I want to work for the SEC, get paid $222,418 and surf PORN

This happened in 2007 and 2008 according to the article as far as I can see. Did Obama become President in 2007 and 2008 now? :eusa_eh:
Future czars in the 0bama administration...

actually, they were leftovers from bush's admin.

you have a vivid fantasy life, though. :cool:

If they're still there, then they're "Barry Approved"...

But my comment clearly stated "future czars", so I'm sure Barry will find a place for such dedicated Government employees....
BTW, they are career government lifers, not 'left over' from Bush, or Clinton or what have you.
Future czars in the 0bama administration...

actually, they were leftovers from bush's admin.

you have a vivid fantasy life, though. :cool:

If they're still there, then they're "Barry Approved"...

But my comment clearly stated "future czars", so I'm sure Barry will find a place for such dedicated Government employees....

Yeah I am sure obama will give them a good recomendation for when they apply for jobs and W's library. LOL
actually, they were leftovers from bush's admin.

you have a vivid fantasy life, though. :cool:

If they're still there, then they're "Barry Approved"...

But my comment clearly stated "future czars", so I'm sure Barry will find a place for such dedicated Government employees....

Yeah I am sure obama will give them a good recomendation for when they apply for jobs and W's library. LOL

I suppose all the Clintoon library slots are already full, huh?
BTW, they are career government lifers, not 'left over' from Bush, or Clinton or what have you.

So do you believe that it's wrong for the righties in this thread who try to hold obama accountable for the actions of these lifers??
If they're still there, then they're "Barry Approved"...

But my comment clearly stated "future czars", so I'm sure Barry will find a place for such dedicated Government employees....

Yeah I am sure obama will give them a good recomendation for when they apply for jobs and W's library. LOL

I suppose all the Clintoon library slots are already full, huh?

Why would clinton hire people from 2007 and beyond?? He wasn't president then so what is the connection? Your attempt at "humor" would be better served if it was at least based in reality. WOW.

BTW why would you bring up clinton and his library? I have to ask because are't you righits supposed to be against looking back or is it ok for righties to look back at clinton and other democrats but not for lefties to look back at W and republicans? LOL
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You know..........porn sites are notorious for having all sorts of bad computer viruses.

Wonder if someone let a virus into the system and that, along with many bad decisions melted the economy.
Yeah I am sure obama will give them a good recomendation for when they apply for jobs and W's library. LOL

I suppose all the Clintoon library slots are already full, huh?

Why would clinton hire people from 2007 and beyond?? He wasn't president then so what is the connection? Your attempt at "humor" would be better served if it was at least based in reality. WOW.

BTW why would you bring up clinton and his library? I have to ask because are't you righits supposed to be against looking back or is it ok for righties to look back at clinton and other democrats but not for lefties to look back at W and republicans? LOL

Explaining a joke to morons like you is a waste of energy...

If you don't get it, ask an adult....

You may now resume your regularly scheduled Barry worship...
BTW, they are career government lifers, not 'left over' from Bush, or Clinton or what have you.

So do you believe that it's wrong for the righties in this thread who try to hold obama accountable for the actions of these lifers??
Have you ever yet gleaned the correct meaning of anyone's posts on this board yet?

He's still contemplating the lint in his navel...

Perhaps next year when this task is completed...
Obama owns it now. This Boooooooooooossshhhhhh stuff is beyond old.

How many years did you blame Clinton for EVERYTHING?

How many years have you been a complete moron?

WOW basd on your attack based retorts I am wondering how many times you ask yourself that question in agiven day.

No need to answer since I doubt that you will be honest about it but I am curious.

Fact is that conservatives LOVED to blame clinton for things that happend on W's watch so it's funny how looking back is now off limits as far as republicans are concerned.

It's ok I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to admit to supporting W either. LOL
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These people were the Bush people holdovers adn the shit started under Bush.

From the article

The number of cases jumped from two in 2007 to 16 in 2008. The cracks in the financial system emerged in mid-2007 and spread into full-blown panic by the fall of 2008.

Of course NONE of us are surprised that you would say this. As if the POTUS can control what morons do behind the closed doors of their cushy offices.

If you spent half the time coming up with ways to fix things in the present as you do bitching and blaming it all on the past, you might actually have some decent contribution around here.

And yet, here we are...one year and 4 months later into a new administration where this kind of thing continues and you just overlook who's in charge these days.

How very "partisan hack" of you.

You're incapable of recognizing that not much has changed around Washington, with the exception of the spending getting higher and the debt growing larger and larger with no end in sight. Oh yeah, and unemployment continues to linger at the highest number in decades...

Just so you know, this isn't the past or current administrations FAULT. But it is a very unfortunate situation.

What is really no surprise is how you skipped this post by one from your side of the aisle

Future czars in the 0bama administration...

which targets obama, which I believe is the premise of this thread, as you jump straight in to attack TM for mearly pointing out that this began under the watch of another president.

Why did you choose only to attack one and ignore the others who made similar arguments but directed them at a party that you disagree with?

"partisan hack" much?

Ok...so if I say SHAME ON YOU DR. HOUSE!!! Does that make it all better??? Didn't think so. I don't think he was BLAMING Obama, merely poking fun at the czar thing...which is kinda old...don't you agree?

If you bothered to read the entire response, you'd see that I made the statement that it isn't EITHER administration's fault. These idiots acted on their own and continue doing it still. You can't pin that on a president...past or present.

My point was that TM will blame Bush for anything...this is apparent, especially on this thread.

What I would really like to know is this...how the hell can GWB, a man you all think is an idiot, have enough ability to know that this was going on? HMM? And especially since the probe only came out recently? Are we to believe that this only happened for the two years that are mentioned? If you do, then I am forced to put you the category of NAIVE BEYOND BELIEF. It's going on right now in a government office somewhere...whose fault is that?
BTW, they are career government lifers, not 'left over' from Bush, or Clinton or what have you.

So do you believe that it's wrong for the righties in this thread who try to hold obama accountable for the actions of these lifers??
Have you ever yet gleaned the correct meaning of anyone's posts on this board yet?

Have you ever answered a question asked instead of trying to attack the person who dared to question your opinions??

I suppose all the Clintoon library slots are already full, huh?

Why would clinton hire people from 2007 and beyond?? He wasn't president then so what is the connection? Your attempt at "humor" would be better served if it was at least based in reality. WOW.

BTW why would you bring up clinton and his library? I have to ask because are't you righits supposed to be against looking back or is it ok for righties to look back at clinton and other democrats but not for lefties to look back at W and republicans? LOL

Explaining a joke to morons like you is a waste of energy...

If you don't get it, ask an adult....

You may now resume your regularly scheduled Barry worship...

Like I sad your so called humor might have actually been considered humor if it were even close to reality. Attacking me won't change a thing. LOL

It's too bad that you can't take a joke even as you try to attack others for laughingly pointing out the lack of humor in your so-called joke. LOL

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