I was fired because I support Trump!

Should your boss be able to fire you for your political views?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • No

    Votes: 35 70.0%

  • Total voters
Well? What say you good people?
If one has no better judgment than to air one's political views in situations that may in some way and in the firm's estimation compromise its revenue generating capability/prospects, then, yes, one's boss should be able to fire one for airing one's political views.

That's not exactly firing one for having the political views one does, but it wouldn't surprise me to discover that folks who lack the prudence to know what to say and when to say (or not say) it don't understand the difference. Stupid is as stupid does.[/QUOTE]

You really should stop talking about yourself that way. It will ruin your self esteem.
Discrimination? Nah just culling unneeded and unwanted workers

You think people should be fired for their political views? Like, could a boss fire, or refuse to hire, anyone she suspected of being a Democrat?

Right to work states allow anyone to be fired for any, or no reason. Right wingers love the idea.

No they don't. They can't fire anyone for the reasons designated as protected classes. And in California, political affiliation is as protected class. My lawyer days is a slam dunk. Show me the money!

Yes they do. Right wingers forced the issue. You might want to check what California law actually says. It might not be a right to work state, but I promise you employers have lots of ways to fire you and there is little you can do about it.
Hello, can you see me? :4_13_65:


( Division 2 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )
( Part 3 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

CHAPTER 5. Political Affiliations [1101 - 1106]
( Chapter 5 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

No employer shall coerce or influence or attempt to coerce or influence his employees through or by means of threat of discharge or loss of employment to adopt or follow or refrain from adopting or following any particular course or line of political action or political activity.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)

He didn't say anything about being coerced. I don't think he was told to quit supporting Trump or be fired. He was just fired.Details make the difference.
Can I Be Fired For No Reason in California? | LegalMatch Law Library
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?

Discrimination? Nah just culling unneeded and unwanted workers

You think people should be fired for their political views? Like, could a boss fire, or refuse to hire, anyone she suspected of being a Democrat?

Right to work states allow anyone to be fired for any, or no reason. Right wingers love the idea.
So conservative minded bosses can now fire liberals for their views too.................sweet..............

only if they're pushing their politics at work.

or do you not understand simple English?
Not according to Bull Dog..............fired for any reason..........Oh you supported Hillary.. Your Fired.........
Well? What say you good people?

were you being an obnoxious jerk to the people around you? were you imposing your "views" on others?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?
I probably would not have worn that hat to work in this day and age and kept my "politics" to myself in the work place and not have worn it on my coat sleeve no matter the side I was on, but if it did not cause a ruckus with anyone else that you worked with besides stirring the boss's blood, and hats were permitted dress code....and lastly, you do your job well at work...... then you should never have been fired imo.

As far as discrimination, I don't think it meets any of the criteria for discrimination in the law?
Where is the line drawn? Wearing something political? Having a political poster on the wall in your office? A bumper sticker? Should a person wearing a 'Black Lives Matter' T-Shirt be fired?

What should be and what is are two different things. California is an "at will" state. It gives employers lots of advantages that employees can only complain about.
Not that much advantage.


( Division 2 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )
( Part 3 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

CHAPTER 5. Political Affiliations [1101 - 1106]
( Chapter 5 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

No employer shall coerce or influence or attempt to coerce or influence his employees through or by means of threat of discharge or loss of employment to adopt or follow or refrain from adopting or following any particular course or line of political action or political activity.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)
Law section

Can I Be Fired For No Reason in California? | LegalMatch Law Library
Can you Get Fire for No Reason?

  • California is an at-will state, which means that an employer can terminate you for any reason at any time of the employment with or without reason. This means that if your employer doesn’t like your personality, runs out of work for you to do, thinks you are lazy or just doesn't want anymore employees, they can fire you at any time.

Most employee handbooks today contain an at-will employment disclaimer. Most handbooks define what at-will employment and require an employee to sign an acknowledgment of their at-will status at the company. However, an at-will employee does have a right not to be terminated for reasons that are illegal under state and federal law.

