I thought Obama was a bad president because i disagreed with him politically. Joe Biden should make all of us VERY NERVOUS

The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked

You were fine with the blob who told you to inject disinfectant... Yeah..you have zero credibility.

LIAR! When did ANYONE much less Trump tell you to inject disinfectant?
YOU are one of those truly ignorant people that are like little kids. You are so truly uninformed as Biden was when he said this:
On COVID-19, Donald Trump said that “maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay.”
No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach
  • Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus, but that’s not correct.
  • Trump did not explicitly recommend ingesting a disinfectant like bleach. But he did express interest in exploring whether disinfectants could be applied to the site of a coronavirus infection inside the body, such as the lungs.

But of course little kids like you evidently can't use the Internet yet. Ask your mom ok?
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

The question I have is which of the great people he surrounded himself with told him that was a viable idea at all?
GEEZ...! Are you crazy? Where would any sane person (other than the biased MSM!!!) consider drinking bleach?
5,120,000 results "Trump suggest bleach"!
But of course dummies like you believe EVERY word the MSM puts out!
But " Trump never suggested injecting bleach" results 85!
Again only real dumb people believe the MSM!
Remember... the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and when she lost they spent 4 years and 93% of the news, putting out bad news (see below for study of 3 major networks Trump coverage) about Trump so their 90% donations to Biden/Democrats would be assured!
But of course truly ignorant people like you believe the MSM! And dummies like YOU NEVER put any substantiation...or links... or proof of your comments!

View attachment 472586

View attachment 472594

Who said anything about bleach except you? I gave you the quote...the one you said didn't exist...about injecting disinfectant.

This is the part where you swear up and down like a whiny little bitch that he didn't say what he was quoted as saying.

Your blob was a moron.
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked

You were fine with the blob who told you to inject disinfectant... Yeah..you have zero credibility.

LIAR! When did ANYONE much less Trump tell you to inject disinfectant?
YOU are one of those truly ignorant people that are like little kids. You are so truly uninformed as Biden was when he said this:
On COVID-19, Donald Trump said that “maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay.”
No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach
  • Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus, but that’s not correct.
  • Trump did not explicitly recommend ingesting a disinfectant like bleach. But he did express interest in exploring whether disinfectants could be applied to the site of a coronavirus infection inside the body, such as the lungs.

But of course little kids like you evidently can't use the Internet yet. Ask your mom ok?
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

The question I have is which of the great people he surrounded himself with told him that was a viable idea at all?
GEEZ...! Are you crazy? Where would any sane person (other than the biased MSM!!!) consider drinking bleach?
5,120,000 results "Trump suggest bleach"!
But of course dummies like you believe EVERY word the MSM puts out!
But " Trump never suggested injecting bleach" results 85!
Again only real dumb people believe the MSM!
Remember... the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and when she lost they spent 4 years and 93% of the news, putting out bad news (see below for study of 3 major networks Trump coverage) about Trump so their 90% donations to Biden/Democrats would be assured!
But of course truly ignorant people like you believe the MSM! And dummies like YOU NEVER put any substantiation...or links... or proof of your comments!

View attachment 472586

View attachment 472594
What do you expect from a lying paid shill.
If you can't tell Biden has mental problems then you are either a liar or an imbecile.

Seems fine. Point out any issues for me from his press conference.

Clearly you just have BDS.
Total shill. The video of Bidens lack of clarity has been shown all over the world liar.

Awesome. Comment on those and then comment on Trump’s mistakes. I can find you a video for them.

Let’s see if you can be objective and consistent with both.

You have nothing. You’re just an uneducated Trumpster following what the rest of the herd says.
Blah blah blah...trump...blah blah trump...trump...blather rinse repeat.

Yea, just as I thought.
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked
How the hell would you know? Change the channel and try reality.I enjoy getting back on track with a liberal Catholic Democratic president again thank you very much. It's been a long 58 years...., Especially the last 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else, brainwashed functional moron. And of course the last 30 years of total garbage GOP propaganda for the doops... You're a total disgrace who doesn't give a damn about our excellent national institutions like the judiciary and journalism that says you people are absolutely nuts and a worldwide horror.... Hopefully Murdoch's empire of b******* will be sued out of existence for its lies and sedition.. everything you know is wrong ding bat...
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If you can't tell Biden has mental problems then you are either a liar or an imbecile.
Seems fine. Point out any issues for me from his press conference.
Clearly you just have BDS.
Admit it: The BDS can be fun to watch.

I admit I do enjoy watching it.

