I voted for Biden but will vote for Trump if he runs again

But you have it.... Why don't you send it to:
  • DOJ
  • Local Police
  • State Police
  • Your Congress Representative
  • Your Senate Representatives
  • Fox News
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Other Media
Why are you not showing this evidence and stop calling people thick as bricks...

Actually let me help you, we need to get to the bottom of this....
Could you post here your evidence and we can simplify it so a dumb cop or Representative would understand it...
It doesn't matter who is running third party. They are not going to win anyway.

This is by design.

However, the more votes third parties get, the closer the get to being "real" parties. We need more parties. The two we have now suck.

There's over 100 political parties in the US. The question is, how do you get over the mountain that the R & D's have built to get one of them (or an independent) elected? That's an impossible feat because the rules are created and controlled by the R & D's.
This is a game I refuse to play because "We the People" don't have a say in the rules. Playing the game by their rules equates to being controlled. If you vote republican or democrat, you are being controlled.
Nope. The risk to American representative democracy is just too high... as January 6, 2021 proved to anyone not in thrall to the Orange Baboon-God.

You can’t even say representative republic.
That's the job of the January 6th committee, and they're far from being done yet... be patient... :laugh:

Maybe your masters will dust off the raging bulldog Mueller and put him in charge of Jan 6.
He’s the Best!!!
So you don't care about Democracy... Then you are living in the wrong country... You see Democracies make fucking money... Look at the rich countries and their government systems and compare them to the poor countries...

So you give a fuck about making money... Look who the fuck makes money at country level....

Democracy is under attack by countries like Russia, they did interfere in US elections and they will interfere again if let...

I live in other countries, when the pandemic hit, the rest of the countries in the world expected US to take the lead. They didn't, in fact we could see US response as disorganised and weak... It really the first time the world genuinely felt pity for US, people made mistakes but when leadership was needed the US got Trump.. He was highly incompetent... His administration was a mess and he took little to no responsibility...

Biden was like a light switch, immediately US got back in the Driving seat... Leading in Vaccine rollout initially... But who slowed that down? Trump & Co, they pushed the vaccine hesitancy, very clearly they didn't mind their own supporters dying and getting hurt as long as the could make Biden not look more successful.

Yes! The Child Nipple Pincher is clearly A foreign affairs wizard! He’s been one his entire career! Under The Kenyans fine tutelage, he’s even better!
Demi God? You’re an idiot. He was the better option than HRC or dead man walking Biden. You’re the baboon, old man
Your Orange Baboon-God violated the sacred American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power.

History will judge him alongside Judas Iscariot and Benedict Arnold and Laval and Quisling and the like.
So this guy starts a new account a few days ago claiming that he voted for Biden. And yet he’s referring to Biden as “Xiden” and Kamala Harris as “Kameltoe”.

Yea. I’m not buying it. This is someone’s second account.
I stopped supporting 3rd party's a couple of years ago. Now I'm completely free and independent. In fact, the last time I voted, I got this creepy feeling like I was being herded and made to vote for someone I didn't even fully support.
So, in the last election, I just skipped it. First time ever.
And wow, It was awesome. Drove right by the voting place and thought to myself, "They're not going to force me into playing their game, by their rules, when there's no possible way of getting the representation I'd fully support.
No one those ballots could change the way our government is ran.
You sound like one of those "Sovereign Citizen" kooks who thinks the government doesn't have any authority to govern them if they don't participate in voting, and thus they don't have to pay taxes or follow any state/federal/local laws, etc. Good luck with that lol. Ask Wesley Snipes how well that went for him.
Yep. And now all you have to do is to come up with an election that was stolen. So far, your Fearless Leader hasn't even managed that. All smoke and mirrors.
Pee pee tapes is a good start.
Even several Trump supporters are saying enough is enough with the ”stolen election” conspiracy theory nonsense.

Only the whiniest crybabies still believe that.

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