I wanted to wait,

This stuff Trump has been spewing about all these really bad acters getting into our country when his ban has been stayed is one of the most dangerous and naked lies he's told so far.
He can gripe and call the judges fags for all I care, but what he is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous. Everyone allowed into the country has been vetted; they are as safe as they were to enter the country the day before the ban took effect. So to say these people entering the country WITH PROPER VISAS ALREADY APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT are dangerous and bad acters.

I know he wants to do even better to keep out terrorists, and that's great, but I hope he's spending as much time figuring out how to improve vetting and investigations of people already in this country as he is on trying to slam the door on those damn MOOSLIMS.
You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
For the three hundred and fifty seven-millionth time, the attacks on our soil were not committed by nationals from the seven countries listed in the ban. Not even 9/11. We are certainly in no further danger today than we were the day before the ban took effect. That is what Trump is trying to imply with his big fat alternative facts here. That is what I object to. Better security? I'm all for it. Just do it sensibly.
and we don't want any
Stop picking on President Trump. The clusterfck Muslim ban is NOT HIS FAULT
LOL. You noticed that too, eh? Maybe he should have a sign on his desk that says "The buck stops over there!"

Funny how every post I see from you has you siding with Democrats and you get so bent out of shape when I call you a Democrat ...
That's because you are insane and have a bad case of confirmation bias.

So posts where you take the Democrat side are "confirmation bias" that you're always on the side of Democrats. Gotcha. Buy a dictionary, Holmes ...
Try seeing a shrink before you hurt yourself or someone else, Kaz.
Pussies are grabbing back...
Well...the Dumbocrat skanks that you progressive have relegated to nothing more than "cum dumpsters" my be "grabbing back". But the educated, sophisticated, classy women that run this country are about to make Nordstrom's go bye-bye....

KARMA! Not Even Days After Nordstrom Pulls Ivanka's Line, Look What Happens to Them...

and the list is growing too ...

Ivanka is just like dear ol dad, she fed her ego during the campaign by staying in the spotlight .. just think how many chinese workers will be jobless now.
This stuff Trump has been spewing about all these really bad acters getting into our country when his ban has been stayed is one of the most dangerous and naked lies he's told so far.
He can gripe and call the judges fags for all I care, but what he is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous. Everyone allowed into the country has been vetted; they are as safe as they were to enter the country the day before the ban took effect. So to say these people entering the country WITH PROPER VISAS ALREADY APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT are dangerous and bad acters.

I know he wants to do even better to keep out terrorists, and that's great, but I hope he's spending as much time figuring out how to improve vetting and investigations of people already in this country as he is on trying to slam the door on those damn MOOSLIMS.
You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
such as the atlanta attack, the bowling green massacre, the provincetown parade, the alternate truth or consequences siege, the duluth debacle, the bismarck red herring...

Not funny.. The actual confusion here is that folks are not counting the number of people from these countries arrested and PROSECUTED and determined guilty along with the attacks. That number is closer to 60 according to FBI stats..

White House lists 24 terror suspects who previously came to US from countries banned by Trump

Hundreds of immigrants convicted and not deported committed more crimes — even murder

Byron York: Judge Robart's national security expertise

Now, it turns out Robart might not know as much as he let on. Last summer, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest analyzed public sources of information, seeking to learn more about people convicted of terror-related offenses. The Justice Department provided the subcommittee with a list of 580 people who were convicted — not just arrested, but tried and convicted — of terror-related offenses between Sept. 11, 2001 and Dec. 31, 2014.

The subcommittee investigated further and found that at least 380 of the 580 were foreign-born and that an additional 129 were of unknown origin. Of the 380, there were representatives — at least 60 — from all of the countries on the Trump executive order list. And with 129 unknowns, there might be more, as well.

In addition, since the Senate list was compiled, there have been others involved in terrorism in the United States from the seven countries. One highly-publicized example was the case of Abdul Artan, a Somali refugee who last November wounded 11 people with a machete during an attack on the campus of Ohio State University. In fairness to Judge Robart, Artan was shot and killed by police — not arrested — so perhaps the judge didn't count him.