My guilty pleasure is that I especially enjoy when they start talking about the election being stolen from them. I grab my coffee mug and drink up all those delicious MAGA tears.
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked

You were fine with the blob who told you to inject disinfectant... Yeah..you have zero credibility.

LIAR! When did ANYONE much less Trump tell you to inject disinfectant?
YOU are one of those truly ignorant people that are like little kids. You are so truly uninformed as Biden was when he said this:
On COVID-19, Donald Trump said that “maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay.”
No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach
  • Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus, but that’s not correct.
  • Trump did not explicitly recommend ingesting a disinfectant like bleach. But he did express interest in exploring whether disinfectants could be applied to the site of a coronavirus infection inside the body, such as the lungs.

But of course little kids like you evidently can't use the Internet yet. Ask your mom ok?
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

The question I have is which of the great people he surrounded himself with told him that was a viable idea at all?
GEEZ...! Are you crazy? Where would any sane person (other than the biased MSM!!!) consider drinking bleach?
5,120,000 results "Trump suggest bleach"!
But of course dummies like you believe EVERY word the MSM puts out!
But " Trump never suggested injecting bleach" results 85!
Again only real dumb people believe the MSM!
Remember... the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and when she lost they spent 4 years and 93% of the news, putting out bad news (see below for study of 3 major networks Trump coverage) about Trump so their 90% donations to Biden/Democrats would be assured!
But of course truly ignorant people like you believe the MSM! And dummies like YOU NEVER put any substantiation...or links... or proof of your comments!

View attachment 472586

View attachment 472594
What do you expect from a lying paid shill.
The only lying paid shills work for the GOP propaganda machine and internet crazies.... Everyone knows it but the GOP ignoramus base... You believe everything they say, though they always say when confronted that they are only opinion and no reasonable person would listen to their ridiculous lies.... You are a real brainiac lol.
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

Joe is what you get when a nation fails to police its elections, then allows their leftist-controlled media to tell them nothing wrong happened so that a person hiding in the shadows unelectable can run the country by proxy using a hand puppet like Joe Biden.

The Fascist Statists always wants universal power over the subservient States. How dare that Constitution give the States sovereignty over their own elections!

The Neo Fascist demanded the overturning of several states certified elections and lacking any credible evidence to present in any of the many courts, they resorted to a hearsay inspired mob and violence. The hearsay that incited the riot was scripted by the ex president long before his loss. It was parroted by the Neo GOP Compliant Faux News and RW Echo Chamber. Now it' a monster out of control that has consumed the old GOP. It's coming for you next!
The Fascist Statists always wants universal power over the subservient States. How dare that Constitution give the States sovereignty over their own elections!

Interestingly, it is your installed puppet president dear leader Joe Biden who has stated that his Fed will dictate to all the state new rules they must now follow for elections! :21:
Where would any sane person (other than the biased MSM!!!) consider drinking bleach?

Good question. It was probably a sane person trying to explain the problem to the him in general terms that most people would understand. Terms like "kind of like bleach" "get it into the lungs" and the Trumpybear just thought, "sounds simple, like Healthcare reform" and couldn't help himself and had to blurt out his great revelation......
The Fascist Statists always wants universal power over the subservient States. How dare that Constitution give the States sovereignty over their own elections!

Interestingly, it is your installed puppet president dear leader Joe Biden who has stated that his Fed will dictate to all the state new rules they must now follow for elections! :21:

They can certainly try to pass legislation to that effect and if it passes Constitutional muster it could be law. The country would be better served if they campaigned for a Constitutional Amendment to set any nation wide standards.
If you can't tell Biden has mental problems then you are either a liar or an imbecile.

Seems fine. Point out any issues for me from his press conference.

Clearly you just have BDS.
Total shill. The video of Bidens lack of clarity has been shown all over the world liar.

Awesome. Comment on those and then comment on Trump’s mistakes. I can find you a video for them.

Let’s see if you can be objective and consistent with both.

You have nothing. You’re just an uneducated Trumpster following what the rest of the herd says.

The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked

You were fine with the blob who told you to inject disinfectant... Yeah..you have zero credibility.

LIAR! When did ANYONE much less Trump tell you to inject disinfectant?
YOU are one of those truly ignorant people that are like little kids. You are so truly uninformed as Biden was when he said this:
On COVID-19, Donald Trump said that “maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay.”
No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach
  • Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus, but that’s not correct.
  • Trump did not explicitly recommend ingesting a disinfectant like bleach. But he did express interest in exploring whether disinfectants could be applied to the site of a coronavirus infection inside the body, such as the lungs.

