I told you all months ago - Impeachment

No grounds for impeachment.

Never has been.

If the American people want him out, that's grounds enough.

Frankly though, there's plenty of 'grounds' for it though.

X2. Oh, a negative times a negative is a positive. Guess I was right..... Dickhole.
It's almost like you people are speaking in some kind of secret code to make liberals think you are idiots.
Up to now I've felt impeachment was a bad idea....

but after this?

Oh, WOW!

Yeah, this is to blatant that we are bound to get dems to cross over. Also, it will be a trial regardless and it will be public and widely watched and at the very least fuck up the Presidents and his parties reputation badly. It's a win win.
High crimes and misdemeanors involve breaking a law, abuse of power and violating the public trust can be enough cause for impeachment.
No grounds for impeachment.

Never has been.

Also, Junior is an idiot who said he pees on his mother's bathroom floor.

Sorry bout that,

1. No its bad, very bad, when you find out what he has offered Iran.


Don't you mean what the Repubs offered Iran? As in, 'go ahead with your weapons plans, the Republicans have your back'.

Isn't that what you meant to write?

Your comments are uncalled for.
We're having civil and serious discussion here. Step aside....And if you've nothing substantive to add, stay out of it.
What? Is stupid a virus and infected this forum?

Obama will leave office in January of 2017....There won't be any impeachment.
Damn. It can't be sooner? :(
By the time they go through the formalities, it will be late 2016....what would be the point?

Besides, this country is too damn broke to put out for the expense of an impeachment.
2017 is too long. He can do too much damage in that time that we may never recover from. He needs to be kicked to the curb sooner. Sorry, but that's my opinion.
Oh look!!! Just like i predicted!!!! Democrats splitting with it's liberal base and siding with the GOP!! No democrat support for impeachment, sure.. You keep saying that. You know if they agree with the GOP on this all the GOP has to do is make this grounds for impeachment and Obama is gone because they can't run away once they agree.

As the controversy escalated on Tuesday, talks on Iran's nuclear program continued, as did efforts to ensure that Congress can approve or veto an agreement, if one is reached. Those organizing the letter netted an additional supporter -- a leading Democrat at that. Corker said Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) now backed his efforts.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who supports Corker as well, said he was confident there would be enough Democratic votes to bypass a presidential veto and secure a congressional say on an agreement with Iran. That, he added, was adding to the frustrations of the White House over Cotton's letter to Iran.

“What this is all about is that they know that this deal, from what we know about it, the number of centrifuges and the 10-year expiration date, that they would have one heck of a time getting it through the Congress of the United States, including a lot of Democrat votes," McCain told HuffPost. "This is why there’s the hysterical reaction.”

Republicans Blame Obama For Tom Cotton Letter
Impeachment is a political process not a legal one, and no president has been removed with the impeachment process.
FYI, should this treaty be the reason for impeachment should Obama have to leave office you can bet the next President will be forced to use his or her pen to delete it or they will be fucked.

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