I think some of the low populated red states should be merged

I think he's trying to transfer power to the left.
Funny thing is...the Red-States are getting a population shift of people abandoning the blue-states.

So.............are you gonna tell us how you feel about bringing back the 3/5th's compromise? After all, you already stated that states with black and brown people should have less say in government. (and don't try to go back and change your post, I quoted it).
I never said you were a republican. Are you claiming your political group has no perverts?

Are you one of those open border libertarians?
Every group has them.
The difference is the left celebrates their perverts while we tend to get rid of ours.
It would give states that have higher population more power in the senate. California has dozens of times the population as most of these midwestern and mountain states. It would make things fairer.

Which defeats the very purpose of the way our bicameral legislative branch is set up, to give lower-population states better representation, to keep them from being steamrollered by more populous states.
I never said you were a republican. Are you claiming your political group has no perverts?

Are you one of those open border libertarians?
heres the problem trying to tell other people what they are,, everytime you end up looking like a fucking idiot,,,

I am american that supports the constitution as written under its original intent,,
and no one in my group supports mutilating or fucking little children,, thats the democrat partys forte,,
So.............are you gonna tell us how you feel about bringing back the 3/5th's compromise? After all, you already stated that states with black and brown people should have less say in government. (and don't try to go back and change your post, I quoted it).
Fuck you.
I stand by my statement asshole.
Clearly the big problem in blue cities is they have a voting base that will vote for any butt-reaming asshole that's a Democrat.
well this is better than one of his other threads where he wanted to teach children to be bisexuals,,

Ultimately, that's the point of this one, as well. It's rather obvious to me that Stormlover née matthew perceives that what he proposes would give less power to conservative views that wish to protect children form dangerous perverts like himself, and more power to those who would enable such perverts.
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I don't live in NYC.
He's from NY, dickhead.

You said that the left (apparently meaning all Democrats) celebrate their perverts while we (I'm guessing you were referring to conservatives and Republicans and that you consider yourself to be a part of them) are getting rid of ours. So...............again...........I ask................how's that Santos thing working out for you guys on the right? Santos is a Republican, and it doesn't really matter what state he's from, he's still one of yours.
I think some of the low populated red states should be merged. Here is the states that should be merged

5. New Mexico and Colorado

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