I thought Obama was a bad president because i disagreed with him politically. Joe Biden should make all of us VERY NERVOUS

The change in the White House is "addition by subtraction" on a profound and historical level.

The relief continues to wash over me like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.

The whining of the Trumpsters only adds a cold beer to go with the experience.
We'll return to this post in the future, Mac...when it becomes more apparent what a Biden Presidency means for the US.

Addition by subtraction? You may have hated Trump but at least he was mentally "there"! It's obvious at this point that Joe is not!

When the most powerful man on the planet gets "confused" on a regular basis...that's concerning.
The change in the White House is "addition by subtraction" on a profound and historical level.

The relief continues to wash over me like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.

The whining of the Trumpsters only adds a cold beer to go with the experience.
We'll return to this post in the future, Mac...when it becomes more apparent what a Biden Presidency means for the US.

Addition by subtraction? You may have hated Trump but at least he was mentally "there"! It's obvious at this point that Joe is not!

When the most powerful man on the planet gets "confused" on a regular basis...that's concerning.
He's a significant improvement.

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I already showed you two separate instances where you misinterpreted what was said in the press conference and now this.
It's hard to misinterpret what he said the day before.

The full transcript is available for his press conference.

Not sure about the day before. I just saw a small clip.
Watch both videos in the link I posted in my Reply #20, then you might understand what I said. The second video is captioned and you can also read Biden's lips as he say, "What press conference?" That was the DAY BEFORE THE PRESS CONFERENCE, so would not be in any transcript of it.

I just checked again. I already watched these the first time you posted.

The first is a 32 second clip from a news anchor and not particularly helpful because it doesn't show anything. The second clip is a 9 second clip of what appears to be a Biden gaffe.

Like I said, it's just a small clip and doesn't show the full incident so it's difficult for me to form an opinion on it. Show the full thing if it's so bad so I can watch it all and form my own opinion on it. Might just be taken out of context. At worst, it's probably just a Biden gaffe.
The first video is of Peter Doocy reporting on the incident. The second is a video of the incident and contains a question from a reporter and Biden's answer to it. Though the audio is poor, the captioning displays exactly what was said in the question and in the answer from Biden. It is not taken out of context. It is not a Biden gaffe. It is evidence of Biden's confused mind.

You're practicing trolling techniques. Rule #1 for trolls: Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

You might be convinced by it, but I'm not. You're using a very right biased source that cut the clip at 9 seconds.

Of course that doesn't seem suspicious to you because they showed you exactly what you want to hear. Personally, I'd like a bigger picture of what happened there so I can make up my own mind on it.

Oh cool, you have some gaffes from Biden.

Here are some of Trump's:

I guess that must mean he has dementia too, right? You know, if we're being consistent and all.

You want to compare video comparing the two, X? You're gonna lose that debate everyday and twice on Sunday! When Joe loses his place on the teleprompter it gets about as bad as I've ever seen in a professional politician.
The change in the White House is "addition by subtraction" on a profound and historical level.

The relief continues to wash over me like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.

The whining of the Trumpsters only adds a cold beer to go with the experience.
We'll return to this post in the future, Mac...when it becomes more apparent what a Biden Presidency means for the US.

Addition by subtraction? You may have hated Trump but at least he was mentally "there"! It's obvious at this point that Joe is not!

When the most powerful man on the planet gets "confused" on a regular basis...that's concerning.
He's a significant improvement.

Your agreement is not required.
As I said before...we'll revisit this string in the future. Joe Biden doesn't have a clue how to fix an economy or create jobs and he's been wrong on every foreign policy issue for the past forty years! The things that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party are foisting on the American public are going to be a disaster.
You want to compare video comparing the two, X? You're gonna lose that debate everyday and twice on Sunday! When Joe loses his place on the teleprompter it gets about as bad as I've ever seen in a professional politician.

"lol hes so dum!"

You're not saying anything. Break them down for me and try to be objective. Or should I just respond in kind?


How's that?
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked

Yes. Dementia Joe, while not completely gone (yet), will be within the year and Comrade Kamala will take over to lead the sheep to communism......
biden will be gone in two more months
The first video is of Peter Doocy reporting on the incident. The second is a video of the incident and contains a question from a reporter and Biden's answer to it. Though the audio is poor, the captioning displays exactly what was said in the question and in the answer from Biden. It is not taken out of context. It is not a Biden gaffe. It is evidence of Biden's confused mind.

You're practicing trolling techniques. Rule #1 for trolls: Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

Here you go. I looked further into it and found a slightly longer clip of that instance. Starts at 0:37.

He says "what press conference?" then smiles and walks away and the reporters laugh. This clip makes it look like he was joking when he said that.

See, this is what I'm talking about. Your clip intentionally cut it before he smiled and walked away. They chopped out the last 2 or 3 seconds of the clip. Hmmm, now why would they do that on purpose? Hmmm, maybe to give you a different impression of that interaction and feed you the bullshit click-bait that they knew you would fall for?

