I wanted to wait,

This stuff Trump has been spewing about all these really bad acters getting into our country when his ban has been stayed is one of the most dangerous and naked lies he's told so far.
He can gripe and call the judges fags for all I care, but what he is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous. Everyone allowed into the country has been vetted; they are as safe as they were to enter the country the day before the ban took effect. So to say these people entering the country WITH PROPER VISAS ALREADY APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT are dangerous and bad acters.

I know he wants to do even better to keep out terrorists, and that's great, but I hope he's spending as much time figuring out how to improve vetting and investigations of people already in this country as he is on trying to slam the door on those damn MOOSLIMS.
You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
For the three hundred and fifty seven-millionth time, the attacks on our soil were not committed by nationals from the seven countries listed in the ban. Not even 9/11. We are certainly in no further danger today than we were the day before the ban took effect. That is what Trump is trying to imply with his big fat alternative facts here. That is what I object to. Better security? I'm all for it. Just do it sensibly.

This stuff Trump has been spewing about all these really bad acters getting into our country when his ban has been stayed is one of the most dangerous and naked lies he's told so far.
He can gripe and call the judges fags for all I care, but what he is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous. Everyone allowed into the country has been vetted; they are as safe as they were to enter the country the day before the ban took effect. So to say these people entering the country WITH PROPER VISAS ALREADY APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT are dangerous and bad acters.

I know he wants to do even better to keep out terrorists, and that's great, but I hope he's spending as much time figuring out how to improve vetting and investigations of people already in this country as he is on trying to slam the door on those damn MOOSLIMS.
You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
For the three hundred and fifty seven-millionth time, the attacks on our soil were not committed by nationals from the seven countries listed in the ban. Not even 9/11. We are certainly in no further danger today than we were the day before the ban took effect. That is what Trump is trying to imply with his big fat alternative facts here. That is what I object to. Better security? I'm all for it. Just do it sensibly.
No one said they were nationals. BUT, Some of them originally came from those countries over there. If you want them here so bad, you take them in! Pull your head out of the sand.
Which ones were from Iraq or Iran?

You people must be some super intelligent, super rich mother phuckers.
I'm guessing you hired your own intelligence agencies to seek better quality, more accurate data than what the Commander In Chief is privy to?
One whom is not afraid to think would assume that maybe, just maybe there is known intelligence that leads the shot-callers to believe that countries X pose a greater threat right now.....could that make any sense in that little tiny mind of yours?

Giving Trump the benefit of the doubt is the funniest proposition I've heard in ages.
I thought all the terrorists were pouring in through Mexico. Trump has had 3 weeks. Why isn't wall finished?

'Real' terrorists don't come in through Mexico.
Hmmm, wait a minute, maybe they do...wetbacks do terrorize our welfare system and or society in general.
That's something to think about...you make a valid point.
Which ones were from Iraq or Iran?
That's like saying "which mass shooters are from my county" and then make the case that my county should be exempt from any and all gun legislation. Would you go for that, dumb ass?

We have a shit-ton of enemies in Iran and Iraq. And you nitwit Dumbocrats know it too. It's pretty fuck'n sad that you're willing to risk American lives just so you can whine about President Trump.
This stuff Trump has been spewing about all these really bad acters getting into our country when his ban has been stayed is one of the most dangerous and naked lies he's told so far.
He can gripe and call the judges fags for all I care, but what he is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous. Everyone allowed into the country has been vetted; they are as safe as they were to enter the country the day before the ban took effect. So to say these people entering the country WITH PROPER VISAS ALREADY APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT are dangerous and bad acters.

I know he wants to do even better to keep out terrorists, and that's great, but I hope he's spending as much time figuring out how to improve vetting and investigations of people already in this country as he is on trying to slam the door on those damn MOOSLIMS.
You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
For the three hundred and fifty seven-millionth time, the attacks on our soil were not committed by nationals from the seven countries listed in the ban. Not even 9/11. We are certainly in no further danger today than we were the day before the ban took effect. That is what Trump is trying to imply with his big fat alternative facts here. That is what I object to. Better security? I'm all for it. Just do it sensibly.

You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
For the three hundred and fifty seven-millionth time, the attacks on our soil were not committed by nationals from the seven countries listed in the ban. Not even 9/11. We are certainly in no further danger today than we were the day before the ban took effect. That is what Trump is trying to imply with his big fat alternative facts here. That is what I object to. Better security? I'm all for it. Just do it sensibly.
No one said they were nationals. BUT, Some of them originally came from those countries over there. If you want them here so bad, you take them in! Pull your head out of the sand.
Which ones were from Iraq or Iran?

You people must be some super intelligent, super rich mother phuckers.
I'm guessing you hired your own intelligence agencies to seek better quality, more accurate data than what the Commander In Chief is privy to?
One whom is not afraid to think would assume that maybe, just maybe there is known intelligence that leads the shot-callers to believe that countries X pose a greater threat right now.....could that make any sense in that little tiny mind of yours?

Giving Trump the benefit of the doubt is the funniest proposition I've heard in ages.

