Zone1 I was a Catholic for 50 years but left six years ago, here's why

Here's an example of the sins of the Counterfeit church:

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them

So what do the members of that cult do????

Other denominations started in about 1500 years later
I understand Catholics are taught that, but that's not the truth.

Only the Protestant daughters came out of you.

I'll tell you again even though I know it'll fall on deaf ears.

The Catholic Church began when Peter rebuked Simon the Sorcerer and threw him out.

That is the Simon who fathered your church.

The true church of God still is a TINY FLOCK. It is a COMMANDMENT KEEPING CHURCH.
The Catholic Church began when Peter rebuked Simon the Sorcerer and threw him out.

That is the Simon who fathered your church.
No, it's not. Funny how you know about Simon the Sorcerer while very few Catholics do. Peter took care of him early on. Anything else you have to say rightly falls on "deaf ears".
I have never been a Roman Catholic, but I love the Roman Catholic Church. I like the beautiful churches, the schools. the charities, and the patronage of Biblical archaeology and scholarship.
Christ promised before He ascended into heaven that the Holy Spirit would guide his church.'

Hence the entire backbone of Protestantism is nonsense. There is only one truth. You can't have a thousand different denominations believing a thousand different things - and half of those denominations telling their followers to just read the Bible and figure it out for yourself. The result is theological anarchy. On one side of the discussion you have armies of the most intelligent and insightful people in the world studying all relevant things over two thousands years to find the Truth, and on the other side you have everyone deciding for themselves what they think it all means. This is how you get gay marriage. This is how you get idiots claiming that Catholic iconography is "idolatry." It is foolishness.
I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.
Mark Twain

Being a Catholic for fifty years has nothing on being dead for billions and billions of years.
I guess the irony was lost on you.
Hi Everyone. Last night I heard the Pope is going to end the temporary ban on priests getting married. Who knew it was temporary? I guess it's been in place for 1000 years.

But this is just another example of how religion has to evolve with the time or it will go extinct. For example how many churches are now open to gays and will marry them? How many let women be preachers now when they didn't before?

So now priests can fuck. I think it's a good thing. It's one of the reasons us Greek Orthodox left the Catholic church. Greek men need to fuck. You know what you get when you say priests can't fuck? Gay guys. The Vatican is FULL of gay man. It's literally a gay bathhouse where gay sex runs wild. They have night clubs. All dudes, in robes. Everyone is either a subordinate or superior. Top or bottom. LOL.

Or how many religious people don't actually believe the stories in the New Testament are actual events. They are stories. Do all churches still teach the bible is the literal word of god? No? Why? Because there are way too many people who can't believe that. And a lot of churches who do have that position don't talk about it that much. Or give you some pussy answer about some allegory. Tell you a story that only brings up more questions.

I love this guy. As old conservative priests die, this guy is appointing all liberals who believe as he does. There is a civil war going on in the Catholic church right now.
Yawn. Knocked down using scripture thousands of times. Try something new.
Some Vatican observers say a civil war is under way in the Catholic Church, as Francis' adversaries step up efforts to push the pope to resign.

But, says Gibson, time is on Francis' side — the longer he stays, the more cardinals he'll appoint who will choose his successor.

"So, time equals power and influence in the Catholic Church," says Gibson, "and the conservatives feel they're running out of time."

Hi Everyone. Last night I heard the Pope is going to end the temporary ban on priests getting married. Who knew it was temporary? I guess it's been in place for 1000 years.

But this is just another example of how religion has to evolve with the time or it will go extinct. For example how many churches are now open to gays and will marry them? How many let women be preachers now when they didn't before?

So now priests can fuck. I think it's a good thing. It's one of the reasons us Greek Orthodox left the Catholic church. Greek men need to fuck. You know what you get when you say priests can't fuck? Gay guys. The Vatican is FULL of gay man. It's literally a gay bathhouse where gay sex runs wild. They have night clubs. All dudes, in robes. Everyone is either a subordinate or superior. Top or bottom. LOL.

Or how many religious people don't actually believe the stories in the New Testament are actual events. They are stories. Do all churches still teach the bible is the literal word of god? No? Why? Because there are way too many people who can't believe that. And a lot of churches who do have that position don't talk about it that much. Or give you some pussy answer about some allegory. Tell you a story that only brings up more questions.

I love this guy. As old conservative priests die, this guy is appointing all liberals who believe as he does. There is a civil war going on in the Catholic church right now.
Another big red flag for me was the sordid history of the Papacy. I'm not going to document all of it as the reader can certainly go to Google and search for all of the crimes, sins, and corruption of the many Popes in the history of the RCC.

