I want to ask Bernie Sanders a question

Why are cons so mad at Cuba ?

By the way . Castro freed Cuba , and then later enslaved it. But he freed it for a while!
So who was better?

Still waiting.
Castro . He rallied an entire nation to overthrow a dictatorship.

Don’t kid yourself . Trump wouldn’t rule as a dictator if given the chance. At least Castro started with Nobel intentions .
Why am I not surprised?
illiterate Trump could use a course in one of Castro's literacy programs!
Castro's literacy program was a reeducation exercise...only suckers like Bernie think it was educational in nature...it was communist government propaganda....
Why are cons so mad at Cuba ?

By the way . Castro freed Cuba , and then later enslaved it. But he freed it for a while!
So who was better?

Still waiting.
Castro . He rallied an entire nation to overthrow a dictatorship.

Don’t kid yourself . Trump wouldn’t rule as a dictator if given the chance. At least Castro started with Nobel intentions .


Batista’s “death toll” is estimated between “hundreds” and “ a couple of thousands”. The mean estimate of Fidel Castro’s killings is 70–85000. It goes up to 145,000. Genocide watch lists Fidel as 10 times more lethal than Batista.

Oh Bautista. What a gem! I take it he’s your favorite dictator .

Answer my question. We are enemies with Cuba because .....?

Because they came within 524 miles of killing millions of Americans with Russian-made ICBMs for one reason.

And actually, my favorite was Pinochet. For without him, thousands of socialists would have never experienced the joys of flying.

Do you blame him? Like we werent trying to fuck with Cuba constantly?
I have a question for Bernie Sanders I desperately want to ask, as well as his groupies.

Who was/is a better leader, Fidel Castro or Trump?

It would do any good to ask him a question like that. He would start waving his finger around while he spewed about how great Castro was, and what Castro did for his country.

Then he would go into a tirade about Trump and how he did this and he did that, and how he needs to be beaten. You can't get an honest answer out of an idiot like Sanders, or any other rigid ideological Marxist for that matter. They don't respond to reason.
How would Trump answer the question about Bernie and Castro ?

Trump would answer that like any other sane person. "Leaders" don't lead their countries into poverty, murder 150,000 of their own citizens, or almost start a nuclear holocaust.
I have a question for Bernie Sanders I desperately want to ask, as well as his groupies.

Who was/is a better leader, Fidel Castro or Trump?
If Trump had the same power Fidel had, he’d be worse.

Fidel was a sociopath like Trump, but he wasn’t a moron like Trump. Imagine what kind of destruction a moronic sociopath could unleash with the authority.
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So who was better?

Still waiting.
Castro . He rallied an entire nation to overthrow a dictatorship.

Don’t kid yourself . Trump wouldn’t rule as a dictator if given the chance. At least Castro started with Nobel intentions .


Batista’s “death toll” is estimated between “hundreds” and “ a couple of thousands”. The mean estimate of Fidel Castro’s killings is 70–85000. It goes up to 145,000. Genocide watch lists Fidel as 10 times more lethal than Batista.

Oh Bautista. What a gem! I take it he’s your favorite dictator .

Answer my question. We are enemies with Cuba because .....?

Because they came within 524 miles of killing millions of Americans with Russian-made ICBMs for one reason.

And actually, my favorite was Pinochet. For without him, thousands of socialists would have never experienced the joys of flying.

Do you blame him? Like we werent trying to fuck with Cuba constantly?

Fuck Cuba still. Constantly.
Bernie Sanders’ broad message and proven power to inspire young voters are what the next president most needs to guide the nation with confidence into a more humane future.

Well yeah, communists are skilled at going after young people who are inexperienced in life, then ensnaring them with their broad, vague messages of social justice and re distribution from people who dont deserve it, to make a more humane future. But we can see how that always works out
I have a question for Bernie Sanders I desperately want to ask, as well as his groupies.

Who was/is a better leader, Fidel Castro or Trump?

It would do any good to ask him a question like that. He would start waving his finger around while he spewed about how great Castro was, and what Castro did for his country.

Then he would go into a tirade about Trump and how he did this and he did that, and how he needs to be beaten. You can't get an honest answer out of an idiot like Sanders, or any other rigid ideological Marxist for that matter. They don't respond to reason.
How would Trump answer the question about Bernie and Castro ?

Trump would answer that like any other sane person. "Leaders" don't lead their countries into poverty, murder 150,000 of their own citizens, or almost start a nuclear holocaust.

So he wouldn’t answer the question ?
Castro . He rallied an entire nation to overthrow a dictatorship.

Don’t kid yourself . Trump wouldn’t rule as a dictator if given the chance. At least Castro started with Nobel intentions .


Batista’s “death toll” is estimated between “hundreds” and “ a couple of thousands”. The mean estimate of Fidel Castro’s killings is 70–85000. It goes up to 145,000. Genocide watch lists Fidel as 10 times more lethal than Batista.

