I was racially profiled


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And very thankful to law enforcement that I was because it proved to me that my country was on the jobs trying to protect me.

I am a Native American that look middle eastern. I went to the Social Security office and was asked if I had any weapons in my purse. I had a boys scout pocket knife. And the security guard ask me to leave it in the car which I did and it took only a few minutes. While I was waiting I noticed that the white women coming into the car was not asked what they had in their purses. For about three seconds I was offended.
During the 50s while my dad and I was traveling in a greyhounds bus the bus was raided by immigration for Illegal Aliens. My dad was ask about this citizenship status and he took out his wallet and showed him a card and that only took a few seconds. The security and immigration was doing their job and I was thankful they were.
Only people that oppose profiling are those that have something to hide. Show your papers and be on your way as I and my dad did and be thankful that someone in this country is doing their job. There are only rare case of deportation of u.s. citizens and it is usually their fault. Anyone over 18 in the county is required by law to carry identification.
Profiling Latinos when suspected of being in the country illegal is the only way to control illegal immigration enforce our immigration laws. Latinos because the majority of Illegal Aliens are Latino.
If you don’t have anything to hide, don’t run.
We racially profile missing children in order to find them. If green men are robbing banks we profile green men.
I always wondered why the Social Security office in small towns have armed security guards. Seems a waste of money because who would rob a Social Security office?
I always wondered why the Social Security office in small towns have armed security guards. Seems a waste of money because who would rob a Social Security office?
Robbery concerns is not the reason for the guards. Potential violence is. Some individuals who are turned down for or cut off from SSI benefits are known to attack Social Security office employees.
lol its just an excuse to have guards and cameras. I have never heard of an SS office being robbed.

"Shut up and gimmy all your social security cards woman!"

...ya right.
Holy smokes... lil ol lady... get some therapy honey. You are here everyday rattling on about profiling and Mexicans and illegals and on and on and on...

Profiling is not the only way to do this. In fact, begging the government to take care of this problem is futile. The people who hire illegals are the problem. If you want an example of the hypocritical, double speak that keeps the illegals coming, just take a look at the legislation Texas proposed a couple years back, similar to Arizona's state law. The Texas law proposed a crack down on illegals.... well... except for households that hired domestic help. Those people were exempted. It's such a long standing tradition for folks in border states to hire illegals to tend the garden and clean the house that they will do a little saber rattling around election time, even border state Sheriffs are getting their 15 minutes on the issue.... but when you look closer, it's just a dog an pony show. The people with enough money to hire EXACTLY ONE (one or more) illegals don't give a rat's ass how much you dislike Hispanics. They love them. They're a bargain at twice the price. Trim the grass and make the flowers bloom and do it with a smile, don't mind working late, don't need any benefits or 1099 or W - 2...

Bottom line: You can stop carrying on about profiling Mexicans. It's not the Mexicans. You wanna profile someone? Let me give you the profile: White, upper class, nice house and manicured lawn. If he owns a manufacturing plant, landscaping or construction company, it's about 90% given... he's the one who invited those folks you hate so much.
Holy smokes... lil ol lady... get some therapy honey. You are here everyday rattling on about profiling and Mexicans and illegals and on and on and on...

Profiling is not the only way to do this. In fact, begging the government to take care of this problem is futile. The people who hire illegals are the problem. If you want an example of the hypocritical, double speak that keeps the illegals coming, just take a look at the legislation Texas proposed a couple years back, similar to Arizona's state law. The Texas law proposed a crack down on illegals.... well... except for households that hired domestic help. Those people were exempted. It's such a long standing tradition for folks in border states to hire illegals to tend the garden and clean the house that they will do a little saber rattling around election time, even border state Sheriffs are getting their 15 minutes on the issue.... but when you look closer, it's just a dog an pony show. The people with enough money to hire EXACTLY ONE (one or more) illegals don't give a rat's ass how much you dislike Hispanics. They love them. They're a bargain at twice the price. Trim the grass and make the flowers bloom and do it with a smile, don't mind working late, don't need any benefits or 1099 or W - 2...

Bottom line: You can stop carrying on about profiling Mexicans. It's not the Mexicans. You wanna profile someone? Let me give you the profile: White, upper class, nice house and manicured lawn. If he owns a manufacturing plant, landscaping or construction company, it's about 90% given... he's the one who invited those folks you hate so much.
NA NA NANANA. :eusa_shhh:
You're a fucking idiot. Social security offices do that to everybody. It isn't random, it's every single person.

There have been security guards in social security offices since not long after 911.
I always wondered why the Social Security office in small towns have armed security guards. Seems a waste of money because who would rob a Social Security office?

It isnt about robbery.

It is about taking it out on the workers if F'ed over.

And buddy everyone will get F'ed over, as the trust fund doesnt have a single thin dime.

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