I voted for Biden but will vote for Trump if he runs again

I think I'm an extremist, but I voted for Bush 2x, I voted for Romney, for Obama, for Clinton, for Biden....

So I guess I'm not that extreme.

My argument is this: the Democrats lied to me about mostly everything....everything they said Trump was guilty of, they can't prove one damned thing. Not one thing in a courtroom. Pathetic. Then they claim that Trump was easy on Russia, but the only time Russia is conquering land and wrecking the US on the international stage (and it's definitely winning the war for the US Dollar collapse)....is when Democrats are in charge.

So I'll vote Trump if he runs again.
That's kinda like regretting leaving the barn door open, the horse got out, and no way to put it back in cuz it died in the desert and had no name although it was nice to be out in the rain cuz in the desert, there are illegals waiting to steal that horse, named or not, rain or not.
You will accept the election outcome this time.


I don't care if you like it or not.

You will accept it
I accepted it the first time in 2016...

I wasn't happy about it...

But I accepted it...

Unlike the minions of your Orange Baboon-God...
It sounds like you're maybe hyping a mob a little bit. LOLOLOL.

It's grossly pathetic. If you had anything you'd be able to arrest Trump and charge him with crimes. 5 years later, still waiting. I'm over it. He's not a threat to Democracy.

  • Inflation
  • Dollar collapse
  • Reserve Currency loss
  • US losing allies
All those are far more threatening to Democracy than Trump.
That's the job of the January 6th committee, and they're far from being done yet... be patient... :laugh:
Yep. The day that a sitting President of the United States abandoned the sacred American tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power.
Abandoned a peaceful transfer of power by having a small rally in DC about the integrity of elections?
What about that sacred American tradition of honest elections that you can trust and believe in? Should have thought of that first.

Sure I can. Find the riot-leaders. Find the politicians who enabled and shielded them. Indict 'em all. Lock 'em up and throw away the key.
Those would all be democrats and BLM.

Unfortunately for you-and-yours, however, none of that has anything whatsoever to do with your Baboon-God's attempt to stage a populist coup.
And nothing Biddum has done since in office now has had a thing to do with representing, fostering and protecting a strong and healthy America. Your Colonoscopy-bag-God is going down the tubes with his commie sleaze whore and bedpans.
Those would all be democrats and BLM.

Exactly. These asinine Democrats are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

They spent YEARS - nay, DECADES - fighting for equal justice and equal application of the law.

And now look where they're at.

These fucking progressives are devils' spawn, they're a lot worse than the Neo-Cons ever were.
My looney liberal neighbor voted for Biden and now she says she and everybody else should vote for Republicans in any race they enter. She is calling all senators, governors, congressmen, and everyone to express her disgust for the Democrat party and pressing them to vote Republican.

I still want to spit in her face for the state of the world she invited just because she hated Trump but now wants him back! Dayum! I'll never forgive her for the colossal damage she has helped wrought.
My looney liberal neighbor voted for Biden and now she says she and everybody else should vote for Republicans in any race they enter. She is calling all senators, governors, congressmen, and everyone to express her disgust for the Democrat party and pressing them to vote Republican.

I still want to spit in her face for the state of the world she invited just because she hated Trump but now wants him back! Dayum! I'll never forgive her for the colossal damage she has helped wrought.
Exactly. Even after seeing him hide in his bunker, the decline in mental abilities, his admitting he has the best cheaters to steal the election, the comments about blacks that were derogatory, his promise to RAISE taxes....and they STILL voted for him anyway. Reaping what they have sown and now laminating about it. :rolleyes:
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Yep. The day that a sitting President of the United States abandoned the sacred American tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power
How so? He told everyone to be peaceful.

Then there were the FBI and their “informants”, and the Capitol Police that led the crowd into the Capitol building.

It was caused more by Pelosi than anyone else.

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