I warned you about Trump months ago

I called Trump a phony long before anyone on this board. And I will not vote for him
I just checked my left armpit and it doesn't care.

I just want it to be clear before the bandwagon I've been driving for the last year becomes full
So far I don't know anyone who's on it and I meet at least 40 new clients a day.
It's the ECONOMY, stupid.
The wagon never fills up till AFTER the election. Then the usual he sucked or he was a rino threads & posts will inundate the board
I called Trump a phony long before anyone on this board. And I will not vote for him
I just checked my left armpit and it doesn't care.

I just want it to be clear before the bandwagon I've been driving for the last year becomes full
So far I don't know anyone who's on it and I meet at least 40 new clients a day.
It's the ECONOMY, stupid.
The wagon never fills up till AFTER the election. Then the usual he sucked or he was a rino threads & posts will inundate the board
Nail meet hammer head
I just checked my left armpit and it doesn't care.

I just want it to be clear before the bandwagon I've been driving for the last year becomes full
So far I don't know anyone who's on it and I meet at least 40 new clients a day.
It's the ECONOMY, stupid.
The wagon never fills up till AFTER the election. Then the usual he sucked or he was a rino threads & posts will inundate the board
Nail meet hammer head
2nd yawn.
I just want it to be clear before the bandwagon I've been driving for the last year becomes full
So far I don't know anyone who's on it and I meet at least 40 new clients a day.
It's the ECONOMY, stupid.
The wagon never fills up till AFTER the election. Then the usual he sucked or he was a rino threads & posts will inundate the board
Nail meet hammer head
2nd yawn.
I'd be tired too if I was consistently left speechless
First off let me make it clear, as of this moment I'm voting for Trump. He's still the nominee TODAY, so I will be voting for him. Supporting the GOP nominee is still the ONLY way to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the president and the disaster that will ensue.

When Trump first announced he was going to run, I didn't take it seriously. I figured he was about to release a book, or he was about to announce some new venture and simply wanted the additional publicity a campaign provides.

One of the key reasons I assumed this, is because I kept thinking that with all the dealings he's had over the decades that there was probably so much dirt on this guy that would quickly come out and doom his candidacy.
I kept asking myself why someone would put themselves under the microscope of the media during a presidential run. Early on I concluded Trump must not be serious.

Once it became clear that he was going to seriously try though, I then began warning friends and family to please keep in mind that if he becomes the nominee, the likliehood of multiple "October Surprises" was very high, and once they began to come out his candidacy would be doomed.

Well sure enough, look where we are. I'll keep supporting him as long as he's the nominee, millions of others will too, but he's needed to grow his support from the start, and now with this, that is likely not going to happen.

Make any of those warnings on USMB? I'd like to see them because I believe all you have done is defend Trump.
So far I don't know anyone who's on it and I meet at least 40 new clients a day.
It's the ECONOMY, stupid.
The wagon never fills up till AFTER the election. Then the usual he sucked or he was a rino threads & posts will inundate the board
Nail meet hammer head
2nd yawn.
I'd be tired too if I was consistently left speechless
3rd Yawn and 10 yards to go and you completely fell for that.
First off let me make it clear, as of this moment I'm voting for Trump. He's still the nominee TODAY, so I will be voting for him. Supporting the GOP nominee is still the ONLY way to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the president and the disaster that will ensue.

When Trump first announced he was going to run, I didn't take it seriously. I figured he was about to release a book, or he was about to announce some new venture and simply wanted the additional publicity a campaign provides.

One of the key reasons I assumed this, is because I kept thinking that with all the dealings he's had over the decades that there was probably so much dirt on this guy that would quickly come out and doom his candidacy.
I kept asking myself why someone would put themselves under the microscope of the media during a presidential run. Early on I concluded Trump must not be serious.

Once it became clear that he was going to seriously try though, I then began warning friends and family to please keep in mind that if he becomes the nominee, the likliehood of multiple "October Surprises" was very high, and once they began to come out his candidacy would be doomed.

Well sure enough, look where we are. I'll keep supporting him as long as he's the nominee, millions of others will too, but he's needed to grow his support from the start, and now with this, that is likely not going to happen.
Not the place for "I told you so. He was my least favorite. I was always a Cruz supporter.

That incident was 12 years ago. He does seem to be a man undergoing a transition. Keeping these thread alive is playing into Hillary's hands.

You KNOW what Hillary is, and her agenda for the country.

You've heard Trump's vision.

