I warned you about Trump months ago

First off let me make it clear, as of this moment I'm voting for Trump. He's still the nominee TODAY, so I will be voting for him. Supporting the GOP nominee is still the ONLY way to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the president and the disaster that will ensue.

When Trump first announced he was going to run, I didn't take it seriously. I figured he was about to release a book, or he was about to announce some new venture and simply wanted the additional publicity a campaign provides.

One of the key reasons I assumed this, is because I kept thinking that with all the dealings he's had over the decades that there was probably so much dirt on this guy that would quickly come out and doom his candidacy.
I kept asking myself why someone would put themselves under the microscope of the media during a presidential run. Early on I concluded Trump must not be serious.

Once it became clear that he was going to seriously try though, I then began warning friends and family to please keep in mind that if he becomes the nominee, the likliehood of multiple "October Surprises" was very high, and once they began to come out his candidacy would be doomed.

Well sure enough, look where we are. I'll keep supporting him as long as he's the nominee, millions of others will too, but he's needed to grow his support from the start, and now with this, that is likely not going to happen.

Make any of those warnings on USMB? I'd like to see them because I believe all you have done is defend Trump.

Once he became the nominee I did my best to support him, and still will as long as he remains the nominee.

I brought up my concerns months ago that there was likely lots of dirt out there that would come out if he became the nominee.

So, basically you sold your soul for the Republican party?

When did you bring up your concerns? Quote yourself.
First off let me make it clear, as of this moment I'm voting for Trump. He's still the nominee TODAY, so I will be voting for him. Supporting the GOP nominee is still the ONLY way to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the president and the disaster that will ensue.

When Trump first announced he was going to run, I didn't take it seriously. I figured he was about to release a book, or he was about to announce some new venture and simply wanted the additional publicity a campaign provides.

One of the key reasons I assumed this, is because I kept thinking that with all the dealings he's had over the decades that there was probably so much dirt on this guy that would quickly come out and doom his candidacy.
I kept asking myself why someone would put themselves under the microscope of the media during a presidential run. Early on I concluded Trump must not be serious.

Once it became clear that he was going to seriously try though, I then began warning friends and family to please keep in mind that if he becomes the nominee, the likliehood of multiple "October Surprises" was very high, and once they began to come out his candidacy would be doomed.

Well sure enough, look where we are. I'll keep supporting him as long as he's the nominee, millions of others will too, but he's needed to grow his support from the start, and now with this, that is likely not going to happen.
Not the place for "I told you so. He was my least favorite. I was always a Cruz supporter.

That incident was 12 years ago. He does seem to be a man undergoing a transition. Keeping these thread alive is playing into Hillary's hands.

You KNOW what Hillary is, and her agenda for the country.

You've heard Trump's vision.

Only a fool would even consider not voting for Trump at this stage'

I have to tell you, I'm seeing no evidence whatsoever of any "transition". Donald Trump appears to be the exact same Donald Trump today that he's always been, except more orange.
Unlike Hillary who has a private view and a public view.

Let me type this slowly, so that perhaps THIS time, it will sink in.

"But HILLARY!!!!!" is not a comprehensive, be-all end-all argument IN FAVOR OF Donald Trump. You are not going to bully people into putting Trump in office, and getting hostile and defensive just makes it worse. If you don't produce an affirmative argument for him, you and he are screwed.
Let me help you out, again.
A. Only one of the two will win.
B. I don't care what Trump said or did as long as it was legal.
C. I support him mostly because of the SCOTUS vacancies coming up.
D. Hillary is a globalist deep in the pockets of the 1%ers.
E. If that means nothing to someone that's on them and not a shortcoming on my part.
Bottom line Hillary is BY FAR worse. Its not a theory, she has a 30 year track record of colossal fuck ups and failures, lies upon lies, possibly the most dishonest incompetent candidate in my lifetime. She's DUMBER THAN BUSH there I said it.

Fine. You're preaching to the choir vis a vis Hillary Clinton's massive amount of suckage. The problem is, "He's not Hillary Clinton!" is NOT a closer argument. I'M not Hillary Clinton either, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be an utter, colossal failure as a President in my own right. Every single adult in the United States, excepting Hillary Clinton, meets the qualification of "not Hillary Clinton", but that would make the nation any less headed for catastrophe with them at the helm.