One thing that really irked me was when I saw a picture of Pope John Paul II, the alleged "personal representative" of Christ here on Earth, kissing a Quran that was gifted to him when he visited a mosque. Remember, the Quran says that Jesus is NOT the way to eternal life with God in Heaven. It is a blasphemous book filled with lies. Do you believe (had Islam existed during Jesus's ministry) that Jesus would have kissed a Quran? The answer is, clearly, NO CHANCE. So why did the Pope? That told me that the Pope lacks discernment and that he is NOT, actually, Christ's "personal representative" here on Earth.

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Furthermore, we've all witnessed Pope Francis' repeated forays into international politics, something Jesus NEVER did. Jesus NEVER engaged in political discussion or activism, unlike the current Pope and every Pope before him.

Of course, many other Christian church leaders want to preach the words of Jesus while also engaging in politics, which I KNOW is a big mistake. When a Christian church LEADER begins preaching about politics to his congregation, he (or she) is no longer spreading the word of Jesus but, rather, their own. It's fine and good that Christians work in government and politics but Christian church LEADERS should stick to sharing the word of Jesus only.

In any event, the various Popes throughout history have all (to my knowledge) ignored Jesus's example and did their own things.
I'm mainstream Protestant, but I respect the works of the Sisters of the Poor in the church of your birth. We had a mutual love and respect for each other. My church provided no food bank, although it had a membership of over a thousand, so I took food to the Sisters of the Poor whose quarters were right outside one of the sanctuary buildings, and thanked them for their devotion to the good of others in their work. I still loved my own church, too, though, and we did send goods and money to countries that were ravaged by wars, political upheavel, But it wasn't the same as what the Sisters of the Poor did for people who lived within the town we lived in. Back when I was growing up, my military family moved once or twice a year, and as my mother used to say "a rolling stone gathereth no moss." Some of the towns we lived in had a population of under 300 people, so we didn't always get to worship in the church of our fathers. Even so, one town was so tiny it had only a Catholic Church and a Baptist Church, so my mom drew straws, and we went to the Baptist Church. I recall the words of the pastor who had to deal with people from all walks in that small town, and he frequently would say, "Keep your eyes off people and on the Lord." I never forgot it, the saying might or might not be in the Bible, but it made good sense. And even when we went back to our protestant church of which I am still a member, I practice those words of wisdom by not counting on people for goodness, but on the Lord. It's made all the difference because it freed me from speaking out of turn to Church members, and focusing on what Jesus and his Father God for understanding what he expects of me. I don't always measure up, but I take a lot of my issues to God in prayer. As it relates to your Catholic faith, I want you to know that the sisters who dedicated themselves to helping the poor in the community, they lived in a way of kindness that only God's people would live. So wherever you go, and wherever you worship once or faithfully every week, you'll be served well to trust God and forgive sinners and those who may be unkindly from your own perspective. Bless you for sharing your story, and may you always set your goal on loving God and caring about his people's needs. If you should ever read the book of Micah, which only takes about an hour of time, he answers his own question, "What doest thou require of man, O my God?" You might be pleased with God's response to Micah about what he requires. And of course, Jesus has requirements of us as believers in him, I think in the Book of Matthew where he breaks down the 10 Commandments into just 2 commandments that encompass all of the laws of Moses--first to Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and spirit, and second, to love your neighbor as yourself. I'm sure you know this, but I hope you find a congregation who will back you up and bless the giving yourself to the things of God, keeping in mind he loves the beings he created, and his patience and love for all of us are endless benefits for those who love and fear God.
Christ promised before He ascended into heaven that the Holy Spirit would guide his church.'

Hence the entire backbone of Protestantism is nonsense. There is only one truth. You can't have a thousand different denominations believing a thousand different things - and half of those denominations telling their followers to just read the Bible and figure it out for yourself. The result is theological anarchy. On one side of the discussion you have armies of the most intelligent and insightful people in the world studying all relevant things over two thousands years to find the Truth, and on the other side you have everyone deciding for themselves what they think it all means. This is how you get gay marriage. This is how you get idiots claiming that Catholic iconography is "idolatry." It is foolishness.
Another person who believes HIS organization is "the church.". I thought you knew better.

You've got to know "your" church sprang up AFTER Peter threw Simon Magus out of The Church of God when he tried to BUY an apostleship.


The Catholic Church is the Great Whore mentioned in Revelation. The Protestants are "the Daughters of the Whore"
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Christ promised before He ascended into heaven that the Holy Spirit would guide his church.'