What is At-Will Employment in California?
An at-will employment in California means that the employer or the employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, as long as the reason is not illegal. It does not make a difference whether the employee actually did anything wrong. If the employee is at-will, any reason, including no reason, is a proper basis for termination.

Being an at-will employee does not give your employer all the reasons to fire you and there are exceptions. An employer can’t terminate you for any illegal reason. Some illegal reasons for terminating an employee in California include discrimination based on your sex, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation. If an employee is fired for any of these reasons, they may be entitled to sue the employer for discrimination. There are also other occasions where an employer can’t easily fire an employee such as if the employee has an employment contract with the employer or if the employee is a member of a union and under a union collective bargaining agreement.
Is that a law? The link I produced is.

I assume it is. It's a lawyer web site. I have no reason to doubt what is written, but to be specific, I didn't look up all California laws concerning firing employees, but you didn't either.
Well? What say you good people?

were you being an obnoxious jerk to the people around you? were you imposing your "views" on others?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?
Well? What say you good people?

were you being an obnoxious jerk to the people around you? were you imposing your "views" on others?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?

Discrimination? Nah just culling unneeded and unwanted workers

You think people should be fired for their political views? Like, could a boss fire, or refuse to hire, anyway she suspected of being a Democrat?
I think you should be fired for acting like an asshole at work. And anybody wearing a MAGA hat is openly being an asshole. Open and shut if you ask me.

I would never work in a place full of filthy, lowlife, piece of shits that are offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”
The OP’s boss may have done him a huge favor...huh?
Discrimination? Nah just culling unneeded and unwanted workers

You think people should be fired for their political views? Like, could a boss fire, or refuse to hire, anyone she suspected of being a Democrat?

Right to work states allow anyone to be fired for any, or no reason. Right wingers love the idea.
So conservative minded bosses can now fire liberals for their views too.................sweet..............

only if they're pushing their politics at work.

or do you not understand simple English?
Not according to Bull Dog..............fired for any reason..........Oh you supported Hillary.. Your Fired.........

That's the law in my state, and many others. A quick google of the subject shows it's very similar but not exactly the same in California.
You think people should be fired for their political views? Like, could a boss fire, or refuse to hire, anyone she suspected of being a Democrat?

Right to work states allow anyone to be fired for any, or no reason. Right wingers love the idea.

No they don't. They can't fire anyone for the reasons designated as protected classes. And in California, political affiliation is as protected class. My lawyer days is a slam dunk. Show me the money!

Yes they do. Right wingers forced the issue. You might want to check what California law actually says. It might not be a right to work state, but I promise you employers have lots of ways to fire you and there is little you can do about it.
Hello, can you see me? :4_13_65:


( Division 2 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )
( Part 3 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

CHAPTER 5. Political Affiliations [1101 - 1106]
( Chapter 5 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

No employer shall coerce or influence or attempt to coerce or influence his employees through or by means of threat of discharge or loss of employment to adopt or follow or refrain from adopting or following any particular course or line of political action or political activity.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)

He didn't say anything about being coerced. I don't think he was told to quit supporting Trump or be fired. He was just fired.Details make the difference.
Can I Be Fired For No Reason in California? | LegalMatch Law Library
According to the OP he was fired for supporting Trump.
Where is the line drawn? Wearing something political? Having a political poster on the wall in your office? A bumper sticker? Should a person wearing a 'Black Lives Matter' T-Shirt be fired?

What should be and what is are two different things. California is an "at will" state. It gives employers lots of advantages that employees can only complain about.
Not that much advantage.


( Division 2 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )
( Part 3 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

CHAPTER 5. Political Affiliations [1101 - 1106]
( Chapter 5 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

No employer shall coerce or influence or attempt to coerce or influence his employees through or by means of threat of discharge or loss of employment to adopt or follow or refrain from adopting or following any particular course or line of political action or political activity.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)
Law section

Can I Be Fired For No Reason in California? | LegalMatch Law Library
Can you Get Fire for No Reason?