Pussies are grabbing back...
Well...the Dumbocrat skanks that you progressive have relegated to nothing more than "cum dumpsters" my be "grabbing back". But the educated, sophisticated, classy women that run this country are about to make Nordstrom's go bye-bye....

KARMA! Not Even Days After Nordstrom Pulls Ivanka's Line, Look What Happens to Them...

and the list is growing too ..... just think how many chinese workers will be jobless now.
Is there a point to your post? It doesn't make any sense. Am I supposed to be concerned with chinese workers? (Psst....I'm not). Are the Trump's supposed to be concerned with chinese workers? (Psst....they're not).

Do you think this is hurting Ivanka? (Psst....she's a billionaire and will die a billionaire).
Ivanka is just like dear ol dad, she fed her ego during the campaign by staying in the spotlight ...
Ivanka doesn't have an ego, snowflake. She showed more class, more dignity, more intelligence, and more humility in the one year her father campaigned than Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Hitlery Clinton did combined over the past 8 years. Literally.
Now to be fair -- the Patriot Act powers and interpretations of "terrorism" have been SO abused that POSSIBLY we can't tell a REAL PLOT (among those 60 from the embargoed countries) from an overly agressive FBI sting or a simple "school bomb" threat.

So I take ANY statistics like that with a healthy dose of skepticism. BUT ---- there IS sufficient evidence and procedural issues to JUSTIFY a temporary immigration/travel cutback from those countries.
"I wanted to delay it a month, but president Bannon was impatient"
Now to be fair -- the Patriot Act powers and interpretations of "terrorism" have been SO abused that POSSIBLY we can't tell a REAL PLOT (among those 60 from the embargoed countries) from an overly agressive FBI sting or a simple "school bomb" threat.

So I take ANY statistics like that with a healthy dose of skepticism. BUT ---- there IS sufficient evidence and procedural issues to JUSTIFY a temporary immigration/travel cutback from those countries.
Here's the thing though flacaltenn - Trump isn't even relying on the Patriot Act (which should be abolished incidentally). He's accurately citing the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

Section 212(f), states: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."

What to Know About the 1952 Law Invoked by President Trump’s Immigration Order
This stuff Trump has been spewing about all these really bad acters getting into our country when his ban has been stayed is one of the most dangerous and naked lies he's told so far.
He can gripe and call the judges fags for all I care, but what he is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous. Everyone allowed into the country has been vetted; they are as safe as they were to enter the country the day before the ban took effect. So to say these people entering the country WITH PROPER VISAS ALREADY APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT are dangerous and bad acters.

I know he wants to do even better to keep out terrorists, and that's great, but I hope he's spending as much time figuring out how to improve vetting and investigations of people already in this country as he is on trying to slam the door on those damn MOOSLIMS.
You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
such as the atlanta attack, the bowling green massacre, the provincetown parade, the alternate truth or consequences siege, the duluth debacle, the bismarck red herring...

Not funny.. The actual confusion here is that folks are not counting the number of people from these countries arrested and PROSECUTED and determined guilty along with the attacks. That number is closer to 60 according to FBI stats..

White House lists 24 terror suspects who previously came to US from countries banned by Trump

Hundreds of immigrants convicted and not deported committed more crimes — even murder

Byron York: Judge Robart's national security expertise

Now, it turns out Robart might not know as much as he let on. Last summer, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest analyzed public sources of information, seeking to learn more about people convicted of terror-related offenses. The Justice Department provided the subcommittee with a list of 580 people who were convicted — not just arrested, but tried and convicted — of terror-related offenses between Sept. 11, 2001 and Dec. 31, 2014.

The subcommittee investigated further and found that at least 380 of the 580 were foreign-born and that an additional 129 were of unknown origin. Of the 380, there were representatives — at least 60 — from all of the countries on the Trump executive order list. And with 129 unknowns, there might be more, as well.

