I thought Obabble supported gay marrige...

What does this have to do with?

1. Gay Marriage
2. Obama
3. The US
I swear, this has got to be one of the worst cases of ODS I've ever seen.
What does this have to do with?

1. Gay Marriage
2. Obama
3. The US

It has to do with quare folk working behind the scenes to embarrass our glorious leader.

square folk?

The Quare Fellow is Brendan Behan's first play, first produced in 1954. The title is taken from a Hiberno-English pronunciation of queer, meaning "strange" or "unusual". In context, the word lacks the denotation of homosexuality that it holds today. Wikipedia
Adaptations: The Quare Fellow (1962)
It has to do with quare folk working behind the scenes to embarrass our glorious leader.

square folk?

The Quare Fellow is Brendan Behan's first play, first produced in 1954. The title is taken from a Hiberno-English pronunciation of queer, meaning "strange" or "unusual". In context, the word lacks the denotation of homosexuality that it holds today. Wikipedia
Adaptations: The Quare Fellow (1962)

So the real question is, are you still drunk from last night or did you get drunk again this morning?
It happened in England to a Brazilian traveling from Germany. The world is interconnected, ya know?

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