So at some point, you're going to have to stop telling me what a BAD candidate Hillary Clinton is - thanks, already got the memo - and start telling me why Trump is a GOOD candidate, rather than why he's not Hillary Clinton. And I wish you lots of luck with that. I really do.

Its not rocket science, Hillary is worse it is that simple. If you want to blame someone for Trump being the nominee blame the GOP establishment hacks like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. Why didn't the party rally around one of their establishment candidates like Jeb Bush? Because they LIED. Those fuckers ran over 60,000 ads advocating Tea Party positions and won back the House and Senate, then they took a giant mocking shit on the Tea Party and did exactly the opposite of what they said they would. THAT's why Trump is the nominee.

So since Hillary is worse and we are stuck with Trump thanks to the lying back stabbing GOP leadership well, pinch your nose and vote for Trump there is no other choice.
You are an idiot. Name the four dead Ambassadors.
Sorry, I don't do non sequiturs.

If you want to connect the dots of how Hillary magically is guilty of murder in Benghazi, then be my guest.

If you do make a serious attempt to connect the dots, and you conclude she is guilty, then we will almost certainly be able to read a psychotic rant with all the disordered thinking features that we would expect from a paranoid schizophrenic.

This is what you posted:

"The notion that Hillary Clinton is somehow responsible for four dead ambassadors is so stark raving mad that you most certainly got the nominee you asked for. Anyone sane hasn't been able to pitch that idiotic lie."

I merely wanted to know the names of four dead Ambassadors that Hillary was responsible for.

I only know of one Ambassador that she was responsible for that was killed due to her gross neglect. And, then LIED publicly about the cause of the attack on the Benghazi facility and to the families of the three men who were killed attempting to save the compound and the Ambassador.
"The notion that Hillary Clinton is somehow responsible for four dead ambassadors is so stark raving mad that you most certainly got the nominee you asked for. Anyone sane hasn't been able to pitch that idiotic lie."

I merely wanted to know the names of four dead Ambassadors that Hillary was responsible for.

I only know of one Ambassador.
I was ten-years-old when I moved to Greece, when my father was stationed there in the Air Force. My parents made it very clear that we were American ambassadors.

Sorry if that is technically a little loose.

She was responsible for that was killed due to her gross neglect.
Sorry, this is pure garbage. And eight investigations, costing tens of millions of dollars, showed ZERO evidence of your claim.

And, then LIED publicly about the cause of the attack on the Benghazi facility and to the families of the three men who were killed attempting to save the compound and the Ambassador.
No, it is a lie to say she lied about it. And just because that lie has become a common delusion on the political right doesn't magically make it true.
First off let me make it clear, as of this moment I'm voting for Trump. He's still the nominee TODAY, so I will be voting for him. Supporting the GOP nominee is still the ONLY way to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the president and the disaster that will ensue.

When Trump first announced he was going to run, I didn't take it seriously. I figured he was about to release a book, or he was about to announce some new venture and simply wanted the additional publicity a campaign provides.

One of the key reasons I assumed this, is because I kept thinking that with all the dealings he's had over the decades that there was probably so much dirt on this guy that would quickly come out and doom his candidacy.
I kept asking myself why someone would put themselves under the microscope of the media during a presidential run. Early on I concluded Trump must not be serious.

Once it became clear that he was going to seriously try though, I then began warning friends and family to please keep in mind that if he becomes the nominee, the likliehood of multiple "October Surprises" was very high, and once they began to come out his candidacy would be doomed.

Well sure enough, look where we are. I'll keep supporting him as long as he's the nominee, millions of others will too, but he's needed to grow his support from the start, and now with this, that is likely not going to happen.

I wish, I WISH, I could convince myself to vote for Trump. I was listening to Glenn Beck's on-air essay about Hillary Clinton's history and the story and timeline of Benghazi yesterday, and I was thinking, "God, if we let that incompetent bitch become President, it will be spitting on the graves of Ambassador Stevens and those other brave Americans. Maybe, for their sake, I can bite the bullet."

And then he starts talking again, and I realize that this cretinous, white-trash-with-money, narcissistic buffoon is just a disaster of a different flavor and would honor neither our dead nor our country, in addition to making virtually every objection I've ever had to the Clintons in particular and liberal Democrats in general hollow, meaningless, and hypocritical.