In addition, since the Senate list was compiled, there have been others involved in terrorism in the United States from the seven countries. One highly-publicized example was the case of Abdul Artan, a Somali refugee who last November wounded 11 people with a machete during an attack on the campus of Ohio State University. In fairness to Judge Robart, Artan was shot and killed by police — not arrested — so perhaps the judge didn't count him.
i agree. making up terror attacks is not funny.
Now to be fair -- the Patriot Act powers and interpretations of "terrorism" have been SO abused that POSSIBLY we can't tell a REAL PLOT (among those 60 from the embargoed countries) from an overly agressive FBI sting or a simple "school bomb" threat.

So I take ANY statistics like that with a healthy dose of skepticism. BUT ---- there IS sufficient evidence and procedural issues to JUSTIFY a temporary immigration/travel cutback from those countries.
Here's the thing though flacaltenn - Trump isn't even relying on the Patriot Act (which should be abolished incidentally). He's accurately citing the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

Section 212(f), states: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."

What to Know About the 1952 Law Invoked by President Trump’s Immigration Order

Sure. That seems like a solid basis. But the Fed lawyers arguing the case on appeal seemed ENTIRELY unprepared and actually spooked by these "off topic" questions. They are not counter terrorism or national security experts. And if they feel there is bias in immigration quotas and rules --- THERE"S ALWAYS BEEN bias.

We need a government that WORKS properly, before we can get generous with immigration.. I think that's the point of a 90 day hold on policy here. At the end of 90 days -- we'll see how much more generous we can be.
"I wanted to delay it a month, but president Bannon was impatient"
Here's the thing though - the left has been crying for about a year now that Donald Trump is a narcissist, a megalomaniac, and a dictator. But then they turn around and try to proclaim that Bannon runs him.

Uh...what? You can't have it both ways. Dictators exert power over others. They don't act like puppets on strings for others. Make up your mind - which false narrative are you guys going to run with? When you try both, it makes you look really stupid and destroys your credibility.
This stuff Trump has been spewing about all these really bad acters getting into our country when his ban has been stayed is one of the most dangerous and naked lies he's told so far.
He can gripe and call the judges fags for all I care, but what he is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous. Everyone allowed into the country has been vetted; they are as safe as they were to enter the country the day before the ban took effect. So to say these people entering the country WITH PROPER VISAS ALREADY APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT are dangerous and bad acters.

I know he wants to do even better to keep out terrorists, and that's great, but I hope he's spending as much time figuring out how to improve vetting and investigations of people already in this country as he is on trying to slam the door on those damn MOOSLIMS.
You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
such as the atlanta attack, the bowling green massacre, the provincetown parade, the alternate truth or consequences siege, the duluth debacle, the bismarck red herring...

Not funny.. The actual confusion here is that folks are not counting the number of people from these countries arrested and PROSECUTED and determined guilty along with the attacks. That number is closer to 60 according to FBI stats..

White House lists 24 terror suspects who previously came to US from countries banned by Trump

Hundreds of immigrants convicted and not deported committed more crimes — even murder

Byron York: Judge Robart's national security expertise

Now, it turns out Robart might not know as much as he let on. Last summer, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest analyzed public sources of information, seeking to learn more about people convicted of terror-related offenses. The Justice Department provided the subcommittee with a list of 580 people who were convicted — not just arrested, but tried and convicted — of terror-related offenses between Sept. 11, 2001 and Dec. 31, 2014.

The subcommittee investigated further and found that at least 380 of the 580 were foreign-born and that an additional 129 were of unknown origin. Of the 380, there were representatives — at least 60 — from all of the countries on the Trump executive order list. And with 129 unknowns, there might be more, as well.

In addition, since the Senate list was compiled, there have been others involved in terrorism in the United States from the seven countries. One highly-publicized example was the case of Abdul Artan, a Somali refugee who last November wounded 11 people with a machete during an attack on the campus of Ohio State University. In fairness to Judge Robart, Artan was shot and killed by police — not arrested — so perhaps the judge didn't count him.
i agree. making up terror attacks is not funny.

