I thought Obama was a bad president because i disagreed with him politically. Joe Biden should make all of us VERY NERVOUS

The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked

Yes. Dementia Joe, while not completely gone (yet), will be within the year and Comrade Kamala will take over to lead the sheep to communism......
biden will be gone in two more months

That's the thing though. It would be GREAT to see Biden gone. Unfortunately, the other option is that Bitch Harris.........I am terrified that she (communist) would be the worst possible option.....the damage she could do with a stroke of a pen might very well be "untenable" for the American people for years to come.
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked
I thought that Trump was a bad president because I disagreed with him politically and personally. Trump was incoherent and did not consider the consequences of his actions. It is a pleasure to have a low-key, intelligent person as our president so that we can recoup our democracy and attempt to save the working-middle class from
LOL...Joe Biden wasn't "intelligent" BEFORE he got dementia, Bobob! Now he's cringeworthy! He had weeks to prepare for that debacle last night...a sympathetic press corps to lob him soft ball questions and he STILL couldn't pull it off!
Actually, I heartily disagree. He is simply not arrogant, rude, and obnoxious as was
the mentally incompetent Trump.
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked

We assume the people who are really making the decisions are members of the Swamp, including many officials under President Obama.

No one blames the Figurehead.

At his press conference, he was given notes (and even photos) that were prepared by his "advisers."

Everyone feels sorry for him. So he is beyond criticism. "His" policies are those of the leftists who are now running the government. Nancy cannot believe her good luck!
I already showed you two separate instances where you misinterpreted what was said in the press conference and now this.
It's hard to misinterpret what he said the day before.

The full transcript is available for his press conference.

Not sure about the day before. I just saw a small clip.
Watch both videos in the link I posted in my Reply #20, then you might understand what I said. The second video is captioned and you can also read Biden's lips as he say, "What press conference?" That was the DAY BEFORE THE PRESS CONFERENCE, so would not be in any transcript of it.

I just checked again. I already watched these the first time you posted.

The first is a 32 second clip from a news anchor and not particularly helpful because it doesn't show anything. The second clip is a 9 second clip of what appears to be a Biden gaffe.

Like I said, it's just a small clip and doesn't show the full incident so it's difficult for me to form an opinion on it. Show the full thing if it's so bad so I can watch it all and form my own opinion on it. Might just be taken out of context. At worst, it's probably just a Biden gaffe.
The first video is of Peter Doocy reporting on the incident. The second is a video of the incident and contains a question from a reporter and Biden's answer to it. Though the audio is poor, the captioning displays exactly what was said in the question and in the answer from Biden. It is not taken out of context. It is not a Biden gaffe. It is evidence of Biden's confused mind.

You're practicing trolling techniques. Rule #1 for trolls: Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

You might be convinced by it, but I'm not. You're using a very right biased source that cut the clip at 9 seconds.

Of course that doesn't seem suspicious to you because they showed you exactly what you want to hear. Personally, I'd like a bigger picture of what happened there so I can make up my own mind on it.
Again, you fail Logic 101. The story was about BIDEN"S ANSWER TO A SPECIFIC QUESTION. The question and his answer were presented in the 9 seconds that it took for both to occur. What was said before or after that question and that answer is irrelevant. The 9 second video clip was not edited. There is no way to take this out of context.

What bias is evident in what I posted? It seems you're redefining bias as "not suppressing a newsworthy item that criticizes Loony Joe Biden".

Independent Sentinel posted two tweets; one from TVNewsHQ and one from CassyWearsHeels.

The tweet from TVNewsHQ included a Fox News report from Peter Doocy. All Doocy did was call our attention to the story. Where is the bias in his reporting?

The tweet from CassyWearsHeels included the 9 second tape that verified what Doocy had reported. Where is the bias in her tweeting a video of something that actually happened?

What was the "context" of the first part of that video clip you showed? Biden's lost. He starts to say something, completely loses his train of thought and just comes to a mumbling halt.

The context is that it appears that he was joking.

I can't help you if you're too stupid to get that.
His grinning was likely induced by the audible laughter or the reporters...an involuntary reaction.
His grinning was likely induced by the audible laughter or the reporters...an involuntary reaction.

You're reaching now.

See, this is why I like to look at the bigger picture. You fell for click-bait. I figured it was very suspicious why the video abruptly stopped right there.

I thought he might have said something like "what press conference? The first one or the one afterward" something like that. Instead, it was clearly a joke which is why your news source cut the video clip right there intentionally.

Are you honestly going to try to keep pushing this? It was click-bait.
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked

We assume the people who are really making the decisions are members of the Swamp, including many officials under President Obama.

No one blames the Figurehead.

At his press conference, he was given notes (and even photos) that were prepared by his "advisers."