And then I wonder how the country got stupid enough to land itself in this crap-sandwich, lose-lose situation in the first place.

And still for me it's more important to stem the invasion from the south, slow the Islamic immigration, and slow the PC mind training that the Dims are good for.
As long as Trump remains the nominee, he's the only hope, slim as it is.

I had a conversation yesterday with a Trump supporter that had decided not to vote at all after the latest bombshell.

I asked her how she felt about Supreme Court nominations.

She changed her mind and is again voting trump (while holding her nose).

That to her tipped the scale

One can hope that millions of others will also look beyond Trump himself and realize what a disaster awaits for this if Hillary is elected.
"The notion that Hillary Clinton is somehow responsible for four dead ambassadors is so stark raving mad that you most certainly got the nominee you asked for. Anyone sane hasn't been able to pitch that idiotic lie."

I merely wanted to know the names of four dead Ambassadors that Hillary was responsible for.

I only know of one Ambassador.
I was ten-years-old when I moved to Greece, when my father was stationed there in the Air Force. My parents made it very clear that we were American ambassadors.

Sorry if that is technically a little loose.

She was responsible for that was killed due to her gross neglect.
Sorry, this is pure garbage. And eight investigations, costing tens of millions of dollars, showed ZERO evidence of your claim.

And, then LIED publicly about the cause of the attack on the Benghazi facility and to the families of the three men who were killed attempting to save the compound and the Ambassador.
No, it is a lie to say she lied about it. And just because that lie has become a common delusion on the political right doesn't magically make it true.

Ambassador Stevens was an actual American Ambassador that served at the pleasure of the President and reported to the Secretary of State. American CIA, military and their dependents living or serving overseas are not Ambassadors.

I guess you agree that it was an internet video that caused a few folks to attack the Benghazi compound don't you? At least that is what Hillary and her cohorts told us for a week or so. And she knew better and lied to the American people as well as the victims families.

I actually served 6 years active duty in the USAF and know for a fact that a pair of F-16's based in Italy could have overflown the Benghazi compound, gone supersonic, and if that didn't scare the bastards, a laser guided bomb on the heavy mortars that the 'demonstrators' were using would have worked.

On edit:

Read these and tell me she didn’t lie.

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper takes a look at key public and private statements made by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the day of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi and the days immediately following. The attacks on the U.S. diplomatic facility and CIA annex resulted in the deaths of four Americans.

As we have written, the Obama administration was quick to blame an online anti-Muslim video, which did trigger protests in Egypt and elsewhere, and slow to acknowledge that the heavily armed assault in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. “Hillary Clinton contributed to that false impression even though the State Department and Hillary Clinton seemed to know from the beginning that this was a terrorist attack,” Tapper says.

Another link
The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition
Last edited:
Ambassador Stevens was an actual American Ambassador that served at the pleasure of the President and reported to the Secretary of State. American CIA, military and their dependents living or serving overseas are not Ambassadors.
Yes, as a ten year old, I was an ambassador. Don't demean the service of our servicemen and women’s dependents.

Sorry, that is pathetic.

I guess you agree that it was an internet video that caused a few folks to attack the Benghazi compound don't you? At least that is what Hillary and her cohorts told us for a week or so. And she knew better and lied to the American people as well as the victims families.
I am not a mind reader. And neither are you!

Whether a video, or something else, motivated a group of terrorists to commit an act of terror and murder innocent people, is IRRELEVANT.

It is still an illegal terrorist attack and murder.

The people responsible for the four deaths are the terrorists, not Hillary Clinton.

It is a lie, immoral, and frankly insane to say otherwise.

And Hillary is not in the military chain of command. So spare me the garbage about F-16s, or how making a command decision, even if not the best one in hindsight, becomes magically a crime.
Ambassador Stevens was an actual American Ambassador that served at the pleasure of the President and reported to the Secretary of State. American CIA, military and their dependents living or serving overseas are not Ambassadors.
Yes, as a ten year old, I was an ambassador. Don't demean the service of our servicemen and women’s dependents.

Sorry, that is pathetic.

I guess you agree that it was an internet video that caused a few folks to attack the Benghazi compound don't you? At least that is what Hillary and her cohorts told us for a week or so. And she knew better and lied to the American people as well as the victims families.
I am not a mind reader. And neither are you!