But of course little kids like you evidently can't use the Internet yet. Ask your mom ok?
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

The question I have is which of the great people he surrounded himself with told him that was a viable idea at all?
GEEZ...! Are you crazy? Where would any sane person (other than the biased MSM!!!) consider drinking bleach?
5,120,000 results "Trump suggest bleach"!
But of course dummies like you believe EVERY word the MSM puts out!
But " Trump never suggested injecting bleach" results 85!
Again only real dumb people believe the MSM!
Remember... the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and when she lost they spent 4 years and 93% of the news, putting out bad news (see below for study of 3 major networks Trump coverage) about Trump so their 90% donations to Biden/Democrats would be assured!
But of course truly ignorant people like you believe the MSM! And dummies like YOU NEVER put any substantiation...or links... or proof of your comments!

View attachment 472586

View attachment 472594

Who said anything about bleach except you? I gave you the quote...the one you said didn't exist...about injecting disinfectant.

This is the part where you swear up and down like a whiny little bitch that he didn't say what he was quoted as saying.

Your blob was a moron.
The issue now is that the nuclear codes are on a Fisher Price toddler toy. Joe will press a button and ......
If you can't tell Biden has mental problems then you are either a liar or an imbecile.
Seems fine. Point out any issues for me from his press conference.
Clearly you just have BDS.
Admit it: The BDS can be fun to watch.

I admit I do enjoy watching it.

My guilty pleasure is that I especially enjoy when they start talking about the election being stolen from them. I grab my coffee mug and drink up all those delicious MAGA tears.
It's a mixed bag, of course. Until this madness shrinks back down to where it belongs -- the fringe -- I think it's going to be a real problem. Separate realities does not a strong republic make.
I already showed you two separate instances where you misinterpreted what was said in the press conference and now this.
It's hard to misinterpret what he said the day before.

The full transcript is available for his press conference.

Not sure about the day before. I just saw a small clip.
Watch both videos in the link I posted in my Reply #20, then you might understand what I said. The second video is captioned and you can also read Biden's lips as he say, "What press conference?" That was the DAY BEFORE THE PRESS CONFERENCE, so would not be in any transcript of it.
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I already showed you two separate instances where you misinterpreted what was said in the press conference and now this.
It's hard to misinterpret what he said the day before.

The full transcript is available for his press conference.

Not sure about the day before. I just saw a small clip.
Watch both videos in the link I posted in my Reply #20, then you might understand what I said. The second video is captioned and you can also read Biden's lips as he say, "What press conference?" That was the DAY BEFORE THE PRESS CONFERENCE, so would not be in any transcript of it.

I just checked again. I already watched these the first time you posted.

The first is a 32 second clip from a news anchor and not particularly helpful because it doesn't show anything. The second clip is a 9 second clip of what appears to be a Biden gaffe.

Like I said, it's just a small clip and doesn't show the full incident so it's difficult for me to form an opinion on it. Show the full thing if it's so bad so I can watch it all and form my own opinion on it. Might just be taken out of context. At worst, it's probably just a Biden gaffe.
Separate realities does not a strong republic make.
The left is more guilty of that than anyone

the swamp was desperate to get rid of trump because he’s an outsider and you are part of that unthinking mob

Now biden has made a total mess of the border and you have to close your eyes and plug your ears to avoid aknowledging his stupidity
joe biden fuck stain.jpg
I already showed you two separate instances where you misinterpreted what was said in the press conference and now this.
It's hard to misinterpret what he said the day before.

The full transcript is available for his press conference.

Not sure about the day before. I just saw a small clip.
Watch both videos in the link I posted in my Reply #20, then you might understand what I said. The second video is captioned and you can also read Biden's lips as he say, "What press conference?" That was the DAY BEFORE THE PRESS CONFERENCE, so would not be in any transcript of it.

I just checked again. I already watched these the first time you posted.

The first is a 32 second clip from a news anchor and not particularly helpful because it doesn't show anything. The second clip is a 9 second clip of what appears to be a Biden gaffe.

Like I said, it's just a small clip and doesn't show the full incident so it's difficult for me to form an opinion on it. Show the full thing if it's so bad so I can watch it all and form my own opinion on it. Might just be taken out of context. At worst, it's probably just a Biden gaffe.
The first video is of Peter Doocy reporting on the incident. The second is a video of the incident and contains a question from a reporter and Biden's answer to it. Though the audio is poor, the captioning displays exactly what was said in the question and in the answer from Biden. It is not taken out of context. It is not a Biden gaffe. It is evidence of Biden's confused mind.

You're practicing trolling techniques. Rule #1 for trolls: Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

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