Everyone feels sorry for him. So he is beyond criticism. "His" policies are those of the leftists who are now running the government. Nancy cannot believe her good luck!
So what that he had notes? Trump had no notes and made up whatever his following would eat. The swamp is indeed in Congress and is not helping the President in his efforts to aid the working middle class. Nobody that I know feels sorry for him. That is insulting and is your purpose. That's assinine. He is a low-key person who thinks before he speaks.
You forget the debate, yes?
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked

We assume the people who are really making the decisions are members of the Swamp, including many officials under President Obama.

No one blames the Figurehead.

At his press conference, he was given notes (and even photos) that were prepared by his "advisers."

Everyone feels sorry for him. So he is beyond criticism. "His" policies are those of the leftists who are now running the government. Nancy cannot believe her good luck!
So what that he had notes? Trump had no notes and made up whatever his following would eat. The swamp is indeed in Congress and is not helping the President in his efforts to aid the working middle class. Nobody that I know feels sorry for him. That is insulting and is your purpose. That's assinine. He is a low-key person who thinks before he speaks.
You forget the debate, yes?

I am glad to know that none of your friends feel sorry for him.

Many people do, however.

They feel that it is obvious that he has brain health issues. If you choose to equate his being a shell of his former self with having a "low-key" attitude, that is, of course, your right -- and very touching.

Have a nice weekend!
What was the "context" of the first part of that video clip you showed? Biden's lost. He starts to say something, completely loses his train of thought and just comes to a mumbling halt.

The context is that it appears that he was joking.

I can't help you if you're too stupid to get that.
He was joking in that first part? Where was the punchline?

The reporters laughed and he laughed/smiled as he walked away. Not my fault you're too stupid to understand.

Good luck.
That's not the beginning of the clip...that's the very end! I'm talking about the beginning where Joe got halfway through a sentence and then just stopped. He didn't have a clue what he was talking about and it showed.
Last edited:
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked
I thought that Trump was a bad president because I disagreed with him politically and personally. Trump was incoherent and did not consider the consequences of his actions. It is a pleasure to have a low-key, intelligent person as our president so that we can recoup our democracy and attempt to save the working-middle class from
LOL...Joe Biden wasn't "intelligent" BEFORE he got dementia, Bobob! Now he's cringeworthy! He had weeks to prepare for that debacle last night...a sympathetic press corps to lob him soft ball questions and he STILL couldn't pull it off!
Actually, I heartily disagree. He is simply not arrogant, rude, and obnoxious as was
the mentally incompetent Trump.
Trump was indeed, arrogant, rude and obnoxious! He's a New Yorker. They tend to be that way! In no way however did that make him mentally incompetent. Biden on the other hand has issues...mental issues. His handlers hid him away from public scrutiny using the Covid pandemic as the excuse why he couldn't campaign. They did so because Joe is rather quickly losing his shit mentally. Now he's President and those same handlers are trying to figure out how to make this work.
What was the "context" of the first part of that video clip you showed? Biden's lost. He starts to say something, completely loses his train of thought and just comes to a mumbling halt.

The context is that it appears that he was joking.

I can't help you if you're too stupid to get that.
He was joking in that first part? Where was the punchline?

The reporters laughed and he laughed/smiled as he walked away. Not my fault you're too stupid to understand.

Good luck.
That's not the beginning of the clip...that's the very end! I'm talking about the beginning where Joe got halfway through a sentence and then just stopped. He didn't have a clue what he was talking about and it showed.

The context is perfectly clear. Not my fault you can’t figure it out.
What was the "context" of the first part of that video clip you showed? Biden's lost. He starts to say something, completely loses his train of thought and just comes to a mumbling halt.

The context is that it appears that he was joking.

I can't help you if you're too stupid to get that.
He was joking in that first part? Where was the punchline?

The reporters laughed and he laughed/smiled as he walked away. Not my fault you're too stupid to understand.

Good luck.
That's not the beginning of the clip...that's the very end! I'm talking about the beginning where Joe got halfway through a sentence and then just stopped. He didn't have a clue what he was talking about and it showed.

The context is perfectly clear. Not my fault you can’t figure it out.
LOL...you can't admit that the video clip you provided to prove Biden was joking at the end of his presser actually proved that he's mentally incapacitated at the beginning of his press conference!
What was the "context" of the first part of that video clip you showed? Biden's lost. He starts to say something, completely loses his train of thought and just comes to a mumbling halt.

The context is that it appears that he was joking.

I can't help you if you're too stupid to get that.
He was joking in that first part? Where was the punchline?

The reporters laughed and he laughed/smiled as he walked away. Not my fault you're too stupid to understand.

Good luck.
That's not the beginning of the clip...that's the very end! I'm talking about the beginning where Joe got halfway through a sentence and then just stopped. He didn't have a clue what he was talking about and it showed.

The context is perfectly clear. Not my fault you can’t figure it out.
LOL...you can't admit that the video clip you provided to prove Biden was joking at the end of his presser actually proved that he's mentally incapacitated at the beginning of his press conference!