Oh Bautista. What a gem! I take it he’s your favorite dictator .

Answer my question. We are enemies with Cuba because .....?

Because they came within 524 miles of killing millions of Americans with Russian-made ICBMs for one reason.

And actually, my favorite was Pinochet. For without him, thousands of socialists would have never experienced the joys of flying.

Do you blame him? Like we werent trying to fuck with Cuba constantly?

Fuck Cuba still. Constantly.

Why? That shit was like 60 years ago. Bygones .
Bernie Sanders’ broad message and proven power to inspire young voters are what the next president most needs to guide the nation with confidence into a more humane future.
Yea. yea, I got warm fuzzies. Thanks for that.

Now answer the question.
I’m not sure why you bother with Basque. He’s a dumb troll that plays both sides for attention. He thinks he’s clever but really is just the 15 year old kid in his mom’s basement.
Oh brother . I love these sanctimonious types who suddenly are outraged by Castro’s dictatorship yet don’t mind hobnobbing with the likes of the Saudi royals , China , North Korea.
I don't get how Sanders and yourself never seems to critique Castro, only praise him. This is escpecially troubling considering the number of human rights violations he has been known for.

The 15 Worst Atrocities Committed By Fidel Castro

So do Lefties here question this history, or are they indifferent to it? I pray they simply don't believe that Castro was no better than Hitler or Stalin than be indifferent to such atrocities.

In comparison, what has Trump done to violate the natural rights of people? Anything close to what Castro and his thugs did?
I have a question for Bernie Sanders I desperately want to ask, as well as his groupies.

Who was/is a better leader, Fidel Castro or Trump?
My questions would be:

Why are you a thief?
Why do you covet your neighbor's goods?
Why do you lie?
Why is a Communist a Millionaire?
Why don't you sell your three homes, and give your millions away to the punks you want to send to college for free and pay for it on your own dime?
Why were you and your wife involved in a college scam and why did you hide behind your wife when it came time to come clean on how much money you bilked college students out of?
What happened to wife #1, #2, and #3?
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Oh brother . I love these sanctimonious types who suddenly are outraged by Castro’s dictatorship yet don’t mind hobnobbing with the likes of the Saudi royals , China , North Korea.
I don't get how Sanders and yourself never seems to critique Castro, only praise him. This is escpecially troubling considering the number of human rights violations he has been known for.

The 15 Worst Atrocities Committed By Fidel Castro

So do Lefties here question this history, or are they indifferent to it? I pray they simply don't believe that Castro was no better than Hitler or Stalin than be indifferent to such atrocities.

In comparison, what has Trump done to violate the natural rights of people? Anything close to what Castro and his thugs did?
I keep telling you folks that Bernie Sanders is an Evil Tyrant, and if he gets in office, he will roll out Guillotines and Gulags. Sanders is Stalin waiting to take power.
Bernie Sanders’ broad message and proven power to inspire young voters are what the next president most needs to guide the nation with confidence into a more humane future.
Yea. yea, I got warm fuzzies. Thanks for that.

Now answer the question.
i did
So you would say Castro was better?
in some respects

do you think literacy programs are a bad thing?

Literacy programs? Do you have any idea what sparked those programs?

What’s the real story behind Castro’s literacy program in Cuba?

These people were forced to read Marxist propaganda as they were prohibited from reading things that the state thought was subversive.

You still like their reading program or do you not believe this?
Bernie Sanders’ broad message and proven power to inspire young voters are what the next president most needs to guide the nation with confidence into a more humane future.
Yea. yea, I got warm fuzzies. Thanks for that.

Now answer the question.
i did
So you would say Castro was better?
in some respects

do you think literacy programs are a bad thing?

Literacy programs? Do you have any idea what sparked those programs?

What’s the real story behind Castro’s literacy program in Cuba?

These people were forced to read Marxist propaganda as they were prohibited from reading things that the state thought was subversive.

You still like their reading program or do you not believe this?
its like all publicity is good publicity. all literacy is good literacy, my friends!
Oh brother . I love these sanctimonious types who suddenly are outraged by Castro’s dictatorship yet don’t mind hobnobbing with the likes of the Saudi royals , China , North Korea.
Since when to any of us praise Saudi Arabia, China, or NK?

Sanders does, however. Do you not find this troubling?
I have a question for Bernie Sanders I desperately want to ask, as well as his groupies.

Who was/is a better leader, Fidel Castro or Trump?

Equally as bad.

Trump wishes he could kill everyone who opposed him.
Castro had literacy programs!!!

Where are Trump's literacy programs?
I have a question for Bernie Sanders I desperately want to ask, as well as his groupies.

Who was/is a better leader, Fidel Castro or Trump?

Equally as bad.

Trump wishes he could kill everyone who opposed him.

This is not what democrats not only wish but have planned. Classic projection.

Listen to the Bernie staffers calling for gulags and guillotines.

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