Whether a video, or something else, motivated a group of terrorists to commit an act of terror and murder innocent people, is IRRELEVANT.

It is still an illegal terrorist attack and murder.

The people responsible for the four deaths are the terrorists, not Hillary Clinton.

It is a lie, immoral, and frankly insane to say otherwise.

And Hillary is not in the military chain of command. So spare me the garbage about F-16s, or how making a command decision, even if not the best one in hindsight, becomes magically a crime.

You bet your ass they were terrorists, and Hillary knew they were but still stuck to her story that it was a spontaneous demonstration caused by an obscure video. It was just a coincidence that they found some heavy military mortars to attack the buildings with. LOL

Hillary Clinton is responsible for denying Ambassador Stevens repeated requests for additional security at the Benghazi compound and ignoring the fact that the Red Cross and all other countries had withdrawn their people from Libya.

Most people know that radical Islamists are big on committing terrorist acts on the anniversaries of other successful attacks, hence the attack was planned on Benghazi on 9-11. You can't count Hillary in that group that know who our enemies are.

At the time Obama had insisted that he had defeated al Queda and look at me how tough I am so reelect me.
You bet your ass they were terrorists, and Hillary knew they were but still stuck to her story that it was a spontaneous demonstration.
Utter garbage. You are making things up. It was a terrorist attack, EVEN IF inspired by a video.

Saying the video inspired attack is not the least bit incompatible with it being a terrorist attack. Indeed, it is self evident that it was a terrorist attack, and goes without saying.
First off let me make it clear, as of this moment I'm voting for Trump. He's still the nominee TODAY, so I will be voting for him. Supporting the GOP nominee is still the ONLY way to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the president and the disaster that will ensue.

When Trump first announced he was going to run, I didn't take it seriously. I figured he was about to release a book, or he was about to announce some new venture and simply wanted the additional publicity a campaign provides.

One of the key reasons I assumed this, is because I kept thinking that with all the dealings he's had over the decades that there was probably so much dirt on this guy that would quickly come out and doom his candidacy.
I kept asking myself why someone would put themselves under the microscope of the media during a presidential run. Early on I concluded Trump must not be serious.

Once it became clear that he was going to seriously try though, I then began warning friends and family to please keep in mind that if he becomes the nominee, the likliehood of multiple "October Surprises" was very high, and once they began to come out his candidacy would be doomed.

Well sure enough, look where we are. I'll keep supporting him as long as he's the nominee, millions of others will too, but he's needed to grow his support from the start, and now with this, that is likely not going to happen.

I wish, I WISH, I could convince myself to vote for Trump. I was listening to Glenn Beck's on-air essay about Hillary Clinton's history and the story and timeline of Benghazi yesterday, and I was thinking, "God, if we let that incompetent bitch become President, it will be spitting on the graves of Ambassador Stevens and those other brave Americans. Maybe, for their sake, I can bite the bullet."

And then he starts talking again, and I realize that this cretinous, white-trash-with-money, narcissistic buffoon is just a disaster of a different flavor and would honor neither our dead nor our country, in addition to making virtually every objection I've ever had to the Clintons in particular and liberal Democrats in general hollow, meaningless, and hypocritical.

And then I wonder how the country got stupid enough to land itself in this crap-sandwich, lose-lose situation in the first place.

And still for me it's more important to stem the invasion from the south, slow the Islamic immigration, and slow the PC mind training that the Dims are good for.
As long as Trump remains the nominee, he's the only hope, slim as it is.

I had a conversation yesterday with a Trump supporter that had decided not to vote at all after the latest bombshell.

I asked her how she felt about Supreme Court nominations.

She changed her mind and is again voting trump (while holding her nose).

That to her tipped the scale

One can hope that millions of others will also look beyond Trump himself and realize what a disaster awaits for this if Hillary is elected.

One could hope that millions of Trump cultists could look beyond their newfound panic over Clinton as the "ultimate evil" and understand that many of us believe Trump would be just as big a disaster, if of a different sort. But I'm not holding my breath.

And by the way, it would have been nice if you Mensa candidates had figured out that Hillary was the ultimate and most important target back in the primary, when you all thought sticking a thumb in the eye of the "eeeevil Establishment" mattered more than producing a candidate who wouldn't throw away the election with both hands.

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