Bowling Green was a real incident. Her tongue waggled with the brain disengaged. Same as Pelosi saying yesterday that she was gonna continue to "oppose President Bush" or Maxtreme Waters saying in the SAME press conf that "Putin invaded Korea". Get a grip man -- it's an EPIDEMIC ...................

When your entire country is run by SENILE "C" grade students with DC lobotomies -- this is what you get.

Difference between you and me is ---- YOU are entertained by this juvenile partisan horseshit. I'm not..
This stuff Trump has been spewing about all these really bad acters getting into our country when his ban has been stayed is one of the most dangerous and naked lies he's told so far.
He can gripe and call the judges fags for all I care, but what he is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous. Everyone allowed into the country has been vetted; they are as safe as they were to enter the country the day before the ban took effect. So to say these people entering the country WITH PROPER VISAS ALREADY APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT are dangerous and bad acters.

I know he wants to do even better to keep out terrorists, and that's great, but I hope he's spending as much time figuring out how to improve vetting and investigations of people already in this country as he is on trying to slam the door on those damn MOOSLIMS.
You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
such as the atlanta attack, the bowling green massacre, the provincetown parade, the alternate truth or consequences siege, the duluth debacle, the bismarck red herring...

Not funny.. The actual confusion here is that folks are not counting the number of people from these countries arrested and PROSECUTED and determined guilty along with the attacks. That number is closer to 60 according to FBI stats..

White House lists 24 terror suspects who previously came to US from countries banned by Trump

Hundreds of immigrants convicted and not deported committed more crimes — even murder

Byron York: Judge Robart's national security expertise

Now, it turns out Robart might not know as much as he let on. Last summer, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest analyzed public sources of information, seeking to learn more about people convicted of terror-related offenses. The Justice Department provided the subcommittee with a list of 580 people who were convicted — not just arrested, but tried and convicted — of terror-related offenses between Sept. 11, 2001 and Dec. 31, 2014.

The subcommittee investigated further and found that at least 380 of the 580 were foreign-born and that an additional 129 were of unknown origin. Of the 380, there were representatives — at least 60 — from all of the countries on the Trump executive order list. And with 129 unknowns, there might be more, as well.

In addition, since the Senate list was compiled, there have been others involved in terrorism in the United States from the seven countries. One highly-publicized example was the case of Abdul Artan, a Somali refugee who last November wounded 11 people with a machete during an attack on the campus of Ohio State University. In fairness to Judge Robart, Artan was shot and killed by police — not arrested — so perhaps the judge didn't count him.
i agree. making up terror attacks is not funny.

Bowling Green was a real incident. Her tongue waggled with the brain disengaged. Same as Pelosi saying yesterday that she was gonna "oppose President Bush" or Maxtreme Waters saying in the SAME press conf that "Putin invaded Korea".

When you entire country is run by SENILE "C" grade students with DC lobotomies -- this is what you get.

Difference between you and me is ---- YOU are entertained by this juvenile partisan horseshit. I'm not..
yeah, yeah. explain away, how the string of unpresidented (sic) mispeakings and alternative facts presented by the new administration is somehow comparable. real incident, lol.

clutch your pearls, i enjoy that.
You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
such as the atlanta attack, the bowling green massacre, the provincetown parade, the alternate truth or consequences siege, the duluth debacle, the bismarck red herring...

Not funny.. The actual confusion here is that folks are not counting the number of people from these countries arrested and PROSECUTED and determined guilty along with the attacks. That number is closer to 60 according to FBI stats..

White House lists 24 terror suspects who previously came to US from countries banned by Trump

Hundreds of immigrants convicted and not deported committed more crimes — even murder

Byron York: Judge Robart's national security expertise

Now, it turns out Robart might not know as much as he let on. Last summer, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest analyzed public sources of information, seeking to learn more about people convicted of terror-related offenses. The Justice Department provided the subcommittee with a list of 580 people who were convicted — not just arrested, but tried and convicted — of terror-related offenses between Sept. 11, 2001 and Dec. 31, 2014.

The subcommittee investigated further and found that at least 380 of the 580 were foreign-born and that an additional 129 were of unknown origin. Of the 380, there were representatives — at least 60 — from all of the countries on the Trump executive order list. And with 129 unknowns, there might be more, as well.