The video clip I used showed the “what press conference” comment in more detail. The other poster’s video clip of that was clipped 2 or 3 seconds short to make it seem like he was being serious when it’s clear he was actually joking.

My comments are about that clip.
What was the "context" of the first part of that video clip you showed? Biden's lost. He starts to say something, completely loses his train of thought and just comes to a mumbling halt.

The context is that it appears that he was joking.

I can't help you if you're too stupid to get that.
He was joking in that first part? Where was the punchline?

The reporters laughed and he laughed/smiled as he walked away. Not my fault you're too stupid to understand.

Good luck.
That's not the beginning of the clip...that's the very end! I'm talking about the beginning where Joe got halfway through a sentence and then just stopped. He didn't have a clue what he was talking about and it showed.

The context is perfectly clear. Not my fault you can’t figure it out.
LOL...you can't admit that the video clip you provided to prove Biden was joking at the end of his presser actually proved that he's mentally incapacitated at the beginning of his press conference!

The video clip I used showed the “what press conference” comment in more detail. The other poster’s video clip of that was clipped 2 or 3 seconds short to make it seem like he was being serious when it’s clear he was actually joking.

My comments are about that clip.
Perhaps you should have started your video at a later point in time to include only the last question and answer. The first part merely proves the addle-brain goofball is missing about a half bag of marbles. It is no wonder that his handlers deny him access to the football. :laughing0301:
Perhaps you should have started your video at a later point in time to include only the last question and answer. The first part merely proves the addle-brain goofball is missing about a half bag of marbles. It is no wonder that his handlers deny him access to the football. :laughing0301:

Sounds like you’re conceding that the “what press conference” comment was bullshit that you fell for.

Intentionally cut to deceive you into thinking something that clearly wasn’t true.
Perhaps you should have started your video at a later point in time to include only the last question and answer. The first part merely proves the addle-brain goofball is missing about a half bag of marbles. It is no wonder that his handlers deny him access to the football. :laughing0301:

Sounds like you’re conceding that the “what press conference” comment was bullshit that you fell for.

Intentionally cut to deceive you into thinking something that clearly wasn’t true.
No. You bolstered the argument that Biden is mentally deficient.
Perhaps you should have started your video at a later point in time to include only the last question and answer. The first part merely proves the addle-brain goofball is missing about a half bag of marbles. It is no wonder that his handlers deny him access to the football. :laughing0301:

Sounds like you’re conceding that the “what press conference” comment was bullshit that you fell for.

Intentionally cut to deceive you into thinking something that clearly wasn’t true.
No. You bolstered the argument that Biden is mentally deficient.

You brought up the “what press conference” non-story. You abandoned that bullshit now that I showed you that you were deceived.

Context matters. That’s why I wanted the full video. Now you see why.

Too much of an ego to admit that you fell for bullshit clickbait, but you and I both know that’s what happened now don’t we?
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked
I thought that Trump was a bad president because I disagreed with him politically and personally. Trump was incoherent and did not consider the consequences of his actions. It is a pleasure to have a low-key, intelligent person as our president so that we can recoup our democracy and attempt to save the working-middle class from
LOL...Joe Biden wasn't "intelligent" BEFORE he got dementia, Bobob! Now he's cringeworthy! He had weeks to prepare for that debacle last night...a sympathetic press corps to lob him soft ball questions and he STILL couldn't pull it off!
Actually, I heartily disagree. He is simply not arrogant, rude, and obnoxious as was
the mentally incompetent Trump.
Trump was indeed, arrogant, rude and obnoxious! He's a New Yorker. They tend to be that way! In no way however did that make him mentally incompetent. Biden on the other hand has issues...mental issues. His handlers hid him away from public scrutiny using the Covid pandemic as the excuse why he couldn't campaign. They did so because Joe is rather quickly losing his shit mentally. Now he's President and those same handlers are trying to figure out how to make this work.
Trump has psychological problems, no doubt. His con-man disposition added fuel to the fire.
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked

We assume the people who are really making the decisions are members of the Swamp, including many officials under President Obama.

No one blames the Figurehead.

At his press conference, he was given notes (and even photos) that were prepared by his "advisers."

Everyone feels sorry for him. So he is beyond criticism. "His" policies are those of the leftists who are now running the government. Nancy cannot believe her good luck!
So what that he had notes? Trump had no notes and made up whatever his following would eat. The swamp is indeed in Congress and is not helping the President in his efforts to aid the working middle class. Nobody that I know feels sorry for him. That is insulting and is your purpose. That's assinine. He is a low-key person who thinks before he speaks.
You forget the debate, yes?

I am glad to know that none of your friends feel sorry for him.

Many people do, however.

They feel that it is obvious that he has brain health issues. If you choose to equate his being a shell of his former self with having a "low-key" attitude, that is, of course, your right -- and very touching.

Have a nice weekend!
Let's call a spade a spade, shall we? Who are you kidding?

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