any of this stuff with a woman. That so many women said "me, too" when feminist first started being discussed shows that there was a preexisting problem.

Heterosexual couples can and do have successful relationships and raise children together, if both want to do this and each makes this their priority.

Do you, as a man, wish to be told what sort of work you must spend all of your time doing? Forget that you have an interest and talent in oceanography, or law, or medicine, and accept being told by someone else that you must be a plumber, a childcare worker, a construction worker?

Moreover, your worship of a three-times married guy who paid hookers, cheated on his third wife while she was at home with their newborn,and bragged about having lots of non-marital sex and grabbing people's private parts, and worried about getting STDs shows that you have no concern with modesty, chastity, or sexual prudence.
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I'm on the dating scene and women are beginning to bore me. They all offer the same package, and they all make you run through the same set of obstacles to get access to that package. They all talk about their dogs and cats, their children, and their exes. All of them want to travel. I have yet to meet a woman with an original idea in her head. I am beginning to think all women are the same person, wearing a different face.

Talk radio show hosts are also beginning to sound all the same. It's gotten to the point that I can't stand listening to them anymore.

I'm on the dating scene and women are beginning to bore me. They all offer the same package, and they all make you run through the same set of obstacles to get access to that package. They all talk about their dogs and cats, their children, and their exes. All of them want to travel. I have yet to meet a woman with an original idea in her head. I am beginning to think all women are the same person, wearing a different face.

Talk radio show hosts are also beginning to sound all the same. It's gotten to the point that I can't stand listening to them anymore.
hun, you need to analyze yourself and figure out what you want and what interests you. Instead of looking for a girlfriend, try to find people who share your interests. If you like new and exciting things, join a club or a class and get out with other people who have the same interests and time to pursue new interests--eventually you will run across someone that you will click with. In the meantime, you won't be so lonely. Love comes actually when you are not looking for it and lest expect it.
I hate to go "conventional" on you, but there is a reason for the phenomenon you describe: Feminism.

Prior to the birth of Feminism, women knew what they wanted in life. They knew that they could be fulfilled by (a) a faithful, productive, mature husband, and (b) an unpredictable household full of children. EVERYTHING ELSE was secondary. She might have to work outside the home to "make ends meet," but there was never any question in her mind or the minds of their employers what came first: Kids, then husband, then (probably) elderly family members who needed help as they grew older. The Job came last.

The most important "job" in their life was the nurturing of those children, which required management of the household, overseeing the education process, and keeping the husband/father reasonably content.

This is no fantasy; it is the way things were prior to approximately 1970. The cultural turning point was that awful commercial - I don't even remember the product - where the sexy young thang sang that she could "bring home the bacon, and fry it up in a pan," meaning figuratively that she could have IT ALL, career, happy home, and stylish clothes. (Bullshit).

Feminism, as a philosophy of life, declared that women didn't need a husband or kids to be fulfilled. On the contrary, a "modern" woman needed to be fulfilled IN A CAREER, and if she was not fulfilled in a career, she was selling herself short. She didn't need a man or kids or any of that to be happy and successful. In fact, to Feminists, the "housewife" paradigm was nothing but a form of slavery, and a sign of failure as a person.

And of course, today, the more highly educated a woman is, the more she is likely to buy into the Feminism bullshit totally. They don't need no fucking MAN or KIDS to be happy or satisfied or fulfilled. But that leaves a giant hole in their lives. Nurturing is IN THEIR NATURE, and with no kids to nurture, they do crazy shit, like fawning over dogs and/or cats as though they were kids. It is perverse, actually.

So when you meet a young "professional" woman in her 20's or 30's, she is duty-bound by the tenets of Feminism to let you know that she doesn't need you, or any relationship, or certainly any kids to be happy, "...so don't get any crazy ideas."

But the good thing is, Feminism disdains primitive concepts like modesty, chastity, and sexual prudence, so getting laid is not that difficult as long as you are not deformed or overtly crazy.
I'm sorry....but
There is no "career" more important than raising children. Two-income couples who both hold conventional jobs and latchkey kids are deluding themselves if they think the kids are better off than with Mom at home. There is NO RELEVANT study that supports this view. If wifey wants to be an oceanographer, there is plenty of time for that in a 45 year work career. First things first.

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