That's so true...It makes way more sense to believe the Trump administration stood in the Oval Office drawing names from a hat to decide which seven countries were a potential threat.

Did you read the article? He wanted it to, "but was convinced by law enforcement advisers to push the implementation of his executive order so nefarious actors wouldn’t rush into the U.S. ahead of the deadline."

So now you're criticizing Trump for LISTENING to the experts. Hey, psst, Trump had cereal for breakfast today. Now you can start a thread blasting him for that, loser
This stuff Trump has been spewing about all these really bad acters getting into our country when his ban has been stayed is one of the most dangerous and naked lies he's told so far.
He can gripe and call the judges fags for all I care, but what he is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous. Everyone allowed into the country has been vetted; they are as safe as they were to enter the country the day before the ban took effect. So to say these people entering the country WITH PROPER VISAS ALREADY APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT are dangerous and bad acters impugns every foreign national living here. Facts and reality contradict that.

I know he wants to do even better to keep out terrorists, and that's great, but I hope he's spending as much time figuring out how to improve vetting and investigations of people already in this country as he is on trying to slam the door on those damn MOOSLIMS.

"He is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous."

Gawd you're a dumb ho. Why would you tell a flagrant, flat out lie like this? It's completely pathetic and totally beneath someone who tries to pretend to not be a partisan Democrat.

Hey, a convicted bank robber went to the Super Bowl. OMG, I just called everyone at the Super Bowl a bank robber. Cut the stupid shit
I thought all the terrorists were pouring in through Mexico. Trump has had 3 weeks. Why isn't wall finished?
He's been too busy grabbing pussies like you.

Pussies are grabbing back and Ivanka's lines are getting dumped faster than a Samsung cellphone.
The up-to-date list of companies that sell Trump brands
^^^^^ These folks are behind the drop in sales of Ivanka crap at Nordstrom's.

Maybe Trump could build the wall out of unsold Ivanka products. The Chinese Shoe Wall!
Did you read the article? He wanted it to, "but was convinced by law enforcement advisers to push the implementation of his executive order so nefarious actors wouldn’t rush into the U.S. ahead of the deadline."

So now you're criticizing Trump for LISTENING to the experts. Hey, psst, Trump had cereal for breakfast today. Now you can start a thread blasting him for that, loser
Translation: Trump throws LEO advisors under the bus to avoid taking heat on Muslim ban.

Yes, Presidents should listen to advisors, but it's the President's responsibility and their decision. Presidents shouldn't pass the buck when shit goes bad.
Did you read the article? He wanted it to, "but was convinced by law enforcement advisers to push the implementation of his executive order so nefarious actors wouldn’t rush into the U.S. ahead of the deadline."

So now you're criticizing Trump for LISTENING to the experts. Hey, psst, Trump had cereal for breakfast today. Now you can start a thread blasting him for that, loser
Translation: Trump throws LEO advisors under the bus to avoid taking heat on Muslim ban.

Yes, Presidents should listen to advisors, but it's the President's responsibility and their decision. Presidents shouldn't pass the buck when shit goes bad.

How is that throwing them under the bus? Who cares what leftists are attacking Trump for? That isn't the point. Democrats are so lame. If he hadn't listened to the advisers, you'd be attacking him for that
Stop picking on President Trump. The clusterfck Muslim ban is NOT HIS FAULT
LOL. You noticed that too, eh? Maybe he should have a sign on his desk that says "The buck stops over there!"

Funny how every post I see from you has you siding with Democrats and you get so bent out of shape when I call you a Democrat ...
That's because you are insane and have a bad case of confirmation bias.
Did you read the article? He wanted it to, "but was convinced by law enforcement advisers to push the implementation of his executive order so nefarious actors wouldn’t rush into the U.S. ahead of the deadline."

So now you're criticizing Trump for LISTENING to the experts. Hey, psst, Trump had cereal for breakfast today. Now you can start a thread blasting him for that, loser
Translation: Trump throws LEO advisors under the bus to avoid taking heat on Muslim ban.

Yes, Presidents should listen to advisors, but it's the President's responsibility and their decision. Presidents shouldn't pass the buck when shit goes bad.

How is that throwing them under the bus? Who cares what leftists are attacking Trump for? That isn't the point. Democrats are so lame. If he hadn't listened to the advisers, you'd be attacking him for that
When General Eisenhower decided to launch D-Day on the advice of his advisors, he had two speeches ready. One if it was a success and one accepting full responsibility if it failed. Not one word in the failure letter about it being because he took advice from advisors. Do you know why? Because he was a leader and a not a narcissistic, egomaniacal coward.

Stop picking on President Trump. The clusterfck Muslim ban is NOT HIS FAULT
LOL. You noticed that too, eh? Maybe he should have a sign on his desk that says "The buck stops over there!"

Funny how every post I see from you has you siding with Democrats and you get so bent out of shape when I call you a Democrat ...
That's because you are insane and have a bad case of confirmation bias.

So posts where you take the Democrat side are "confirmation bias" that you're always on the side of Democrats. Gotcha. Buy a dictionary, Holmes ...

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