Only a fool would even consider not voting for Trump at this stage'
The wagon never fills up till AFTER the election. Then the usual he sucked or he was a rino threads & posts will inundate the board
Nail meet hammer head
2nd yawn.
I'd be tired too if I was consistently left speechless
3rd Yawn and 10 yards to go and you completely fell for that.

Your posts make you look like you're conceding, fyi.
no really, i can honestly say i care more about the armholes of certain avatars than i do about how democrats feel about donald trump's mouth, so who is the homophobe now?
First off let me make it clear, as of this moment I'm voting for Trump. He's still the nominee TODAY, so I will be voting for him. Supporting the GOP nominee is still the ONLY way to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the president and the disaster that will ensue.

When Trump first announced he was going to run, I didn't take it seriously. I figured he was about to release a book, or he was about to announce some new venture and simply wanted the additional publicity a campaign provides.

One of the key reasons I assumed this, is because I kept thinking that with all the dealings he's had over the decades that there was probably so much dirt on this guy that would quickly come out and doom his candidacy.
I kept asking myself why someone would put themselves under the microscope of the media during a presidential run. Early on I concluded Trump must not be serious.

Once it became clear that he was going to seriously try though, I then began warning friends and family to please keep in mind that if he becomes the nominee, the likliehood of multiple "October Surprises" was very high, and once they began to come out his candidacy would be doomed.

Well sure enough, look where we are. I'll keep supporting him as long as he's the nominee, millions of others will too, but he's needed to grow his support from the start, and now with this, that is likely not going to happen.
Not the place for "I told you so. He was my least favorite. I was always a Cruz supporter.

That incident was 12 years ago. He does seem to be a man undergoing a transition. Keeping these thread alive is playing into Hillary's hands.

You KNOW what Hillary is, and her agenda for the country.

You've heard Trump's vision.

Only a fool would even consider not voting for Trump at this stage'

What transition? All he does is talk about himself. Even when Pence had a good debate performance Trump thanked himself. He has proven to be incapable of learning or retaining new information. He read his 'apology' as though someone else wrote it and with anger. If there is one thing Trump has never done it is change.
Bottom line Hillary is BY FAR worse. Its not a theory, she has a 30 year track record of colossal fuck ups and failures, lies upon lies, possibly the most dishonest incompetent candidate in my lifetime. She's DUMBER THAN BUSH there I said it.

Well I don't think she's dumb, I just think she's horrible for this country in that we will continue down this road were on with a pathetic economic growth, and continue being flooded by illegals and Islamists.

Trust me she's an idiot, worse she doesn't know she's an idiot she thinks her shit doesn't stink in spite of all her epic failures.
I called Trump a phony long before anyone on this board. And I will not vote for him

"Phony" what exactly?

I don't think the guy is phony, I think he's a shrewd business man who is a loudmouth braggart, but has generally been able to get things done.

My point here is only to say that a guy like this that's wheeled and dealed for years has probably got a lot of baggage out there waiting to be opened up. Making him the nominee meant all that shit was going to spill out and likely doom any campaign.
People should have had the sense months ago to go with someone who likely had a clean background. It's obvious to me most didn't think this through.
First off let me make it clear, as of this moment I'm voting for Trump. He's still the nominee TODAY, so I will be voting for him. Supporting the GOP nominee is still the ONLY way to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the president and the disaster that will ensue.

When Trump first announced he was going to run, I didn't take it seriously. I figured he was about to release a book, or he was about to announce some new venture and simply wanted the additional publicity a campaign provides.

One of the key reasons I assumed this, is because I kept thinking that with all the dealings he's had over the decades that there was probably so much dirt on this guy that would quickly come out and doom his candidacy.
I kept asking myself why someone would put themselves under the microscope of the media during a presidential run. Early on I concluded Trump must not be serious.

Once it became clear that he was going to seriously try though, I then began warning friends and family to please keep in mind that if he becomes the nominee, the likliehood of multiple "October Surprises" was very high, and once they began to come out his candidacy would be doomed.

Well sure enough, look where we are. I'll keep supporting him as long as he's the nominee, millions of others will too, but he's needed to grow his support from the start, and now with this, that is likely not going to happen.

Make any of those warnings on USMB? I'd like to see them because I believe all you have done is defend Trump.

Once he became the nominee I did my best to support him, and still will as long as he remains the nominee.

I brought up my concerns months ago that there was likely lots of dirt out there that would come out if he became the nominee.
First off let me make it clear, as of this moment I'm voting for Trump. He's still the nominee TODAY, so I will be voting for him. Supporting the GOP nominee is still the ONLY way to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the president and the disaster that will ensue.

