I want Trump neither arrested nor prosecuted – just gone.

January 20, 2021 can’t come too soon.

Hate to break it to you but even after leaving the WH, Trump will not be gone out of your head. You're still gonna have to put up with his daily tweets, every time Mr. Fumblefuck Biden says or does something stupid, which he undoubtedly will on a daily basis.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao:

Will Twitter allow Private Citizen Trump to post comments anymore? Won't his comments be deleted or won't he be banned?

On January 20, the First Amendment becomes a dead letter.
But not, of course, Biden's quid pro quo. That was perfectly fine.

What Quid Pro Quo? You mean the one Trump got impeached trying to fabricate?

Can you show me the part of the Constitution that requires the Senate to rubber-stamp House impeachment proceedings? Kthnxbai.

No, what they should do is call witnesses, listen to evidence and follow the law.

Which they didn't do.

you see, back in 1974, when Republicans were given evidence Richard Nixon (A far better man than Trump will ever be) broke the law, they went to Nixon and told him he had to resign for the good of the country.

Nixon agreed. An impeachment would be the kind of disruption the Soviets might take advantage of.

Today's GOP has no integrity. Born the party of Lincoln, Dies the Party of Trump.
Biden's quid pro quo he admitted to on video, you moron. Biden broke the law. Trump got impeached for it.

Because that's how corrupt Democrats do things.
January 20, 2021 can’t come too soon.

Hate to break it to you but even after leaving the WH, Trump will not be gone out of your head. You're still gonna have to put up with his daily tweets, every time Mr. Fumblefuck Biden says or does something stupid, which he undoubtedly will on a daily basis.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao:

Will Twitter allow Private Citizen Trump to post comments anymore? Won't his comments be deleted or won't he be banned?

On January 20, the First Amendment becomes a dead letter.

It doesn't sound like you understand the First Amendment. Read it again, especially the first bit: "Congress shall make no law ..."

It doesn't say "Twitter shall not censor ..."
January 20, 2021 can’t come too soon.

Hate to break it to you but even after leaving the WH, Trump will not be gone out of your head. You're still gonna have to put up with his daily tweets, every time Mr. Fumblefuck Biden says or does something stupid, which he undoubtedly will on a daily basis.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao:

Will Twitter allow Private Citizen Trump to post comments anymore?

Hopefully, they'll ban him like any other troll. Should have done it years ago.
Biden's quid pro quo he admitted to on video,

there was no QUID PRO QUO by Biden. You have nothing to say about it. You are living in the fake world of Trumpism. You are gone, lost, ignorant and irrelevant now that your cult master has lost his only reason we sane rational people had to deal with him. It’s unfortunate that you gave him the power to abuse reality for four years. But it’s over . Get used to it.
Biden's quid pro quo he admitted to on video,

there was no QUID PRO QUO by Biden. You have nothing to say about it. You are living in the fake world of Trumpism. You are gone, lost, ignorant and irrelevant now that your cult master has lost his only reason we sane rational people had to deal with him. It’s unfortunate that you gave him the power to abuse reality for four years. But it’s over . Get used to it.
Wow, what a drama queen.
Biden's quid pro quo he admitted to on video, you moron. Biden broke the law. Trump got impeached for it.

Because that's how corrupt Democrats do things.

Um. No. What he admitted to on video is doing what the US and EU wanted- to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor before we sent any more money....

That's why this video was in the public domain for years, and no one thought anything about it.

Of course, there's plenty to prosecute Trump for after he's gone, and people in the DOJ who probably can't wait to do it.
Biden's quid pro quo he admitted to on video, you moron. Biden broke the law. Trump got impeached for it.

Because that's how corrupt Democrats do things.

Um. No. What he admitted to on video is doing what the US and EU wanted- to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor before we sent any more money....

That's why this video was in the public domain for years, and no one thought anything about it.

Of course, there's plenty to prosecute Trump for after he's gone, and people in the DOJ who probably can't wait to do it.
No one thought to do anything about in the US because Democrats are above the law.

Ukraine doesn't agree.

You don't want government that works for you. You want to be ruled.

And that's utterly pathetic.
No one thought to do anything about in the US because Democrats are above the law.

No one did anything about it at the time because everyone kind of agreed the guy had to go. Even Republicans.

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following month when Ukraine’s Parliament voted him out).

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats in the US — and many European nations — wanted Shokin gone for failing to clamp down on graft.

Ukraine doesn't agree.

Actually, Ukraine was just fine getting rid of Shonkin.. .He was corrupt.

You don't want government that works for you. You want to be ruled.

No, guy, I want a government that works for me and not the One Percent.

And that's utterly pathetic.

Naw, man, pathetic is your battered wife syndrome with the rich, while you suck off the government teet while complaining about it.

Haven't taken a dime from the government (save a couple weeks of unemployment between jobs) since I left the service in 1992. There are things I think the government can run better, there are things I think the private sector could run better.
I wonder, given what's gone on the last 13 days if CC Jones still feels the same.

I think an accounting is called for. Trump has damaged our democracy at the very least...

And add Lady Lindsey...after the shit he's been pulling he ought to be censured and have his law license pulled
No one thought to do anything about in the US because Democrats are above the law.

No one did anything about it at the time because everyone kind of agreed the guy had to go. Even Republicans.

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following month when Ukraine’s Parliament voted him out).

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats in the US — and many European nations — wanted Shokin gone for failing to clamp down on graft.

Ukraine doesn't agree.

Actually, Ukraine was just fine getting rid of Shonkin.. .He was corrupt.

You don't want government that works for you. You want to be ruled.

No, guy, I want a government that works for me and not the One Percent.

And that's utterly pathetic.

Naw, man, pathetic is your battered wife syndrome with the rich, while you suck off the government teet while complaining about it.

Haven't taken a dime from the government (save a couple weeks of unemployment between jobs) since I left the service in 1992. There are things I think the government can run better, there are things I think the private sector could run better.
Yeah, history has shown what you want government to run results in mass graves and lakes of blood.

Rational people aren't interested.
Yeah, history has shown what you want government to run results in mass graves and lakes of blood.

Yes, because clearly, universal health care leads to mass graves and lakes of blood.

So where are these lakes of blood, anyway? Is there a beach resort next to it?

Don't try to do metaphor, buddy, you'll hurt yourself.

The reality is, you don't want to live in an Anarchist Paradise any more than I do.

Yeah, history has shown what you want government to run results in mass graves and lakes of blood.

Yes, because clearly, universal health care leads to mass graves and lakes of blood.

So where are these lakes of blood, anyway? Is there a beach resort next to it?

Don't try to do metaphor, buddy, you'll hurt yourself.

The reality is, you don't want to live in an Anarchist Paradise any more than I do.

Protip: I've never, never advocated anarchism. So your little strawman fails utterly.

You know -- just like Communism.
January 20, 2021 can’t come too soon.

Trump may leave office, but he isn't going anywhere.

He will be staying in Washington DC and staying involved. Rallying the people and rallying the resistance against Biden. He'll be exercising his constitutional right to free speech, and be offering his successor construction Criticism.
January 20, 2021 can’t come too soon.
Then you traitors are definitely not gonna like this.


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