  • California is an at-will state, which means that an employer can terminate you for any reason at any time of the employment with or without reason. This means that if your employer doesn’t like your personality, runs out of work for you to do, thinks you are lazy or just doesn't want anymore employees, they can fire you at any time.

Most employee handbooks today contain an at-will employment disclaimer. Most handbooks define what at-will employment and require an employee to sign an acknowledgment of their at-will status at the company. However, an at-will employee does have a right not to be terminated for reasons that are illegal under state and federal law.

What is At-Will Employment in California?
An at-will employment in California means that the employer or the employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, as long as the reason is not illegal. It does not make a difference whether the employee actually did anything wrong. If the employee is at-will, any reason, including no reason, is a proper basis for termination.

Being an at-will employee does not give your employer all the reasons to fire you and there are exceptions. An employer can’t terminate you for any illegal reason. Some illegal reasons for terminating an employee in California include discrimination based on your sex, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation. If an employee is fired for any of these reasons, they may be entitled to sue the employer for discrimination. There are also other occasions where an employer can’t easily fire an employee such as if the employee has an employment contract with the employer or if the employee is a member of a union and under a union collective bargaining agreement.
Is that a law? The link I produced is.

I assume it is. It's a lawyer web site. I have no reason to doubt what is written, but to be specific, I didn't look up all California laws concerning firing employees, but you didn't either.
C'mon man. I gave you a link to California law.


Law section
You think people should be fired for their political views? Like, could a boss fire, or refuse to hire, anyone she suspected of being a Democrat?

Right to work states allow anyone to be fired for any, or no reason. Right wingers love the idea.

No they don't. They can't fire anyone for the reasons designated as protected classes. And in California, political affiliation is as protected class. My lawyer days is a slam dunk. Show me the money!

Yes they do. Right wingers forced the issue. You might want to check what California law actually says. It might not be a right to work state, but I promise you employers have lots of ways to fire you and there is little you can do about it.
Hello, can you see me? :4_13_65:


( Division 2 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )
( Part 3 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

CHAPTER 5. Political Affiliations [1101 - 1106]
( Chapter 5 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

No employer shall coerce or influence or attempt to coerce or influence his employees through or by means of threat of discharge or loss of employment to adopt or follow or refrain from adopting or following any particular course or line of political action or political activity.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)

He didn't say anything about being coerced. I don't think he was told to quit supporting Trump or be fired. He was just fired.Details make the difference.
Can I Be Fired For No Reason in California? | LegalMatch Law Library

The question wasn't whether you can be fired 'no reason', but whether you can be fired because of your political affiliation. Should a conservative boss, for example, be allowed fire anyone who is a known Democrat, and state that as the reason?
Well? What say you good people?

were you being an obnoxious jerk to the people around you? were you imposing your "views" on others?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?
I probably would not have worn that hat to work in this day and age and kept my "politics" to myself in the work place and not have worn it on my coat sleeve no matter the side I was on, but if it did not cause a ruckus with anyone else that you worked with besides stirring the boss's blood, and hats were permitted dress code....and lastly, you do your job well at work...... then you should never have been fired imo.

As far as discrimination, I don't think it meets any of the criteria for discrimination in the law?

Well, like I said, political affiliation is a protected class in California.
Well? What say you good people?

were you being an obnoxious jerk to the people around you? were you imposing your "views" on others?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?
I probably would not have worn that hat to work in this day and age and kept my "politics" to myself in the work place and not have worn it on my coat sleeve no matter the side I was on, but if it did not cause a ruckus with anyone else that you worked with besides stirring the boss's blood, and hats were permitted dress code....and lastly, you do your job well at work...... then you should never have been fired imo.

As far as discrimination, I don't think it meets any of the criteria for discrimination in the law?

Well, like I said, political affiliation is a protected class in California.
There are plenty of other States in the Union.................File a wrongful firing complaint with the Labor Board............see where that goes...........