Context matters.
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked
I thought that Trump was a bad president because I disagreed with him politically and personally. Trump was incoherent and did not consider the consequences of his actions. It is a pleasure to have a low-key, intelligent person as our president so that we can recoup our democracy and attempt to save the working-middle class from
The first video is of Peter Doocy reporting on the incident. The second is a video of the incident and contains a question from a reporter and Biden's answer to it. Though the audio is poor, the captioning displays exactly what was said in the question and in the answer from Biden. It is not taken out of context. It is not a Biden gaffe. It is evidence of Biden's confused mind.

You're practicing trolling techniques. Rule #1 for trolls: Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

Here you go. I looked further into it and found a slightly longer clip of that instance. Starts at 0:37.

He says "what press conference?" then smiles and walks away and the reporters laugh. This clip makes it look like he was joking when he said that.

See, this is what I'm talking about. Your clip intentionally cut it before he smiled and walked away. They chopped out the last 2 or 3 seconds of the clip. Hmmm, now why would they do that on purpose? Hmmm, maybe to give you a different impression of that interaction and feed you the bullshit click-bait that they knew you would fall for?

Context matters.

What was the "context" of the first part of that video clip you showed? Biden's lost. He starts to say something, completely loses his train of thought and just comes to a mumbling halt.
The change in the White House is "addition by subtraction" on a profound and historical level.

The relief continues to wash over me like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.

The whining of the Trumpsters only adds a cold beer to go with the experience.
We'll return to this post in the future, Mac...when it becomes more apparent what a Biden Presidency means for the US.

Addition by subtraction? You may have hated Trump but at least he was mentally "there"! It's obvious at this point that Joe is not!

When the most powerful man on the planet gets "confused" on a regular basis...that's concerning.
He's a significant improvement.

Your agreement is not required.
As I said before...we'll revisit this string in the future. Joe Biden doesn't have a clue how to fix an economy or create jobs and he's been wrong on every foreign policy issue for the past forty years! The things that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party are foisting on the American public are going to be a disaster.
Well, you Trumpsters sure do have amazing clairvoyance!
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked
I thought that Trump was a bad president because I disagreed with him politically and personally. Trump was incoherent and did not consider the consequences of his actions. It is a pleasure to have a low-key, intelligent person as our president so that we can recoup our democracy and attempt to save the working-middle class from
LOL...Joe Biden wasn't "intelligent" BEFORE he got dementia, Bobob! Now he's cringeworthy! He had weeks to prepare for that debacle last night...a sympathetic press corps to lob him soft ball questions and he STILL couldn't pull it off!
The change in the White House is "addition by subtraction" on a profound and historical level.

The relief continues to wash over me like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.

The whining of the Trumpsters only adds a cold beer to go with the experience.
We'll return to this post in the future, Mac...when it becomes more apparent what a Biden Presidency means for the US.

Addition by subtraction? You may have hated Trump but at least he was mentally "there"! It's obvious at this point that Joe is not!

When the most powerful man on the planet gets "confused" on a regular basis...that's concerning.
He's a significant improvement.

Your agreement is not required.
As I said before...we'll revisit this string in the future. Joe Biden doesn't have a clue how to fix an economy or create jobs and he's been wrong on every foreign policy issue for the past forty years! The things that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party are foisting on the American public are going to be a disaster.
Well, you Trumpsters sure do have amazing clairvoyance!
Feel free to point out to me how wrong I was down the road, Mac. I don't think I am.
The man is CLEARLY not all there in the head. WHO is really making the decisions?

At least Obama was coherent and knew what the consequences of his decisions were regardless of what we liked/disliked
Shut up. I prefer Truth over Facts. Biden 2024
What was the "context" of the first part of that video clip you showed? Biden's lost. He starts to say something, completely loses his train of thought and just comes to a mumbling halt.

The context is that it appears that he was joking.

I can't help you if you're too stupid to get that.
He was joking in that first part? Where was the punchline?

The reporters laughed and he laughed/smiled as he walked away. Not my fault you're too stupid to understand.

Good luck.
The first video is of Peter Doocy reporting on the incident. The second is a video of the incident and contains a question from a reporter and Biden's answer to it. Though the audio is poor, the captioning displays exactly what was said in the question and in the answer from Biden. It is not taken out of context. It is not a Biden gaffe. It is evidence of Biden's confused mind.

You're practicing trolling techniques. Rule #1 for trolls: Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

Here you go. I looked further into it and found a slightly longer clip of that instance. Starts at 0:37.

He says "what press conference?" then smiles and walks away and the reporters laugh. This clip makes it look like he was joking when he said that.

See, this is what I'm talking about. Your clip intentionally cut it before he smiled and walked away. They chopped out the last 2 or 3 seconds of the clip. Hmmm, now why would they do that on purpose? Hmmm, maybe to give you a different impression of that interaction and feed you the bullshit click-bait that they knew you would fall for?

Context matters.

Never trust a con.

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