In addition, since the Senate list was compiled, there have been others involved in terrorism in the United States from the seven countries. One highly-publicized example was the case of Abdul Artan, a Somali refugee who last November wounded 11 people with a machete during an attack on the campus of Ohio State University. In fairness to Judge Robart, Artan was shot and killed by police — not arrested — so perhaps the judge didn't count him.
i agree. making up terror attacks is not funny.

Bowling Green was a real incident. Her tongue waggled with the brain disengaged. Same as Pelosi saying yesterday that she was gonna "oppose President Bush" or Maxtreme Waters saying in the SAME press conf that "Putin invaded Korea".

When you entire country is run by SENILE "C" grade students with DC lobotomies -- this is what you get.

Difference between you and me is ---- YOU are entertained by this juvenile partisan horseshit. I'm not..
yeah, yeah. explain away, how the string of unpresidented (sic) mispeakings and alternative facts presented by the new administration is somehow comparable. real incident, lol.

clutch your pearls, i enjoy that.

Don't go all Dumbocrat zombie on me here. Bowling Green was a REAL INCIDENT...

Former Iraqi Terrorists Living in Kentucky Sentenced for Terrorist Activities

Former Iraqi Terrorists Living in Kentucky Sentenced for Terrorist Activities
Defendants Attempted to Ship Weapons and Money from U.S. to Iraqi Insurgents; Defendants Admitted to Extensive Terrorist Activities Against U.S. Soldiers in Iraq

U.S. Department of JusticeJanuary 29, 2013
  • Office of Public Affairs(202) 514-2007/TDD (202) 514-1888

WASHINGTON—Two Iraqi citizens living in Bowling Green, Kentucky who admitted using improvised explosive devices (IEDs) against U.S. soldiers in Iraq and who attempted to send weapons and money to al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) for the purpose of killing U.S. soldiers were sentenced today to serve federal prison terms by Senior Judge Thomas B. Russell in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky.

Two iraqi jihadists, formerly working to kill US troops in Iraq --- SOMEHOW --- got into Bowling Green KY to cause MORE damage by BUYING WEAPONS HERE. In the Satan infested YooNited States..

How'd these guys get in?
Last edited:
This stuff Trump has been spewing about all these really bad acters getting into our country when his ban has been stayed is one of the most dangerous and naked lies he's told so far.
He can gripe and call the judges fags for all I care, but what he is saying is that every foreign born person from those seven countries is dangerous. Everyone allowed into the country has been vetted; they are as safe as they were to enter the country the day before the ban took effect. So to say these people entering the country WITH PROPER VISAS ALREADY APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT are dangerous and bad acters.

I know he wants to do even better to keep out terrorists, and that's great, but I hope he's spending as much time figuring out how to improve vetting and investigations of people already in this country as he is on trying to slam the door on those damn MOOSLIMS.
You must be blind to all the attacks we have had.
And not one from any of those seven countries.
Stop picking on President Trump. The clusterfck Muslim ban is NOT HIS FAULT
LOL. You noticed that too, eh? Maybe he should have a sign on his desk that says "The buck stops over there!"

Funny how every post I see from you has you siding with Democrats and you get so bent out of shape when I call you a Democrat ...
That's because you are insane and have a bad case of confirmation bias.

So posts where you take the Democrat side are "confirmation bias" that you're always on the side of Democrats. Gotcha. Buy a dictionary, Holmes ...
Try seeing a shrink before you hurt yourself or someone else, Kaz.

Democrats aren't easy to agree with, they're such lunatics. Yet you find it remarkably easy ...
Pussies are grabbing back...
Well...the Dumbocrat skanks that you progressive have relegated to nothing more than "cum dumpsters" my be "grabbing back". But the educated, sophisticated, classy women that run this country are about to make Nordstrom's go bye-bye....

KARMA! Not Even Days After Nordstrom Pulls Ivanka's Line, Look What Happens to Them...
Like her dad, Ivanka has her clothes made overseas.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

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