I voted for Biden but will vote for Trump if he runs again

I will vote for Trump for a third time if he gets the GOP nomination. And I think he would win. As the late Meatloaf might say,

“two out of three ain’t bad.”
Your Orange Baboon-God violated the sacred American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power.

History will judge him alongside Judas Iscariot and Benedict Arnold and Laval and Quisling and the like.
You didn’t like him long before that moment and you didn’t read my post. Silly senile old man. Are you Joe Biden?
You sound like one of those "Sovereign Citizen" kooks who thinks the government doesn't have any authority to govern them if they don't participate in voting, and thus they don't have to pay taxes or follow any state/federal/local laws, etc. Good luck with that lol. Ask Wesley Snipes how well that went for him.

Oh no. I'm not even close to being one of those kooks. I mean I kind of understand where they're coming from. But this ain't 1820. We gotta have a government, laws and prisons. And some taxes are necessary for sure.
But we've been stuck with the same type of republicans and democrats for over 150 years now. When we get a good congressmen they get taught how to be slimly swamp creatures within their first year. And so the cycle keeps repeating itself.
And because there are so many party loyalist, backed by the party leadership and the MSM, this will probably never change in my lifetime.

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