Seek free legal advice from a lawyer to see if you have grounds for a case......

Local news.........go public..............give them a little hell.
  1. Labor Code section 1101
    Protects employees who engage or participate in politics or who become candidates for public office. An employer may not make, adopt, or enforce any rule, regulation or policy that forbids, controls, directs or tends to direct the political activities or affiliations of employees.
  2. Labor Code sections 1102
    Prohibits an employer from coercing, influencing or attempting to coerce or influence employees’ political action or political activity.
Right to work states allow anyone to be fired for any, or no reason. Right wingers love the idea.

No they don't. They can't fire anyone for the reasons designated as protected classes. And in California, political affiliation is as protected class. My lawyer days is a slam dunk. Show me the money!

Yes they do. Right wingers forced the issue. You might want to check what California law actually says. It might not be a right to work state, but I promise you employers have lots of ways to fire you and there is little you can do about it.
Hello, can you see me? :4_13_65:


( Division 2 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )
( Part 3 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

CHAPTER 5. Political Affiliations [1101 - 1106]
( Chapter 5 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

No employer shall coerce or influence or attempt to coerce or influence his employees through or by means of threat of discharge or loss of employment to adopt or follow or refrain from adopting or following any particular course or line of political action or political activity.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)

He didn't say anything about being coerced. I don't think he was told to quit supporting Trump or be fired. He was just fired.Details make the difference.
Can I Be Fired For No Reason in California? | LegalMatch Law Library
According to the OP he was fired for supporting Trump.
What should be and what is are two different things. California is an "at will" state. It gives employers lots of advantages that employees can only complain about.
Not that much advantage.


( Division 2 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )
( Part 3 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

CHAPTER 5. Political Affiliations [1101 - 1106]
( Chapter 5 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

No employer shall coerce or influence or attempt to coerce or influence his employees through or by means of threat of discharge or loss of employment to adopt or follow or refrain from adopting or following any particular course or line of political action or political activity.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)
Law section

Can I Be Fired For No Reason in California? | LegalMatch Law Library
Can you Get Fire for No Reason?

  • California is an at-will state, which means that an employer can terminate you for any reason at any time of the employment with or without reason. This means that if your employer doesn’t like your personality, runs out of work for you to do, thinks you are lazy or just doesn't want anymore employees, they can fire you at any time.

Most employee handbooks today contain an at-will employment disclaimer. Most handbooks define what at-will employment and require an employee to sign an acknowledgment of their at-will status at the company. However, an at-will employee does have a right not to be terminated for reasons that are illegal under state and federal law.

What is At-Will Employment in California?
An at-will employment in California means that the employer or the employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, as long as the reason is not illegal. It does not make a difference whether the employee actually did anything wrong. If the employee is at-will, any reason, including no reason, is a proper basis for termination.

Being an at-will employee does not give your employer all the reasons to fire you and there are exceptions. An employer can’t terminate you for any illegal reason. Some illegal reasons for terminating an employee in California include discrimination based on your sex, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation. If an employee is fired for any of these reasons, they may be entitled to sue the employer for discrimination. There are also other occasions where an employer can’t easily fire an employee such as if the employee has an employment contract with the employer or if the employee is a member of a union and under a union collective bargaining agreement.
Is that a law? The link I produced is.

I assume it is. It's a lawyer web site. I have no reason to doubt what is written, but to be specific, I didn't look up all California laws concerning firing employees, but you didn't either.
C'mon man. I gave you a link to California law.


Law section

I made a quick google search and found a lawyer describing California law. Since I''m not involved, that's good enough for me. I'm not going to make an in depth search of California law for a stranger on a discussion board.
Right to work states allow anyone to be fired for any, or no reason. Right wingers love the idea.

No they don't. They can't fire anyone for the reasons designated as protected classes. And in California, political affiliation is as protected class. My lawyer days is a slam dunk. Show me the money!

