I want to ask Bernie Sanders a question

I have a question for Bernie Sanders I desperately want to ask, as well as his groupies.

Who was/is a better leader, Fidel Castro or Trump?

Equally as bad.

Trump wishes he could kill everyone who opposed him.

So you make the assertion that Trump wants to kill those who oppose him while we have proof that Castro did just that to the tune of hundreds of thousands of people.

Not only did he murder his opponents, including the children of opponents, he also referred to gay men as "worms" and placed them in concentration camps along with JW"s because they refused to participate in politics or the military.

So I will ask you, who was better, Castro or Trump?

And if Trump, when has he ever praised Trump? I can show you where he has praised Castro.

Do you not find this troubling?
Why are cons so mad at Cuba ?

By the way . Castro freed Cuba , and then later enslaved it. But he freed it for a while!
So who was better?

Still waiting.
Castro . He rallied an entire nation to overthrow a dictatorship.

Don’t kid yourself . Trump wouldn’t rule as a dictator if given the chance. At least Castro started with Nobel intentions .

Castro . He rallied an entire nation to overthrow a dictatorship. Don’t kid yourself . Trump wouldn’t rule as a dictator if given the chance. At least Castro started with Nobel intentions

Mao . He rallied an entire nation to overthrow a dictatorship. Don’t kid yourself . Trump wouldn’t rule as a dictator if given the chance. At least Mao started with Nobel intentions

Stalin . He rallied an entire nation to overthrow a dictatorship. Don’t kid yourself . Trump wouldn’t rule as a dictator if given the chance. At least Stalin started with Nobel intentions

Pol Pot He rallied an entire nation to overthrow a dictatorship. Don’t kid yourself . Trump wouldn’t rule as a dictator if given the chance. At least Pol Pot started with Nobel intentions
Yea. yea, I got warm fuzzies. Thanks for that.

Now answer the question.
i did
So you would say Castro was better?
in some respects

do you think literacy programs are a bad thing?

Literacy programs? Do you have any idea what sparked those programs?

What’s the real story behind Castro’s literacy program in Cuba?

These people were forced to read Marxist propaganda as they were prohibited from reading things that the state thought was subversive.

You still like their reading program or do you not believe this?
its like all publicity is good publicity. all literacy is good literacy, my friends!
We are well aware that you read The Satanic Bible.
No, all literacy is not good. Some of it is poisonous, like Karl Marx, and Mein Kampf is Poisonous.
Berie Sanders Running Mate!
I have a question for Bernie Sanders I desperately want to ask, as well as his groupies.

Who was/is a better leader, Fidel Castro or Trump?

Equally as bad.

Trump wishes he could kill everyone who opposed him.

So you make the assertion that Trump wants to kill those who oppose him while we have proof that Castro did just that to the tune of hundreds of thousands of people.

Not only did he murder his opponents, including the children of opponents, he also referred to gay men as "worms" and placed them in concentration camps along with JW"s because they refused to participate in politics or the military.

So I will ask you, who was better, Castro or Trump?

And if Trump, when has he ever praised Trump? I can show you where he has praised Castro.

Do you not find this troubling?

Look assfuck,. Bernie said that not everything Castro did was bad & mentioned his plan to education.

I struggle to find a single thing Trump did similar to that.

If Trump could get away with it, who knows if he would not eliminate his adversaries. How do you know?

Trump has his camps for children that he stole at the border. Why do you support that?

The truth is you do not know what Trump would do if he was not constrained by law enforcement.

Trump has proven to be a vindictive, petty little man.
Bernie praised Venezuela, Cuba and Russia and has nothing good to say about America.
Hitler killed 20 Million
Stalin killed 60 Million
Mao killed 100 Million

Democrats killed 60 Million Babies.
Because only Democrats ever get abortions.

Abortions do not kill babies
But Democrats Did kill 60 Million Babies committing Genocide on The Black Race at Their Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers.

Heck, Bloomberg killed a million little black babies himself.
Here is a good question:

Who is more Homocidal-Genocidal?


All of them support Infanticide & genocide of Black Americans through Planned Parenthood. But Sanders seems to have an infinity for Guillotines & Gulags for Conservatives. I'd lay a bet that both Bloomberg and Biden are right with him, but won't say so publicly.
I have a question for Bernie Sanders I desperately want to ask, as well as his groupies.

Who was/is a better leader, Fidel Castro or Trump?

That would be an embarrassingly hard question to answer.
Bernie was fighting for me before i was born. as president, he will deliver a more just world. that's why MLK would have now endorsed him before the Georgia primary!
Barbara Bush was also known for her literacy programs.

oh my god, she's monstrous!

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