Hence the entire backbone of Protestantism is nonsense. There is only one truth. You can't have a thousand different denominations believing a thousand different things - and half of those denominations telling their followers to just read the Bible and figure it out for yourself. The result is theological anarchy. On one side of the discussion you have armies of the most intelligent and insightful people in the world studying all relevant things over two thousands years to find the Truth, and on the other side you have everyone deciding for themselves what they think it all means. This is how you get gay marriage. This is how you get idiots claiming that Catholic iconography is "idolatry." It is foolishness.
Do you recall what Christ told his disciples when they were angry at someone they didn't know speaking in favor of Jesus' teachings? They initially thought they were the only ones who should represent Jesus Christ because of their living as one family. Christ told them that if the man was teaching the truth, to leave him alone to preach of the goodness his ministry to the people who believed in God. Details aside, there are many who believe in Christ's interpretation of Mosaic (Jewish) laws, and Christ was not only a Jewish Rabbi, he was chosen by God to be born of the Virgin Mary who was betrothed to Joseph, who taught him his carpentry trade and both parents contributed to Christ's youthful understanding of the scriptures, which taught him to live the Word of God, and Christ was obedient to his Father in Heaven. If you told Christ you disdained "Protestantism" he would give you a reason to accept those who love the father God through his son Christ Jesus, just as he instructed his disciples to accept others who picked up on the gospel and shared it whever he went. IOW, those who love the Lord, live in his grace, and remember him when they broke bread and drank wine, you might realize that as God told Moses that he was "I am who I am." Protestants took umbrage when those who ran the first Christian Church a thousand years later in the time of Martin Luther, who knew in his heart it was wrong to forgive sinners for a huge offering requirement, which seemed to be the modus operandi many years after St. Peter was martyred. Selling salvation was as wrong to Luther and other Europeans as the moneylenders selling pigeons for sacrifice in God's temple in Christ's last years, when using a cat-o-nine tails to run out the money lenders selling stuff for people's salvation in his Father's House. They responded by teaming up with the pharisees of the church to get rid of Jesus Christ. We mustn't go against Christ's teachings to accommodate those who misuse power of the pulpit, but accept those who walk perfectly in the Lord's footprints as their map. Those who uphold Christ, live clean lives, and love the Lord with all their hearts, minds, and spirits, are God's children as well as those whose ancestors formed te first Church followingthe Resurrection of Jesus Christ to coach the apostles on taking his message around the world, which they did.
Another person who believes HIS organization is "the church.". I thought you knew better.

You've got to know "your" church sprang up AFTER Peter threw Simon Magus out of The Church of God when he tried to BUY an apostleship.


The Catholic Church is the Great Whore mentioned in Revelation. The Protestants are "the Daughters of the Whore"
Where can I send the Inquisitors?? My Implements of torture are old and rusty!!!

I understand Catholics are taught that, but that's not the truth.

Only the Protestant daughters came out of you.

I'll tell you again even though I know it'll fall on deaf ears.

The Catholic Church began when Peter rebuked Simon the Sorcerer and threw him out.

That is the Simon who fathered your church.

The true church of God still is a TINY FLOCK. It is a COMMANDMENT KEEPING CHURCH.
You sound like an old friend of mine; he's Plymouth Brethren. Massive chap; excellent footballer in his day and nice as they come, but I was going to Hell. he sorta wandered off forty years ago; dunno what happened to him. he was really into that sort of shit.

Another big red flag for me was the sordid history of the Papacy. I'm not going to document all of it as the reader can certainly go to Google and search for all of the crimes, sins, and corruption of the many Popes in the history of the RCC.

One thing that really irked me was when I saw a picture of Pope John Paul II, the alleged "personal representative" of Christ here on Earth, kissing a Quran that was gifted to him when he visited a mosque. Remember, the Quran says that Jesus is NOT the way to eternal life with God in Heaven. It is a blasphemous book filled with lies. Do you believe (had Islam existed during Jesus's ministry) that Jesus would have kissed a Quran? The answer is, clearly, NO CHANCE. So why did the Pope? That told me that the Pope lacks discernment and that he is NOT, actually, Christ's "personal representative" here on Earth.

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Furthermore, we've all witnessed Pope Francis' repeated forays into international politics, something Jesus NEVER did. Jesus NEVER engaged in political discussion or activism, unlike the current Pope and every Pope before him.

Of course, many other Christian church leaders want to preach the words of Jesus while also engaging in politics, which I KNOW is a big mistake. When a Christian church LEADER begins preaching about politics to his congregation, he (or she) is no longer spreading the word of Jesus but, rather, their own. It's fine and good that Christians work in government and politics but Christian church LEADERS should stick to sharing the word of Jesus only.

In any event, the various Popes throughout history have all (to my knowledge) ignored Jesus's example and did their own things.
I’ve never heard the Pope is a “personal representative“ of Christ on Earth. He is merely the Bishop of Rome, nothing more.

Catholics teach that there are bad priests, bishops, and popes, but the Church endures them.

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