When Trump first announced he was going to run, I didn't take it seriously. I figured he was about to release a book, or he was about to announce some new venture and simply wanted the additional publicity a campaign provides.

One of the key reasons I assumed this, is because I kept thinking that with all the dealings he's had over the decades that there was probably so much dirt on this guy that would quickly come out and doom his candidacy.
I kept asking myself why someone would put themselves under the microscope of the media during a presidential run. Early on I concluded Trump must not be serious.

Once it became clear that he was going to seriously try though, I then began warning friends and family to please keep in mind that if he becomes the nominee, the likliehood of multiple "October Surprises" was very high, and once they began to come out his candidacy would be doomed.

Well sure enough, look where we are. I'll keep supporting him as long as he's the nominee, millions of others will too, but he's needed to grow his support from the start, and now with this, that is likely not going to happen.

I wish, I WISH, I could convince myself to vote for Trump. I was listening to Glenn Beck's on-air essay about Hillary Clinton's history and the story and timeline of Benghazi yesterday, and I was thinking, "God, if we let that incompetent bitch become President, it will be spitting on the graves of Ambassador Stevens and those other brave Americans. Maybe, for their sake, I can bite the bullet."

And then he starts talking again, and I realize that this cretinous, white-trash-with-money, narcissistic buffoon is just a disaster of a different flavor and would honor neither our dead nor our country, in addition to making virtually every objection I've ever had to the Clintons in particular and liberal Democrats in general hollow, meaningless, and hypocritical.

And then I wonder how the country got stupid enough to land itself in this crap-sandwich, lose-lose situation in the first place.

And still for me it's more important to stem the invasion from the south, slow the Islamic immigration, and slow the PC mind training that the Dims are good for.
As long as Trump remains the nominee, he's the only hope, slim as it is.

Yes, but that brings us right back to the fact, massively emphasized by this recording, that Donald Trump is not even remotely trustworthy, reliable, or stable. See above re: disaster of a different flavor.
I wish, I WISH, I could convince myself to vote for Trump. I was listening to Glenn Beck's on-air essay about Hillary Clinton's history and the story and timeline of Benghazi yesterday, and I was thinking, "God, if we let that incompetent bitch become President, it will be spitting on the graves of Ambassador Stevens and those other brave Americans. Maybe, for their sake, I can bite the bullet."

And then he starts talking again, and I realize that this cretinous, white-trash-with-money, narcissistic buffoon is just a disaster of a different flavor and would honor neither our dead nor our country, in addition to making virtually every objection I've ever had to the Clintons in particular and liberal Democrats in general hollow, meaningless, and hypocritical.

And then I wonder how the country got stupid enough to land itself in this crap-sandwich, lose-lose situation in the first place.
The reason Trump is nominee is because he tapped into the mind numbing idiotic form of visceral politics, where right wing morons convinced themselves of Fairy Tales that are so insane, it is hard to imagine the people who believe them aren't on LSD.

The notion that Hillary Clinton is somehow responsible for four dead ambassadors is so stark raving mad that you most certainly got the nominee you asked for. Anyone sane hasn't been able to pitch that idiotic lie.

Soooo, if you want to know how Trump got to where he is, look in the mirror.

There are fairy tales, and then there are Thorazine-worthy delusions. Guess which one your post represents.
The video is hardly shocking. It's pretty normal.

the 64 dollar question is

why did hillarys team release it now

instead of the friday before the election


maybe she didnt like the wikileaks news that came out

month from wont be an issue
Bottom line Hillary is BY FAR worse. Its not a theory, she has a 30 year track record of colossal fuck ups and failures, lies upon lies, possibly the most dishonest incompetent candidate in my lifetime. She's DUMBER THAN BUSH there I said it.

Fine. You're preaching to the choir vis a vis Hillary Clinton's massive amount of suckage. The problem is, "He's not Hillary Clinton!" is NOT a closer argument. I'M not Hillary Clinton either, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be an utter, colossal failure as a President in my own right. Every single adult in the United States, excepting Hillary Clinton, meets the qualification of "not Hillary Clinton", but that would make the nation any less headed for catastrophe with them at the helm.

So at some point, you're going to have to stop telling me what a BAD candidate Hillary Clinton is - thanks, already got the memo - and start telling me why Trump is a GOOD candidate, rather than why he's not Hillary Clinton. And I wish you lots of luck with that. I really do.

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