I think some of the low populated red states should be merged

I'd like to see you [Stormlover née matthew] put on a boat and set adrift during a hurricane,,

I have a better idea.

Carve out Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon to form a state as well. They are not happy being a part of the failures in their current states.
Then why are all the ultra-White states also the Welfare States?
They aren't. You probably don't know how many people are on welfare in each state.

You're going by poverty rate.
If a blue state income averages $50k and the poverty rate is lower than KY or Mississippi and the national poverty rate is $30k where most people don't make more than $30k..it's not a valid assessment.

The five states with the highest poverty rates are:

  1. Mississippi - 19.6%
  2. Louisiana - 19.0%
  3. New Mexico - 18.2%
  4. Kentucky - 16.3%
  5. Arkansas - 16.2%

On the other hand, New Hampshire's poverty rate is 7.3%, the lowest in the U.S. New Hampshire has the seventh-highest median household income at $76,768 a year. Additionally, New Hampshire's educational attainment levels are very high, with 93.1% of adults having graduated high school and 37% having at least a Bachelor's degree.

The five states with the lowest poverty rates are:

  1. New Hampshire - 7.3%
  2. Utah - 8.9%
  3. Minnesota - 9.0%
  4. Maryland - 9.0%
  5. New Jersey - 9.2%

Six other states have poverty rates below 10%: Hawaii, Colorado, Massachusetts, Washington, Virginia, and Nebraska.

Carve out Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon to form a state as well. They are not happy being a part of the failures in their current states.
What should we do with the red states that tend to have the highest murder rates, obesity levels and worst education?

Should they combine with states, like in your example, Washington; who tends to score well in these categories to balance out the red state shitholes?

Also, what's your plan to get this to pass constitutional muster?
What should we do with the red states that tend to have the highest murder rates, obesity levels and worst education?

Should they combine with states, like in your example, Washington; who tends to score well in these categories to balance out the red state shitholes?

Also, what's your plan to get this to pass constitutional muster?
If the people in the red states want to do so, then let’s do it. Last I checked, people in Eastern Oregon expressed interest in wanting to secede or merge with Idaho. Will of the People.
heres the problem trying to tell other people what they are,, everytime you end up looking like a fucking idiot,,,

I didn't do this.

I am american that supports the constitution as written under its original intent,,
and no one in my group supports mutilating or fucking little children,, thats the democrat partys forte,,
I too, support the constitution.

Ahh, I see; your select group is the only group that has no perverts.

Good grief.
If the people in the red states want to do so, then let’s do it. Last I checked, people in Eastern Oregon expressed interest in wanting to secede or merge with Idaho. Will of the People.
The will of the people doesn't supercede the will of the the constitution. That's why we are a constitutional republic.

Eastern Oregon is full of butthurt voters who are throwing a tantrum because their tribe lost the election. The people spoke. This is how American government works and has for over a hundred years.

Wahh fucking wahh.
Exactly. I think that states with more blacks and brown people need to have less power...because they obviously don't know WTF they're doing.
What a piece of shit you are. I bet you never talk this shit When Blacks are within listening distance. You probably suck up to them is my guess.
Honestly, they're all low populated states that deserve only 2 senators.
You dumbass leftards are all about mob rule. But you won't get it.

What we should do instead, is break up California into northern and southern parts.
I think some of the low populated red states should be merged. Here is the states that should be merged
1. Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wy.
2. North And South Dakota
3. Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri
4. Ark and Ok
5. New Mexico and Colorado

I think Puerto Rico and the virgin islands should become one state.

What do you think?
We're fine with 50 states.

What should be done on this front is this.

Get rid of the "gray area" territories. There shouldn't be anyone who is in a region where you are by birthright a US Citizen who doesn't have a member of the House and Two Senators. The US Virgin Islands, for example, should be folded into a state that is geographically closest. Guam, Wake, Midway, Puerto Rico, etc... should not be these outliers...the residents should be under the banner of one of the existing fifty states.
It isn't fair that California only gets 2 senators the same as most of the midwest that have less then 1/30th the population. You hicks that are no different then the taliban literally have far more power then you deserve.
And you shit for brains halflwits are WAY too stupid to understand anything as vital as CHECKS AND BALANCES.

Sorry, no mob rule for you idiots.
It isn't fair that California only gets 2 senators the same as most of the midwest that have less then 1/30th the population. You hicks that are no different then the taliban literally have far more power then you deserve.

That statement just shows deep ignorance of, and disregard for the reasons that the great men who founded our country had for setting it up so that highly-populous states wouldn't have the power to dominate government to the point of disenfranchising lightly-populated states.
They aren't. You probably don't know how many people are on welfare in each state.

You're going by poverty rate.
If a blue state income averages $50k and the poverty rate is lower than KY or Mississippi and the national poverty rate is $30k where most people don't make more than $30k..it's not a valid assessment.

The five states with the highest poverty rates are:

  1. Mississippi - 19.6%
  2. Louisiana - 19.0%
  3. New Mexico - 18.2%
  4. Kentucky - 16.3%
  5. Arkansas - 16.2%

On the other hand, New Hampshire's poverty rate is 7.3%, the lowest in the U.S. New Hampshire has the seventh-highest median household income at $76,768 a year. Additionally, New Hampshire's educational attainment levels are very high, with 93.1% of adults having graduated high school and 37% having at least a Bachelor's degree.

The five states with the lowest poverty rates are:

  1. New Hampshire - 7.3%
  2. Utah - 8.9%
  3. Minnesota - 9.0%
  4. Maryland - 9.0%
  5. New Jersey - 9.2%

Six other states have poverty rates below 10%: Hawaii, Colorado, Massachusetts, Washington, Virginia, and Nebraska.

I said welfare states, not states that have the most citizens on welfare.

This next one is from 2004! I'll grab recent data for my next post and you'll see that nothing has changed.


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