I think some of the low populated red states should be merged

The will of the people doesn't supercede the will of the the constitution. That's why we are a constitutional republic.

Eastern Oregon is full of butthurt voters who are throwing a tantrum because their tribe lost the election. The people spoke. This is how American government works and has for over a hundred years.

Wahh fucking wahh.
True but my point was sentiment of the people (will) vs. you rolling up states into other states based on murder per capita, education, and obesity status. Where is that listed in the constitution?
Why? Because of population? What about Rhode Island, Delaware, Vermont and Maine? How about highly populated states like California, New York and Pennsylvania-- should they be broken into many states?
You realize that would be to the left’s advantage? That many more blue senators.
I said welfare states, not states that have the most citizens on welfare.

This next one is from 2004! I'll grab recent data for my next post and you'll see that nothing has changed.

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2022. This is a chart at this LINK where you can click different columns to find which states lead in each category. This is a screengrab of the final column, but each of them turn up RED.

I said welfare states, not states that have the most citizens on welfare.

This next one is from 2004! I'll grab recent data for my next post and you'll see that nothing has changed.

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You're just playing with numbers. It doesn't tell the real story.
But the fact remains D.C. is 70% black and THE A#1 BLUE CITY IN THE NATION. How many of those hoodrats are on some sort of assistance?
Big cities are almost exclusively Blue Cities. Atlanta for example. How much of Atlanta is on welfare compared to Augusta GA?
They aren't. You probably don't know how many people are on welfare in each state.

You're going by poverty rate.
If a blue state income averages $50k and the poverty rate is lower than KY or Mississippi and the national poverty rate is $30k where most people don't make more than $30k..it's not a valid assessment.

The five states with the highest poverty rates are:

  1. Mississippi - 19.6%
  2. Louisiana - 19.0%
  3. New Mexico - 18.2%
  4. Kentucky - 16.3%
  5. Arkansas - 16.2%

On the other hand, New Hampshire's poverty rate is 7.3%, the lowest in the U.S. New Hampshire has the seventh-highest median household income at $76,768 a year. Additionally, New Hampshire's educational attainment levels are very high, with 93.1% of adults having graduated high school and 37% having at least a Bachelor's degree.

The five states with the lowest poverty rates are:

  1. New Hampshire - 7.3%
  2. Utah - 8.9%
  3. Minnesota - 9.0%
  4. Maryland - 9.0%
  5. New Jersey - 9.2%

Six other states have poverty rates below 10%: Hawaii, Colorado, Massachusetts, Washington, Virginia, and Nebraska.

I do appreciate you taking the time to do this research and posting it here. It's so much more than what the majority of Republicans do on this site.

But even with paying for this welfare, BLUE states are still supporting RED states on top of this, too.
I do appreciate you taking the time to do this research and posting it here. It's so much more than what the majority of Republicans do on this site.

But even with paying for this welfare, BLUE states are still supporting RED states on top of this, too.
Nope. It all depends on the cities. Most Blue Cities are taxed so much that the rich are leaving in droves.
Nashville raised their property taxes 32% last year and all of those folks moved up here to Clarksville.
At least you can claim you have a point, but all economies are local.
They're Red states. They have Republican Senators, majority Republican Representatives, and vote Republican in presidential elections.

And thank you for acknowledging that Katie is governor, not Kari.
Nope...when the governor is a Democrat then the state becomes Blue. He's the one signing the bills into law.
You did not think this through.

For example, you would merge Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming. So instead of eight senators, they would only have two.
I'd agree to that, if California, Oregon, Washington, Michigan, Illinois, New York, Massachussetts, Delaware, Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire seceded from the US and joined Canada.
Honestly, they're all low populated states that deserve only 2 senators.

You have this backwards.
The heavily populated states have far more abusive monopolies, housing shortages, control by banks, etc., so are much more like feudalism, and therefore should have far less political influence.
Political influence is not just how many people to you have, but how many of them are sane?
I think some of the low populated red states should be merged. Here is the states that should be merged
1. Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wy.
2. North And South Dakota
3. Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri
4. Ark and Ok
5. New Mexico and Colorado

I think Puerto Rico and the virgin islands should become one state.

What do you think?
I think the politics of it make it a no-go. It would fuck up the balance of power in the senate and electoral college.
Plus, I like the idea of many states, with differing values. That way you can find the one that suits you best.
Red vs Blue is silly, since both parties are criminal.
They both pushed the illegal wars, like Korea, Iran(1953), Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
They both prevented public health care and Obama pushed mandatory private insurance instead.
They both pushed the illegal war on drugs and made the US the greatest % imprisoned the civilized world.
I think some of the low populated red states should be merged. Here is the states that should be merged
1. Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wy.
2. North And South Dakota
3. Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri
4. Ark and Ok
5. New Mexico and Colorado

I think Puerto Rico and the virgin islands should become one state.

What do you think?

How about, instead of this, you have Proportional Representation at a national level so the size of the population of a state doesn't change the power of people's votes?
What do you think?

It is the dumbest idea I ever heard demonstrating a total lack of understanding by you of how the Electoral College works!

Your proposal would further REDUCE their already low representation! What you are trying to say is that you want to take highly overpopulated states like California and divide them! That spreads out and better evens their representation so that one state no long usurps excessive representation from the average other state.
True but my point was sentiment of the people (will) vs. you rolling up states into other states based on murder per capita, education, and obesity status. Where is that listed in the constitution?
It's not. I was making a point.
I said welfare states, not states that have the most citizens on welfare.

This next one is from 2004! I'll grab recent data for my next post and you'll see that nothing has changed.

View attachment 765546

Remove Democrats from red states and you would see a seismic shift. The misconception is that if a state is red it is because of Republicans in those states that they receive more benefits than they pay, but it is quite the opposite. The wealthier counties in red states are highly Republican. Red states have many lower income individuals, the vast majority of which vote for Democrats. Also, keep in mind that the income levels don’t need to be as high for the middle class because the cost of living is lower. Red states don’t pay union garbage workers 100k/yr because the economies don’t dictate such pay.
The OP sounds like they want to re-draw the maps to reflect what it was when this country first got settled, and now it sounds like you are looking to bring back the 3/5ths compromise.

Actually, the OP has a defective gene that makes her attracted to her own gender.
She is terrified of people in red states because she thinks that they all want to kill her.
That is a brief of what she said.

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