Yes they do. Right wingers forced the issue. You might want to check what California law actually says. It might not be a right to work state, but I promise you employers have lots of ways to fire you and there is little you can do about it.
Hello, can you see me? :4_13_65:


( Division 2 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )
( Part 3 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

CHAPTER 5. Political Affiliations [1101 - 1106]
( Chapter 5 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

No employer shall coerce or influence or attempt to coerce or influence his employees through or by means of threat of discharge or loss of employment to adopt or follow or refrain from adopting or following any particular course or line of political action or political activity.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)

He didn't say anything about being coerced. I don't think he was told to quit supporting Trump or be fired. He was just fired.Details make the difference.
Can I Be Fired For No Reason in California? | LegalMatch Law Library

The question wasn't whether you can be fired 'no reason', but whether you can be fired because of your political affiliation. Should a conservative boss, for example, be allowed fire anyone who is a known Democrat, and state that as the reason?

My opinion of what should be is quite different from what is.
Well? What say you good people?

were you being an obnoxious jerk to the people around you? were you imposing your "views" on others?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?
Well? What say you good people?

were you being an obnoxious jerk to the people around you? were you imposing your "views" on others?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?

Discrimination? Nah just culling unneeded and unwanted workers

You think people should be fired for their political views? Like, could a boss fire, or refuse to hire, anyway she suspected of being a Democrat?
I think you should be fired for acting like an asshole at work. And anybody wearing a MAGA hat is openly being an asshole. Open and shut if you ask me.
I wouldn't allow it on my jobsites. We are there to work not promotion of political ideals. Having said that I certainly wouldn't fire an employee for it.

And the op is obviously trolling.
were you being an obnoxious jerk to the people around you? were you imposing your "views" on others?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?
were you being an obnoxious jerk to the people around you? were you imposing your "views" on others?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?

Discrimination? Nah just culling unneeded and unwanted workers

You think people should be fired for their political views? Like, could a boss fire, or refuse to hire, anyway she suspected of being a Democrat?
I think you should be fired for acting like an asshole at work. And anybody wearing a MAGA hat is openly being an asshole. Open and shut if you ask me.

I would never work in a place full of filthy, lowlife, piece of shits that are offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”
The OP’s boss may have done him a huge favor...huh?
That would be your choice, and I suppose if you feel obliged to say that or wear a hat with that emblazoned on it, it's probably a sage choice. Apparently, someone (the OP-er?) didn't exercise the same prudence in selecting a place to work or remain as an employee.
Do I Have a Wrongful Termination Claim in California?

However, California has created a number of illegal reasons for termination, which are off limits for employers.

Discrimination Claims
Employers may not make job decisions, including whether to fire an employee, based on certain protected characteristics. In California, these characteristics include race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, citizenship status, marital status, AIDS/HIV status, medical condition, political beliefs or activities, military or veteran status, or status as a victim of domestic violence, stalking, or assault. (See Employment Discrimination in California to learn more.)

There ya go ....................go get the lawyer...........have a blast.
Well? What say you good people?

were you being an obnoxious jerk to the people around you? were you imposing your "views" on others?
Nope. I just wore my “Make America great again!" hat to work last week, and my boss said, "If you're not smart enough to realize that Trump is playing you like the audience of WWF, then you can find somewhere else to work!".

Isn't that discrimination?
I probably would not have worn that hat to work in this day and age and kept my "politics" to myself in the work place and not have worn it on my coat sleeve no matter the side I was on, but if it did not cause a ruckus with anyone else that you worked with besides stirring the boss's blood, and hats were permitted dress code....and lastly, you do your job well at work...... then you should never have been fired imo.

As far as discrimination, I don't think it meets any of the criteria for discrimination in the law?

Well, like I said, political affiliation is a protected class in California.
i missed that, I was thinking on the federal law level.... can you let me know what the law states specifically, or give the link again or post number?

so what about the other things I mentioned?

never mind,

someone posted it i think...?

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